How to Enrich your Contacts Base with Partner Autocomplete in Odoo

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Customer or client data is a necessary component for any organization. For a business to function, the database needs to be maintained. To maintain a positive relationship with customers, CRM, or customer relationship management, entails managing interactions with both current and potential customers.

A strong CRM has the power to significantly alter the company’s revenue. With the help of Odoo CRM, you can manage your client and customer pipeline with unparalleled efficiency, not only for updating and arranging the data but also for improving the contact information for the consumer.

That is why Odoo made it their mission to integrate this feature into their beginner-friendly software. On this note, we will now go through the process of How to Enrich your contacts base with Partner Autocomplete in Odoo together. By following these three simple steps, you can get started with Partner Autocomplete today and start seeing the benefits right away!

Table of Contents

Reasons to Enrich your contacts base with Partner Autocomplete?

The Partner Autocomplete function in Odoo is essentially a search tool that enables you to find a specific partner from a large list quickly. It is integrated into various forms and views in Odoo, and it is particularly useful when you are working with a large number of partners.

There are several reasons why it can be beneficial to use **Partner Autocomplete to enrich your contacts database:

  1. Increased accuracy: Partner Autocomplete helps ensure that your contact information is accurate and up-to-date by automatically populating it with corporate data.

  2. Time-saving: Instead of having to manually enter all of the information for each new contact, Partner Autocomplete streamlines the process by automatically populating the information for you.

  3. Improved efficiency: By having accurate and up-to-date information for each of your contacts, you can more easily and efficiently manage your relationships with them.

  4. Better decision-making: With more comprehensive and accurate information about your contacts, you can make more informed decisions about how to best interact with and support them.

  5. Increased customer satisfaction: Having accurate and up-to-date information about your contacts can help you provide better customer service and support, leading to increased customer satisfaction.

In summary, using Partner Autocomplete to enrich your contacts database can help you improve the accuracy, efficiency, and overall quality of your business relationships.

How to Enrich your contacts base with Partner Autocomplete in Odoo

Step 1. Configuration

The first step to using Partner Autocomplete is to enable the feature in your Odoo software account. To do this, navigate to the “Settings section and select Contacts. From there, simply activate the Partner Autocomplete feature with a single click. This will allow you to start using the feature from any module within Odoo.

The Partner Autocomplete feature

Step 2. Enrich your contacts with corporate data

Now that you have enabled the feature, it is time to put it to use. When creating a new contact in Odoo, the system will provide a suggestion of a potential match based on the name that you have typed. If you select the suggested contact, it will be automatically populated with corporate data, providing you with a wealth of information at your fingertips.

For instance, if you type in the name Odoo, the contact information will be displayed, including the company’s name, address, and other relevant details.

Contact suggestion using the Partner Autocomplete feature

Besides suggesting relevant contacts, you can also click on the suggested individual to see their detailed contact information, as well as their job position.

Additional information from the Partner Autocomplete feature

It is worth noting that the Partner Autocomplete feature also works if you enter a VAT number instead of a company name, providing you with even more ways to find and enrich your contacts.

In addition, here are a few tips for making the most of the partner autocomplete function in Odoo:

  • Keep your partner information up-to-date: This will make it easier to find the partners you are looking for, and it will also help to ensure that the information displayed in the system is accurate.
  • Use filters to narrow down the list of partners: If you are looking for a specific type of partner, such as a customer or a supplier, use filters to narrow down the list of partners and make it easier to find the one you need.
  • Make use of wildcards: If you are not sure of the exact name or identifier of the partner you are looking for, you can use wildcards to search for partners that match a specific pattern.
  • Customize the autocomplete list: You can customize the autocomplete list to display the information that is most relevant to your business. For example, you can add fields such as the partner’s email address, phone number, or any other identifier that is relevant to your business.

Step 3. Pricing

In order for you to use the Partner Autocomplete service, you will need to purchase prepaid credits. This service is available as an In-App Purchase (IAP) and each request will consume one credit once at a time.

To buy credits, simply go to the Settings, navigate to the Contacts section, and select the Partner Autocomplete option. Alternatively, you can go to the Odoo IAP section and select the View My Services option to purchase a package of credits.

The Buy credits option in the Contacts section

In case the credits you own are exhausted, only the website link and the logo of the suggested company will be filled in when clicked. Furthermore, if you are using Odoo Online with the Enterprise version, you are eligible for free trial credits to test the Partner Autocomplete feature.


In conclusion, Partner Autocomplete is a valuable tool for optimizing partner management in Odoo. With its simple configuration process and ability to quickly and easily enrich your contacts database with corporate data, it is a great solution for businesses of all sizes looking to streamline their partner management processes.

By using Partner Autocomplete to enrich your contacts, you’ll have access to more comprehensive corporate data, helping you to better manage your contacts and ensure that you have the most up-to-date information at your fingertips.

Now that we have gone through the 3 steps of How to Enrich your contacts base with Partner Autocomplete in Odoo together, we hope that you will be making good use of this feature for your business venture!

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