The Top 100+ Magento 2 Free Extensions in 2024

The Best 100 Magento 2 Free extensions from hundreds of the Free extensions in the market as derived from Mageplaza Ranking, which is using Mageplaza scores, rating reviews, search results, and social metrics. The below extensions were picked manually by Mageplaza experts, if your Free does not include in the list, feel free to contact us. The best Free list is ranked and evaluated in 2024, the price from $0 to $499. Find more Magento 2 extensions here.

Recommend for you

One Step Checkout

Reduce abandonment rate ↓66%, increase conversion rate ↑30%

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Layered Navigation

Stop challenging the customer's patience.

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Reward Points

Boost your customer loyalty effortlessly

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The most completed referral solution.

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100+ Best FREE Magento 2 Extensions

Magento Vendor Name Highlight features Description Price Actions


Share Cart by Mageplaza

  • Shopping carts can be shared among users with ease
  • Shopping cart information can be reviewed quickly
  • PDF file of cart information with sufficient summary is available to download

Magento 2 Share Cart extension assists buyers to show off their favorite carts with everyone. Via the smart options, the customers appear to create free advertisements for the shops’ goods, enhancing the great reputation of stores. Moreover, conversion rates will be boosted considerably.



Blog by Mageplaza

  • SEO Friendly
  • Integrate Magento sitemap or blog sitemap
  • Posts on blog have flexible attributes
  • Optimizing RSS
  • Editing WYSIWYG by admin
  • Comment in different engines: Facebook or Disqus
  • Supporting multiple-stores

If the online store has good blog, it can attract more and more visitors. You display more information, you get more interactions with customers. The Magento 2 Blog, admin can create many posts which are so convenient to customers, moreover, easy to manage your shop.



Invoice Attach by Mageplaza

  • Attach PDF billing documents automatically
  • Enable attach Terms and Conditions files to emails
  • Offer 4 format types to upload Terms and Conditions
  • Allow adding Cc and Bcc fields to other recipients
  • Notify customers about stores' policy through email

Magento 2 PDF Invoice extension of Mageplaza allows you to attach important billing documents such as PDF invoice, Credit Meme, Shipment and adds Terms and Conditions to emails. As a result, using Email Attachments, customers can tay up-to-date with all the purchasing information while they check their emails.



Admin Actions Log by Mageplaza

  • Real-time track all admin accounts
  • Automatically backup action logs
  • Allow saving the history for the user
  • Easy to view the admin’s actions on online mode
  • Able to track all actions log by one click

Mageplaza Security module is the perfect solution for any Magento online merchants to handle the problem with bad hackers. By installing this extension for a store, the risk of being attacked seems to be impossible as warning emails are sent to store owners regularly to inform them of any strange activities.



Banner Slider by Mageplaza

  • Can upload the images for the banner in store to attract the customers.
  • Can add button and link easily
  • Easy to add content text
  • Select flexible position of content text conveniently
  • Include over 12 effects for banner
  • Can preview banner while editing the content
  • Can put 36 positions for banner on site according to your needs
  • Support for SEO
  • Reports on clicks are displayed
  • Inserting codes to create your own slider style

With Banner Slider from Mageplaza, you can be easy to add multi animation slide for your banner, select over 30 positions to show for the banner. Besides that, when you use our extension, you can custom the banner as you want to attract your customers when they visit your site. At the same time, it will encourage more customers' purchase and improve your sales for the store.



Inventory by Magestore

  • Sync real-time inventory across sales channels and warehouses
  • Manage stock visibility with barcode
  • Transfer, count, and adjust inventory
  • Keep accurate inventory
  • Get real-time inventory reports to track costs
  • Manage procurement effectively
  • Customizable and open source system

Magento 2 Inventory Management solution keeps track of your stock flow across all sales channels and locations. Merchants can sell more while saving inventory costs and manage everything from their Magento system.



Product Slider by Mageplaza

  • Responsive sliders
  • Only used for developers
  • Supports: Featured products, New Products, Most views, On-sale, Bestseller, Recent viewed, Wishlist, Category ID

Magento 2 Product Slider module supports admin create many product sliders as bestsellers, highlight products or anything else that you want your customers to see in your store.



Social Login by Mageplaza

  • Changing information of customer easily
  • Suitable for Layered Navigation
  • Customizing easily
  • One Step Checkout
  • Converting leads from Affiliate module
  • Supporting the Loyalty Program

Magento 2 Social Login which is designed and provide free for customers can be quickly login to your Magento store with simple process by various kinds of social networks.



Social Share by Mageplaza

  • Allow adding multiple sharing buttons on store site
  • Provide floating and inline display styles
  • Offer fully-customizable sharing button
  • Display thank-you popup after customers share their experience
  • Enable displaying share button on any pages

Social Share for Magento 2 by Mageplaza is an effective tool which provides you a proper solution to encourage customers to share their shopping experience to different social channels. It is a great way to promote your store brand, drive more traffic to your shopping site while increasing the rank of your store in the search result.



CRM Extensions by Mageplaza

  • Automatic display invitation popups to collect information
  • Appear pop-up windows when a customer intends to leave the site
  • Freely customize the content, style or design of the popups
  • Replay the popup after a configured time
  • Send report to store owners' email on a regular basis

Better Popup by Mageplaza is an extension which provides store owners a great solution to reach more successful deals. More specifically, it grabs the attention of potential customers by displaying the popups which have the discount coupons or subscriptons. And the visitors are kept stay on your website until they click on the popup. As a result, the online conversion rates will be improved significantly. Besides, store owners can know the figures for new weekly subscribers because a report is emailed to them on a weekly basis.



Delete Orders by Mageplaza

  • Enable admins to delete single, many or all orders at the same time
  • Allow changing the status of the orders
  • Compatible with any 3rd-party module

We are proud to introduce you an interesting tool that helps clean your store, from that you can easily manage your business. Magento 2 Delete Orders by Mageplaza is a safety solution for you to delete all orders. It allows admins to remove one or more orders in bulk. It's time to choose it and experience.



Facebook Comments by Mageplaza

  • Numerous Comment engines: Magento Built-in comments, Facebook Comment, Disqus Comment
  • Multi-select categories
  • Multi-select tags
  • Integrate Magento Sitemap or Blog sitemap
  • Topic, Tags, Categories, Popular, Recent posts widget
  • Multi-store support

Better Magento 2 Blog Module supports 2 types of comments is Disqus comment, and Facebook comment. Moreover, it also offers you many interesting features with its responsive design, diverse categories, and integration in Magento backend. It is the perfect marketing tool for your business that not only provides update information to your existing customers but also drives more visitors to your online store.



Instagram Feed Widget by Mageplaza

  • Display Instagram photos on your site
  • Quickly filter and organize the images
  • Offer various photo layouts
  • Allow displaying like and comment numbers
  • Display appealing Instagram pop-up

Magento 2 Instagram Feed Widget by Mageplaza is an effective module which enables you to integrate your Instagram photos to your store on Magento 2 stores. This extension allows you to embed trendy and attractive images on any pages or positions on your website. As a result, this could bring an attractive and modern look to your store, which would help grab the customers' attention.



Two-Factor Authentication by Mageplaza

  • Force particular admins to use 2FA to access
  • Allow activating trusted device and trusted time
  • Easy-manage trusted verified admin role using Trusted Device list
  • Enable logging in without authentication code in second verification
  • Well support from mobile authentication apps like Authy, Google Authentication

Magento 2 Two Factor Authentication is an outstanding extension which provides an effective solution to help e-commerce stores improve their system security as well as be better protected from unauthorized access.



Newsletter Popup by Mageplaza

  • Flexibly exhibit on every page
  • Customizable newsletter content
  • Newsletter pop-ups showing after a configured time
  • Pop-ups reappear after setting time
  • Premade pop-up templates
  • Congratulation popup
  • Ajax reporting subscriber

With Magento 2 Newsletter popup, you can easily convert visitors into customers or subscriber. Also, this will improve the traffic of your store significantly. More interestingly, store onwers can attract their customers to discount coupons, subscription or many other contents on their site. Don't miss a great chance to install a useful extension for your store.



Advanced Report by Mageplaza

  • Support 2 informative advanced reports
  • Include the report comparison
  • Support 16 report cards
  • Informative line-chart reports supported

Magento 2 Reports extension by Mageplaza is an innovative module which helps online stores track, process and manages their business better with advanced customizable reports. Statistical data collected from customers, orders, sales, and products on a regular basis are quickly sorted out, providing a great help to store owners in both business and marketing decision-making.



XML Google Sitemap by Mageplaza

  • Allow search engines to index quickly
  • Easily look for products, categories and pages
  • HTML and XML sitemap supported
  • Easily include and exclude any custom links
  • Allow excluding one or more products, categories, pages

XML Google Sitemap is one of the most effective solutions which may optimize your site. Sitemap helps to navigate your site more easily. It is not only good for your users but also your search engines. It's time for you to install this free extension and experience all benefits that it brings.



XML Google Sitemap by Mageplaza

  • Enhance XML sitemap
  • Easily add HTML sitemap
  • Compatible with Magento 2.1.x and 2.2.x
  • Easy to add products, categories, CMS pages

Google XML Sitemap for Magento 2 helps Google search bots find all every corner on your website to index, bring in potential benefits for your SEO strategy. Also, the HTML sitemap will help users more easily search for information on your site than only use Magento default.



Google reCaptcha by Mageplaza

  • Visible and invisible captcha supported
  • Allow adding invisible reCaptcha to any forms on store
  • Support multiple pages
  • Work well with all Mageplaza plugins

Thanks to Google Recaptcha extension from Mageplaza, your e-commerce store can avoid spams and frauds effectively. Besides that, this module also enables adding invisible reCaptcha to any forms on your store, which can enhance the user experience as well as the conversion rates dramatically.



HTML Sitemap by Mageplaza

  • Help search engines index quickly
  • Support shopper easily look up products, categories and pages
  • Support both HTML and XML sitemap
  • Include, exclude any custom links with ease
  • Easy to exclude one or more products, categories, pages

The Magento 2 HTML sitemap extension lets you add a great variety of links to your sitemap to make it extremely informative. You can include the following link types. Categories, Products, CMS-pages It can also limit number of the products displayed in the sitemap. Now, Mageplaza integrates it into the Magento 2 SEO.



Exit Intent Popup by Mageplaza

  • Display on multiple optional pages of websites
  • Popups appear on configured time
  • Possible to set the amount of time in which Exit Intent Popup will not be re-displayed
  • Limit the amount of time displaying popup
  • Professional templates are available

With Magento 2 Exit Intent Popup Extension, your store can pull customer back whenever they have the intention to quit visiting. Visitors who clicked to view the product have already been interested someway. By displaying attractive information about promotional offers, a store can motivate the visitors to re-consider purchasing product. This will remarkably contribute to conversion rate.



Login as Customer by Mageplaza

  • Allow recording all login actions
  • Allow admin to access customer's account easily
  • Allow exporting login data to CSV and Excel XML files
  • Customers are supported to edit their accounts' information
  • Help manage and tracking all login action

Magento 2 Login as Customer by Mageplaza is an extension which offers the store admins the ability to access the accounts of customers. This could helps the owners to manage all the customers' accounts better.



Twitter Widget by Mageplaza

  • Offer different styles to embed Twitter on store website
  • Allow customers to like, share and follow Tweets easily
  • Enable displaying photos and videos on Tweets without limitation
  • Allow placing Twitter blocks on any location with the help of Snippet
  • Provide easy-customizable Twitter blocks

Magento 2 Twitter Widget extension by Mageplaza allows store owners to attach their Twitter account in their store websites. This is a workable method to have better interact with customers as well as make your site become more fashionable and professional.



