A Roadmap To Odoo 16 Expected Features: What To Look For In The Next Version?

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Odoo continues to mature and develop with the passing of each year. Small ERP, the predecessor to Odoo, was released for the first time in 2005; the most recent version of Odoo, version 16, is in use today. It is incredibly impressive since it adds a lot of features to the table with each new version that may help enhance a company’s profits.

Odoo is usually supported with outstanding features that may be added through add-ons. Because of this, it has advanced to the next level, and the functionality of the Odoo ERP is continuing to get better and better. The main value-added advantage that is anticipated to come from using Odoo 16 is an enhanced user experience, with a simplified user interface, increased processing speed, and enhanced data management.

The most intriguing aspect for users of Odoo is that they may migrate to the most recent version in a short amount of time while still retaining complete access to the version they are now using. In today’s article, we will discuss a roadmap to Odoo 16 expected features, based on market research, to benefit your company’s growth in the foreseeable future. So, let’s dive in!

Table of contents:

Priority areas of the new Odoo version

As expected, Odoo 16 is a far more advanced version than 15. Odoo 16, on the other hand, has some functions related to converting. With the assistance of the features and tools, you will be able to conduct the management of your company more ethically and efficiently.

The most recent release of Odoo, version 16, has several amazing new features that absolutely have to be shown to the world. In addition, it is our responsibility to maintain our knowledge level by utilizing all the resources at our disposal.

To provide users with a more satisfying overall experience, the developers of the Odoo V16 ERP have concentrated their efforts on four key areas:

  • The most recent version of Odoo will have significant advancements in terms of code cleanliness as well as performance.
  • The second most important thing will be providing high-performance Accounting Localization assistance.
  • The third area of concentration will be on enhancing the overall user experience.
  • The final focus area is the new features included in Odoo 16.

Let’s go through in greater depth all of the new features and improvements that have been implemented in Odoo version 16.

A roadmap to Odoo 16 expected features

Performance Regulation

When we are looking to buy or use new software, the first thing we take into consideration is its “performance.” It is one of the most important factors that play a role in the expansion of a business. The most current version of Odoo places an increased emphasis on the program’s performance as well as its efficacy.

Performance Regulation

It is projected that Odoo 16 will function speedily and effectively. As soon as you begin using it, you will immediately see a significant boost in speed. This is because the quality of the user experience is closely correlated to the performance of the software. As a direct consequence of this, it will assist you in increasing both your sales and your earnings beyond what would normally be possible.

Enhancing the User Engagement

Odoo-16 will be a one-of-a-kind and indispensable piece of software for every business after undergoing a comprehensive redesign of vital components. In every single one of the modules, there is a plethora of services and conveniences that are simple to utilize.

It is predicted that the new Odoo 16 version will improve the product management capabilities of the sales team as well as the workforce management capabilities of the HR team. To adapt to the new requirements, significant changes have been made to the modules that deal with signs and marketing.

It is anticipated that the new Odoo 16 version will improve both the workforce management performed by the HR team and the product management carried out by the sales team. The sign and marketing modules have also received considerable adjustments to meet the new standards.

Marketing Section

With Odoo V16, the email marketing module received several much-needed improvements. In addition, you are able to produce new templates by using already developed email layouts using this version.

Marketing Section

Altering the global characteristics of the mailing list may be done all at once and is quite straightforward. In addition, you have quick access to both your contacts and the mailing addresses they use.

You can retweet tweets from the dashboard in Odoo V16, which is useful for social networking and marketing purposes. Because of this function, you will have an easier time managing the social platforms associated with your company to establish an online presence.

Coupons and Promotions for offers and discounts

It may be possible for point-of-sale (POS), electronic commerce (eCommerce), and ordinary orders to all access the same platform, which stores all of the coupons and promos. The code is confined to a minimal number of short lines, and the interface has been cleaned up. This is beneficial to developers.

Because formal methods see coupons and promotions as separate functional elements, numerous customers were confused about how to manage the coupons and promotions program using Odoo. This confusion was caused by formal methods treating coupons and promotions as independent functional aspects. Because all of the discounts and promotional activities will be managed from the same platform, configuration and administration will be a breeze. In previous versions of Odoo, the eWallet feature was not available; however, it is now included in the most recent version.

Odoo Website Module

With Odoo version 16, you can use a single management point to manage both the front and back ends of your website. If you create a superb website using this method, you will significantly reduce the amount of time it takes you to accomplish so.

Using a wide range of capabilities, the Odoo website can be controlled, managed, and customized. In addition, using the new website builder module gives your website a more interactive feel and increases user participation.

