Code Audit Service

Perfect for online retailers who seek quality, our audit digs deep into your Magento setup to find hidden issues and weaknesses.

Our certified Magento developers carefully examines your code, spotting where speed can be improved, security can be strengthened, and the user experience can be made better.

The result? A faster, safer, and stronger online store that boosts sales and keeps customers happy!

Price: $2779


What is Magento code audit service?

The Magento code audit service is a comprehensive and expert evaluation of the codebase and architecture of your Magento e-commerce platform.

It aims to identify potential vulnerabilities, performance bottlenecks, and areas for optimization, ensuring that your website operates at peak efficiency, delivers a secure shopping experience, and maximizes its potential for business growth.

By conducting a meticulous review of your code, our service empowers you to make informed decisions, implement best practices, and unleash the full potential of your Magento store.

Benefits of Magento code audit

The Magento code audit service offers a multitude of benefits for your e-commerce platform, including:

Magento Code Audit

Enhanced security

Identify and address potential vulnerabilities in your codebase to ensure a robust and secure online shopping environment, protecting your customers' sensitive data and your brand reputation.

Magento Code Audit

Improved performance

Optimize your code for speed and efficiency, reducing page load times and enhancing user experience, leading to higher customer satisfaction and increased conversions.

Magento Code Audit

Code quality assurance

Receive expert insights and recommendations to maintain clean, well-structured code, making it easier for developers to maintain and expand your e-commerce platform.

Magento Code Audit

Compliance and standards

Ensure your Magento store adheres to industry standards and best practices, guaranteeing compatibility with future updates and reducing the risk of compatibility issues.

Magento Code Audit


By identifying and fixing issues proactively, you can prevent costly downtime and performance-related problems, saving time and money in the long run.

Magento Code Audit

Peace of mind

Knowing that your Magento store has undergone a thorough code audit gives you confidence that your online business is in the best possible shape and prepared for future challenges.

What’s included in our Magento code audit service?

Code style review

Our team of expert developers thoroughly examines your PHP, JavaScript, and CSS code to ensure consistency in coding styles.

We look for proper indentation, appropriate naming conventions, consistent use of comments, and logical code structuring. A unified code style enhances readability and makes collaborating easier for your development team.

Code guide

We verify if your codebase adheres to the PHP Standards Recommendations (PSR-1 and PSR-2) and PSR-4 for autoloading. This ensures that your code follows industry-standard practices and is easily maintainable and upgradable.

Additionally, we conduct a comprehensive scan for common coding errors, such as uninitialized variables, unused functions, or potential security vulnerabilities.

Git and commit strategy

Our team reviews your version control system, typically Git, to assess the commit history and overall versioning practices.

We look for well-structured commits with meaningful messages, proper use of branches for feature development or bug fixes, and a clear collaboration workflow among team members.

A well-organized version control strategy ensures transparency and minimizes the risk of code conflicts during development.


We carefully evaluate your deployment process to ensure a smooth and efficient release cycle. This includes assessing testing procedures to catch and fix issues before they reach production. We review staging environments to guarantee that changes are tested in an environment similar to the production server.

Additionally, we examine deployment scripts to automate the process and minimize human error. We also check the backup strategy to ensure data integrity and the ability to revert code changes if required.

Module review

Our team thoroughly audits the custom and third-party modules integrated into your Magento platform. We ensure these modules are up-to-date, secure, and compatible with your Magento version.

We also verify that no conflicts between different modules might affect your website's performance or functionality.

Customization review

We perform an in-depth analysis of any custom code or modifications made to the Magento core. This review ensures that customizations are implemented correctly and do not interfere with the platform's functionality.

Proper documentation is checked to facilitate future development and maintenance. We aim to ensure that your customizations align with Magento best practices and can be easily maintained and upgraded.

Log review

We carefully examine log files to identify potential issues affecting your website's performance or user experience.

By analyzing error logs and warnings, we can pinpoint underlying problems and address them promptly to enhance your Magento store's overall stability and functionality.

Optional reviews

Based on your specific requirements, we offer optional reviews that target particular aspects of your Magento platform.

This may include an in-depth evaluation of specific integrations, third-party modules, or sections of code that require significant customization. Our experts analyze these areas to ensure they meet performance, security, and functionality standards.

What will you get as the end result?

    Evaluation of code quality and adherence to best practices for long-term support and extension
    Insight into secure and SEO-friendly deployment strategies with minimal downtime
    Comparison between modules and customizations for better maintenance and scalability
    Identification of critical errors to ensure website stability
    A certification of code quality for increased confidence in your platform

Ready to turn your Magento store into
a model of efficiency and security?

Contact our experts now
Magento Code Audit

Why should you choose Magento code audit by Mageplaza?

Choosing our Magento code audit service offers a range of compelling reasons that set us apart from the competition.

Magento Code Audit


Our team comprises seasoned Magento developers with extensive experience in auditing and optimizing Magento platforms. We possess in-depth knowledge of the platform's intricacies, enabling us to deliver top-notch code reviews and actionable recommendations.

Magento Code Audit

Tailored solutions

We understand that every business has unique requirements. Hence, our service is customized to address your specific needs and challenges. Whether it's integrations, customizations, or other specialized areas, we have you covered.

Magento Code Audit

Proven results

Our track record speaks for itself. We have successfully assisted numerous clients in enhancing the performance, security, and scalability of their Magento stores. Our expertise translates into tangible results for your business.

Magento Code Audit

Security and reliability

We prioritize the security of your e-commerce platform. Our code review helps identify potential vulnerabilities and ensures compliance with industry standards, safeguarding your customer data and brand reputation.

Magento Code Audit


Investing in a Magento code audit now saves you money in the long run. By preventing potential issues and addressing code inefficiencies, you avoid costly downtime and maintenance in the future.

Magento Code Audit


We maintain open communication with you throughout the process, providing regular updates and clear explanations of our findings and recommendations. Our goal is to ensure you fully understand your platform's status and the steps needed for improvement.

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Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

The code audit process includes reviewing code quality, architecture, module usage, deployment strategies, error identification, and security. It culminates in a detailed report with recommendations for improvements.

Yes, your code remains safe during the audit. Before the project, our team will sign an NDA to guarantee your code and other data stay secure.

Yes, you can implement the changes yourself if you have the necessary technical expertise. However, we can also provide assistance or collaborate with your development team if needed.

No, the code audit process itself does not affect your live website. The actual implementation of changes, if required, may involve brief downtime, which we try to minimize for a smooth transition.

If you don't have in-house developers, we can provide post-audit support or connect you with trusted development partners who can assist with implementing the recommended changes.

Yes, the code audit's recommendations often lead to performance optimizations, faster page load times, and improved SEO ranking, resulting in a better user experience and increased organic traffic.

The frequency of code audits may vary depending on your website's growth and changes made to the codebase. Generally, it is recommended to perform a code audit after significant updates, new module integrations, or every 12 to 18 months to maintain optimal performance and security.

It takes 2 weeks if you use the Magento code audit service by Mageplaza.

The Magento code audit service costs $2779 at Mageplaza.