## What is Facebook Product Feed? {#what-is-facebook-catalog}
Facebook is an online social media with more than 1.55 billion users. People all around the world can join this network for sharing things, entertainment and communicating with others. These days, doing advertisement on Facebook is considered a key approach for e-commerce industry.
**Facebook Product Feed** help online businesses serve targeted ads to people. Who have already shown interest in your business through dynamic Ads. Since the product data required in Facebook Catalog are fully compatible with Magento 2 data, store’ s admin can apply these parameters to their product data, which creates Product Feed. In default Magento 2, admins can not generate feeds by configuration, so we need to use [Facebook product feed](https://www.mageplaza.com/magento-2-product-feed-extension/). Using this module allows admins to export their product data from websites and synchronize them with Facebook catalog speedily.
### Countries using Facebook:
- America
- Australia
- Europe
- Asia
- Middle East
- Arabic
### Fields in Facebook Product Feed template
- Required fields
- id
- availability
- condition
- description
- image_link
- link
- title
- price
- brand
- Optional fields
- ios_url
- ios_app_store_id
- ios_app_name
- iphone_url
- iphone_app_store_id
- iphone_app_name
- ipad_url
- ipad_app_store_id
- ipad_app_name
- android_url
- android_package
- android_app_name
- windows_phone_url
- windows_phone_app_id
- windows_phone_app_name
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## How to Create Facebook Product Feed for Magento 2?
As Magento 2 does not support to generate product feed, in this article, we introduce the [Magento 2 Product Feed Module](https://www.mageplaza.com/magento-2-product-feed-extension/) by Mageplaza.
### Step 1: Create new Facebook product feed
From the Admin Panel, go to `Products > Catalog > Product Feed > Manage Feeds > Add New Feed`
### Step 2: Insert information needed in General information
![Insert information needed in General Facebook product feed](https://cdn2.mageplaza.com/media/general/BuGUr7T.png)
### Step 3: Choose template: Facebook CSV
![Choose template for product feed template](https://cdn2.mageplaza.com/media/general/gK0qHNj.gif)
### Step 4: Insert information in Google Analytic part
![Insert information in Google Analytic part](https://cdn2.mageplaza.com/media/general/Wh99oSn.png)
### Step 5: Select the conditions to export files
![Select the conditions to export Facebook product feed](https://cdn2.mageplaza.com/media/general/UVVxm9Q.png)
### Step 6: Choose the protocol to upload exported files (SFTP or FPT)
Then select `Cron` to generate feed automatically, whereas choosing `Manual` allows admin to create feeds manually.
![Choose the protocol to upload Facebook product feed](https://cdn2.mageplaza.com/media/general/HjHkVoF.gif)
### Step 7: Finish export Facebook product feed
- Save the configuration
- Click Generate to export and upload files to the server
- Then download files from the server or Manage Feeds
![Finish export Facebook product feed](https://cdn2.mageplaza.com/media/general/MY4f3Ea.png)
And here is the result after generating product feed
![Result after generating Facebook product feed](https://cdn2.mageplaza.com/media/general/aNw25P9.png)
## How to Register and use Facebook Catalog
Access to [https://www.facebook.com/products/catalogs/new](https://www.facebook.com/login.php?next=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fproducts%2Fcatalogs%2Fnew), log in by your Facebook account to use Facebook Catalog.
#### Create a Facebook catalog
Access to `Settings > Asset > Catalog`:
- Choose your business catalog
![Create a Facebook catalog](https://cdn2.mageplaza.com/media/general/ZQyvpWw.png)
- Name your catalog -> Click `Create` button
- Choose `View catalog` to finish
![Create a Facebook catalog product](https://cdn2.mageplaza.com/media/general/Worg915.png)
## How to Upload Facebook Product feed to Facebook Shop
### 1. Add a new primary product feed
- Navigate to `Product` -> `Add` to add a new feed
- Choose `Use data feeds` -> `Next` to select the approach of uploading feed
![Add a new primary Facebook product feed](https://cdn2.mageplaza.com/media/general/aqJgGbE.png)
### 2. Upload product feed file to Facebook
In order to upload files from your computer, choose `Upload Once > Upload a data feed file > Start upload`
![Upload Facebook product feed](https://cdn2.mageplaza.com/media/general/KsAUEei.png)
Access to `Products` to see your feed uploaded
![facebook catalog 12](https://cdn2.mageplaza.com/media/general/Rd12lDA.png)
## Conclusion {#conclusion}
This tutorial was built to instruct online stores to generate data feed using Magento 2 Product Feed extension and how to synchronize a feed with Facebook Catalog. As for full features of this extension, please visit [full features list](https://www.mageplaza.com/magento-2-product-feed-extension/#features-section).
One more thing to remember is that admins should recheck the feed before uploading it because **Facebook Catalog** has some specific requirements for different product categories.