How To Install Odoo

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Odoo is a comprehensive enterprise resource planning (ERP) software solution for managing businesses. It features solid operational capabilities that assist you in maintaining full control over your company by utilizing the various well-defined and advanced choices provided by the platform.

Because of its dependability, operational readiness, and advanced control and management capabilities of your business, Odoo is preferred by many business organizations over other business management solutions even though it is one of the top ERP solutions currently available on the market and ranks among the solutions that are currently available.

The user can manage various operations inside Odoo, including customer relationship management (CRM), sales, inventory, reporting, accounting, and the issuing of invoices, amongst others. You will get a basic introduction to how to install Odoo if you continue reading this blog! A wide variety of functions inside Odoo may be used to your company’s advantage.

Table of Contents:

Overview of Odoo for eCommerce

One of the most well-known enterprise resource planning (ERP) software applications, Odoo is a corporate management solution that offers comprehensive capabilities. TinyERP was first founded in the first decade of this century by Fabien Pinckaers, who continues to serve as the company’s Chief Executive Officer. After the platform underwent development to become an open-source platform, the software was rebranded as OpenERP, and the name stuck. 2014 saw the introduction of Odoo version 8, which serves as the foundation for the most recent iteration of the platform that Odoo offers.

Since 2014, Odoo has been releasing a new updated version every year. Currently, we are working with Odoo version 14, the most advanced and quickest Odoo that has ever been made available. The next upgraded version of Odoo, known as Odoo 15, is on its way to being published at the Odoo experience meet 2021, which will be an online event exactly like its previous one owing to the current crisis with the Covid 19 epidemic. The event will take place in the fourth quarter of the year.


Even though it began as a relatively small business, Odoo has now expanded to become one of the most successful corporations in the world. Odoo has approximately 2550 partners, all of them are professionals in the development and implementation of Odoo and other purported services offered by Odoo. With Odoo as its flagship product, the firm has been rapidly expanding its presence in countries all over the world. Odoo is also the name of the corporation. Because of its specialized infrastructure and specialized competence for running operations, it is utilized in more than 100 countries and by more than 5 million users worldwide.

How to install Odoo

So, how to install Odoo? Odoo may be installed in various methods, or it can be used without being installed at all, depending on the scenario being addressed.

This page will make an effort to detail the majority of the available installation choices:

  • Online: The method that makes using Odoo in production or testing it out the simplest.
  • Packaged installers: Appropriate for putting Odoo through its paces, creating new modules, and even working as a production environment in the long run with some extra deployment and upkeep.
  • Install Source (Source): It offers increased flexibility, such as the ability to run different versions of Odoo on the same machine simultaneously. Beneficial for the process of module development and suitable for use as a foundation for production deployments
  • Docker: If you typically use Docker for development or deployment, there is an official Docker base image available for download.


Odoo is available in various editions, the most common of which is the Community and Enterprise editions. On Odoo Online, using the Enterprise edition is an option; however, only Enterprise customers and partners have access to the source code. Everyone has unrestricted access to the Community version of the software.

If you are currently using the Community version and would like to upgrade to the Enterprise version, please refer to Upgrade Community to Enterprise (except for Source Install).

Method 1: Online

Step 1: Set up a demo version

Demo instances of Odoo are accessible for anyone who wants to get a basic understanding of the platform quickly. You may use them to look around and experiment without having to make any kind of commitment since they are shared instances that only exist for a few hours at a time.

Demo instances need just a web browser since they do not need any local installation.

Step 2: Activate Odoo online

Odoo Online offers free private instances and has a simple onboarding process, in addition to being completely maintained by Odoo S.A. and transferred as necessary. Without the need to install it on a local machine, it may be used to learn about and experiment with Odoo, as well as make non-code adjustments that are incompatible with the Odoo Apps Store and custom modules.

It can be used for putting Odoo through its paces as well as for production usage over the long run.

Odoo Online instances need no local installation on the user’s computer and may be accessed with only a web browser, much as demo instances.

Method 2: Packaged installers

For Windows

Step 1: Meet all the basic requirements

Both the Community and Enterprise editions of Odoo come with pre-packaged installation packages for the Windows operating system, as well as deb-based distributions (such as Debian and Ubuntu) and RPM-based distributions (such as Fedora, CentOS, and RHEL).

These packages (for the Community edition) will automatically configure all dependencies; however, maintaining their most recent versions may be challenging.

Our nightly server now provides access to official Community packages complete with all required dependency needs. Our download page makes both the Community and Enterprise versions of the software available for download (you must be logged in as a paying customer or partner to download the Enterprise packages).