Advanced Newsletter by Mageplaza

  • Allow displaying popups flexibility on all pages
  • Newsletter content can be customized easily
  • Set a configured time for the popups to be shown
  • Provide a variety of premade pop-up templates
  • Enable set time for popups to reappear

Advanced Newsletter Popups for Magento 2 is a perfect solution provided by Mageplaza to helps you in providing hot and last-updated information to your customers. As a result, your Magento 2 stores can get more sales and convert more visitors into loyal customers.



Facebook Plugin by Mageplaza

  • Enable embedding Facebook Widget to your store website
  • Allow customers to leave Facebook comments on your Product Page
  • Call to Action buttons such as Share, Contact us, Watch Video can be activated
  • Offer fully-customizable design
  • Facebook snippet code can be embedded to any CMS page and block

Mageplaza Facebook Plugin extension for Magento 2 enables admins to embed and promote the Facebook page directly on your main shopping sites. This would help increase the interaction between your site visitors and the Facebook page.



GG Maps by Mageplaza

  • Allow adding maps to the contact page
  • Offer 4 map types and 10 map styles
  • GPS coordinates can be defined automatically after the address is filled
  • Provide 2 choices of embedding Google maps
  • Customers can drag the map to view the area around the store location

Mageplaza Google Maps extension for Magento 2 offer store owners the ability to display the store's location on the Contact us Page. This would make your website looks more professional and informative.



Livechat by Livechat

  • A native integration
  • Customer data
  • Powerful ticketing system
  • Eye-catchers
  • Proactive greetings
  • Chat surveys

The Livechat software provides a minimalistic admin dashboard - it's much easier to use than the one used from the previous version. It comes with a responsive default theme thanks to which users don’t have to wait for the hole page to load to see full content length.



Robot Chat by Chatbot

  • Boost engagement with an AI chatbot
  • Support visitors around the clock
  • Get more leads and increase sales
  • Free, ready-to-use templates
  • Drag and drop components to build ChatBot Stories
  • Flexibly connect with third-party apps using webhooks and a fully open API.

Create your chatbot with ease by moving customizable elements over the scenario. Drag and drop responses and actions to compose the best conversational experience.Launch your first chatbot in minutes using industry-oriented templates designed by professionals. Freely customize the conversation scenario, so it's suited to your business needs.



Delete Orders by Mageplaza

  • Allows deleting test orders
  • Deletes all orders or individual order
  • Related invoices, shipments, credit memos can be deleted
  • Supports multiple stores
  • Supports multiple languages

Mageplaza Delete Orders is an extension for Magento 2, which allows you to delete not only order but also all the related documents such as invoices, shipments, credit memos easily. This will be a perfect solution that could help you to remove all test orders. Consequently, you will no longer be confused and your admin backends will also be well-organized.



Same Order Number by Mageplaza

  • Allows adding a suffix to an ID
  • The info will be displayed clearly from the frontend
  • The same IDS will be automatically set for related billing documents
  • Enable buyers to view record from their login account easily
  • Customers can easily track and recognize the relation between documents

The module Same Order Number from Mageplaza supports store owner to create the same Increment ID for associated billing documents such as Order, Invoice, Shipment, and Credit Memo with ease. As a result, your orders, as well as other documents, will be organized much easier.



Better Maintenance by Mageplaza

  • Redirecting customer to Coming Soon Page or Maintenance Page
  • Provide ready-to-use countdown timer during maintenance
  • Provide subscribe or social contact to maintain the connection with customers
  • Allow customizing every page component easily
  • Keep admin accessible to store site without being navigated

Magento 2 Maintenance extension by Mageplaza is especially used by store admins when their sites are under maintenance or upgradation. With this website maintenance module, store visitors will be well informed about the progress of maintenance and the launch date in time.



Image Optimizer by Mageplaza

  • Auto-optimizes images with cron
  • Support command line to optimize images quicker
  • Assign access to the optimized image path
  • Records, requeues and restores images
  • Offers both Bulk and Manual compress

Magento 2 Image Optimizer ( provide a workable solution for online stores to compress as well as optimize their images easily. Optimizing images not only help reduce the loading time of your site but also help enhance user experience and increase in conversion rate considerably.



Exit Intent Popup by Magenest

  • Attract customers to the products with popups
  • Choose different popup types to create appealing CTAs
  • Set the individual start and end date for popups
  • Design popups with 25+ templates
  • Locate popup any where

Magento 2 Popup Free extension by Magenest allows you to create attractive popups in a fast and simple way with multiple ready-to-use templates. Popups with appealing CTAs will help catch customers' attraction and boost sales effectively.



Exit Intent Popup by Weltpixel

  • Create beautiful popup quickly
  • Collect customer email addresses in a pop-up box
  • GDPR compliance
  • Display newsletter popup after a specific number of visited pages
  • Choose to display popup only on homepage or on all pages

Magento 2 Newsletter Popup & Exit intent by Weltpixel enables you to build an email list bigger and faster then ever before. You can aslo make beautiful popups quickly and build subscriber bases in minutes. You will have a full control over your newsletter popup content, so it's easy to add promotions, discounts, or any messages on it.



ElasticSearch by Mageplaza

  • Support multiple search options
  • Auto-correct misspelling and grammar errors
  • Modify product sorting on the search result and category page
  • Boost up specific products
  • Enable users’ searching behavior tracking
  • Highly responsive to any devices

Magento 2 ElasticSearch extension by Mageplaza is by far one of the most useful search options designed for Magento 2 stores. If you are looking for a search extension that can boost your customer experience, this tool will help you to do that. Now get into details to know why it’s worth your attention. Mageplaza Elasticsearch for Magento 2 supports your users to search in different ways with product attributes, including product name, SKU, product category, etc.



Import Export Bulk CMS Static Blocks by Firebearstudio

  • Schedule import and export with cron
  • Support CSV, XML, Excel XLXS, ODS, and Json files
  • MSI, orders, attributes, categories, CMS pages, price rules
  • Move from Magento 1, Shopify, use MagMi M1 files
  • Support sources: Google Sheets/Drive, FTP/SFTP, URL, and Dropbox

Commerce Extension Import Export Bulk CMS Static Blocks for Magento 2 by Firebear Studio provides you a fastest way to transfer CMS static blocks and related data between Magento 2 websites.



Import Export CMS by Magearray

  • Import/export CMS pages/static blocks via a CSV file
  • Export CMS data from Magento 1 to Magento 2
  • Export CMS data from Magento 2 to Magento 2

Magento 2 CMS Import & Export extension by Mage Array supports you to import and export a large number of CMS pages and blocks from Magento 1 to Magento 2 and Magento 2 to Magento 2.



Email Marketing by Avada

  • Recover lost sales with Abandoned Cart Email automation
  • Welcome email series enabled when someone creates an account
  • Follow-up unsubscribed customers with appealing offers
  • Cross-sell and up-sell emails
  • Various ready-to-use email templates
  • Create segmented email campaigns tailored to the target audience

AVADA Email Marketing is a powerful solution for your marketing automation. It helps you effortlessly create a seamless email marketing workflow with the right messages to the right person. Powerful abandoned cart email will significantly save you time to win back customers and increase sales in the long run.



SMTP by Mageplaza

  • Able to customize SMTP server and port easily
  • Assist 20+ SMTP service suppliers
  • Allow testing email before sending to the customers
  • Allow viewing Email logs conveniently
  • Support 100% Open-source code

Mageplaza SMTP extension is a perfect hco your Magento store. It gives you more opportunities to reach your email marketing customers, in particular, up to 99%. In addition, with email templates designed with sweet and warm content, will definitely attract the attention of customers. Thus, you have a successful marketing campaign.



Magestore POS by Magestore

  • Sync orders, customers, and inventory data in real time across sales channels and warehouses
  • Inherit Magento's promotion rules, product configurations, tax rules
  • Sell in-store or on the go, on desktop or iPad, with or without the internet
  • Accept cash, credit card, partial payments, split payments, gift cards, and more
  • Hold order and add custom sale items

Magestore POS is a all-in-one and customizable POS solution for Magento merchants. The system is native with Magento so you can utilize all of Magento's powerful features for your online-to-offline retail. Merchants can sell products on multiple channels and manage everything from one place, in real time. Easily to customize the POS to fit your business needs and scale your business anytime.



Live Chat by Tidio

  • Reply customers faster in real-time
  • Customize boxchat color to match your brand
  • Use AI to monitor results and automate chats
  • Talk with customers on the go or from any devices

Live Chat by Tidio provides you with a seamless live-chat experience with your customers. With an intuitive and easy-touse interface, you can communicate with your customers in real-time quickly and efficiently. The extension can help you reduce response time to less than 3 minutes.



Live Chat by Landofcoder

  • No limit the history chat
  • User-friendly interface
  • Allow setting a chat's name
  • Easy to manage and monitor the chat system
  • Increase the sales for the store

In order to increase the quality of the store's service, you need an online chat system that can easily answer customer inquiries. With the Live Chat extension, admins can easily interact and chat with customers. Besides that, they can totally understand their customers and make them happy with the store's service. In particular, customers will always remember your store every time they purchase something.



POS by Amasty

  • Track and manage multi-warehouses inventory
  • Scan barcode to quickly find products
  • lightning fast checkout
  • Allow applying discounts
  • Flexibly manage users
  • Offer offline payments and local taxes

Magento 2 POS by Amasty facilitates the operation of your business with a seamless point of sales system. It simpifies and maximize the process of tracking and managing products, customers, and sales across your stores. You and your staff can update the product information by scanning barcode to avoid selling out-of-stock products. Or, You can manage customers' accounts and use the customers' data to personalize their experience, such as sending special offers via SMS, or emails.



Delete Orders by Magecomp

  • Easy to delete the orders in bulk from the backend
  • Auto-remove the invoices, shipments, and credit memos
  • Allow deleting orders of a certain date range
  • Ability to delete a single order or many orders from the order view page

Developed by Magecomp, Magento 2 Delete Orders comes with many outstanding features. Using this module, admins can totally remove all unwanted and unnecessary orders in their store. Just in one click, all useless database in your store will disappear. This will help you easily manage your online store. Install this free extension today, it will not let you down.



Order Status by Magestore

  • Export all order information: product, invoice, refund, tax, shipping, and discount
  • Support export orders in CSV and Excel XML files
  • Update all latest orders, sync real-time all orders across sales channels
  • Preview all order records selected before exporting
  • Easily filter unlimited orders according to time, and order status
  • Allow multiple Magento 2 stores
  • Flexibly choose website scopes you want to export orders
  • Manage all import and export from the Magento 2 admin panel

With Magestore Magento order management, you can process orders in bulk, track shipments, streamline your fulfillment details effortlessly. Seamlessly transfer data between different systems, eliminating the need for manual data entry and reducing the risk of data errors. Get further analysis, generating insights that can help you optimize your business operations, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions



Banner Slider Github by Mageplaza

  • Can upload the images for the banner in store to attract the customers.
  • Can add button and link easily
  • Easy to add content text
  • Select flexible position of content text conveniently
  • Include over 12 effects for banner
  • Can preview banner while editing the content
  • Can put 36 positions for banner on site according to your needs
  • Support for SEO
  • Reports on clicks are displayed
  • Inserting codes to create your own slider style

Mageplaza Banner slider for Magento 2 is a supportive marketing tool which allows store owners to display unlimited eye-catching banner sliders on their Ecommerce website. By this way, the extension helps draw customers' attention as well as optimize their experience, with a user-friendly interface.



