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ST Mina

St mina theme by Shopifytemplate

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St mina

ST Mina themes has been purchased 66, rating: 3.25/5 based on 4 reviews.

ST Mina theme

Highlight features

  • Build on HTML5 & CSS3
  • Powerful configuration
  • Font awesome icons integrated
  • Include customizable product category page
  • Modern and clear design
  • Friendly interface

If you are having difficulty choosing the most suitable and perfect theme for your Shopify store, ST Mina is a wise choice. It comes with tons of powerful modules like Mega Menu, Blog, SEO, Revolution Slider, Slideshow, Ajax Search, etc. Besides, it fits well with every store like fashion, furniture, apparel, electronics, accessories, sports, etc and meets on every device. In particular, ST Mina Shopify theme has a flexible admin panel system that allows you to manage your online store efficiently.