Step 2: Manually install Odoo

You may download the Windows installer from our download page, or you can download the installation directly from our nightly server (this option is only accessible to members of the Community) (any edition).

Start the program that was downloaded. You could see a warning that says “Windows protected your PC” if you’re using Windows 8 or a later version. After clicking the More Info button, choose the Run anyhow option. Please go with the UAC prompt. Proceed through the different phases of the installation.

After the installation is complete, Odoo will be set up on its own automatically.

For Linux

Odoo 15’s ‘deb’ package presently supports Debian 11 (Bullseye), Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal), or higher versions of both operating systems.

Step 1: Prepare Debian/Ubuntu

For optimal performance, Odoo must be connected to a PostgreSQL server. Your Odoo instance will utilize the PostgreSQL server that is hosted on the same machine as the Odoo instance if you use the default setup for the Odoo ‘deb’ package. In order to install the PostgreSQL server, carry out the steps outlined in the following command:

 sudo apt install postgresql -y

Step 2: Set up a repository

A repository that is compatible with both the Debian and Ubuntu systems is made available by Odoo S.A. It is possible to use it to install Odoo Community Edition by carrying out the following tasks while logged in as root:

 wget -O - | apt-key add -
 echo "deb ./" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/odoo.list
 apt-get update && apt-get install odoo

After that, you can continue to maintain an up-to-date installation by using the standard apt-get upgrade command.

There is not yet a nightly repository available for the Enterprise Edition at this time.

Step 3: Configure debt package

The ‘deb’ packages for both the Community edition and the Enterprise version may be obtained directly from the official download page. This is an alternative method to utilizing the repository, as was discussed above.

After that, make sure you are logged in as root and perform these commands:

 dpkg -i <path_to_installation_package> # this probably fails with missing dependencies
 apt-get install -f # should install the missing dependencies
 dpkg -i <path_to_installation_package>

This will install Odoo as a service, create the required PostgreSQL user, and begin the process of starting the server automatically. Python3-xlwt is not available as a Debian package in either Debian Buster or Ubuntu 18.04 at this time. To export data into xls format, you will need this particular Python package. If you need the functionality, you may manually install it by following these steps:

 sudo pip3 install xlwt

Python’s num2words package is not available in Debian Buster or Ubuntu 18.04 since it does not exist. Odoo will not represent monetary values in their textual form, which may lead to issues with the l10n mx edi module. In the event that you need this function, you may install it manually by using:

 sudo pip3 install num2words

Step 4: Prepare Fedora 34

Fedora Odoo 15 ‘rpm’ package supports Fedora 34. For optimal performance, Odoo must be connected to a PostgreSQL server. Execute the following command in order to install the PostgreSQL server after first ensuring that the sudo command is both accessible and properly configured:

 sudo dnf install -y postgresql-server
 sudo postgresql-setup --initdb --unit postgresql
 sudo systemctl enable postgresql
 sudo systemctl start postgresql

It is not possible to install wkhtmltopdf using pip; instead, version 0.12.5 requires that it be installed manually in order for it to handle headers and footers. Please go to our wiki for more information and specifics on the different versions.

Odoo S.A. offers a repository that is compatible with Fedora distributions, and it can be accessed via their website. It is possible to install Odoo Community Edition by using it to execute the procedures that are listed below:

 sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo=
 sudo dnf install -y odoo
 sudo systemctl enable odoo
 sudo systemctl start odoo

The ‘rpm’ packages for both the Community edition and the Enterprise version may be obtained directly from the official download page. This is an alternative method to utilizing the repository, which was discussed above.

The ‘dnf’ package manager may be used to install the package when it has been downloaded successfully:

 sudo dnf localinstall odoo_15.0.latest.noarch.rpm
 sudo systemctl enable odoo
 sudo systemctl start odoo

Method 3: Source Install

The “installation” of Odoo from source does not really include installing Odoo; rather, it involves executing Odoo straight from its source code.

When compared to utilizing packaged installation, using unpackaged Odoo might be more convenient for module developers since the Odoo source code is more readily available.

It also makes starting and stopping Odoo more flexible and explicit than the services that are set up by the packaged installs, and it enables altering settings by using command-line options without requiring the user to modify a configuration file.

Last but not least, it offers a higher degree of control over the configuration of the system and makes it possible to maintain various versions of Odoo side by side with less effort.

For Windows

Step 1: Obtain source code

There are two ways to obtain the source code of Odoo: as a zip archive or through Git.

