How to Customize Your Catalog Page in Odoo

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The product catalog is the most crucial component of any successful e-commerce website. The attractiveness of your catalog and how simple it is to utilize could make or break a deal. It is your opportunity to introduce your items to existing clients as well as prospects for future business, and it is possible that it will be the very first page of your website that existing customers see.

Why, therefore, would you want to create a catalog that is so generic that it looks just like the catalogs that your competitors produce? Your e-commerce catalog will stand out from those of competitors if you create a bespoke product catalog for it. This will also make it more comprehensive. That is why in today’s tutorial, we will show you how to customize your catalog page in Odoo.

Table of contents:

Benefits of customizing catalog page for eCommerce business

One of the most significant advantages of having a custom catalog developed is the freedom to design the appearance of the product catalog in any way you see suitable. You are able to ensure that the catalog pages will fit in flawlessly with the other sections of your website. In addition, if you have a specific amount of things that you want to be displayed on each page or if you want detailed information displayed on each page, bespoke development will provide you the ability to make those essential selections.

Using generic product catalog-building software will bind you to specific templates, reducing the number of possibilities available to you in terms of layout and design. Instead of getting to determine how you want your catalog to look, decisions are made based on what the program will allow you to accomplish. This makes it difficult to make informed choices. Because it is both your company and your product catalog, you really ought to be the one in charge. You are able to make those choices on your own with the help of custom development.

How to customize your catalog page in Odoo

Step 1: Customize the product catalog

Within the Odoo Website module, the corporate website’s Product Catalog that is displayed can very quickly be modified to reflect the user’s preferences. This is something that can be done according to the demands and necessities of your corporation or business. Odoo provides a wide variety of possibilities for advanced customization, which allows for flawless management of all activities.

You have access to the website catalog, which has a variety of different customization options and from which the customize tab may be accessed. The Shops tab of the dashboard provides access to your website’s product catalog, which may be browsed at any time.

All of the items that are now available in your catalog will be shown in the window of the product catalog that can be seen above. You are provided with a search tool that will make it easy for you to locate the product you need inside the product catalog. In addition to this, you have the ability to sort the data according to the price (in either the sense of price high to low or price low to high), the most recent arrival, or the name. You can gain access to these options by selecting the appropriate Sort By option.

Customize the product catalog

In addition, you have the option of viewing the Shops page either in Grid format or List view. The following image depicts the List view of the window.

Name, picture, and cost are shown next to each item in the list that is being presented. The icons for performing various actions, such as adding items to your shopping cart, creating a wish list, and comparing products, are always shown.

You can see the several options for filtering content by looking at the side of the website page that is on the left. You are able to narrow down the list by selecting criteria such as Legs, duration, size, gender, and fabric, among others. On the very top of the window, you’ll see icons that allow you to access My Cart, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Step 2: Highlight some specific products

Increase the visibility of your featured or promoted products by moving them to the top of the page, making them larger, and adding a ribbon that can be customized. Launch the Shop page, toggle to Edit mode, and then click any item on the grid to begin personalizing the layout.

Step 3: Adjust the comparison module

On the page that lists the shops, there is an option to compare different products. Under the description of each product, there is a symbol of two arrows that point in opposite directions; this represents the product comparison.

When you select your product from this menu and then click on the Compare button, it will be put to the page where you can compare products. A pop-up window similar to the one shown below will appear with an inventory of all the items that have been selected.

You are able to compare up to four different goods at the same time using Odoo. You will be transported to a new page where you can view all of the goods that you picked when you click on the Compare button that is located in the pop-up window. An example of this can be seen in the image that follows.

Now that we’ve covered everything there is to know about the product comparison section of the Website module, let’s move on to the Wishlist function.

Step 4: Configure Wishlist

In addition to the option of Comparing Products, Odoo also provided the option of Creating a Wishlist. This wishlist option was designed with the intention of providing a more enjoyable purchasing experience for your customers and visitors.