Odoo Website Module

Modify the web pages as you see fit without worrying about them being regularly updated. Further filtering and grouping capabilities may be introduced to the website to make user accessibility and control simpler.

Financial Module

E-invoicing, improved reporting for Intrastat, and VAT ID validation for online merchants are some new features that have been added to the upgraded accounting module in Odoo version 16.

You have the ability to access Journal Audit reports that are straightforward, will improve information connected to VAT regulations, and are readily available to you.

Additionally, it provides a new bank reconciliation widget for faster accounting reporting and better multi-currency handling.

One of the new features available in Odoo 16 is the credit limit alert that can be seen in sales and invoicing. You may also see an OCR-separate setting for creating client invoices.

Amplified Inventory Management

In order to cancel a backorder, it is no longer necessary for one of your employees to click the “cancel” button. Odoo 16 takes care of the situation automatically in order to prevent more problems.

There is a possibility that the shipping method has been modified with a postcode filter that takes “prefixes” rather than a “form-to.” You would also be able to print data if you used this version.

Amplified Inventory Management

It is not difficult to forcibly scan a mandatory or optional product after scanning a package, selecting and counting the number of items, or selecting and counting the number of products in a package. With Odoo version 16, you now can determine how far in advance you want to arrange a restocking schedule for a product or an order.


Under the MRP module, you may now see reports pertaining to the Manufacturing Allocation. Make it possible for customers to obtain real-time updates about the status of their manufacturing orders. Indeed, orders should be shown from the customized customer portal via a link that is made in conjunction with a sales order at any stage or in between stages.

Because of these characteristics, customers have a comprehensive understanding of the procedures that go into the production of the items that they have bought. Because of the recent update to the subcontracting site, your subcontractor will be able to keep track of the production on your behalf.

Customers have access to more options and innovative features with the release of Odoo 16.

Introduction Of The All New Knowledge Module

The presentation of Odoo 16 would be lacking without including the knowledge module. Odoo V16 now includes this one-of-a-kind module, which has been incorporated into the platform. It is identical to Wikipedia in every way. The knowledge module will allow experts and managers to collaborate on document production and share their respective areas of expertise with one another.

The All New Knowledge Module

This functionality may be used in conjunction with any of Odoo’s modules. Because the knowledge module will improve communication between the workers and the corporation, it will lead to a rise in the organization’s productivity level.

Odoo V16 is the spot to conclude if you are involved in business and are interested in efficiently expanding your company.

Chatbot and Purchase Enhancements

Users will now have access to information stored on the application server thanks to a chatbot that has been incorporated into the latest version of Odoo (v16). Users would also be able to ask questions and design a decision tree using the upgraded chatbot, allowing them to acquire answers for their processes.

The upgrade to Odoo v16 brought about improvements to the capabilities of the buying module over what was available in earlier versions. For more efficient buying, Odoo version 16 includes a new tool called “Call for Tender.”

You can provide a choice to compare with the first arrangement. In this scenario, you will be given numerous alternatives for a single purchase, and you can select the one that is best appropriate for your needs concerning the purchase.

HR and Sign Module in Odoo 16

With this newly added capability, you can withdraw your consent to sign a document. When making a position request, you also can alter the person who will be given responsibility for fulfilling that function.

Using the sign module, you can set “stress days” for a significant project. On these days, your workers will be aware of the importance of the task at hand. In addition, you have the ability to examine the leaves, available days, and allocations that are associated with Time-Off.

HR and Sign Module in Odoo 16

You may test out the FREE Demo version of the Odoo Gantt View Time-Off App if you need to schedule the days off and the total amount of time that your employees will be required to work. One of the most impressive and popular applications available in the Odoo store, it assists companies in working more efficiently by allowing employees to schedule their absences in advance.

The success of an employee directly correlates to the success of their employer. You may monitor the performance of your workforce by obtaining the data and reports pertaining to their various skill sets. This will enable you to analyze the gaps to plan initiatives appropriately.

Wrapping Up

We hope this tutorial will show you a clear roadmap to Odoo 16 expected features. In light of the fact that development on Odoo 16 is still ongoing, in addition to the things that have been highlighted, we may also see other additional features. Both a streamlined eCommerce setup that will make online selling much more approachable and an accelerated update to the Request for Tender part of the Odoo Purchasing module is included in the new edition. The new version is available now.

In a nutshell, utilizing and operating your company with Odoo version 16 will be straightforward and easy. As a consequence, Odoo makes it possible for you to achieve the maximum possible degree of effectiveness in the administration of your business by incorporating new features and a redesigned user interface. Wait for the release of Odoo V16 so that you may transform your company into a fully functional powerhouse and give your business a fresh boost.

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