Odoo Expert Tips: How To Improve SEO In Odoo

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Raising the visibility of a website or web page to users on a search engine is known as search engine optimization, or SEO for short. The goal of this process is to boost the quality as well as the amount of website traffic. When consumers visit your website and discover that it consistently achieves high rankings in the search engine results pages (SERPs), they will naturally develop a sense of trust in your business.

Odoo Website and Odoo eCommerce users will have great SEO because Odoo abstracts all the technical complexity of SEO and manages everything for you in the best possible way. This guarantees that Odoo Website and Odoo eCommerce users will have a fantastic SEO. This will be discussed in more detail below.

Odoo can help you solve most of the challenges you have in running your business. If you want to develop an online presence for your company, Odoo has a module specifically designed for that purpose. You may want to know how to increase SEO in Odoo or optimize your Odoo website for search engine results. Therefore, in today’s blog, we will show you how to improve SEO in Odoo. So, let’s dive in! Table of contents:

Important factors for a high-ranking eCommerce website

Here are some crucial SEO ranking factors to consider:

  • Websites should be mobile friendly; mobile devices contributed 52.6 percent of worldwide internet traffic.
  • It is helpful to enhance relevant and organic search traffic to your webpage if you target the appropriate keywords for that page. Imagine that you are a reader searching for the pertinent term. This indicates that you should look for a keyword you believe you would search for on the internet to find out the results.
  • Write a meta description at roughly 160 characters; snappy and incorporates your keyword phrase.
  • Connecting your webpage is vital since a page without any link raises the likelihood of a high bounce rate. Additionally, be sure that the external links you include in your webpage should open in a new tab.
  • The URL of your webpage should be easy to grasp for people as well as search engines. Consequently, build a URL that incorporates keywords connected to your website.

How to improve SEO in Odoo

Optimize your content

The ‘title’ and ‘description’ metadata must be defined on every web page. The promotion of your website will also include the utilization of these information pieces by search engines. You can make adjustments to them, but they are created automatically depending on the page title and content. Ensure they are relevant to the information shown on the page; otherwise, search engines may penalize your site.

The fact that the first stage involves locating those high-value search phrases that your potential clients could utilize shouldn’t surprise you. E-commerce keyword research, which can be carried out in various methods, is one method you may use to accomplish this goal.

Content is king

When it comes to search engine optimization (SEO), content is King. Odoo gives you access to a number of modules that might assist you in building the content of your website, including:

  • On the Odoo Blogs, produce excellent material.
  • With Odoo Slides, you may publish any PowerPoint or PDF presentations you have created. On the website, their material is automatically indexed by search engines. Example: odoo.com/slides/public-channel-1
  • Let members of your community contribute material to your Odoo Forum. For example, odoo.com/forum/1 (which accounts for thirty percent of all landing pages on Odoo.com).
  • Publish email list archives to your website with the help of the Odoo Mailing List Archive. odoo.com/groups/community-59 is an example of this. (one thousand new pages added per month)

Make use of social media

Although social media does not directly affect SEO rankings, increasing brand awareness may be accomplished via the sharing of relevant links across various social networks. They contribute together and have an effect on search engine optimization in six different ways:

  • Extensive content dissemination.
  • Your postings will have a longer shelf life.
  • Increase your internet presence and the amount of organic traffic you receive.
  • Boost the awareness of your brand.
  • Improve the overall image of the brand.
  • Enhances the performance of local search engine optimization (SEO).

Social media

Your shares on other social networking sites do not factor towards search engine results in any way. Yet, the more individuals share your material across social media platforms, and the more social signals are generated that suggest your postings are beneficial to the audience you are trying to reach.

Improve your page speed

The amount of time it takes for a website to load completely is an essential factor for search engines. A quicker website not only provides an improved experience for your visitors but also provides you with an improved page ranking. Studies have shown that if you cut the amount of time it takes for your pages to load in half (for example, from four seconds to two seconds), the percentage of visitors that leave your site is cut in half as well. (25% to 12.5%). If a page takes one second longer to load than it should, Amazon may lose $1.6 billion in revenue.

Page speed

Odoo, to your relief, handles all of the tricky parts for you. You can find a list of the strategies that Odoo employs to reduce the amount of time it takes for your page to load below. These two tools, Google Page Speed and the Pingdom Website Speed Test, will allow you to evaluate how well your website performs in comparison to others.

Improve CSS

Using the CSS feature, you can also improve your page speed and optimize SEO in Odoo. Each and every one of the CSS files has been preprocessed, concatenated, minified, compressed, and cached (server-side and browser-side). Bootstrap is the CSS framework that Odoo utilizes. Although an individual theme might make use of a different framework, the vast majority of Odoo themes directly extend and modify Bootstrap. As a consequence of Odoo’s support for Less and Sass, it is possible to tweak CSS rules rather than overwriting them with additional CSS lines. This results in a file that is more compact.

Improve SEO effectively with apps

Odoo SEO-URL Redirect Rewrite

Make your online store more search engine optimized by rewriting your website URLs and increasing the searchability of your website pages. In addition, this module adds a capability to your internet shop that allows you to redirect URLs. The Redirect function allows you to send an instructive message to the browser of your client, informing them that the page they were viewing has been relocated, and then it will proceed to transition to a new page that you select automatically.

Odoo SEO-URL Redirect Rewrite

Outstanding features:

  • To make the URL more search engine friendly, delete “/shop/product” from each catalog product’s URL.
  • In order to make the URL more search engine friendly, it is necessary to delete “/shop/category” from product public category URLs.
  • To change the URL of a page on your website from its source to its destination.
  • Handle category URLs in addition to product URLs on the website.
  • Immediate and automated referral to the product public categories.

Price: $45.00

Odoo Website SEO Suite

Now, you need to support the growth of your e-commerce website by increasing the exposure of your website and the organic traffic that visits it. Users of the Odoo website SEO Suite are given the ability to apply meta-title, meta-description, and meta-keywords to the items and categories that they manage. In addition, the backend of Odoo allows for the simple creation of these properties at any time.

Odoo Website SEO Suite

Outstanding features:

  • This module allows you to set meta-data for your Odoo website at the product and category levels, respectively.
  • Inside Odoo, you can customize a product’s or category’s meta-title, meta-description, and meta-keywords.
  • To facilitate the expansion of your online storefront, it assists you in boosting the exposure of your website as well as the organic traffic that visits it.
  • Examine how the meta-data will be presented on the search result page for Google.
  • You’ll get assistance in ranking your website pages on the Google search engine, bringing in more visitors, and making selling easier for you.

Price: $59.00

Wrapping Up

We hope that at the end of this tutorial, you will have a better understanding of how to improve SEO in Odoo. E-commerce cannot function well without SEO since it helps businesses become more visible on search engine results pages (SERPs). Your website will have a higher ranking in the results if you optimize it for users, build pages that handle certain keywords and user intent, and gain backlinks from other websites. When you use this strategy for additional pages, a greater number of those pages will begin to rank. Spending less on paid marketing may be accomplished by increasing the amount of website traffic that comes from organic search results.

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