How To Create A Campaign In Odoo

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When it comes to automating our marketing processes, marketing automation is the most effective technique. The marketing automation procedures are carried out with cutting-edge software, which ensures that the end product will be impressive. It will most certainly be of assistance to you in boosting the earnings of your company, in addition to assisting you in saving extra time and effort.

The program covers every aspect of a business suit in its entirety. In addition, Odoo provides you with a marketing automation module that is clearly defined and is able to be simply linked with CRM operations. You’ll have no trouble configuring automated and very precise campaigns using the Odoo Marketing Automation platform that’s at your disposal.

The Marketing Automation software enables marketers to design a complete campaign together with all of its stages in a single location on a single dashboard. This eliminates the need for marketers to build each step of a campaign manually, which may include a series of scheduled mass emails, for example. That’s why in today’s tutorial, we will show you how to create a campaign in Odoo marketing automation.

Table of contents:

The importance of creating a marketing campaign for eCommerce businesses

There are a lot of different approaches to take when it comes to e-commerce marketing, which is the process of bringing visitors to the top of the sales funnel in the hopes of converting that traffic into purchases and new customers.

It is possible to mix and match paid methods with non-paid strategies in order to figure out which marketing mix converts the most people. Some examples of paid strategies include focusing on organic traffic and SEO, as well as employing Facebook or Google advertisements to generate targeted visitors.

Nonetheless, marketing campaigns are never just one thing. Your strategy to achieve the maximum return on ad spend and operating costs connected with non-paid growth initiatives like SEO will need to be updated when new marketing strategies and marketplace algorithms become available.

How to create a campaign in Odoo

Step 1: Configure the campaign dashboard

Let’s begin by looking at the home dashboard window that the Odoo marketing module offers. Please permit us to paint you a picture of the window down below.


You are able to see all of the campaigns that have been defined for this platform inside this Campaign window. You may enter the window for creating campaigns by clicking the Create icon that is located in the upper left-hand corner of the window. The photograph of the window is shown below for your perusal.

Configure the campaign dashboard

You have the ability to examine a large number of choices inside this creation window, and each of these options will make it simpler for you to carry out the many tasks associated with your campaign. Let’s talk about each of the available choices below.

Step 2: Fill in the basic information of a campaign

To begin, we are able to supply the Name of the Campaign in the area that has been allocated for it. The name might be provided by us as the Nurture Lead. After that, we can go back to the option Target and change the Target model there. In this regard, Odoo provides various options for setting the target model. You have the option of selecting your target model from a dropdown menu that is provided. The picture that follows depicts a highlighted instance of the dropdown menu.

Using the option labeled “Search More,” you can search for other target models. After clicking the SearchMore button, a pop-up window with the model description will appear in front of you, as can be seen in the screenshot to the right.

Fill in the basic information of a campaign

You may choose your target model using this window’s dropdown menu. At this point, we can select the Lead/Opportunity model as the target one. Then there is the filter option, which enables us to do complex filtering with only a few mouse clicks. By using this feature, we can narrow down our target model only to include the necessary individuals. Therefore, let us choose to apply a FILTER to the record to match it with a certain rule.

You may search for the parameters you provide using this dropdown menu. In this section, we can configure the leads, particularly the ones we have at various phases. Therefore, we are able to search for it based on both the Stage and the Stage Name. Now that we have this information, we can see that 39 Records match this rule. In this section of the window, you can Delete nodes, Add nodes, and Add branches in the bottom right corner of the window. You may include more nodes by clicking the button labeled “Add node.”

Step 3: Add new activities

Now is the time to talk about bringing a new activity to this location. You may create a new activity by using the “ADD NEW ACTIVITY” button located in the left-bottom corner of the window. When you click on this button, a pop-up window similar to the one shown below will be shown to you.

Add new activities

Through the use of this window, you will be able to arrange a variety of activities that have been prepared for your campaign. You may supply the relevant information in the activity creation window that is now open. Therefore, the first step is to determine the name of the activity. You can select either email, Server Action, or SMS as the Activity Type. After that, you’ll be able to add mail templates. The Mail Template field in Odoo allows you to make changes to your email templates as you see fit. You may customize the email template by using the window that is shown below.

You may design a marketing template that is fully adjustable by using this window. In this section, you can enter your message’s topic into the Field Labeled Mailing, and the Send From option will be automatically assigned. On the tab labeled “Mail Body,” you will see a selection of templates from which you may choose. In addition, the system supports and provides a selection of building blocks that may be personalized, each of which can be utilized to create new templates in an amazing way.