In addition to this, it has the potential to be used as a marketing strategy because it gives customers the opportunity to include on a list the interesting things they currently own or those they may have the opportunity to purchase in the near or far future. The customer has the ability to maintain a customized collection of fascinating products with the goal of making a purchase of them in the near or distant future.

Configure Wishlist

The ability to add a product to one’s Wishlist may also be found on each individual product description page on the website. This option, which is denoted by a symbol of a heart, provides customers with the ideal means by which they can store the things that they are interested in purchasing in a user account that is distinct from the Cart option.

You have the ability to add as many things to the wishlist as you see fit according to your preferences. The symbol for the wishlist, which is located at the very top of the page and is emphasized in the image that follows, will update with a list of all the products that have been added to the list.

Now that we have it out of the way, let’s look at the Cart option.

Step 5: Configure the Quick add to cart feature

If your users prefer to buy a lot of things all at once, you can make the purchasing process easier for them by allowing them to do so directly from the catalog page. Add a description of the product and a button that says “add to cart” to accomplish this. Activate the following features by selecting them from the Customize menu: List View, List View with Add to Cart, and Product Description (to display product description better).

The option to “Add to Cart” is very necessary. The shoppers were provided with a helpful aid in the form of a separate section in which they could list the needed things that they wanted to acquire. Customers who wish to purchase multiple things at once will find this temporary list to be of great assistance. From the customization menu, you have the option to activate the Add to Cart function. When you enable this option, it will be displayed under each item that is presented on the page once you have activated the option.

To add the item to your shopping cart, you can do so by clicking the “Add to Cart” button. After that, you may examine the things in your cart by clicking on the icon that looks like a shopping cart that is located at the very top of the page.

On the cart page, which can be seen in the image to the right, each of the things that we have placed in the cart will be displayed. If a product or service is eligible for any deals, discounts, or special offers, the specifics of such deals will be presented in the basket as well. If a customer wishes to buy an optional product that is recommended together with the primary product, then the optional items that we set up, along with the product description, will also be displayed to that customer. Simply choose the item you wish to get rid of, then click the “Delete” icon. Additionally, the quantity of the goods can be altered by clicking the plus or minus button that is provided. These buttons are provided for your convenience. In addition, the window will display the promo code, if there is one, as well as the subtotal amount, the amount that applies to taxes, and the total amount. You will need to scroll down the window in order to view these specifics.

Configure the "Quick add to cart" feature

You are able to shop for different things by clicking the Continue Shopping button that is located in the lower left-hand corner of the window. By clicking on this button, you will be taken to the page containing the product list. You are able to submit your order and continue with the checkout process when you click the Process Checkout option that is located on the top right and bottom of the screen after you have checked and evaluated the things that are currently in the shopping cart. Now, the specifics of your order, including invoicing and payment information, will be presented.

You have the choice of paying with either a credit card or a wire transfer. You are free to fill out all of the essential details if the payment is being processed through your credit card. At the bottom of this window are the options to Pay Now and Return to Cart. After ensuring that the information is correct, you will be able to pick the Pay Now option. If your payment was processed without any problems, the following window will show you your payment details if the transaction was successful.

The back end of the platform contains information about the many payment acquirers that can be used to make payments. The platform also allows for the installation of additional payment gateways.


We hope this article will help you clear your mind on how to customize your catalog page in Odoo. Having a custom catalog developed for your business gives you the ability to use the same product catalog for various online shops. Dealing with multiple product catalogs can be time-consuming and expensive for a company that sells its products through various e-commerce websites.

For example, if you have one website for the general public and another for your preferred customers, you will need to maintain multiple product catalogs. It will be simple for you to rapidly add new products and categories to your storefronts once you have developed a bespoke catalog that can be used across all of your different locations. Through the use of custom development, you are able to make specific things in the catalog exclusive to a single one of the stores if that is what you like.

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