The following steps presume that you are familiar with some of the fundamental Git commands and that Git is already installed on your computer. When you want to clone a Git repository, you have the option of using either HTTPS or SSH to do so. If you are unfamiliar with the differences between the two, HTTPS is most likely going to be the better choice for you. Choose SSH as your connection method if you are going through the Getting started developer training or have plans to contribute to the Odoo source code.

The Enterprise Git repository does not include Odoo’s complete source code in its entirety. It is nothing more than a collection of supplemental addons. The Community version contains the code for the primary server. Starting the Enterprise version requires setting the addons-path option in the server to point to the folder containing the Enterprise version. This may be accomplished by running the server from the Community version. In order to have a fully functional Odoo Enterprise installation, you will need to clone both the Community and the Enterprise repositories. For information on how to access the Enterprise repository, see Editions.

Step 2: Prepare for installation

Python: Odoo cannot run on versions of Python earlier than 3.7. You may get the most recent version of Python 3 for your computer by going to the Python download page and downloading it there.

During the installation process, make sure that the box labeled “Add Python 3 to PATH” is selected. After that, click the “Customize Installation” button and check the box labeled “pip.”

PostgreSQL: Odoo utilizes PostgreSQL as a database management system. Get PostgreSQL from their website and install it (supported version: 10.0 and later).

Because Odoo prohibits connecting as the postgres user and because the only user that exists by default is postgres, you will need to create a new PostgreSQL user:

  1. Include the directory that contains PostgreSQL’s bin files in your PATH. By default, this is C:Program FilesPostgreSQLversion>bin.
  2. Using the pg admin interface, you may create a postgres user and assign them a password.
  3. Open pgAdmin.
  4. Simply creating a connection with the server requires a double click.
  5. Choose the Object > Make a new login role for the group.
  6. In the Role Name section, enter the username you want to use (e.g., odoo).
  7. After you have opened the Definition tab and entered the password (for example, odoo), click the Save button.
  8. Switching may be done by going to the Privileges tab. Can you sign in? to Yes, and Would You Like to Create a Database? to Yes.

Dependencies: You need to download and install the Build Tools for Visual Studio before continuing with the installation of the dependencies. Install the C++ build tools by going to the Workloads tab and selecting them when requested to do so.

The requirements.txt file that can be found at the top level of the Odoo community directory contains a list of the dependencies that Odoo has.

It is recommended that you do not mix the packages of the different python modules across the various instances of Odoo or with your system. To generate Python environments that are completely separate, you may use the virtual tool.

In a terminal with Administrator access, go to the location where you installed Odoo Community (CommunityPath), and then perform the following command on the requirements file using the pip program:

 cd \CommunityPath
 pip install setuptools wheel
 pip install -r requirements.txt

It is not possible to install wkhtmltopdf using pip; instead, version 0.12.5 requires that it be installed manually in order for it to handle headers and footers. Please go to our wiki for more information and specifics on the different versions.

The package rtlcss is required for use with languages that have a user interface that reads from right to left, such as Arabic and Hebrew:

  • Get Node.js and install it on your computer.
  • Set up rtlcss as follows:
  • Change the value of the variable PATH that is stored in the System Environment to include the directory that contains the rtlcss.cmd file (typically: C:Usersuser>AppDataRoamingnpm).
Step 3: Activate Odoo

After all of the requirements have been installed and configured, Odoo may be activated by executing the command-line interface of the server, which is known as odoo-bin. It may be found at the most fundamental level of the Odoo Community directory.

Either command-line arguments or a configuration file may be used to set the server’s parameters while configuring it.

In order to use the Enterprise edition, you will need to provide the addons-path option with the path to the enterprise addons. Take note that it must be placed at the beginning of the addon path before any of the other pathways in order for addons to be loaded properly.

The following are examples of commonly required configurations:

  • Username and password for PostgreSQL.
  • Addon paths that are customized beyond the defaults, allowing you to load your own modules.

The following is an example of a common method for operating the server:

 cd CommunityPath/
 python odoo-bin -r dbuser -w dbpassword --addons-path=addons -d mydb

Where CommunityPath is the path to the installation of Odoo Community, dbuser is the login for PostgreSQL, dbpassword is the password for PostgreSQL, and mydb is the name of the PostgreSQL database.

Open http://localhost:8069 in your web browser after the server has started (you should see the message INFO log odoo.modules.loading: Modules loaded. displayed), and then log in as the base administrator using the following credentials: Please enter admin as the email address, and admin once again as the password. You have successfully logged into your very own Odoo database! Congratulations!

You will then be able to create and manage new users from that location. Both the —db user CLI parameter and the user account that you use to log in to Odoo’s online interface utilize different credentials.

