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Yarn theme by Jetimpex

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Yarn themes has been purchased 67, rating: 4/5 based on 25 reviews.

Yarn theme

Highlight features

  • Drop down menu
  • Favicon
  • Product Badges
  • Product Carousel
  • Google Map

Yarn Shopify Theme is specially created for any crafts stores; therefore, it includes the elegant layouts and many helpful features. For example, the CrossBrowser Compatibility feature can make browsing flawless. Furthermore, the MegaMenu is the solution for the store owners to solve with seamless navigation on the website. It is easy for them to customize the color scheme with Theme Color Switcher; therefore, the presences of their websites can attract the customers. In addition, Product Badges will make new and discounted products outstanding with their visitors. Moreover, admins also enable to keep the audience engaged with a built-in Blog.