How to integrate Wine-Searcher with Magento 2

What is Wine-Searcher?

Wine-Searcher is a web-based search engine that allows users to determine the price and availability of certain beverages. This site has more than 21 million page views each month. As a merchant listed with Wine-Searcher, your products will be found by wine enthusiasts looking for new releases, special offers and the best prices.

Since the product data parameters in Google Adword and Magento 2 are fully compatible, store’ s admin can apply these parameters to their product data, which generates Product Feed. For the reason that Magento 2 now does not support feed generating, we need to use Product Feed extension. Moreover, Wine-Searcher allows you to upload your file as XML, TXT, CSV files.

Countries using Wine-Searcher:

  • France
  • Germany
  • UK
  • Italia
  • Canada
  • Hongkong
  • Switzerland
  • China
  • Spain
  • US
  • Australia
  • America

Fields in Wine-Searcher template:

  • Required fields
    • Wine Name
    • Price
    • Vintage
    • Bottle/Unit Size
    • Deep link URL

How to Integrate Wine-Searcher with Magento 2 step by step

Step 1: Register and use Wine-Searcher

Access to, log in by your Google/Gmail account to use Wine-Searcher .

Step 2: Create Product Feed in Wine-Searcher

Since Magento 2 does not support to generate product feed, in this article, we introduce the Product Feed Module by Mageplaza.

2.1 Create a product feed

To begin with, go to Products > Catalog > Product Feed > Manage Feeds > Add New Feed

2.1.1 Insert information needed in General information

Insert information needed in General information

2.1.2 Choose template: Wine-Searcher CSV

Note: It is possible to upload the feed file in XML, TXT format. Here Mageplaza will guide you to upload the feed file in CSV format.

Choose template: Wine-Searcher CSV

2.1.3 Insert information in Google Analytic part

Insert information in Google Analytic part

2.1.4 Select the conditions to export files

Select the conditions to export files

2.1.5 Choose the protocol to upload exported files (SFTP or FPT)

Then select Cron job to generate feed automatically, whereas Manual allows admin to create feeds manually.

Choose the protocol to upload exported files (SFTP or FPT)

2.1.6 Finish export feed
  • Save the configuration
  • Click Generate to export and upload files to the server
  • Then download files from the server or Manage Feeds

Finish export feed

The file results after using Product Feed extension is as below:

Finish export feed

2.2 Upload Product feed files

2.2.1 Add your business information
  • Enter your business information and business type

Upload Product feed files

  • Choose your additional services offered, currency and tax status

Add your business information

2.2.2 Set the order process and shipping conditions

Set the order process and shipping conditions

2.2.3 Upload feed
  • Access to to get the link created. Then click and drag your file to download and copy the feed link.

  • Copy the link you have created in the box below, then choose Next

Note: You can choose a link to the website, excel price list, google doc to upload your file.

Upload feed

2.2.4 Set the person information

After choosing contact person information, choose Submit to send the form.

Set the person information


Access to Home > Find Wine > Search your product

Note: You should use more specific search criteria, such as location or vintage, then it will show results uploaded successfully as following:



This tutorial provides you the instruction to create data feed using Magento 2 Product Feed extension - Mageplaza and how to upload a feed to Wine-Searcher. For more detail features of this extension, please visit here

Winesearcher allows you to upload files from a website, excel price list, google doc. This tutorial guide you to upload feed file in CSV format.

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