Advanced Report by Magestore

  • Flexible data reports based on Sales, Customers, Stock, etc
  • Easy to export reports
  • User-friendly dashboard and visualizable charts
  • Enable to customize report view
  • Enable to filter data

It takes us a lot of time to have an overview of the data and number from your business. This extension will be an effective tool for you to have default reports for your Magento store. The owner of the store also can have the best view and understanding about their sales, customers, etc, therefore, their business will be more successful.



Banner Slider by Fmeextensions

  • Able to custom title and description for the banner slider
  • Images on slider are displayed attractively
  • Your website can add banners to attract more
  • The banner can be arranged by your request
  • Only one click to enable or disable the banner slider

If you need to change the look of your website, Banner Slider extension will be a tool that you can not ignore.It will help you disguise the homepage and impress your customers when they purchase.



Banner Slider by Ibnab

  • Select from 36 locations and many effects to show slides
  • Locations with the support of widgets
  • Eye-catching images attract the attention of customers
  • Create banners or carousel sliders
  • Modify params form grid
  • Using banner slider to highlight your campaign or any promotion

With Banner Slider extension, you will bring a new look to your Magento online store. It is a useful tool to attract more customers as well as help customers feel interesting when purchasing.



Banner Slider by Sparsh-technologies

  • Unlimited image and video slides
  • Customize every slider with your own topic, styles and format
  • Provide a short description according to your banner title
  • Engage in customer communication by pictorial representation

This Banner Slider Magento 2 extension by Sparsh enables you to include exquisite sliders with unlimited pictures and video slides. Initially, you can gather the slider information, arrange it as you see fit and include a plethora of pictures and video slides to your collected information with different design alternatives.



Banner Slider by Webspeaks

  • Various slide such as images, text, videos or anything
  • Responsive with many different advice
  • Smart Admin panel
  • Integrated widget conveniently
  • Variety of options on banner slider
  • Update lifetimes

Banner Sliders extension includes tons of animation sliders as well as much fantastic options, which helps your store become beautiful in the eyes of customers, then boost your sales for Magento 2 online store.



Banner Slider by Weltpixel

  • Impress the customer at first sight on store
  • Get the attention of customers from special offers
  • Impress customers for your campaigns, promotions or events
  • Using Magento widgets to insert sliders easily without coding needed
  • Planning banners to automate promotions

If you are looking for a tool that can increase your website's traffic, boost your products for your store and keep your customers forever impressed with the store, Banner Sliders from Weltpixel will be a great choice for you.



Blog by Fishpig

  • Easy to install/upgrade
  • Enhancing related blogs and products
  • Login automatically to WordPress
  • Using popular WordPress plugins

As one of the best SEO and content management platform- WordPress is so convenient for your website. With Magento 2, your Blog can integrate with WordPress, which help your store attract your customers to get back.



Blog by Mirasvit

  • Admin can decide the post visualizable or not
  • SEO friendly- URLs
  • Multiple categories of store's structure

The Blog is free, it means that you do not need to pay to have an effective tool for your online store. It also helps you to catch much more customers based on the content of the posts, images, video, etc.



Developer Toolbar by Cedcommerce

  • Include models such as model resource name, class name during a page load
  • Allow showing observer and all events like observer name, observer function, observer class and observer frequency
  • Able to display extended classes as well as parent classes
  • Easy to display name of blocks when a loaded page

Magento 2 Developer Toolbar extension helps developers lessen their concerns by fetching important information for page load. Besides that, it is a tool to effectively debug your website and avoid risks.



Dropship by Exto

  • Auto-update information of inventory
  • Infinite warehouses
  • Track shipments and orders
  • Separate orders for warehouses

Exto Dropshipping is an extension of Magento for the purpose of eliminating the risk of hoarding products into stock. As a store owner, you can manage inventory easily and create infinite warehouses for your website.



Dropship by Magestore

  • Save fulfillment time with a 3-step dropshipping process
  • Suppliers can create shipment or cancel request right on Magento frontend
  • Keep track of the Dropship process via notification emails
  • Both admin and suppliers can view detailed order listing

Dropshipping has become a popular order fulfillment method. Dropship extension for Magento 2 now makes this shipping method available right on your Magento 2 website. Merchants now have a simple solution to shorten lead time, save money on inventory, and communicate with suppliers.



Dropship by Webshopapps

  • Integrated with ShipperHQ module
  • Select your carrier, place and email address for each warehouse
  • Allow multiple providers login a warehouse
  • Allow shoppers choose the shipping method
  • Automatically send notifications to email when orders

A useful solution for transporting products from different locations.



Email Marketing by Remarkety

  • Various triggers with more than 20 events
  • Limitless Emails in Chains
  • Recovery the abandoned Cart
  • Automated follow up emails
  • Customers can give the feedbacks
  • Give marketing suggestions immediately
  • Design Custom Templates

This extension is suitable for your Magento store, depending on the types of products that customers want to buy. On your website, the detail information is displayed such as amount bought, the orders they’ve placed, previous date, the abandoned cart, etc



SMTP by Sendgrid

  • Support cloud-based email and APIs
  • Multiple tasks of email delivery
  • Sending the Report

Through SMTP or APIs, this extension is a seamless integration between your store and SendGrid account. It is so useful for you to send transactional receipts, account setup emails, or even you can put the multiple tasks of email delivery.



Google Tag Manager by Weltpixel

  • Managing information about the Related, Up-sell and Cross-sell products
  • Configurable products
  • Adding to shopping carts
  • Removing from the shopping carts

Installed and configured easily, Magento 2 Google Tag Manager can integrate Google Analytics. Through it, you manage product impressions and either add or remove shopping carts easily in many processes in transactions. Moreover, it is able to add, edit or remove tags without changing codes.



Google Tag Manager by Yireo

  • Fast implementation of GTM
  • Adding through observers or XML layout
  • Setting up easily and quickly
  • Inserting extra vars to dataLayer through PHTML-templates

Google Tag Manager is a good extension of Magento 2, which can help your store control all tags on Google(Adwords, Analytics) just by one site.



Help Desk by Webkul

  • Enables/disables modules from the admin panel
  • Integrate UVdesk's Help System with Magento Store
  • Only registered users are allowed to create a ticket from the user interface
  • Lets display all tickets using different labels and statuses
  • Allows attaching any file in the reply
  • Lets manage all tickets from Magento back-end or UVessk Dashboard

It's time to select the Webkul Help Desk extension for Magento 2 store. You'll get useful features like improving customer satisfaction, optimizing workflows, and managing employees effectively.



Layered Navigation by Manadev

  • Besides home page, any CMS pages will have layered navigation
  • Multiple options in the same filter
  • Filter with any products attributes
  • Advanced function

The Magento 2 Layered Navigation bring on customers a comfortable and efficient shopping. By searching and the filters will help them to find out the best product that meets their needs about the category, price range, color, brand, etc.



Live Chat by Happyfoxchat

  • Ability to decrease abandoned cart
  • Support multi-chat
  • Help increase the sales
  • Easy to enhance the resolution time
  • Help track and manage the chat system easily

This extension allows administrators to easily control the chat system on their website, reach more customers, and increase customer satisfaction with your store's customer service. Satisfaction with customer satisfaction is the number one criterion that every store wants to perform well. Do not hesitate any longer, choose this module for your store today.



Live Chat by Tawk

  • Allow tracking and chatting with visitors on your site
  • Easy to install and manage
  • Ability to connect anywhere as well as contact customers quickly
  • Enable increasing the customer satisfaction
  • Able to approach customers to understand them

Tawk is a live chat application that integrates with Magento. It's a great tool to get in touch with your customers. It helps you chat with your visitors on the site. This helps shop owners to easily manage and monitor customer interactions online as well as improve customer service.



Mega Menu by Ibnab

  • Allow choosing horizontal menu for your store
  • Adjust the category's label properly
  • Allow showing categories and sub-categories conveniently
  • Allow adding, deleting and editing menu items on store easily
  • Can compatible with tablet and mobiles
  • Allow use easily without coding

You are having a mess about the different products in the store, you do not know how to arrange them properly, Mega Menu extension in Magento 2 will help you solve all the problems that you are entangled.



One Step Checkout by Iwdagency

  • Sign in account in-line easily
  • Confirm Shipping Address on the Checkout page
  • Registration and payment periodically
  • Vend & Use the Gift Cards feature
  • Transfer & Use Store Credits feature
  • Combined with Leading Payment-Processors

Iwdagency is a reliable address to purchase One Step Checkout Magento2 extension. From that, your Magento store will attract many customers thanks to the convenience when buying and checking out.



Order Management by Iwdagency

  • Ability to delete Orders quickly
  • Ability to modify Order Status
  • Allow updating Customer, Shipping & Billing conveniently
  • Can change Payment & Shipping Methods easily

It's time for you to select this module for your niche. This tool not only saves you time in editing orders but also makes it easy to manage them efficiently.



Search by Mageworx

  • Able to integrate and pre-define Sphinx settings
  • Easy to modify the default Sphinx function
  • Allow determining the connection timeout
  • Be able to validate the config file
  • Enable customizing the search result rankers

The Magento 2 Search extension provides the maximum search results related to the first letter the customer enters. This will bring customers satisfaction because of the quick search process. From there, it drives customers to buy more products as well as increases conversion rates.



SEO by Creare

  • Avoid duplicate content issues
  • Provide SEO checklist quickly
  • Improve structured data
  • Offer various SEO templates
  • Integrate with Google Service

Magento 2 SEO extension by Creare includes many wonderful features for your store. It helps prevent duplicate content and makes your store more friendly to search engines and customers.



Store Locator by Cmsmart

  • Enable displaying full store list on Google maps
  • Be able to see all information of the store
  • Easy to find the store locations
  • Include Google maps suggestions when you type characters on a pop-up search box
  • Allow customers to search by state, country, style, etc

You have a strong website and a chain of stores, but customers are so difficult to reach your store to purchase the product. That's why you lose a lot of customers. The Store Locator by Cmsmart can help you solve this problem. It allows you to show all phsycial stores, and detailed directions to your store via Google maps.



Store Locator by Iwdagency

  • Allow customers to find the store easily
  • Google maps support
  • Enable modifying the design
  • Be able to generate a new store
  • Able to search the store via a pop-up box

This free Store Locator extension allows you to display all of your store locations on the map to facilitate access to your store by customers. Besides, shop owners can customize designs based on the style of the store.



Store Locator by Magesolution

  • Customers can search stores by country, state, zip code, distance, etc
  • Customers can see the store list on Google maps
  • Admins can establish opening and closing hours flexibly
  • Admins can add all information for the store like address, an image, contact information, etc

Store Locator by Magesolution allows customers to reach their destination quickly and purchase products more easily than ever. Moreover, this tool helps improve sales for stores as well as save time for customers.



Store Pickup by Magepsycho

  • Generate the multiple shipping methods
  • Select Pickup at Checkout
  • Give detail information of items and stores

Your store in Magento 2 will be supported the shipment methods by the Store Pickup extension. Your customers can choose any custom delivery options such as Store Pickup, Express Delivery, or Standard Delivery etc.



