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How to Add Search Terms in Magento 2

Adding more Search Terms is a necessary thing to make the customers’s finding any items with ease. With constant research and updates, you can identify their search trends and add keywords accordingly. This can improve customers’ experience and may shorten the searching process. Moreover, it is also possible for stores to use search terms and search results as a way to promote current products.

In this tutorial, feel comfortable to apply new words, modify, or remove search terms in the catalog. If you want to learn how to configure the Search Terms, follow our previous topic, and track the Search Terms Report in the next one.

How to Add Search Terms Search Terms

Table of contents

How to Add Search Terms in Magento 2

  1. On the Admin Panel, Marketing > SEO & Search > Search Terms.
  2. Click on Add New Search Term button, and set the General Information:
    • In the Search Query field, enter the words for the new search term.
    • Choose the store view from the dropdown list in the Store field if you support multiple stores.
    • Provide the Synonym For field if the term is a synonym for another search term. You can fill in other terms, and any search for the synonym is automatically navigated to the page of that search term.
    • In the Redirect URL field, insert the URL of the needed page to redirect the search results to that page.
    • Make this search term available as a suggestion for any search with no results, choose Yes in the Display in Suggested Terms field.
  3. Save Search to complete.

How to Add Search Terms General Information

Modify a Search Term information

  • From the management grid including all existing search term, click the row of the needed term to open the edit mode.
  • Make any changes to the search term as needed.
  • Save Search to complete.

Remove the Search Term in Magento 2

  • On the management grid of the search term, tick the checkbox of the term you want to remove.
  • On the Action box, choose the Delete option.
  • Click on Submit to complete.

How to Add Search Terms Remove Search Terms

Read more about Search settings in Magento 2

Add Search Terms using AJAX Search by Mageplaza

In addition to the Search Terms, I have a search tool for your inquiry, Magento 2 Advanced Search module from Mageplaza that certainly helps improve the search engine ranking better and better.

  • Supports Autocomplete search to give proper suggestions to customers
  • Enables Instant search with AJAX technology to display results in search boxes when customers type in a letter
  • Supports up to 10,000 SKUs for large stores
  • Flexible configuration (show/hide price or image of products in the result)
  • Allows setting up maximum search results
  • Supports all languages to suit multinational operating stores

The bottom line

Search Terms play an essential part in customers’ searching process, as they can give shoppers useful information or motivate them to discover more. That is why stores like you have to add new search terms to satisfy their needs and actively promote your products. In addition, by using Mageplaza Search extension, you can do more than just search term addition.

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With over a decade of experience crafting innovative tech solutions for ecommerce businesses built on Magento, Jacker is the mastermind behind our secure and well-functioned extensions. With his expertise in building user-friendly interfaces and robust back-end systems, Mageplaza was able to deliver exceptional Magento solutions and services for over 122K+ customers around the world.

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