8 Top Odoo Apps To Fully Customize And Manage Your Online Business

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More than three million people are already utilizing Odoo, which is widely regarded as the most well-known open-source ERP system. Back in 2005, when it was first established, the name of the company was “Little ERP.” After that, it was given the moniker OpenERP to reflect both its accessibility and its adaptability. In the end, some branding for commercial usage was done, and the product was given the name “Odoo.”

On-Demand Open Object is an abbreviation that is shortened to the term “Odoo.” Odoo is a vast collection of business-related apps and modules like Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Sales management, E-commerce, Warehouse Management, Purchasing management, and many more.

Odoo is open-source software, which we are aware of, and it possesses many advantages and covers the majority of the features that other software lacks. These advantages and features primarily include access to a devoted community and the capability to be customized in accordance with the requirements of a business. Therefore, in today’s tutorial, we will show 8 top Odoo apps to fully customize and manage your online business. So, let’s dive in!

Table of contents:

Why is Odoo ERP the complete solution for your business

Odoo is an all-inclusive enterprise resource planning (ERP) system that fulfills all of an organization’s needs. Odoo has a wide variety of important modules, some of which include inventory, sales, customer relationship management, accounting, manufacturing, and human resources. The app store provided by Odoo offers more than 10,000 programs that are specifically designed for a given sector of the economy.

The fact that Odoo applications are easy on the wallet is maybe the finest part about them. They have a cheap initial cost, and their ongoing expenses continue to go down even as the initial investment is minimal. Another reason for the low cost of Odoo modules is that there are no license costs associated with using the Odoo community edition. Its corporate edition includes a licensing charge of around $72 for the entire year, but paying only $ 6 per month is far more cost-effective than using a pen-and-paper workforce.

8 top Odoo apps to fully manage your online business

Odoo Dealership Management

Dealership Management is an excellent tool for expanding your brand in an efficient manner. It allows you to manage dealerships and the contracts associated with them from the beginning to the end of the process. Because it is utilized to handle each stage precisely, you won’t have to deal with any kind of complications. The module includes everything, from the ability to register dealers to an e-commerce platform for your clients, who may use it to locate dealers in their region or in the location that is geographically closest to them. As a result, there is no basis for challenging the assertion that dealership administration may be streamlined using Odoo.

Odoo Dealership Management

Advantages of Utilizing the Dealership Concept:

  • Increasing the scope of the brand’s presence in every region of the world.
  • Boosts the number of sales your brand achieves.
  • A Relatively Smaller Amount of Investment
  • Scalability.

Odoo Saas Kit

Profit and expand your business since SaaS is the future of commerce. The SaaS business model is an intriguing opportunity to investigate because its annual growth rate is anticipated to be 9%. Nevertheless, SaaS is also one of the most complicated business models that is most complicated.

Odoo Saas Kit

The module provides complete integration of all services, including client administration and billing, SaaS subscription management and delivery, and SaaS delivery itself. That way, you won’t have to wait to launch your Odoo SaaS Distribution Company. The Odoo Saas Kit provides a structure that is ready to be used by your company so that you may begin providing your own Odoo SaaS services to your customers:

  • Deploy Odoo SaaS Distribution Architecture on your Odoo Server with little to no effort.
  • With Odoo SaaS Kit, you can offer Odoo as a Service (SaaS) by running instances of the software on your own servers. The Odoo SaaS Kit is just what you want in order to successfully operate your very own Odoo SaaS services for your clientele.

Odoo Fleet Traccar Tracking

Tracking the cars is the most important component of operating a taxi service or a freight company since you are responsible for the people and commodities in the vehicles. This is true whether you are operating a taxi service or a freight company.

Odoo Fleet Traccar Tracking

Traccar is the solution that will allow you to follow your fleet most effectively. Today, you can connect Traccar with your Odoo for improved tracking management of cars. You will be able to audit the movements of the vehicles with the assistance of Odoo Fleet Traccar Tracking. In addition, you can verify the journey history for a specified custom time period.