Marketing templates

You may find some extra choices for that particular setting under the Options menu. You can attach a file using the Mailing option that is accessible via this tab. You may pick the option that is offered to ATTACH A FILE. You can set the Reply-To field to either the Recipient Followers or the Specified Email Address fields. In the case of Recipient Followers, the answers are sent to the target document, and in the case of Specified Email Address, they are sent to the specified email address. You can give the email address in the space that has been supplied.

When you have finished supplying the mail template window with all the required information, you can click on the Store button to save the information.

Step 4: Set up a time for the campaign

Now that we are back in the Campaign creation window, you will see that the Trigger option is located on the right-hand side of the window. This option allows you to establish triggers in various ways, including Hours, Days, Weeks, and Months. For instance, here, we can select a time interval of one hour from the campaign’s start or one day after the letter is opened, amongst many other options.

Set up a time for the campaign

After that, you may talk about the Activity. After that, you can access the option called Expiry Duration. You can enable the feature that will prevent your actions from being carried out once a certain length of time has elapsed. If you choose to choose a time length, the activity will be terminated at the end of the allotted amount of time.

Step 5: Configure Campaign filters

You will find the ActivityFilter option in the Domain section, and you can use that choice to apply the filter to a particular activity. You can make changes to the domain by selecting the EDIT DOMAIN option from the menu. You can see the chosen records after you have picked the Record.

You can see the chosen records

In addition, the AppliedFilter option will make it possible for you to match records with all of the applicable rules that have been provided. Therefore, the action can only be carried out if the record fulfills the requirements of this domain. After that, you may save the newly created activity by clicking “SAVE & CLOSE.” On the other side, you are able to create a number of different activities by clicking the SAVE & NEW option. Within the campaign window, you can now monitor your action’s process.

Because of this depiction, you will have an easier time understanding how the workflow was constructed as well as the particulars of each action. If we need to customize our campaign to include new activities, we may do so by clicking the button labeled “ADD NEW ACTIVITY,” which is made accessible to us. You have the ability to save the Campaign at any time by clicking on the SAVE button that is provided. After that, you can begin the process of executing the campaign by clicking the START button. The campaign’s status has been updated, and it is now considered to be RUNNING rather than NEW. Finally, you are able to interrupt the marketing campaign at any time by clicking the button labeled “STOP,” which is made accessible to you.

Configure Campaign filters

You have access to a wide variety of settings inside the Workflow, including Filter and the buttons, Sent, Clicked, Replied, and Bounced. These buttons provide you the ability to see the participant of the campaign to whom the emails were sent and did not bounce, participants of the campaign who clicked on emails, participants of the campaign who responded to emails, and participants of the campaign whose emails bounced. In addition, the graph will display the number of successful and unsuccessful attempts.

In addition, there are some more intelligent buttons that can be found on the upper right side of the window. In the graphic below, the terms Participants, Clicks, SMS, and templates are emphasized.

If you click on the button that says participant, you will be sent to a new window where you can see a list of everyone participating in the campaign. An illustration of the window may be seen below here.

This window will provide a list of all of the Participants’ Names, in addition to the Target Model, the Status, and the specifics of the Campaign that is linked with them. Now that we have the list of participants let’s see the information by clicking on one of them. We may choose the first contestant, Gemini Furniture’s Oscar Morgan, by clicking on his name. After that, you will be brought to the window seen in the following picture.

You are able to examine the activities that have been set for participants in this window that is dedicated to the participants’ information. The process begins at a certain moment, and it is possible to observe each activity together with its associated time and date. This window not only details the activities that have been completed for the participant but also the activities that have been planned for the participant. By pressing the “Execute” button that is made accessible to us, we are also able to run the activities manually for the participant. The picture that follows shows a highlighted version of the Run button.

You also have the option to terminate the activity by clicking the icon labeled “Cancel,” which is located next to the button labeled “Run.”

Now that we are back in the Campaign creation window let’s click on another smart button. The Templates tab can be found just to the right of the Participants tab. When you click on this button, you will be sent to a new window where you can examine all of the Marketing automation mailings windows. An image of this window can be found further down on this page.

Campaign creation window

You are now looking at the window in its List format; alternatively, you may examine the data as a graphical representation. You can examine the information of all of the mailings, including the Subject, Activities, Recipients, Responsible, Scheduled, Sent Date, Sent Bounced, Delivered, Opened, Clicked, and Replied to in this pane.

Wrapping up

In conclusion, we have gone over all of the essential procedures and features for developing and building engaging campaigns using the unique marketing automation module available in Odoo 14 Marketing Automation. We hope you can now know how to create a campaign in Odoo. Putting out a well-thought-out plan for promoting your e-commerce business is a difficult task.

On the other hand, a huge variety of tactics and channels can assist in increasing online sales, and this number will keep expanding. When you initially start working on an e-commerce marketing plan, being thoughtful about everything you do is really necessary, even though you might be inclined to rush things.

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