How to integrate Amazon Seller Ad with Magento 2

What is Amazon Seller ad?

Amazon Seller Ad is an advertising service on Amazon site. It works based on the keywords that the seller gives out or relies on listing your product on Amazon. It will then suggest your product to the customers who search for the product keywords.

Since the product data fields in Amazon Seller Ad are fully compatible with Magento 2, store’ s admin can apply these fields to their product data, which generates Product Feed. Since Magento 2 now does not support feed generating, we need to use Product Feed extension. Mageplaza will support the upload of two types of templates: Amazon Inventory XML and Amazon Marketplace XML.

Countries using Amazon Seller Ad:

  • America
  • Western Europe
  • Australia
  • Middle East
  • Singapore

Fields in Amazon template:

  • Required fields
    • id
    • product_tax_code
    • launch_date
    • discontinue_date
    • condition
    • brand
    • designer
    • manufacturer
    • title
    • description
    • link
    • image_link
    • type
    • imageType
    • imageLocation
    • quantity
    • fulfillment_latency
    • price
    • google_product_category
    • shipping,…
  • Optional fields
    • value
    • release_date
    • launch_date
    • discontinue_date
    • external_product URL
    • condition_type
    • purge_and_replace
    • operation_type
    • condition_note,…

How to Integrate Amazon Seller Ad with Magento 2 step by step

Step 1: Register and use the Amazon Seller Ad

Access to, log in by your Google/Gmail account to use Amazon Seller Ad.

Step 2: Create Product Feed in Amazon Seller Ad

Since Magento 2 does not support to generate product feed, in this article, we introduce the Product Feed Module by Mageplaza to create feeds in two templates: Amazon Inventory XML and Amazon Marketplace XML.

2.1 Create a product feed

To begin with, go to Products > Catalog > Product Feed > Manage Feeds > Add New Feed

2.1.1 Fill in General information
  • Amazon Inventory XML


  • Amazon Marketplace XML


2.1.2 Choose template: Amazon Inventory XML or Amazon Marketplace XML
  • Amazon Inventory XML


  • Amazon Marketplace XML


2.1.3 Insert information in Google Analytic field


2.1.4 Select the conditions to export files


2.1.5 Choose the protocol to upload exported files (SFTP or FPT)

Choose Manual means allowing admin to create feeds manually, whereas select Cron job to generate feed automatically.


2.1.6 Finish export feed
  • Save the configuration
  • Click Generate to export and upload files to the server
  • Then download files from the server or Manage Feeds



Below are the resuls after using Product Feed module:

  • Amazon Inventory XML


  • Amazon Marketplace XML



In this tutorial, we guide you to create data feed using Mageplaza Product Feed and integrate it with Amazon Seller Ad. For more detail features of this extension, please visit here

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