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How to Create/Configure Newsletter Templates in Magento 2

To make your newsletters in the best practice, Magento 2 allows store admins to configure the newsletter settings and create a newsletter template. In the last topic, you have learnt about How to confifure Newsletter in Magento 2, and today, I will show you the steps to create the great newsletter template.

In the backend, you are free to create unlimited newsletter templates depending on what your purpose is. For example, you can send the newsletter to inform a product update, a new product or a monthly promotion, and obviously, each template is designed for each type of the newsletter.

To create the newsletter template, follow the guides:

Configuring Newsletter Subscription Options in Magento 2

Before starting to create newsletters, set up how people can subscribe in your Magento 2 store.

Enable Guest Subscriptions & Implementing Double Opt-In Confirmation

Magento 2 usually only lets people who have accounts sign up for your newsletter. But you can change it to let anyone sign up, even if they don’t have an account.

  • Log in to your Magento 2 admin panel and choose Stores > Configuration > Newsletter

Enable Guest Subscriptions

  • To let anyone sign up for your newsletter, find the Allow Guest Subscription box and check it.
  • Click Save Config to save your changes.

Subscription Options

  • In the Subscription Options section, click on Need to Confirm field.
  • Choose Yes to require double opt-in confirmation for all new subscriptions.
  • Click Save Config to save your changes.

Customize Confirmation and Success Emails

In the Subscription Options section, find the Confirmation Email Sender field then select the sender of the email. Choose the email template for the confirmation email.

Creating Newsletter Templates in Magento 2

  • On the Admin Panel, Marketing > Communications > Newsletter Template.
  • Click on the Add New Template, go to the workplace.
  • Set Template Name for the new newsletter template
  • Enter Template Subject to define what the newsletter is for.
  • Insert the Sender Name who sends the newsletter to the suscribers.
  • Insert the Sender Email that is the email address the newsletter is sent from.
  • Cick on the Show/Hide Editor button at the top of Template Content field to enable the WYSIWYG editor. It is flexible to edit and update the content as needed.

How to create Newsletter Templates in Magento 2 Template Configuration

The Template Content has included unsusbcribe link before, that is required by law. Please do not delete it —

  • Insert any CSS declarations to format the content in the Template Styles field.
  • Make sure that all configuration is all correct, click on Preview Template link.
  • Save Config to complete

Noticeably, in the next time to edit, use Save As button to save any variation of the template without overriding the original.

Sending Newsletters in Magento 2

  • This part is all about getting it to your eager subscribers’ inboxes at the perfect time. Think of it like setting the launch date and time for your email rocket.
  • Log in to your Magento 2 admin panel and navigate to Marketing > Communications > Newsletter Queue.
  • Click the Queue Newsletter action link. It corresponds to the template you want to send.

Queue Newsletter

You’ll be redirected to the Queue Information page. Preview the newsletter content and set the queue date and start time. Click on the calendar icon to select a date for your newsletter campaign. Set the start time by clicking the clock icon next to the date field. You can use the up and down arrows to adjust the hours and minutes.

Set the start time

After setting the queue date and start time, click the Save Newsletter button.

Managing Newsletter Subscribers in Magento 2

This section will guide you through viewing and editing subscriber information. You can see how to subscribe and unsubscribe customers in Magento 2.

View and Edit Subscriber Information

  • Log in to your Magento 2 then choose Marketing > Communications > Newsletter Subscribers.
  • In the Newsletter Subscribers grid, you can view the list of all subscribers.
  • To edit subscriber information, click the Edit action link.

Edit subscriber information

  • You can update the customer’s information including email addresses, store views, and subscription status.
  • On the “Edit Subscriber” page. Click the “Save” button to save your updates.

Subscribe and Unsubscribe Customers

  • To manually subscribe a customer to the newsletter, navigate to Customers > All Customers in the admin panel.
  • Click on the “Edit” action link for the customer you want to subscribe to or unsubscribe.
  • In the “Customer Information” section, click the “Newsletter” tab on the left sidebar.

Subscribe to the customer

To subscribe to the customer, check the Subscribed to Newsletter box. To unsubscribe, uncheck the box. Click the Save Customer button to save your changes.

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With over a decade of experience crafting innovative tech solutions for ecommerce businesses built on Magento, Jacker is the mastermind behind our secure and well-functioned extensions. With his expertise in building user-friendly interfaces and robust back-end systems, Mageplaza was able to deliver exceptional Magento solutions and services for over 122K+ customers around the world.

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