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How to Configure Sales Email / Order Confirmation in Magento 2

When an order is created, online stores need to send a sales email or order confirmation to their customers automatically, and this can be done with ease via configuration in Magento 2. You can have an overview of configuring the Sales Emails from the topic: Change Store Email Addresses, but in this tutorial, I will give you the detailed guides to setup the sales emails in Magento 2. To make sure it is sent to customers’ inboxes, you should enable SMTP.

With the Sales Emails, there are many sections to configure:

  • Order and Order Comments
  • Invoice and Invoice Comments
  • Shipment and Shipment Comments
  • Credit Memo and Credit Memo Comments

Here, let’s determine the email contact as the sender of the email, the email template to be used, and anyone who is to receive a copy of the message.

How to Configure Sales Email

2 Steps to Configure Sales Email / Order Confirmation Email:

To configure Sales Email or Order Confirmation Email, please take following steps:

Step 1: Refresh the Email Templates

Ensure that you have refreshed each email template to reflect your brand.

Step 2: Configure the Sales Emails

How to Configure Sales Email Order Order Section To Configure the Sales Emails, Follow steps bellow:

  • On the Admin Panel, Stores > Settings > Configuration.
  • On the left panel, under the Sales tab, click on the Sales Emails subtab.
  • Open the Order section:
    • Set Yes to enable the Sales Emails.
    • Choose the store contact of the email in the New Order Confirmation Email field.
    • Choose the desired email template that is sent to registered customers in the New Order Confirmation Template field.
    • Choose the email template in the New Order Confirmation Template for Guests that is sent to those who don’t create an account on your store.
    • To send the sales emails to many people at the same time, enter the email addresses in the Send Order Email Copy To field, and each is separated by comma.
    • Choose one of the sending email methods in the Send Order Email Copy Method:
      • BCC: Send a “blind courtesy copy” by including other recipient(s) in the header of the same email that is sent to the customer. The BCC recipient is not visible to the customer and he/she doesn’t know that a copy is sent to many addresses.
      • Separate Email: Send a copy email as a separate email.
  • Open the Order Comments, Invoice, Shipment, and Credit Memo section, then complete it similarly to Order.
  • Save Config to finish the Sales Email configuration.

How to Configure Sales Email Order Order Comments

Other email solutions for your store

How to recover abandonment carts for your store

Besides sending order confirmation emails, one of the top concerns of online stores is to convert the abandoned carts. This can actually be encouraged by sending the abandonment cart emails. Automatically sending emails to customers to remind them about their abandoned carts and offer them a discount, more shoppers will recover their carts and complete the checkout, learn more.

How to retain customers and increase customer engagement

Sending transactional emails is not enough to maintain your relationship with customers. Hence, online retailers should keep the conversation going via automatic follow up emails based on visitors’ activities. They could be newsletters, exclusive discounts and offers as a thank-you or motivation to urge shoppers to come back.

The bottom line

Above are the instructions for you to configure and manage Magento 2 Sales Emails effectively. Hope that you do it right in order to achieve the best results. In case you want to improve your email chains, use the suggestions we give above. Or you want a more wholesome tool, try AVADA marketing automation. Any questions and concerns are welcomed, so drop us a message or comment below!

How to recover abandonment carts for your store

Automatically sending emails to customers to remind them about their abandoned carts and offer them a discount, more shoppers will recover their carts and complete the checkout, learn more.

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