In addition to that, the module gives you the ability to monitor the whereabouts of the cars at any moment. As a result, you are aware of your car’s present state, which indicates that you can determine whether or not the engine is operating. Check Any and All of Your Cars Online Easy!

Odoo Parking Management

Odoo Parking Management is an all-in-one solution that allows you to effortlessly track your parking lot and make the most of the available space. The module was developed to work effectively with any of the available parking options.

Odoo Parking Management

Thanks to the system’s straightforward flow architecture, you can manage both designated parking spots and open parking spaces in Odoo. You may also use it to create multi-level parking lots by defining zones on each floor and slots in each zone to control the space area on a granular level. Use the Odoo parking Dashboard to move between distinct floors/levels, zones, and spaces in an efficient manner. Determine the cost of parking with Odoo’s Flexible Pricing Structure.

Odoo Multi-Vendor Marketplace

With the help of Odoo’s multi-vendor marketplace, you’ll be able to establish your very own online market, one in which a number of different sellers may sign up and register themselves to sell their wares on your website.

Odoo Multi-Vendor Marketplace

The module makes it possible for you to establish connections with a number of different vendors so that those merchants may sell their wares on your Internet Store. Your company’s business strategy may entice “brick-and-mortar retailers” to become participants in your Odoo Marketplace because it provides an opportunity for individuals to leave an indelible impact on a large audience with their contribution.

Odoo Aliexpress Dropshipping

The AliExpress Dropshipping Module for Odoo makes it possible for you to accept dropshipping orders through AliExpress while using Odoo. With the Chrome extension, you are able to import items from AliExpress into Odoo and then add those products to the Odoo website. When a consumer uses the Odoo website to make a purchase for an AliExpress product, you have the option of sending the order directly to AliExpress.

Odoo Aliexpress Dropshipping

After that, AliExpress will take care of fulfilling the order. Before adding an item to Odoo, the price of an imported product can also be modified in a number of ways, including the addition of a commission or an additional price.

Odoo Delivery Boy

Finding the most logical answer to your logistics network, particularly with regard to timely delivery to the clients or consumers, is a fascinating issue that every organization has to deal with. The final mile of the whole supply chain accounts for around thirty percent of the total cost.

There is potential for significant cost savings for your company if you work to improve your order delivery system and locate solutions to the challenges presented by last-mile delivery. The digital communication and tracking relationship between you and the delivery guys in your business is made possible by the Odoo Delivery Boy Flutter-Based App.

Within the Odoo backend, the admin can add the Delivery Boy. In order to access the order data, the delivery guys will need to download the app onto their personal mobile devices.

Odoo Delivery Boy

The administrator may pull orders for a specific delivery load from the Odoo backend and allocate them to him. By using the app, the delivery guy can examine the specifics of the various orders, at which point he may choose to either approve or refuse the delivery of the items.

Moreover, the admin has the ability to activate the delivery passcode option. The client will receive the passcode in the mail, and it will be necessary for them to input it when they are accepting the order in order to finish the delivery process.

Odoo Multi Website

If the management of a single website is a time-consuming job, then the management of many websites at the same time is undoubtedly a mind-numbing process. Have a wide variety of different kinds of items in stock all the time? Then, the “Odoo Multi Website” Module will assist you in creating numerous websites or portals on a single instance of Odoo, removing the requirement that you administer each website or portal independently.

Odoo Multi Website

Create websites that are unique to each of your products and offer a distinctly individualized experience to each of your clients. Specify a unique name and domain for each website. You can use different payment methods, delivery methods, pricing lists, and items for each of them individually. Use categories to differentiate the items offered on each website. Moreover, orders, invoicing, sales data, and delivery activities should be filtered according to the websites.

Wrapping Up

We hope this post will provide a comprehensive review of the eight best Odoo applications, allowing you to personalize and manage your online business fully. Odoo is an all-in-one business management system that can help you manage your company in every aspect, from manufacturing to sales to service. The operation strategy of Odoo is intertwined with the many modules that are now available; thus, the use of apps that are able to carry out certain duties may be of great assistance.

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