How to Track clicks and visitors using Link Trackers in Odooo

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In today’s booming digital age, online marketing has become an indispensable aspect of business growth and expansion. With so many marketing channels and strategies to choose from, it is essential to know which ones are delivering the best results in terms of website traffic, lead generation, and conversions.

Link trackers provide companies with an innovative way to track marketing campaigns and analyze their results, thereby allowing businesses to make timely decisions about many of their marketing processes. In this article, we will be taking a look at How to Track clicks and visitors using Link Trackers in Odoo in just 4 quick and easy steps. So, without further ado, let’s jump right in.

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As a business owner, it is crucial to stay on top of your marketing initiatives to make informed decisions about where to allocate your resources. One of the most useful ways to achieve this is by utilizing link trackers to monitor the success of your marketing campaigns. To gain a better understanding of the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns, it is crucial to track both the clicks and the visitors to your website.

By utilizing link trackers, you can gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of your marketing initiatives by measuring the number of clicks and visitors generated from each campaign. This information is used to determine which channels and campaigns are delivering the best results, giving you a clear understanding of where to focus your marketing efforts in the future. This technology can track a wide range of marketing tactics, including email marketing, blog posts, social media posts, banner ads, affiliate links, and more.

Step 1. Configuration

Tracking clicks and visitors in Odoo is an indispensable tactic for any marketing professional who wants to track the effectiveness of their company’s campaigns and maximize the impact of their marketing budget.

But, before we can move on to that, we will need to take a look at link trackers. The first step to using the link trackers with Odoo is to set up the whole process. In order to do so, what you first need is to go to Website. There, you will have to look for Configuration and click on it.

Activate link trackers

After you have selected Configuration, then the next thing you would want to do is to scroll down in order to find the Settings button. Then, when you click on it, you will be able to activate the link tracker feature. This will give you access to all of the Link Trackers features in Odoo.

Step 2. Set up traceable URLs

Once the link tracker is activated, the next step to track links and visitors with Odoo is to set up trackable URLs. To track specific pages on your website, head back to Website again and then select the Go to website button. Next, you should be able to find Promote. After selecting it, you can navigate to Track this page. Within this section, you can create a specific tracked URL, which will be set up according to the medium, the campaign, and the source being deployed.

Set up traceable URLs

To create a tracked URL, simply enter the page’s URL that you want to track (for example, a specific product’s page or any home page) and add a description of the campaign context. Next, you can select the channel used to share the mentioned link (for instance, via email or Facebook ads). Then, you can also specify the platform where the traffic originates (for example, Instagram or Twitter).

Once you are all done, all that is left to do is to click on the Get Tracked Link button to create a URL. With this traceable URL, you can easily use it in your marketing campaigns, which can be either sent by your predestined post or you can post yourself.

After you are done with setting up traceable URLS, there are actually a few more minor steps you need to take, which include monitoring your tracked links on Odoo. In order to view statistics on your tracked links, you just have to head to Website. Then, you will need to select Go to website and choose Promote.

Next, scroll down within that tab and you will be able to see Track this page. This section provides an overview of the Most Clicked and Recently Used links, as well as complete statistics just by selecting the Stats button.

Tracked links follow up

These statistics include the number of clicks, the countries where the clicks originated, and other important metrics that can help you evaluate the success of your campaigns. These detailed statistics from clicks and visitors will give you a better understanding of which of your company’s marketing campaigns are doing well, and which ones may need further improvement.

Step 4. Tracking clicks and visitors

Now that you are done with the follow-ups on tracking clicks and visitors with link trackers, you are pretty much all set. However, there are some additional steps you can take to optimize the whole process. In addition to accessing the link tracker within Odoo, you can also use it through the Odoo website by visiting Odoo’s homepage via your browser.

On top of that, you can also choose to access all of the back-end functionalities of the Link Tracker module. This can be achieved simply by setting up the developer mode. In order to do so, you just have to head to Settings. There, you will be able to find the Activate the developer mode button. All you need to do is choose it and you are pretty much all done.

Another good tip for tracking your website clicks and visitors is to connect the whole process with third-party software, such as Google Analytics. Integrating the link tracker with Google Analytics will let you gain even deeper insights into your company’s campaigns.

Last but not least, the integration of link tracking with the CRM application will also be beneficial for your company. Connecting the link tracker with CRM, it will enable you to understand the source of all of your leads, as well as where your business opportunities are coming from. Therefore, it will give you a comprehensive view of the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.


In conclusion, tracking clicks and visitors is an essential aspect of successful online marketing. With the successful deployment of link trackers, businesses can make informed decisions about their marketing budget and distribution, and improve the performance of their marketing campaigns.

Whether you are a small business that is just starting out or an established company looking to streamline your marketing efforts, tracking clicks and visitors with the help of Odoo can definitely provide you with all the data you need to make smart business decisions. We hope you can utilize the 4 steps on How to Track clicks and visitors using Link Trackers in Odoo for your own business.

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