Who Bought This Also Bought by Mageworx

  • Help provide related product list based on the order status of customers
  • Easy to collect all available information from data system
  • Help increase the performance
  • Include smart rotation for the store
  • Able to improve sales

This is a smart solution for shop owners to increase sales and improve customer satisfaction. It allows to suggest products related to products that customers have purchased as well as arrange them anywhere on the category page, product page or cart page.



Who Viewed This Also Viewed by Vovayatsyuk

  • Enable showing related products on the product page
  • Able to suggest automatically related products to customers on any page
  • Install and manage easily
  • Help increase sales for the store
  • Save time to purchase products

With this tool, you can save time for customers when searching for products. With automated suggestions for customers, related products will show up anywhere. This helps customers buy more products and have fun experiences at your store.



Advanced Wishlist by Knowband

  • Enable admins to keep track the wanted products
  • Ability to view the sales report analysis
  • Easy to customize and configure
  • Allow admins to know more the customer's requirement

It's a better opinion to choose Magento 2 Advanced Wishlist extension for your store. Thanks to this handy tool, you can give your customers a great chance to collect and select the wanted product. This also helps save much time for your customers when they purchase as well as can improve the customer shopping experience.



Amazon Payment by Amazon-pay

  • Allow customers to purchase the products conveniently
  • Using Amazon payment to pay the products quickly
  • Seamless payment process
  • Enable customers to pay via friendly mobile options

Thanks to Magento 2 Amazon Payment extension, you can increase the sales for your online store dramatically. This handy tool allows your customers to check-in and check-out on your site with at ease. Besides that, this module is totally responsive to any device. Integrate Amazon Pay today to experience!



Buckaroo Payment Method by Tig

  • Encrypted communication between your webshop and Buckaroo
  • Set the default status of orders after creating an order and pending, succeeded and canceled orders
  • Allow refunding payments
  • Support online capturing payments
  • Allow different payment methods including Afterpay, iDEAL, VISA, American Express, and Paypal

This Buckaroo Extension offers many solutions for all your financial processes. Besides, it also provides a wide range of national and international payment methods such as iDEAL, PayPal, Visa, American Express and so on.



CRM Extensions by Technweb

  • Synchronize customer and customer address automatically
  • Built with data normalization
  • Provide real-time synchronization and on-demand synchronization
  • Include extension tests to guarantee the quality
  • Freely customize the OpenSource code to fit your process

Salesforce Integration by TechNWeb, Inc is a useful tool which could help your business to collaborate, mobilize and grow revenue. More specifically, in the world's leading CRM, store owners can eliminate unnecessary data entry when they manage the customer base. Besides, this extension allows you to sync the records of Magento customers with Salesforce automatically. You can also capture the business-critical customer data without relying on a human being and manual data entry.



CRM Extensions by Digitalguru

  • Customer communication and order information in one interface
  • Assign order automatically for incoming customer inquiries
  • Track and trace the linking of parcel and shipment numbers
  • Use the global text modules with real-time data enrichment
  • Show the most important data in preview line above e-mail contents

GREYHOUND Connect by digital guru GmbH & Co. KG is an extension which could allow you to access all order and customer data in real time when processing inquiries directly in your CRM without having to switch between different interfaces and systems constantly. With this extension, numerous important order and customer information such as payment, shipping status or article can be displayed directly in GREYHOUND which could help you to shorten processing and reaction times significantly.



CRM Extensions by Retaildriver

  • Upload product catalogue to retailCRM
  • Upload orders and customers automatically and instantly
  • Synchronize the data of customers and orders
  • Calculate and monitor the status of the delivery directly within the system
  • Set up automatic order receiving from various online stores, marketplace, etc.

retailCRM by RetailDriver is an extension which helps you to automate the sales processes and personalize customer approach. It offers analytics for you to analyze the business of your company comprehensively. And because it integrates retailCRN with Magento, it allows you to set up the automatic data transfer and data exchange on orders and customers. Besides, you can also receive, process, accumulate and store the orders form various sales channels in the same place.



Custom Redirect by Ipragmatech

  • Allow setting redirect URL after login
  • Enable admins to set custom URL redirection after logout
  • Allow admins to create the rules for the different set of customer groups
  • Ability enable/disable the custom redirection from the backend

Magento Custom Redirection extension is a perfect tool that you are looking for. It is built on the Magento 2 platform and responsive any device such as computers, screens, tablets, mobiles, etc. Using this module, admins can generate the redirection rules for the different customer groups after login, logout or new account creation. It's high time to select this solution for your online store and experience it!



Delete Orders by Ibnab

  • Allow removing one or more orders at the same time
  • Work perfectly with any 3rd-party module
  • Ability to delete the orders in mass
  • Easily customize and use

If you are looking for a module that allows you to delete one or more orders at the same time, Magento 2 Delete Orders by Ibnab is the best choice. It not only allows admins to clean up their store but also help their management easily and conveniently. Also, this module can be compatible with any other extension.



Delete Orders by Meetanshi

  • Allow deleting orders in bulk
  • Ability to remove the orders from the specific date range
  • Enable deleting orders based on order status as well as customer groups
  • Ability to delete the orders in the blink of an eye

Default Magento 2 doesn't offer the capability of deleting the orders completely. You can only mark them as a cancelled status but can't delete them permanently. Don't worry, developed by Meetanshi, Delete Orders for Magento 2 can do this. Admins can remove all unwanted orders in the blink of an eye. Thanks to this module, your store becomes cleaner as well as easy to manage.



Delete Orders by Raveinfosys

  • Enable admins to remove any order from the order page just in one click
  • Let store owners delete order with any status such as closed, opened, cancelled, etc
  • Ability to remove orders, invoices, shipments and credit memos
  • Easy to choose an order status deleted from the store

We are proud to introduce you a great extension that allows deleting the orders, shipments, invoices, etc. That is Magento 2 Delete Order developed by Rave Infosys. Using this module, admins can delete one or more orders from your store. Also, admins can only mark them with Cancelled status but can't delete. Delete Orders comes with many powerful features that help you easily in managing the store.



Delete Orders by Vnecoms

  • Easy to delete the orders just in one click
  • User-friendly interface included
  • Fully compatible with any 3rd-party modules
  • Install and use this module fast

To clean up your useless database on your site, you need to delete them. Thanks to Magento 2 Delete Orders by Vnecoms, admins can remove all unnecessary orders just in one click. Besides that, this modules also allows store owners to choose each order or orders in mass conveniently, then delete or archive them to your store.



Delete Orders by Wyomind

  • Allow deleting orders quickly and massively
  • Easy to choose the orders that you want to erase
  • Ability to auto-remove the invoices or some other data that is linked to the orders
  • Easily customize and configure

To delete the unnecessary orders as well as some useless information, you had better install Order Eraser for Magento 2 by Wyomind. Thanks to this extension, you can remove the order quickly and massively as well as clean the database of your store simply. We believe that it is a must-have tool for your online store.



Facebook Comments by Amasty

  • Display Facebook comments on product pages
  • Allow customers to duplicate reviews to Facebook
  • Embed comments to any place on your web store
  • Customize display options
  • Attract customers to more activity and interaction

This module allows customers to leave comments on product pages via Facebook and duplicate reviews on their Facebook pages. With this extension, you can customize and embed Facebook comments into any place on your web store. Furthermore, you can attract customers to more activity and interaction as wanted.



Facebook Comments by Magestyapps

  • Comment/review products using their Facebook accounts
  • Detect correct locale for proper translations
  • Modify all the necessary plugin's parameters via admin panel
  • Display settings with any custom design

The extension includes Facebook comments into store's product pages, which makes product reviewing process easier and faster. Customers can leave comments, reviews or any feedback via their Facebook accounts. Moreover, they can also share reviews on their Facebook pages to increase the popularity of your products.



Force Login by Bitexpert

  • Force visitors to log or register before visiting your pages and catalog
  • Manage the whitelist rules by the GUI at the backend
  • Restrict rules to certain user groups at the backend
  • Set url rules (static + regular expressions) to define which pages guests can visit without logging in
  • Apply whitelist rules globally or for specific stores

The module built allows stores to force visitors logging in before view the web pages and also restrict which pages a visitor can see without being logged in.



Force Login by Ecomwise

  • Enable/Disable for different store views
  • Redirect customers to the login page from every entrant URL
  • Log in/create an account to webstore
  • View all pages and place order

Giving online stores the possibility to restrict user access to your web store, this extension, otherwise force customers to be redirected to the 'Log In' or 'Register' page. Therefore, it will help you set up a wholesale/B2B webstore where product pages and prices are only visible for registered customers.



Force Login by Mageprince

  • Allow forcing a user to log on different pages such as cms pages/site search/ categories/ products
  • Add/manage a number of URLs from backend
  • Whitelist URLs as customer groups or geography
  • Delete multiple records on a grid with a click
  • Filter url by ID, Name, and Status

Force Login extension by MagePrince allows you to force users to log in pages or areas users can view. It is especially useful for merchants serving only specific groups of users or partners when there is a need to ensure that only those users are able to browse the web pages, cms pages or the product catalog.



Fraud Detection by Fraudlabspro

  • Easy to customize the own validation rules
  • Allow checking the fraud automatically
  • Intuitive interface included
  • Ability to work with any other extension well

By installing Fraud Protection extension, it helps you to detect all risks on the orders via the complicated validation algorithm. And more, thanks to this module, it also helps you to reduce the chargeback and fraud losses on your Magento 2 store.



Group Deals by Magenest

  • Allow generating group deal products
  • Enable sending emails notification for buyers about the status of the deal
  • Easy to auto-create as well as design a coupon template
  • Allow showing the pricing saving for customers
  • Enable establishing the qualifying number of product purchases

Creating new goods for shop owners will attract more and more customers. Launching Magento 2 Group Deals will bring the efficient dramatically for your store. It supports add, manage and customize the products in the group. Also, you can auto-create the coupon as well as auto-calculate of discount easily.



Image Optimizer by Apptrian

  • Enable compressing the product images without reducing the product images
  • Allow optimizing the images on the site
  • Flexible admin panel
  • Fully compatible with any extensions

To improve the search engine rankings on Google as well as increase the user experience, compressing the product images on your website is the best choice. You can resize the image files to speed up the load time of the site faster. Also, when you optimize the product images, the product quality doesn't change. All great features are included in Magento 2 Image Optimizer developed by Apptrian.



Infinite Scroll by Landofcoder

  • Include Ajax scroll feature without interruption
  • Allow displaying 'Loading' button
  • Easy to set navigation bar in any location on the page
  • Enable changing button and Loading Text
  • Easy to increase the conversion rate for your store

The Infinite Scroll extension for Magento 2 is the best choice for e-commerce store owners. It provides an interesting navigation as well as a new chance in the display of goods. Thanks to this extension, the customers can load product catalog without reloading the page. This will help save time for your customers dramatically when purchasing the products.



Ingenico Payment Method by Ingenicoepayment

  • One step checkout for credit cards
  • PCI compliant template handling
  • Accept payments by mail or telephone (MOTO)
  • Display fraud result in order
  • Dynamically add payment methods
  • Advanced fraud detection support

Ingenico ePayments enables customers to decide which currency and payment method are preferable for them to pay. Moreover, it also improves conversion and offer one step checkout for credit cards in your own look and feel while reducing your PCI Compliance efforts.



Instagram Feed by Solwininfotech

  • Customizable interface
  • Allow choosing photo set to display on frontend
  • Insert block anywhere with the store to showcase like gallery
  • Manage a number of posts displayed on frontend
  • Allow setting the titles for all post

Magento 2 Instagram Feed extension is an effective way to integrate Instagram with Magento 2 store. There is no default feature in Magento for integration and displaying an Instagram feed. So, we have designed this module to equip this service on your store.



