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How to Configure Zero Subtotal Checkout Payment Method in Magento 2

People will never say no to free products; therefore Zero Subtotal Checkout is the payment method needed for the order that its grand total equals zero. Zero-grand total order may be the result of a discount or applied coupon with free shipping or created manually by admins due to any problem happening with the products in the last orders. This payment method is enabled by default in Magento 2.0 and you can customize some advanced configuration in the backend as indicated in today’s post.

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When to use Zero Subtotal Checkout Payment Method?

Zero Subtotal Checkout Payment Method is necessary in several scenarios:

  • When the used coupon code covers all fees, including shipping fee.
  • When the simple product price is zero together with a free shipping method.
  • When a downloadable product with price equals zero is added to the cart.
  • When admins set the cart to be zero to compensate for other issues.

Now, let’s scroll down to see the detailed instructions to configure it:

3 Steps to Configure Zero Subtotal Checkout Payment Method in Magento 2

Step 1: Open the Zero Subtotal Checkout Tab

  • On the Admin sidebar, click Stores > Settings > Configuration.
  • In the panel on the left, choose Sales > Payment Methods > Zero Subtotal Checkout.

Step 2: Set options for Zero Subtotal Checkout Section

  • In the Title field, enter a new title to change or leave the default of No Payment Information Required to recognize the Zero Subtotal Checkout Payment Method during checkout.
  • In the Enabled field, pick Yes to activate Zero Subtotal Checkout Payment Method.
  • In the New Order Status field:
    • Set Pending for new orders to wait for the authorization;
    • Set Processing if the payment is already authorized and processing;
    • Set Suspected Fraud if a fraud is detected.
  • In the Payment from Applicable Countries field, choose All Allowed Countries to accept Zero Subtotal Checkout Payment Method for customers from all countries specified in your store configuration or Specific Countries to approved this payment method for some definite countries which you select from the Payment from Specific Countries list.
  • In the Sort Order field, enter a number to determine the position of Zero Subtotal Checkout Payment in the list of payment methods that is shown during checkout (start from 0). Zero Subtotal Checkout Payment Method

Step 3: Save the configuration

  • Click the Save Config button in the upper-right corner when you are done.
  • If you are notified to refresh the page cache, click the links in the notification, and follow the instructions.

The bottom line

Configuring Zero Subtotal Checkout Payment Method in Magento 2 is necessary when customers apply discount codes and the product is free to buy, or in case admins configure it as free in the backend. If you want to read more about other payment method configurations, take a look at the links below. Happy reading!

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