For Linux

Step 1: Obtain source code for Linux

You may acquire the Odoo source code in either a compressed archive format known as a zip file or via a version control system known as Git.

Git: The following steps presume that you are familiar with some of the fundamental Git commands and that Git is already installed on your computer. When you want to clone a Git repository, you have the option of using either HTTPS or SSH to do so. If you are unfamiliar with the differences between the two, HTTPS is most likely going to be the better choice for you. Choose SSH as your connection method if you are going through the Getting started developer training or have plans to contribute to the Odoo source code.

The Enterprise Git repository does not include Odoo’s complete source code in its entirety. It is nothing more than a collection of supplemental addons. The Community version contains the code for the primary server. Starting the Enterprise version requires setting the addons-path option in the server to point to the folder containing the Enterprise version. This may be accomplished by running the server from the Community version. In order to have a fully functional Odoo Enterprise installation, you will need to clone both the Community and the Enterprise repositories. For information on how to access the Enterprise repository, see Editions.

Step 2: Prepare codes

Odoo cannot run on versions of Python earlier than 3.7. If Python 3 has not already been downloaded and installed on your computer, you may do it with the help of the package manager.

PostgreSQL: Odoo utilizes PostgreSQL as a database management system. You may download and install PostgreSQL with the help of your package manager (supported version: 10.0 and later).

It is possible to do this on Debian or Ubuntu by running the following command:

 sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-client

Because Odoo prohibits connecting as the postgres user and because the only user that exists by default is postgres, you will need to create a new PostgreSQL user:

 sudo -u postgres createuser -s $USER
 createdb $USER

You will be able to connect to the database without needing to provide a password if the name of your PostgreSQL user is the same as the name of your Unix login.

Dependencies: Before installing the Python dependencies that Odoo requires, you must first install the development tools and native dependencies that are essential for libraries that use native code. For Python, PostgreSQL, libxml2, libxslt1, libevent, libsasl2, and libldap2, you may find them in the -dev or -devel packages.

The following command should install all of the necessary libraries on a computer running Debian or Ubuntu:

 sudo apt install python3-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev libldap2-dev libsasl2-dev \
    libtiff5-dev libjpeg8-dev libopenjp2-7-dev zlib1g-dev libfreetype6-dev \
    liblcms2-dev libwebp-dev libharfbuzz-dev libfribidi-dev libxcb1-dev libpq-dev

The requirements.txt file that can be found at the top level of the Odoo community directory contains a list of the dependencies that Odoo has.

It is recommended that you do not mix the packages of the different python modules across the various instances of Odoo or with your system. To generate Python environments that are completely separate, you may use the virtualenv tool.

To execute pip on the requirements file, go to the directory in which you installed Odoo Community (CommunityPath) and then press Enter.

It is not possible to install wkhtmltopdf using pip; instead, version 0.12.5 requires that it be installed manually in order for it to handle headers and footers. Please go to our wiki for more information and specifics on the different versions.

The package rtlcss is required for use with languages that have a user interface that reads from right to left, such as Arabic and Hebrew. You may use your package manager to download Node.js and npm and then install them. Set up rtlcss as follows:

Step 3: Run Odoo

After all of the provided requirements have been installed and configured, Odoo may be activated by executing the command-line interface of the server, which is known as odoo-bin. It may be found at the most fundamental level of the Odoo Community directory.

Either command-line arguments or a configuration file may be used to set the server’s parameters while configuring it.

In order to use the Enterprise edition, you will need to provide the addons-path option with the path to the enterprise addons. Take note that it must be placed at the beginning of the addons-path before any of the other pathways in order for addons to be loaded properly.

The following are examples of common required configurations:

  • Username and password for PostgreSQL. Odoo does not have any defaults of its own; it connects to a psycopg2 database via a UNIX socket on port 5432 using the current user’s credentials and does not need a password.
  • Addon paths that are customized beyond the defaults, allowing you to load your own modules.

The following is an example of a common method for operating the server:

 cd /CommunityPath
 python3 odoo-bin --addons-path=addons -d mydb

In this example, CommunityPath refers to the location where Odoo Community was installed, and mydb is the name of the PostgreSQL database.

Open http://localhost:8069 in your web browser after the server has started (you should see the message INFO log odoo.modules.loading: Modules loaded. displayed), and then log in as the base administrator using the following credentials: Please enter admin as the email address, and admin once again as the password. You have successfully logged into your very own Odoo database! Congratulations!