Magento 2 Accounting Extension by Technweb

  • Auto-synchronize customer and address information
  • Include the normalized data which is duplicate form the prevention mechanism
  • Real-time synchronization and on-demand synchronization are supported
  • Include extension tests to guarantee the quality
  • Provide customizable OpenSource code

QuickBooks Online by Marketplace is an extension which provides a workable solution for small and medium companies to manage their store. It allows you some devices such as computer, iPad or mobile phone to charge your customers, track and report your revenue and costs, pay bills, deal with payroll. By using this extension, you can get rid of various unnecessary data entry when you manage your books.



Magento 2 Fraud by Mcafeesecure

  • Display the McAfee secure trustmark
  • Scan your site automatically for malware, viruses, etc.
  • Reduce the number of carts which are abandoned
  • Gain the trust of customers
  • Allow visitors to learn more about your security certification, confirm

McAfee SECURE for Magento 2 is an extension which helps store owners to built customer trust by showing them that your online store is safe. You can display the trustmark at the bottom of your site. By doing this, you are letting your visitors see that your site is tested and certified to be safe. And it also allows visitors to learn more about your security certification, confirm. As a result, you can ease visitor's security concerns and increase engagement and conversions.



Magento 2 Fraud by Ns8

  • Escalate suspect orders or request e-mail and SMS text verification from the visitor
  • Scores, detects and records all traffic visiting your store
  • Send escalating text messages to you when an issue arises
  • Monitor the technical performance of your store
  • Compare different scored campaigns for the presence of bot traffic and fraud

NS8 Protect by NS8 Inc. is an extension that can help protect your store from the three big revenue killers which are order fraud, advertising fraud, and poor performance. It uses industry-leading techniques in analyzing behavior, scoring real-time user, and monitoring globally to identify all the bots and other malicious activity in your storefront. As a result, the sales and revenue of your store would be increased significantly.



Magento 2 Fraud by Pixiemedia

  • Enter an unlimited number of domain names
  • Block users from registering for accounts using blocked domain names
  • Set how to display the error message
  • Protect your store form customer registration bots
  • Prevent your store from being sent thousands of emails to spurious domains

Restrict Domain Registration by Pixie Media is an extension which can block users from registering for accounts using email addresses from certain domains. This extension is helpful, especially when dealing with customer registration bots that force your store into sending thousands of emails to spurious domains. Besides, you can configure the domains easily to block and set the error message whenever a user attempts to register with the email domain on your block list.



Magento 2 Fraud by Swarming

  • Help reduce chargebacks, false positives, manual reviews, and declined orders
  • Increasing accepted orders, sales channels, and international coverage
  • Accept or decline orders automatically in under 300 milliseconds
  • Provide insight into the data and the reasons behind order decisions
  • Allow merchants to control how to utilize Kount completely

Kount Fraud Prevention by Swarming Technology is an extension which can help e-commerce businesses to boost sales by reducing fraud at all the digital interactions. Using this extension, order status and inventory management will be bundled into the extension. And it can help you reduce chargebacks, false positives, manual reviews, and declined orders. Besides, it also enables you to increase your accepted orders, sales channels, and international coverage. As a result, it would increase your top line revenue.



Magento 2 Marketing Automation by Getresponse

  • Add customers to a particular GetResponse list
  • Convert website visitors into GetResponse contacts
  • Send automated welcome emails to introduce your brand
  • Know who visits your store, how often, and why
  • Upsell customers with product recommendations

GetResponse for Magento 2 is an extension which enables you to grow your contact database by adding your customers and their order details to your GetResponse list. Besides, you can also allow the site visitor to sign up to know more about your offers. Once they have signed up, you can send timely, personalized offers to win back abandoned carts. In addition, you can upsell your customers with automated product recommendations which are based on their purchase history.



Magento 2 Marketing Automation by Listrak

  • Create personalized emails and ads
  • Provide dynamic and real-time product recommendations
  • Deliver impactful content right to the inbox
  • Connect your email and customer database to ad platforms
  • Supplement the campaigns with SMS

Listrak Retail Integration by Listrak is an extension which connects the Listra platform to your Magento stores. By doing that, it allows online merchants to reach customers at any time and any place without having to worry about the source, channel or the device that they used. Besides, you can trigger email subscriptions, and also gain access to Listrak’s complete portfolio of retail solutions.



Magento 2 Marketing Automation by Magmodules

  • Help you to control the spread of the customer reviews on the Internet
  • Collect store and product reviews by sending a reminder to the customer
  • Show your score and reviews directly in your store
  • Quickly set the delay and the status when the order is ready to be sent
  • Get the star rating shown in the Search Engine Results

The Feedback Company Connect by Magmodules is an extension where you can get feedback and reviews about the experience of customers after using your products or services. Besides, this extension provides services which can make sure that the merchants can control the spread of customer reviews on the Internet. As a result, you can increase the customers' satisfaction because their feedback can be used commercially to recruit new customers.



Magento 2 Marketing Automation by Ryzeo

  • Identify users browsing on your website
  • Profile users browsing on your site
  • Turn window shoppers into buyers
  • Utilize all the activities on the browse
  • Send emails to users who leave without purchasing

Ryzeo is an extension which helps you turn window shoppers into buyers by converting shoppers who haven't added products to their carts with browse abandonment. To be specific, this extension identifies and profile all the users who are browsing on your website. And it will send timely and highly converting emails for the users who leave your site without buying anything. As a result, your store conversions would increase which leads to the ROI is guaranteed.



Magento 2 Marketing Automation by Talkable

  • Fully control the referral screen design
  • Upload and distribute one-time use coupon codes
  • AB test visual elements, images, text, etc.
  • View reports and analytics around referral campaigns
  • Display a campaign on your website

Talkable for Magento 2 by Talkable is an extension which helps e-commerce companies to acquire and retain customers through referrals. More specifically, it allows businesses to lower the acquisition costs of your customers and also increase the loyalty of customers by turning them into brand advocates. Besides, this extension enables customers to share offers with their friends via email, SMS, and other social channels to earn various rewards.



Magento 2 Marketing Automation by Wigzo

  • Provide triggered based notification
  • Track Opens and Clicks in real time
  • Option for both HTTP and HTTPS in one click
  • Send notifications using Powerful APIs
  • Offer Time based reporting to send at the right time

Wigzo Browser Notifications by Wigzo is an extension which allows you to send and track web push notification through your store on Magento platform. In details, you can take the browser opt-in form shoppers who visited your store and then send and track notifications in order to bring those visitors back to your store even if they are not browsing your site. As a result, the conversion rates of your store might increase which would lead to a significant rise in your sales and revenue.



Magento 2 Tax Extension by Copex

  • Include VAT country codes into VAT ID validation
  • Use automatic customer group assignment for Greece and Great Britain
  • Allow entering a full VAT ID by changing the behavior how Magento validates
  • Change a customers group regard to a valid VAT ID
  • Work with the VIES validation service

VAT Validation With Country Codes by CopeX GmbH is an extension which can make changes to the behavior of VAT ID validation in Magento. As a result, you can validate the VATs with including VAT country code. To be specific, after concatenating the ISO-Country Code and entering the VAT, this data will be sent to the Validation Service to create a VAT ID validation. Moreover, this extension can change a customers group as regards a valid VAT ID. It is useful especially for companies within the EU



Magento 2 Tax Extension by Sovos

  • Perform the calculations of real-time sales tax
  • Improve the accuracy of regulatory filings and eliminate audit risk
  • Automate tax with a constantly updated cloud platform
  • Minimize manual form completion and file electronically in jurisdictions for both EDI and SST (SERs)
  • Proactively set the plan for your filing and remittance tasks

Sales Tax Calculation & Filing by Sovos is an extension which provides real-time accurate tax rates while automating sales. Based on the item and the shipping location, this extension populates sales tax on orders in the shopping cart. There are two services that they can choose which are Global Tax Determination and Taxify. Being a part of the Intelligent Compliance Cloud, this extension offers cloud-based flexibility, data security and transaction performance on a single platform to meet the demands of stores of all sizes.



Magento 2 Tax Extension by Wolterskluwer

  • Easy to integrate into homegrown or off the shelf shopping carts
  • Show customers the final price with the correct taxes which are applied to their products
  • Auto-correct the misspelled addresses or zip codes
  • Manage the configuration of tax exemption for customers and customer groups inside the Business Manager
  • Finalize and cancel the transactions

CCH SureTax by Wolters Kluwer is an extension which supports the most complex sourcing and the rules to calculate the tax which is found in sales tax. It provides you with a comprehensive, accurate and real-time tax calculations. As a result, you can correct your bill, and also collect transaction taxes. In addition, the shopping cart and customer information will be sent through the CCH SureTax API web service during the checkout. The tax information will be sent back by the CCH SureTax API and applied to the line products in the cart.



Mobile Apps by Magentomobileshop

  • Support secure payment gateways
  • Include store locator
  • Friendly design
  • Deep linking supported

By being aware of the benefits of Mobile Apps for Magento 2 store, Magentomobileshop offers the handy tool that helps improve the customer shopping experience. It allows your customers the ability to purchase the goods even on mobile platform. It's time to choose this great extension today and experience it.



Mobile Apps by Oscprofessionals

  • Support multiple payment gateways
  • Allow your customers to place the order easily
  • Include Google analytics
  • Ability to check your own store

Thanks to Magento 2 Mobile Apps, it allows your customers the ability to access your e-commerce store on the mobile. It is possible to enhance the customer's purchasing experience as well as help them purchase the goods or services with just one click on the smartphone.



Order Comment by Customerparadigm

  • Allow the customers to leave their comments whilt the checkout process
  • Enable displaying the order comment on the order detail page in the admin
  • Allow showing the order comment on the order detail page for the end user
  • Easy to configure from the backend

Order Comment extension for Magento 2 is the best tool for the store owner that helps improve the customer's shopping experience. When the customers do the checkout on your site and have any problem, they can leave their comment on the checkout process. Besides that, it is fully compatible with 3th-party modules as well as works smoothly with Magento 2.



Order Comment by Mageants

  • Understand your customers clearly about their need
  • Allow the customers to add their requests when they order
  • Flexible admin panel
  • Easy to customize and configure this extension from the admin
  • Include many powerful features

Developed by Mageants, Order Comment extension for Magento 2 is the best choice for the store owners. It will provide the interesting shopping experience for your customer when they implement the checkout process. Also, the customers can add special comments on the popup. If you want to create the unique for your site, don't miss the great tool.



Order Comment by Ulmod

  • Help enhance the checkout process
  • Enable your customers to leave their comments and feedback about the order
  • Provide the interesting shopping experience for the customers
  • Allows admins to see the order comment from the backend

It's so vital for the store owners to understand what the customers think about the products from their online store. Order Comment extension for Magento 2 is the best way to resolve this. Thanks to this module, the customers can leave their comments about your products while ordering and have interesting shopping experiences.



Order Comment by Vsourzdigital

  • Easy to enable/disable this extension from the backend
  • Ability to control the content section in the backend
  • Easily enable/disable the order comments from the backend
  • Allow the customers to leave their comments/messages/notes about the order

It's great if you can own this perfect tool - Order Comment for Magento 2. It's released by Vsourzdigital and provides lots of powerful functions. This extension allows customers to add the comments while they order. This can help the admin understand their customers. From that, it motivates admins to do the marketing campaign well and brings the high sale of your business.



