SEO Audit Service

Navigating the competitive landscape of eCommerce requires more than just a visually appealing store - it demands a robust and effective SEO strategy.

That's where Magento SEO audit service shines!

This service digs deep into your website's SEO health, uncovering hidden issues and opportunities to boost your search engine rankings. By leveraging Mageplaza's expertise, you can transform your site into a search engine magnet, attracting more organic traffic and, ultimately, more sales.

Price: $1499


What is Magento SEO audit service?

Magento SEO audit service is a comprehensive analysis and evaluation of the search engine optimization (SEO) aspects of an online store built on the Magento platform.

It thoroughly examines various elements that influence the store's search engine visibility and performance. The main goal of the Magento SEO audit service is to identify areas for improvement and implement strategies to enhance the store's rankings, organic traffic, and overall online presence.

Benefits of Magento SEO audit service

The Magento SEO audit service offers several benefits to e-commerce businesses looking to improve their online presence and maximize their potential for success. Some of the key benefits include:

Magento SEO Audit

Enhanced search engine visibility

The audit identifies areas where the store can improve its search engine rankings, leading to increased visibility in search results and higher chances of attracting organic traffic.

Magento SEO Audit

Increased organic traffic

By optimizing various SEO elements, the store becomes more appealing to search engines, resulting in higher organic traffic from users actively searching for products or services.

Magento SEO Audit

Enhanced site structure and architecture

The audit examines the website's structure and ensures that it is easily crawlable and indexable by search engines, leading to better overall site performance.

Magento SEO Audit

Improved user experience

The audit may uncover usability issues and site performance problems, allowing businesses to address these concerns and create a smoother, more user-friendly shopping experience for customers.

Magento SEO Audit

Higher conversion rates

With better search engine visibility and an improved user experience, the store will likely increase conversion rates as more visitors are encouraged to make purchases.

Magento SEO Audit

Long-term SEO strategy

A comprehensive SEO audit lays the groundwork for a robust and sustainable SEO strategy, guiding businesses on continuously improving and adapting to search engine algorithms.

What’s included in the Magento SEO audit service by Mageplaza?

    Page speed review & improvement suggestions
    Website traffic analysis
    Server response test
    HTML code test & optimization guide
    Internal & external link analysis
    Mobile-friendly review
    Google Tag Manager configuration
    Image & Alt tag optimization
    Spammy links for Google Disavow Tool
    Pop-up compatibility with Google policy

Required access to start: GG Search Console & GG Analytics

What we’ll SEO analyze

Page speed

Google Analytics data: We thoroughly analyze your website's loading times to provide insights into real user experiences.
Browser tests: We identify discrepancies across different browsers and devices.
Server response times: We ensure your web server responds efficiently to incoming requests.
Image optimization: We carefully review the images on your website and optimize them for faster loading without compromising on quality.
Code optimization: Our experts examine your website's code in-depth to identify any redundancies, unused scripts, or unnecessary elements that could slow down your website.

Page index

Search Console data: We analyze data from Google Search Console to gain insights into your website's indexing status.
Robots.txt: We ensure that search engine crawlers can access and index your important pages while avoiding unnecessary areas of your site.
Sitemap.xml: We verify that it’s correctly structured and includes all relevant pages for better crawlability.
Errors: Our audit identifies and resolves common technical errors that could negatively impact your website's indexing, such as 404 errors or server errors.
URL structure: We review your URL structure to ensure it follows SEO best practices, such as using descriptive and keyword-rich URLs.

In addition, we check your internal linking, redirects, and hreflang tags to maintain SEO value and a positive user experience.

Page relevancy

Title, description, H1-H6 structure: These elements play a crucial role in communicating the relevance of your content to search engines and users.
Alt attributes of images: We ensure that all images on your website have appropriate Alt attributes, describing the image's content. This not only helps with accessibility but also provides additional context for search engines to understand your content better.
Text content: We analyze the text content on your pages to ensure it is well-written, relevant to your target keywords, and provides valuable information to users.
Microdata: Properly implemented microdata helps search engines better understand your content and can lead to enhanced rich snippets in search results.

User flow

Pop-ups compatibility with Google policy: We assess any pop-ups on your website to ensure they comply with Google's policies regarding intrusive interstitials.
Mobile-friendly pages: We ensure that your website is mobile-friendly and provides a seamless experience to mobile users.

Besides, by analyzing data from Google Analytics, we determine which channels (such as organic search, direct, social, or referral) are performing well or badly. We also analyze the bounce rates of your top-10 best and top-10 worst pages to understand user behavior.

Competitor analysis

If you want, we’ll make a competitor analysis by the key SEO parameters, including:

Page speed
Indexed pages
% of organic and paid traffic

You’ll get a comparison table with your competitors’ data and suggestions.

Ready to boost your organic ranking?

Review your SEO now
Magento SEO Audit

Why should you choose Magento SEO audit by Mageplaza?

We provide a meticulous examination of your e-commerce platform, uncovering opportunities to enhance search engine visibility, increase organic traffic, and boost your online presence.

Magento SEO Audit


Our team comprises experienced SEO professionals well-versed in Magento's intricacies and the latest SEO best practices. We deeply understand the platform, ensuring a comprehensive and tailored audit specific to Magento's unique requirements.

Magento SEO Audit

In-depth analysis

We conduct a thorough examination of your Magento store's SEO, including technical, on-page, and off-page factors. Our detailed analysis provides valuable insights into areas that need improvement and opportunities to enhance your website's performance.

Magento SEO Audit

Customized recommendations

We provide personalized and actionable recommendations based on the audit findings. Our team ensures that the strategies and optimizations align with your business goals and target audience, enabling you to achieve sustainable growth.

Magento SEO Audit

Transparent reporting

We believe in transparency and provide clear, detailed reports of our findings and recommendations. Our reports include easy-to-understand explanations, so you can make informed decisions for your SEO strategy.

Magento SEO Audit

Focus on ROI

Our Magento SEO audit is designed to deliver tangible results and a high return on investment. By identifying and resolving SEO issues, we aim to increase organic traffic, and boost conversions, ultimately driving revenue for your business.

Magento SEO Audit

Ongoing support

Beyond the audit, we offer ongoing support and guidance to help you implement the recommended changes and continuously improve your website's SEO performance.

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Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

A Magento SEO audit includes a detailed assessment of various aspects, such as page speed, page indexation, page relevancy, user flow, and competitor analysis. It involves analyzing technical elements, content quality, keyword usage, site structure, and user experience to identify areas of improvement.

Yes, you can implement some of the audit recommendations yourself, especially if you have technical knowledge and experience with Magento. However, for more complex or technical changes, it is advisable to seek the assistance of an experienced Magento developer or SEO professional.

The audit's immediate impact on search engine rankings may vary based on the specific issues discovered and the extent of the optimizations implemented. Some changes might have an immediate effect, while others may take time to reflect in search engine rankings.

It is recommended to perform a Magento SEO audit periodically, especially when there are significant updates to your website or changes in search engine algorithms. Quarterly or bi-annual audits are common to ensure your site remains optimized and up-to-date.

Yes, as part of the audit, we may analyze your competitors' strategies to understand their strengths and weaknesses. This competitive analysis helps us provide more effective recommendations to outperform competitors in the search results.

Yes, we can provide a sample report or share the audit's outline to give you an idea of what to expect from our Magento SEO audit service. This allows you to gauge the depth and thoroughness of our analysis before making a decision.

It takes 2-3 weeks for a Magento SEO audit at Mageplaza. Actually, it depends on the number of your website pages.

A Magento SEO audit costs $1499 at Mageplaza.