You will then be able to create and manage new users from that location. Both the —db user CLI parameter and the user account that you use to log in to Odoo’s online interface utilize different credentials.

For MacOS

Step 1: Obtain source code for MacOS

The procedures that follow assume that you are familiar with some of the basic Git commands and that Git is already installed on your computer. When cloning a Git repository, you have the choice of doing it through HTTPS or SSH. If you are unfamiliar with the distinctions between the two, HTTPS is probably the best option for you. If you wish to contribute to the Odoo source code or are going through the Getting started developer training, use SSH as your connection method.

Odoo’s whole source code is not available in the Enterprise Git repository. It is only a collection of supplementary addons. The code for the primary server is included in the Community version. Starting the Enterprise version necessitates configuring the server’s addons-path option to point to the folder holding the Enterprise version. This is possible by starting the server from the Community version. Cloning both the Community and the Enterprise repositories is required for a fully working Odoo Enterprise installation. See Editions for details on how to access the Enterprise repository.

Step 2: Prepare codes for installation

Python version 3.7 or later is required to run Odoo. If Python 3 has not already been downloaded and installed on your computer, you can do it with the help of your preferred package manager, such as homebrew or macports. In the event that Python 3 is already present on the system, check to see that the version is at least 3.7, as lower versions are not compatible with Odoo.

Make sure that the pip package is also installed for this version.

Odoo utilizes PostgreSQL as a database management system. Downloading and setting up PostgreSQL may be done with the help of (supported version: 10.0 and later). Be careful to configure your $PATH variable in accordance with the instructions provided in the CLI Tools Instructions in order to make the command line tools that come included with accessible. Because Odoo prohibits connecting as the postgres user and because the only user that exists by default is postgres, you will need to create a new PostgreSQL user:

 sudo -u postgres createuser -s $USER
 createdb $USER

You will be able to connect to the database without needing to enter a password if the name of your PostgreSQL user is the same as the name of your Unix login.

The requirements.txt file that can be found at the top level of the Odoo community directory contains a list of the dependencies that Odoo has. It is recommended that you do not mix the packages of the different python modules between the various instances of Odoo or with your system. To generate Python environments that are completely separate, you can use the virtualenv tool.

To execute pip on the requirements file, navigate to the directory in which you installed Odoo Community (CommunityPath) and then press Enter.

Step 3: Run and activate Odoo

After all requirements have been installed and configured, Odoo may be activated by executing the command-line interface of the server, which is known as odoo-bin. It may be found at the most fundamental level of the Odoo Community directory. Either command-line arguments or a configuration file can be specified to set the server’s parameters while configuring it.

In order to use the Enterprise edition, you will need to include the addons-path option with the path to the enterprise addons. Take note that it must be placed at the beginning of the addons-path before any of the other pathways in order for addons to be loaded properly.

The most common essential configurations are the username and password for PostgreSQL. Odoo does not have any defaults of its own; it connects to a psycopg2 database via a UNIX socket on port 5432 using the current user’s credentials and does not need a password. Addon paths that are customized beyond the defaults, allowing you to load your own modules. The following is an example of a common method for operating the server:

 cd /CommunityPath
 python3 odoo-bin --addons-path=addons -d mydb

In this example, CommunityPath refers to the location where Odoo Community was installed, and mydb is the name of the PostgreSQL database.

It’s possible that running certain versions of Python on a Mac will result in an error message that says “current limit exceeds the maximum limit.” If this is the case, add the following argument to your script: —limit-memory-hard 0. This will prevent the issue from occurring.

Open http://localhost:8069 in your web browser after the server has started (you should see the message INFO log odoo.modules.loading: Modules loaded. displayed), and then log in as the base administrator using the following credentials: Please enter admin as the email address, and admin once more as the password. You have successfully logged into your very own Odoo database! Congratulations!


We hope this tutorial will help you clear your mind on how to install Odoo. Because it is open-source software for managing businesses, Odoo receives help from the community that developed it. The Odoo community is made up of official Odoo partners, Odoo consultants, Odoo developers, and anybody else who uses Odoo or supports it in some way. Therefore, if you want any service associated with Odoo, you will need to contact official Odoo partners and select the most suitable option among them.

The Odoo community edition and the Odoo enterprise edition are accessible to users of the open-source content management system Odoo. On the one hand, the Odoo Community Edition might be considered a basic version of Odoo because it can be utilized with a limited set of features. In addition, it is not feasible to make significant adjustments to it. On the other hand, the Odoo enterprise edition is the more complex version of Odoo. Within this edition, substantial customizations may be made during development, and unique Odoo apps can be implemented.

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