Order Notes by Customerparadigm

  • Support customer's comments during checkout
  • Display order comments on the order detail page in the Magento admin
  • Display order comments on the order details page for the end user
  • Easy to install and use

Magento 2 Order Notes Extension is a new way for customers to leave their comment about the order on Magento 2 site. This tool by Customer Paradigm is not only lightweight but also effective which every shop owner should use to improve the site traffice and customers' shopping experience.



Order Notes by Ulmod

  • Improve the checkout experience with order comments
  • Let customers and guests to leave order comments during checkout process
  • Let admins view any order comment left during the checkout process in admin panel.
  • Easy to install and set up

Offered by Ulmod, Order Notes extension for Magento 2 is a must-have tool for those who want to give their customers and guests better shopping experiences by letting them add comments, special note, message or delivery instructions to orders during the checkout process.



Payone Payment Method by Bspayone

  • Support many payment methods
  • Protect yourself against payment defaults and fraud
  • Optional multi-partial capture for partial deliveries
  • Support the multi-shipping extension

The BS PAYONE Payment extension for Magento 2 provides the verification of the existence and deliverability of address and credit rating checks to minimize the risk of fraudulent orders. Additionally, customers' payment data are ensured with the highest security standards in the BS PAYONE data centers.



Price Slider by Prashantblog

  • Easily adjust the price of the product
  • Friendly interface
  • Completely customize in the backend
  • Multiple stores and currencies supported

Magento 2 Price Slider module enables the users to adjust the product price via the slider. Using this extension, your customers can choose the price of the desired product according to their finance. Besides, this module is totally friendly with mobile. Thanks to this tool, it brings the convenience as well as the interesting shopping experience for your customers. In addition, this extension also saves much time for the users.



Product Designer by Brushyourideas

  • Ability to manage and customize clipart
  • Allow uploading the custom image
  • Ability to import/export templates in bulk
  • Allow changing product from design page

Magento Product Designer extension is a wonderful solution that lets customers add the image, the text, and customize the design on the products. Developed by BrushYourIdeas, this extension helps improve the great user experience as well as attracts your customers at the first sight.



Product Tabs by Swissuplabs

  • Ability to replace the default Magento system tabs
  • Easy to show the content that is taken from static blocks
  • Allow displaying the dynamic content in product tabs
  • Ability to add unlimited custom tabs
  • Easily customize and configure

Product Tabs extension for Magento 2 provides you many great features. It brings an interesting browsing experience for your customers. Besides, this extension allows you to control your product pages tabs as well as the dynamic content. Don't hesitate to choose this module and feel it!



Promo Banners by Belvg

  • Offer block on all pages
  • Support fifteen neat looking themes for nine major holidays
  • Choose the products to promote as wanted
  • Support choosing up to three the promoted products to be displayed on the banner

This Free Banner extension for Magento 2 provides the banner theme for almost all major holidays for your store. You only need to choose the right theme for the upcoming event for your site, set position to place banner and choose the promoted products to be displayed on the banner.



Quick View by Weltpixel

  • Easy to add to cart any product without leaving the current page
  • Include the Preview mode about the product on the category page
  • Easy to configure Quick View button from the backend
  • Friendly interface

Weltpixel Magento 2 Product Quick View extension is a great tool that includes many powerful features. You can add to cart any desired product without leaving the current page. Besides that, you can also preview the product information before purchasing to make sure that your order hasn't any confusion. Another great feature of this extension, it is very easy to configure from the backend. We believe that Quick View module by Weltpixel is the best choice for your store.



Realex Payments by Realexpayments

  • Support all card payments
  • Quick transaction process
  • Ability to avoid the fraud effectively
  • Delayed/deferred settlement
  • Include Dynamic Currency Conversion tool

In order to prevent the fraud and increase the sales for your Magento 2 store, Realex Payments extension is the best choice you should use. It enables processing the payments when your customers place an order. It's time to choose this module and experience it!



Robot Chat by Landofcoder

  • Include unrestricted history chat
  • Unrestricted color supported
  • Ability to enable/disable the Chatbox in the backend
  • User statistic supported
  • Ability to chat with unrestricted customers on Facebook page

Thanks to this useful tool, you can contact various customers at a time, which will be able to increase the conversion rate for your Magento 2 store. Plus, this handy extension also helps you send and receive the messages from the users immediately. Let's explore this module now!



Sagepay Payment by Meetanshi

  • Allow customers to save their cards for purchasing faster in the future
  • Include Authorization Facility for store owners
  • Support Direct Refund Facility for the refund process faster
  • Ability to enable CVC verifications for confirmed secured payments

The online payment is one of the most necessary factors for every eCommerce store nowadays. That's why Magento 2 Sage pay Payment extension is released. Using Sagepay extension, you can avoid the fraudulent payments and from that, you can bring the trust for your customers when using the online payments of your store. Now it's time to integrate it with your online store.



Tax by Classyllama

  • Allow verifying the address accurately
  • Ability to calculate the product taxability
  • Easy to create and report the sales tax
  • User-friendly interface
  • Easily install and configure

Solving the tax is a big challenge for every store owner. The fastest and easiest way is to use Magento 2 Tax extension that is developed by Classyllama. It allows you to calculate and manage the sales calculation automatically. Plus, you can save more time for managing your business. Install it today and feel!



Tax by Exactor

  • Automatic sales tax calculation
  • Allow creating customer exemption button
  • Intuitive interface
  • Easily install and configure

Magento 2 Tax extension is released by Exactor. It is a great tool that helps manage the sales tax calculation by record keeping and tax processing. This is a secure and reliable way that helps save you hours of managing the business. It's high time for you to integrate Free Tax extension and experience all features it bring.



Tax by Taxjar

  • Allow calculating the sales tax instantly and accurately
  • Easily install and configure this extension
  • Multi-channel sales tax reports
  • User-friendly interface

Magento 2 Tax extension developed by Taxjar is a Magento premier partner. It is an ideal tool that helps save much time by automatic sales tax calculation. Besides that, it also helps report and store for your store. It's time for every store owner to install this module and experience it!



Tax by Vertex

  • Auto-perform the sales tax calculations instantly and accurately
  • Ability to maintain the exemption certificates
  • Include process coupon codes and discounts
  • Ability to verify the addresses to ensure more accurate taxation and shipping processes

It's time for you to choose Magento 2 Tax extension by Vertex. It comes with many powerful features that allow updating the tax rates automatically. You no longer have to waste much time for updating them manually. Also, using this tool, it enables creating the tax rates with just a click.



Twitter Widget by Vivacityinfotech

  • The Latest Twitter Tweets is featured with oAuth 1.1 API
  • Manage a number of tweets
  • Allow adding your own Twitter feed URL
  • Enable to show Follow twitter button
  • Option to open the links in same or in new window

Twitter allows you to get connected with your customers. Since so many people are becoming the member of Twitter every day, it is a great platform to look for the prospective clients and get linked with them. Latest Twitter Tweets Magento Extension is powered with new oAuth API 1.1. and will show your latest twitter feeds in your website sidebar. Latest Tweets can be managed from Magento admin.



Twitter Widget by Zestardshop

  • Support three widget types which could be used individually or as a group
  • Flexibly configurable feed' s design and layout
  • Customizable Tweets button with color, text, size, hashtags
  • Select the channel via which you want to route the follow requests
  • Select the specific URL you want to display in your widget window

A Twitter widget is a tool used to interact with customers through your website by showing customers the most recent tweets. Integrating this module to your website is beneficial to your business as it reflects all promotions, sales and discounts which are attractive to Twitter users.



Website Maintenance by Customerparadigm

  • Enable creating whitelist of IP addresses from the backend
  • Easy to enable/disable the maintenance mode from the admins
  • Flexible admin panel
  • Allow building the maintenance page by using the WYSIWYG editor

It's so necessary for you to set your store offline when you update the site or push some new features. Thanks to Magento 2 Website Maintenance module, you can set a custom maintenance mode message to your customers by using a WYSIWYG editor. Also, this module will auto-create the whitelist your IP addresses and of course you can still see your site, but the visitors will see the custom maintenance message.



Advanced Newsletter by Evincemage

  • Ability to enable/disable extension from the backend.
  • Submit newsletter without loading the whole page.
  • After successfully subscribe it will display the thank you message.
  • Easy to Install & Manage.

Ajax Newsletter Magento 2 extension helps your customer/visitors to subscribe to newsletter on site without page refresh. Normally when customers subscribe an email, the website will be reloaded. It is not convenient. So that to tackle this problem we provide Ajax Newsletter extension. It provides Ability to enable/disable extension from backend. You can get more newsletter subscribers with your eCommerce store.



Order Comment by Evincemage

  • Enable/Disable extension from Magento system configuration.
  • Admin can also see the comment on order view page at admin panel.
  • It gives order comment section to the customer for put comment at the time of place order.
  • The extension is easy to configure.

Order Comment Extension allow your customers to add special comments while placing their order which can be viewed by admin using this extension.



Order Status by Evincemage

  • We provide an easy way to access order tracking module on the front screen. It can be through widget Track Order link of on homepage.
  • It provides Real-time Order Tracking by AJAX technologies.
  • The extension provides you real-time and instant updates of your order even it is shipping via third-party services.
  • Magento 2 order tracking will take your customers directly to the tracking page without login.
  • It is very user-friendly interface and also has multi-language support. It instantly retrieves order information with the help of Ajax.

Track or Shipping process is considered as one of the most stressful parts for your customers because they have already paid but their purchased products still haven't arrived yet. Our track order extension will take your customers directly to the tracking page without login, then they can track Magento 2 order status with ease. It makes online customers more eager to receive the product for which they have already spent their money. That is why they are waiting for delivery and expect it quickly or at least want to know the shipping status of it. As a result, you can reduce customer's concern that contributes to your store credibility and customers' trust. By enabling shoppers to track their placed orders in real-time and with accurate info, it makes great sense in conversion and reliability of brand/business.



Exit Intent Popup by Vsourz-digital

  • Magento 2 administrator can add animated effects
  • Enable to choose context to display popups
  • Installation does not require complex technical knowledge
  • Possible to set time interval

Vsourz Digital Magento 2 Popup generates an opportunity for the store to re-engage with people who give up visiting. It is possible to turn abandoning visitors to subscribers or even customers.



Quote by Fmeextensions

  • Simple request for quote form
  • Enable files attachment with the quotation form such as images and documents
  • Inform about the email notifications each time a new RFQ entry is made
  • Update status through RFQ manager at the backend

Using simple entry fields to help your clients fill their data and send their quotes to acquire an accurate cost, Quote extension from FME allows customers are upgrading request for quote process with automated RFQ form on your Magento 2 online store. Also, it enables customers to upload files and receive notifications about their RFQ entries.



Worldpay Corporate Gateway by Worldpay

  • All Basic features
  • Download directly from Github

Worldpay Corporate Gateway Online Payments Magento Module by Worldpay.



Worldpay by Worldpay

  • All Basic features
  • Download directly from Github

Worldpay Online Payments Magento Module by Worldpay.



Age Verification Extension by Agechecked

  • Allow verifying customer age on checkout page
  • Enable direct handles age check on-site
  • Enhance user experience across multiple devices
  • Help store be compliant with PCI and GDPR
  • Support straight forward set-up

Magento 2 Age Verification by Age Checked allows store admins to display customers' age verification seamlessly during checkout. Customers can use various methods to verify their age such as electoral roll, credit card or driving license. As a result, you can be compliant with the existing legislation and protect your business and customers at the same time.



