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How to Setup Google Adwords Conversion Tracking in Magento 2

Google Adwords and Google Universal Analytics are both the awesome Google tools that help you optimize your content, analyze your traffic, and connect your catalog to shopping aggregators and marketplaces. In fact, Google Adwords is the biggest search advertisement provider with more than 65% market share (Statista).

Google Adwords tool allows store owners advertise their websites as ads in the Google Search Results in order to drive more traffic. However, reaching your audience is one thing, but tracking the conversions to manage your advertising campaigns and see what you can do to improve is what matters the most.

In today’s tutorial, I will introduce you the way to set up Google Adwords on Magento 2 stores. If you want to learn more about Google Universal Analytics, follow our previous topic here.

3 Steps to Setup Google Adwords Conversion Tracking in Magento 2

Step 1: Create a Conversion Action

First, you have to get yourself a Google Adwords account. Log in to your Google Ads account and go to Tools > Conversions.

  • Click on + Conversion.

  • Select the Magento website.

  • Choose a category for the tracked action, provide a name, and click Done.

  • Specify the Value, if applicable, or leave it blank.

  • Configure the Conversion window and settings to determine the duration for tracking conversions.

  • Define the View-through conversion window.

  • Set Reporting Category to Yes or No.

  • Select the Attribution model.

  • Click Create and Continue to finalize the conversion.

Step 2: Obtain Your Conversion Tag

  • Sign in to Google Ads and navigate to Tools > Conversions > Tag setup.

  • Under Install your tag opt to count conversions on Page load.

  • Choose how you want to manage your AdWords tag:

    • For self-installation, select Save instructions and tag.

    • If someone else is handling the script addition for you, choose Email instructions and tag.

  • Click Done to complete the process.

Step 3: Set the Magento Configuration

Now, go to the Admin backend and start configuring:

  • Login to Magento 2 Admin, on the Admin Panel, Stores > Settings > Configuration.
  • On the left panel, under Sales, select Google API.
  • Open the Google Adwords section, you need to do:

How to Setup Google Adwords Conversion Tracking Magento 2

  • Enable the Google Adwords by choosing Yes for that field.
  • Fill your Google Adwords ID in the Conversion ID field.
  • In the Conversion Language field, choose the language that is defined in your Google Adwords script.
  • In the Conversion Format field, fill the number that is taken from your Google AdWords script.
Conversion format
1 Shows a one-line notification with a link for additional details on Google tracking.
2 Shows a two-line notification with a link for additional details on Google tracking.
3 Shows no customer notification.
  • In the Conversion Color field, fill the hexadeciamal value from your Google AdWords script.
  • In the Conversion Label field, fill the text string from your Google AdWords script.
  • Set the Conversion Value Type to a dynamic variable based on the Total Cost of sales.
Conversion Value Type
Dynamic Identifies a conversion by evaluating the dynamic Order Amount value.
Constant Identifies a conversion based on a manually specified value.
  • Save Config to complete.

Download Google Adwords Conversion

To get a conversion tracking tool with more than 70 tag types support and 5 powerful data reports which can assist your remarketing campaigns at a higher level, check this module out:

Final words

Google Adwords Conversion Tracking in Magento 2 provides online stores with a chance to keep track of their ad performance to upgrade future marketing campaigns. With these 2 simple steps, we believe you can set it up at a glance. And don’t forget to take a look at this Google Tag Manager solution to effortlessly manage your marketing campaigns.

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