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How to Configure USPS Carrier in Magento 2

Configuring United States Postal Service (USPS) Carier allows you to offer the domestic and intertional shipping services on ground or airway conveniently. This is the service of United States goverment.

Thus, what credentials you need to connect your Magento 2 store to the USPS server. Let check it out in this post. Moreover, we will also guide you in detail about other methods in the topics including UPS, FedEx, and DHL.

To Configure USPS Carrier in Magento 2

Step 1: Create a USPS Shipping account

In the first step, you must create a USPS Web Tools account before cofiguring this shipping method. Then you will get a User ID and a link to the USPS test server.

Step 2: Apply USPS

  • On the Admin Panel, Stores > Settings > Configurations.
  • On the left panel, under Sales, select Shipping Method.
  • Open the USPS section:
    • Accept to enable USPS method by choosing Yes in the Enabled for Checkout field.
    • Enter Gateway URL to calculate the USPS shipping rate. The default is ready to use, and doesn’t need changing.
    • Enter the Title for the name of the shipping method that is shown during the checkout process.
  • Copy the User ID and Password from your USPS account to Magento configuration.
  • In the Mode field, choose one of the following options:
    • “Development” - Runs USPS in a test environment.
    • “Live” - Runs USPS in a live production environment.

If running USPS in the test enviroment, remember to set Mode to live when you come back.

How to Configure USPS Carrier USPS Account Settings

Step 3: Setup the Packaging Description

  • Select the option you need in the Package Request Type field to manage orders that are deliveried as multiple packages as the following:
    • “Divide to Equal Weight” - The shipment of multiple packages can be submitted as one request if the packages are divided by equal weight.
    • “Use Origin Weight” - Multiple packages must be submitted as separate requests if using origin weight as the basis of calculating the shipping cost.
  • Set the Container to the typical packaging type for the shipment as the following:
    • Variable
    • Flat-Rate Box
    • Flat-Rate Envelope
    • Rectangular
    • Non-Rectangular
  • Determine the Size that is acceptable for a package shipment.
    • Regular
    • Large
  • Select Yes for the Machinable if you want your typical packaged to be processed by a machine.
  • Set the number of the Maximum Package Weight option.

How to Configure USPS Carrier USPS Packaging Settings

Step 4: Setup Handling Fees

  • Set Calculate Handling Fee to “Fixed” or “Percent”.
  • In the Handling Applied field, allow specifying how to calculate the handling fee.
  • Insert the amount of Handling Fee.

How to Configure USPS Carrier USPS Handling Fee

Step 5: Assign Allowed Methods and Applicable Countries

  • Choose USPS method offered to your customers from the Allowed Method list.
  • In the Free Method field, select the USPS service you want to apply free shipping for.
  • In the Free Shipping Amount Threshold field, set the minimum number of the quantities for free USPS shipping.
  • Enter a error message in the Displayed Error Message box that will appear if UPS Shipping is not available.

How to Configure USPS Carrier USPS Allowed Methods

  • Set Ship to Applicable Countries to one of two options:
    • All Allowed Countries : USPS Shipping is supported for every country.
    • Specific Countries: USPS Shipping is only supported for selected countries.
  • Set Show Method if Not Applicable to Yes if you want to show USPS Shipping all time.
  • To create a log file with the details of USPS shipments, set Debug to “Yes”.
  • Set the Sort Order on the Shipping Method on the checkout page.
  • Save Config to finish.

How to Configure USPS Carrier USPS Applicable Countries

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