Age Verification Extension by Vsourz-digital

  • Fully control the age verification pop-up content
  • Allow selecting any page to display pop-up
  • Define interval time for verification pop-up
  • Set up amazing animation effect with CSS3
  • Display pop-up creation automatically

Magento 2 Age Gate Pop-Up by Vsourz Digital is an extension which would lock your website with a pop-up which asks users to verify their age before allowing them to browse the store site. This module helps prevent underage users from viewing the web-store while still gives admins full flexibility in customizing the age verification pop-up content.



Follow Up Email by Magenest

  • Schedule follow up email based on customers' behaviour
  • 15+ behaviour-based rules included
  • Integrated with Mandrill - Avoid spam folders
  • Integrated with Nexmo - Follow-up SMS

Stay engaged with customers with the most comprehensive follow-up email and SMS tool for Magento 2 - Follow-up Emails by Magenest



Login as Customer by Kiwicommerce

  • Allow admin to log in customers' accounts from the backend
  • Allow admin to track the customer login data
  • Allow admin to restrict permissions for other admin users
  • Quickly login from customers, orders, invoices grid
  • Quickly login from customer edit, order view, and shipment view

Magento 2 Login As Customer by KiwiCommerce allows store admins to log in the customer accounts form the admin panel. By using this extension, admin can easily view the store as a customer without having to enter the password or change the authentication. As a result, the admins could help their users dealing with all the difficulties easier.



Adyen by Adyen

  • Optimize the data-driven payment
  • Prevent fraud in real-time
  • Accept card, ewallets and other payment methods
  • Provide one click and recurring payments function
  • Allow unifieding the reports of cross-channels

Adyen Payment by Adyen is an extension which offering an infrastructure connecting directly to gloabally preferred payment methods of consumers such as Visa or Mastercard. This would help simplify the payment process and enhancing the user experience.



Adyen by Magenest

  • Turn your brand image to a modern young and innovative one
  • Allow paying by numerous payment methods
  • Provide customers an omnichannel shopping experience
  • Customers are allowed to subscribe the products and services
  • Support reducing customer churning when switching between platforms

The fact that new payment methods being released on a regular basis is one of the main reason which makes your store payment method easily becomes obsolete. In that case, Adyen Payment and Subscription is the perfect solution for you. This module supports a large number of payments methods including Paypal, ApplePay, which would help create a seamless experience of shoppers across channels. Besides, the extension's subscription feature can remain the loyalty of customers to your stores.



Braintree by Cedcommerce

  • Various card types such as Visa, American Express is accepted
  • The ability to select the countries which the payment method is available
  • Detect the error messages which cause payment failure
  • Allow developers to check the shop on development mode
  • Prevent customers from being redirected to Braintree Payment Gateway's website

Another excellent way to integrate your Braintree account with your store is Braintree Payment Method by cedcommerce. Using this module, your customers would no longer be redirected to the payment gateway site of Braintree when making payment. As a result, their experience would be increased significantly.



Braintree by Paypal

  • Support credit card, debit card, and PayPal transactions
  • Allow securing customer payment details' storage in the PCI
  • Enable customers to add or delete Card and PayPal accounts
  • Offer the ability to configure the sales action
  • Support online refunding for both Card and PayPal

Accept payments online easily with Magento Braintree extension. Seamlessly integrate with PayPal and offer your customers a secure payment gateway. Discover now!



Mollie by Molliepayments

  • Create and activate Mollie account fastly
  • Enable accepting various major payment methods
  • Allow customers choosing payment method without being redirected
  • Easily refund customers form the Magento backend
  • Export all insight information for various accounting software

Using Mollie extension of Mollie Payments, various kinds of payments and online donations can be accepted. This would help prevent your stores from losing conversions as their payment method is not compatible.



Delete Orders by Mageants

  • Deletes multiple old and unwanted orders from admin panel
  • Makes your admin panel feature-rich
  • Creates space and make the website more organised
  • Allows you to add custom features as and when required
  • Allows you to manage new orders efficiently

Magento 2 Delete Order extension discards the unnecessary orders from the website’s admin panel and clears the cluttered junk from the store.



Heidelpay by Shopware

  • Allow customers to register payment data for recurring payments
  • Offer fully-customizable checkout page without iFrames
  • Display notification when there is a change in transaction status
  • Enable administration through shopware back-end
  • Payment data is saved for different payment methods

Magento 2 Heidelpay extension of shopware allows stores to integrate Heidelpay payment method into the checkout process. By using this module, forms are integrated and can be easily customized to adapt the layout of your shop. In addition, recurring payments are also supported which make managing it easier than ever.



Multisafepay by Multisafepaybv

  • Restrict payment methods and gift cards to order's minimal/maximum amount
  • Restrict payment methods and gift cards to country
  • Restrict payment methods and gift cards to shipping method
  • Restrict payment methods and gift cards to currency
  • Restrict payment methods and gift cards to customer group

MultiSafepay extension for Magento 2 provides a great solution to make both online and mobile payments easy for customers. Using this module, the process of accepting, managing and stimulating online payment would become more simple.



CardGate by Cardgatebv

  • Offer your webshop with both local and international payment methods
  • Allow customers to pay safely and secure in websites
  • International bank license which provides all required payment methods
  • Process credit card without using an acquiring bank
  • Display payment method in the Payments section of your checkout

Magento 2 CardGate extension allows customers to make payment in a safe and secure way right in the webshops. Besides, it also assists merchants to accept various types of payment methods including both national and international.


paynl by Paynl

  • Enable customers to make payments directly on your website
  • Combine various widely-used payment methods
  • Offer a variety of online gift vouchers and supplementary services
  • Ensure the security of the payment details of clients
  • Webshop is notified when the payment has been completed

Magento 2 is an extension which makes your online payments processes completely hassle-free. It allows your customers to make secure, fast and direct payments right on your site. It also supports various types of payment methods such as iDEAL, Visa, Mastercard.



Secure Trading Payment by Magecloud

  • Offer 3D-Secure support
  • Enable back-end order payment
  • Integrate with your checkout process seamlessly
  • Allow Authorize Only or Authorize and Capture payment actions
  • Provide extensive transaction reporting

Magento 2 SecureTrading extension allows store owners to integrate their Magento stores with the Secure Trading payment gateway. With this module, you will be given two payment methods which are Payment Pages and API.



Docdata by Magecloud

  • Support over 40 local and international payment methods
  • Support over 140 different currencies and payment pages
  • Provide collection and reconciliation services
  • Reduce the risk of potential fraudulent transactions
  • Offer real-time technical processing of online payments

Docdata Payment Gateway extension for Magento 2 allows you to process all Docdata payment methods which are supported in Magento 2. Also, you can easily increase the conversion rates with One Page Checkout from Docdata Payments as customers are now allowed to compile the order using the payment methods that you offer.



EMS by Emspay

  • Offer plugin that links your online checkout page with the EMS Gateway
  • Provide both national and international multi-channel payment solutions
  • Help defend your store from fraud and chargebacks
  • Provide online reporting on a regular basis
  • Allow accepting payments in 150 currencies

EMS for Magento 2 provides a plugin which links the checkout page in your online stores with the EMS e-Commerce Gateway. This would improve the payment speed as well as provide an in-site Paypal experience for your stores.



Paymill by Paymillgmbh

  • Support both Credit Card and Direct Debit
  • Generate invoice when the transactions is successful
  • Create refunds automatically based on credit memo routine
  • Allow customers not to enter payment detail repeatedly during checkout
  • Offer improved payment form with visual feedback for your customers

Magento 2 Paymill extension enables you to accept both credit and debit card payments right in your online store. Besides, the entered data will not be stored or logged in your system, instead, it will be processed through PCI compliant connections.



Sofort by Appmerce

  • An Sofort account is required to activate the module
  • Offer the Sofort Banking method for online payments
  • Confidential data such as PIN and TAN is not being storaged
  • Not required any PCI certification

Magento 2 Sofort Banking extension by Appmerce offer the sofort banking method for Magento 2 ecommerce stores. This extension allows store to accecpt numerous types of payment methods supported by Sofort.



Sofort by Sofortgmbh

  • Allow customers to make fast easy payments using their online banking details
  • Provide merchants real-time acknowledgment of transfer orders
  • Support stores to ship the goods or provide services promptly
  • Enable providing extra security for your customers
  • Link your store to payment methods provided by SOFORT GmbH

Sofort Payment Methods extension for Magento 2 enable store owners to link their Magento 2 stores with various types of payment methods which are provided by SOFORT GmbH.



Wirecard by Wirecard

  • Integrate Wirecard payment with your Magento 2 stores
  • Support various payment methods such as Master Card, Visa, American Express
  • Offer a wide range of configuration options
  • Offer individual consulting to develop the extensions
  • Support two languages which are English and German

With Magento 2 Wirecard extension, merchants can now easily integrate the Wirecard payment solutions into the Magento 2 platform quickly and easily. This combination is ideal for every store owners who want to develop a professional online store.



EBANX Payments by Ebanx

  • Allow customers to skip the checkout process
  • Enable setting a maximum number of instalments
  • Select the payment methods to displayed at checkout
  • Allow setting individual interest rate for different instalment plan
  • Customers are allowed to save their credit card information

EBANX Payments extension for Magento 2 offers a complete solution for international businesses who want to sell their products in Latin America. It allows stores to accept the local payment methods which are popular in Latin and you can also receive your money anywhere in the world.



Be2bill by Dalenyspayment

  • Offer both international and local payment methods
  • Allow customers to check out in more than 70 currencies
  • Protect your store from all the fraud
  • The payment pages are fully customizable
  • Support refund and partial refund actions

Be2bill extension for Magento 2 provides stores a variaty of payment solutions including online, in-store and mobile transactions. Using this module you can increase your sales while protecting your store from fraud attempts



PayPlug by J2tdesign

  • Allow customers pay using Visa or Mastercard
  • Maximize conversion rate with advanced order tracking tools
  • All funds are going to be secured in French banks
  • Offer a free refunds feature
  • Offer fully customizable payment pages

PayPlug Payment Gateway extension for Magento 2 provides a solution which is designed for SMEs. With this module, all your online payment needs would be adapted whether you are running an ecommerce business or run as a freelancer.



Payrexx Payments by Payrexx

  • Customers are allowed to pay using more than 100 payment methods
  • Offer maximum data security with encrypted data input
  • All the customer data is handled via redirect to ensure safety
  • Provide customers a fast and simple checkout
  • Admin can freely adjust the look and feel of payment pages

Magento 2 Payrexx Payments extension provides you a simple and secure way to integrate all the most common payment methods into your store on Magento 2 with only Payrexxone payment gateway.



CartaSi - Nexi XPay by Iplusservice

  • Allows customers to store their credit card details
  • A link redirecting customers to payment page is sent
  • Allows managing Visa, Mastercard, American Express transaction
  • Enables accepting alternative payment systems
  • Allows performing refunds and cancellations from CMS order management.

Magento 2 Catarsi - Nexi XPay payment is an extension which allows you to integrate your store with the XPay payment gateway in a straightforward way. More specifically, it transfers the customer from your e-commerce site to the secure Nexi environment, and transfer them back after finishing the payment. As a result, you ưill not have to manage the sensitive data of your customers anymore.



