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Mag Store

Mag store theme by Jetimpex

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Mag store

Mag Store themes has been purchased 82, rating: 4/5 based on 39 reviews.

Mag Store theme

Highlight features

  • Well-documented
  • CSS 3 and HTML 5
  • Customized Modules
  • Favicon
  • Social Options

This Mag Store Shopify theme which helps your online magazine’s store have the best appearance and the best tools for customizing the websites. This theme provides a minimalist design with the excellent readability and usability. Furthermore, the website was built with a built-in slider which allows store owners to provide the information to their customers about stores. Moreover, the full-width slides, as well as, four-column block arranged products. The admins also enable to display some special offerings in the block above the footer stuffed with category, account and social links. Built with updated technology such as Bootstrap Framework, this Shopify theme can make your e-store accessible to users of portable devices.