Banner Slider by Sparsh-technologies

  • Unlimited image and video slides
  • Customize every slider with your own topic, styles and format
  • Provide a short description according to your banner title
  • Engage in customer communication by pictorial representation

This Banner Slider Magento 2 extension by Sparsh enables you to include exquisite sliders with unlimited pictures and video slides. You can gather the slider information, arrange it as you see fit and include a plethora of pictures and video slides to your collected information with different design alternatives.



Subscriptions and Recurring Payments by Sparsh-technologies

  • With Paypal express checkout, all online recurring payments can be managed
  • Enable/disable recurring payment per product
  • The trial period, initial amount, auto bill, can be defined by the admin
  • View/active/suspend/unsubscribe any customer subscription
  • Customers can track all subscription details and transaction history from his/her account

The PayPal Recurring Payment extension for Magento 2 by Sparsh provides support for the online recurring payment with the PayPal Express Checkout payment method. If you need to run a subscription service by invoicing the customers and collecting payments regularly and want to pull in the consideration of doing this over the web, then this extension is for you.



Live chat by Acquire

  • Assign repetitive tasks to chatbots
  • Gives you the option to connect with voice, video, and co-browse
  • Help customers self-serve with knowledge-base software
  • Target chats to specific segments
  • Measure the engagement levels of the customers

With Acquire Live Chat, you can easily interact with website visitors and resolve their queries in real-time. It comes with multimedia friendly features which makes it effortless for you to share files, launch video chats, and even initiate voice or video calls, and much more right from the messenger. It even has the ability to auto-translate more than 100 languages and respond to requests worldwide.



FAQ by Magearray

  • Enable Advanced Search for FAQs
  • Filter FAQs via category
  • Show FAqs via multiple stores
  • Allow managing FAQ section within a single page
  • Include all important question of customers

Magento 2 FAQ extension by Mage Array is an effective too that helps you to create an informative and impressive FAQ page on your Magento 2 store. You can set up a FAQ page with all important question of your customers and answer all their question from the admin quickly.



FAQ by Mageprince

  • Add unlimited numbers of FAQs from admin
  • Display FAQ by group on CMS page and static block
  • Enable Ajax loading
  • Support custom FAQ URL
  • Filter and group FAQs by categories

Amasty FAQ extension for Magento 2 enables you to create comprehensive FAQ pages that address all customers' concerns. With collaps/expand feature, your FAQ page can be displayed neatly in one page with different topics. Customers can look for the answers for their question in relevant topics.



FAQ by Sparsh-technologies

  • Show/hide category sidebar
  • Add unlimited numbers of FAQs from the admin
  • Group and filter faq by categories
  • Enable custom title for FAQ block
  • Add categories in sidebar

Magento 2 FAQ extension by Sparsh allows you to create FAQ page and adjust the template of your page easily. Your FAQ page is created with a flexible and user-friendly interface. Therefore, when visiting your page, customers can easily browse throught the FAQs and find their answers quickly.



Security by Firebearstudio

  • Import and export jobs scheduled with cron
  • Support REST and SOAp APIs to connect external software
  • Support XML with XSLT, Json, XLSX, ODS, CSV files, zip and tar archives
  • Map files separators, entity attributes, increase and decrease prices

Magento 2 Admin Security extension by Firebear Studio is an effective tool for security. The extension helps you avoid the leak of important information about your eCommerce store.



ElasticSearch by Folio3

  • Support on searching stop words and synonyms
  • Enable search by products, attributes, SKUs, catalogs, etc
  • Auto-complete function in a search query and word suggestion
  • Auto-check and -correct spelling errors
  • Enhance accuracy with smart search filters
  • Enable layered navigation (filter) requests

Magento 2 ElasticSearch extension by Bingo is designed to deliver instantaneous and highly accurate search results to your customers. Bingo Elasticsearch helps your web store to handle sophisticated and real-time search queries. It will be a great help to display the most relevant search results instantly.



Web Push Notifications by Onesignal

  • Send push notifications directly to customers’ phones
  • Customize templates to your advantage
  • Send unlimited push notifications
  • Real-time reporting

Magento 2 Push Notifications by OneSignal provides a quick and simple way to create and send push notifications to your customers. You just need to create an account, choose a plan, and install the extension to connect your store with OneSignal Push Notifications.



Browser Push Notifications by Pushassist

  • Send push notifications to customers across devices’ screens
  • Support common browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Safari
  • Send push notifications to customers immediately

Magento 2 Browser Web Push Notifications by PushAssist is a useful tool to execute push notifications from your Magento 2 store to your customers’ browsers. The extension supports you to communicate in real-time with your customers on Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.



Push Notifications by Wigzo

  • Grab users with visually-appealing web push notifications
  • Schedule push notifications
  • Set up trigger notifications
  • Real-time tracking push notifications’ performance

Magento 2 Push Notifications by Wizgo will help you easily create targeted push notifications that engage your customers. With this push notifications tool, you can carry out abandoned cart recovery, increased customer engagement, and more.



Login as Customer by Bsscommerce

  • Enable the store admin to login as customer
  • Take actions the same as customer
  • Record all login as customer actions

Magento 2 Login As Customer enables the store admins to login as customers on their Magento store to take actions usually done by customers.



Login as Customer by Magezon

  • Login as customer quickly with one click
  • Track and record all login actions
  • Limit login permission to sub-admins

Magento 2 Login As Customer by Magezon allows the store admins to login to customers' accounts to perform actions on behalf of customers to solve problems related to purchasing and orders quickly.



Login as Customer by Sparsh-technologies

  • Allow admins to log in to any customers' account
  • Allow admins to define and fix issuses for customers
  • Resolve issues related to customers' accounts
  • Enhance shopping experience and customer service

Magento 2 Login As Customer by Sparsh is an effective solution for Magento 2 stores' admins to log in a customer's account and solve issues that customers are facing.



Login as Customer by Landofcoder

  • Allow admins to all problems related to My Account
  • Perform test and detect issues from the back-end
  • Keep customers' information and passwords safe
  • Improve customer support and shopping experience

Magento 2 Login As Customer by LandOfCoder provides the store admins with the ability to login to their customers' accounts to handle the issues that negatively affect customers' shopping experience.



SEO by Magenest

  • Prevent duplicate content
  • Manage crawling and indexation
  • SEO content quality audit
  • Product SEO template for products
  • Create category SEO template
  • Automatically create image alt tag
  • Utilize cross links

Magento 2 SEO extension from Magenest improves search optimization and performance for your online store with different features.



Multi Vendor Marketplace Extension by Bigziel

  • Create a fast, intuitive, and splendid shopping experience
  • Easy to customize and extend eCommerce marketplace
  • Launch a tested Magento 2 marketplace solution in minutes
  • Manage user groups with responsive mobile app
  • Set up flexible commissions for sellers based on category or hierarchy

Magento 2 Multi Vendor Marketplace module by Bigziel is a great solution for creating your own multi-vendor marketplace website for your business. You will get access to comprehensive features of the Magento 2 multi-vendor marketplace and get full control over your marketplace.



Order Comments by Ecomextension

  • Allow customers to leave comments during the checkout
  • Easy to manage without manual configuration
  • Simple and friendly order comment field for customers
  • Enhanced eCommerce shopping experience

Magento 2 Order Comments by Sparsh Technologies enables your customers to leave notes/messages at the checkout. It creates a better experience during the checkout process.



Order Comments by Sparsh-technologies

  • Add comments at the checkout
  • Easy to install and configure
  • Functional and responsive
  • Easily view the order view page from the admin panel

Magento 2 Order Comments by Sparsh Technologies enables your customers to leave notes/messages at the checkout. It creates a better experience during the checkout process.



Landing Pages by Tapita

  • Easily build pages with drag-and-drop & live editor
  • Mobile-friendly. Design styles for each device specifically
  • Save blocks to use later
  • Customize further with HTML/CSS/Javascript
  • Build a variety of pages besides landing pages like homepages, about us, contact us
  • 40+ templates for various industries
  • Improve ranking with meta-title, meta-description, alt-tag, XML sitemap & lazy-loading
  • PWA Studio + ScandiPWA integration ability for headless frontends

Tapita enables non-tech-savvy store owners to build attractive landing pages instantly. It offers a comprehensive toolset with an intuitive drag-and-drop interface, live preview, various elements, a rich template collection, and great customization capabilities. Also, instead of integrating directly with your backend, Tapita connects with it via API. Therefore, you can avoid the risk of damaging your site’s layouts & structure.



Auto Related Products by Magefan

  • Create unlimited related product rules
  • Sort products by name, price, newest, random
  • Display a set number of products
  • Enhance existing related/up-sell/cross-sell products
  • Compatible with other 3rd party themes for Magento

Magefan provides a free Magento Automatic Related Products extension for small businesses or who have just started at Magento. This basic version only covers a few features that allow users to create product blocks and sort items in simple settings. If you want to take further actions on the blocks, it is advisable that you should try the plus version for additional functionalities.



Shop By Brand by Magetop

  • Assign products to particular brands
  • Assign brands as featured brands
  • Add a brand tab on each product page
  • Include brand info (banner, brand logo, brand descriptions, products) on the Shop By Brand detail page
  • Customize the brand block easily

Showcase your branded products with the use of this Free Magento 2 Shop By Brand extension by Magetop. The module provides you with basic features to help your brand promotion become easier.



Search by Magecomp

  • Display the results after 3 or more characters input
  • No page redirection thanks to the AJAX Search technology
  • Enable and disable the extension easily
  • Custom search box design

This free MageComp Magento 2 Search extension is a great solution for stores wanting to start simple. The module is enough for the basic features of AJAX Search technology. Customers can experience better product search after entering just 3 or more characters.



Advanced Product Reviews by Magetop

  • Enable Customers’ Ratings and Reviews for Products
  • Customers can Attach Image With a Review
  • Allow customers to Attach Videos with Review
  • Users Can Reply the Customers’ Reviews
  • Users can Reply Further to Your Comments
  • Customers can Vote Up/Down and Flag Your Comments

Magento 2 Advanced Review Extension allows your customers to rate and review your products right on your eCommerce website. You can encourage them to share their opinion with a simple comment-like option. Allow them to upload files/video to better explain their stance. You can reply to customer reviews, and manage them for better readability and avoid spam.



Magento 2 Marketing Automation by Amasty

  • Enable or disable various rules at the same time
  • Upgrade or degrade the priority of different rules in bulk
  • Create similar rules by duplicate a specific rule
  • Delete cart price rules and expired coupons easily
  • Stop processing promotions that are the next by priority

Promotions Manager by Amasty is an extension which helps you regulate your promotions grid with new actions like and columns. With this extension, you can enable, disable or delete shopping cart price rules on the grid. Besides, you can also apply various actions to multiple rules at the same time, and duplicate them instantly right on the grid. In addition, after a few clicks, you can apply the top and low priorities for the rules and see a rule type and a discount amount on the grid.


These 100 Free modules are ranked based on following criteria:

  • Rating review on Magento Connect, Magento Marketplace and vendor's website.
  • The price and features.
  • The vendor's reputation and Search Engine Ranking.
  • Social media metrics such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+.
  • Mageplaza team and expert review.

Top 100 Magento 2 Free Vendors

Thank every vendor that has made this Top 100 Free list! This is the most comprehensive list of best Free on the internet and we are honoured to have you as part of this!

We would like to give the best commendation to all of the vendors who have done the number one of the Free brief! It is appreciated to be the most awesome and exhaustive result from searching on Google. We are pretty proud of your appearance on this list. Many thanks for your benefaction to our lives!