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How to find products to sell on Amazon?

Summer Nguyen | 04-18-2020

How to find products to sell on Amazon? How to find products to sell on Amazon?

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“With approximately 50% of online users starting their product searches on Amazon, in comparison to just 35% on Google, there is no doubt that Amazon is one of the profitable platforms to make money online”.

Because of the wide assortment of products available on Amazon, finding a suitable item to sell can be quite a challenge for beginners and even experienced sellers. If you sell a product which is not profitable or in a super competitive market, you are going to end up being a big waste of money and time. Therefore, choosing the right product to sell on Amazon is one of the most critical steps, partially determining your business success or failure in the long term.

So, how do you find products to sell on this powerful platfor? In this post, we will introduce to you out of the box search tips, which can help you decide the right products for your business.

Now, let’ get started!

Basics of product research

Characteristic of good products

If you are wondering how to choose the right product to sell on Amazon, you should follow the proper evaluation criteria at the first start. We recommend you use these six metrics in the evaluation process. If a product can satisfy all of the requirements, there is a good chance that you have found the winner.

Characteristic of good products
Characteristic of good products

Price range is between 10-70$

We have found out that this price range makes it easy for not only impulse purchase but also and informed transactions. Surprisingly, any product over $70 can make potential customers become skeptical and start comparing prices on different stores for a better deal. Besides, lower-priced products in the range of $1-$10 are generally considered to be not worth the shipping costs. People tend to buy them in physical stores instead.

In a high demand

We are finding products to sell throughout the year and not just during certain seasonal periods. You can use Google Trend report, which shows you seasonal sales spikes with high accuracy.

Less than 200 reviews

Products with more than 200 reviews already have gained the customer base, and of course, it becomes harder to complete. Because customers feel safer to purchase products from the store when reviews are plentiful. If you are a new Amazon seller, building a list of positive feedbacks will enhance customers’ confidence and your compatibility..

Find products which have Less than 200 reviews
Find products which have Less than 200 reviews

Non-perishable, easy-to-store and easy-to-ship

If you do not want to run into quality control or manufacturing challenges, avoid glass, electronics, or highly complex products if you can.

You can choose to sell items that are original, low-cost, and simple to fulfil.

Easy for restock

Some product categories require approval from Amazon before they can be sold. If they are late to be restocked, you can miss customers’ preorder and make them unhappy with our service. Therefore, you should put your effort into products whose categories are not gated and less competitive.

Ability to be improved

By analyzing the feedback from your competitor’s product review, you can enhance your product or your service quality and get the upper hand in the competition.

Now, you know the must-have characteristics of the good products to sell, the next question is, what are the most popular products on the Amazon?

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Determining the product types to sell on Amazon

If you want to sell products on Amazon, you need to choose the right product types that can make you a profit. There are some criteria that can help you determine the best products to sell.

Have a high demand

High demand about cameras

When you want to find products that have high demand, you can use tools like Helium 10 or Jungle Scout. These tools can show you the monthly sales volume, search volume, and best seller rank of any product. You can also look for products with high ratings, positive reviews, and many questions and answers from customers.

These are indicators that the products are popular and in demand. You can also research the current trends and seasonality of the products to see if they have consistent or growing demand throughout the year.

Specifically, the best-selling products typically consider products that achieve a minimum of 300 products per month (10 products/day).

Compete minimally

To avoid products with too much competition on Amazon, you can use the tools mentioned above to see how many other sellers offer similar products.

You can look for products that have low competition keywords, meaning that they have high search volume but a low number of results. These are products that have less competition but more potential customers. You can also try to find a subcategory that has less competition but still has enough demand.

Review few

Reviews from customers It is hard to compete with products that have thousands of reviews and are very popular. You have a better chance of standing out in niches where the top sellers have less than 400 reviews. This can help you get more customer feedback, which is very important.

Weighs Below 5 lbs

Storing and shipping heavy items is more expensive, especially when importing from other countries.

You can also look for products that are made of light materials, such as plastic, fabric, or paper, or that can be folded, compressed, or deflated to reduce their weight and size. These are products that can help you save on shipping and storage costs and increase your profit margin.

Size below 18”x14”x8”

Products that are big use more space, which makes them more expensive to ship and store. Therefore, you should choose products that are small to reduce your costs.

Selecting small, simple shapes and easily assembled or disassembled products can help reduce shipping and storage costs. These factors contribute to efficient space utilization and optimization of inventory.

Sell price between $10-70

To set a reasonable price for your products, you need to consider the value that your products offer to your customers, the demand and competition in the market, and your own costs and goals.

A good price range to aim for is between $10-70, as this can appeal to most customers and give you enough profit. When your price is too low, you may not make enough money or you may attract low-quality customers. Besides, if your price is too high, you may lose customers to your competitors, or you may face more returns and complaints.

Have cost four times less than price

Queen size bed frame price

You should ensure that you have a high profit margin for your products. Therefore, you need to calculate your total cost and your break-even point.

Your total cost includes your product cost, shipping cost, Amazon fees, taxes, and other expenses. Your break-even point is the minimum price that you need to sell your product to cover your cost and make zero profit.

A good rule of thumb is to set your price at least four times higher than your cost, as this can give you a profit margin of around 75%. This means that for every $1 that you spend, you can earn $4 in revenue.

Provide everyday items

It is a good idea to choose products that people use daily. They are useful and practical for most people. These are products that can generate repeat purchases, loyal customers, and word-of-mouth referrals.

Eight effective methods to find products to sell

Use product research software and tools

One of the easiest and fastest ways to find the best products to sell on Amazon is to use product research software and tools. They include Jungle Scout, Helium 10, AMZScout. These are applications that can help you analyze the market data, trends, and opportunities on Amazon. They can also help you find the best keywords, niches, and categories for your products.

AMZScout is considered an effective tool that can help you find the most profitable products and niches on Amazon. It has features such as a product database, niche explorer, keyword explorer, sales estimator, and more.

Here are specific steps to use AMZScout:

Step 1: Get access to the AMZScout Product Database, which is part of the comprehensive tools in the AMZScout Seller’s Bundle. You will see a form to sign up if you are not registered. Fill out the form to begin your free trial.

Step 2: Set your product criteria. You can use filters to narrow down your exact criteria. For instance, you can make use of the filter to look for products with specific rating counts. You can also use the “Product Selections” that are already made or the suggestions above if you need assistance.

Filters to narrow down your exact criteria

Step 3: Choose the product types you want to concentrate on. You can focus on new or trending products (with over 20% sales growth in the past one to three months).

Select the product types

Step 4: Press “Find Products” to view the products that meet your criteria

Find products

Step 5: Create a list of products that fit your criteria

Find out about product insights

You can learn from sellers who have experience and knowledge about finding products. In live webinars, you can interact with them and find out the best products and niches for your business.

Using keyword data

To find out what shoppers want, you can check which keywords are the most popular searches online. There are some ways to get this information.

You can use various keyword research tools. This tool shows you the number of searches for each term on Amazon, which helps you understand how many searches each term receives on the Amazon platform.

Besides, you can find popular products by looking for keywords that have more online searches. There are some ways to do this, and you can find them below:

1. Keyword research software

  • Scientific seller: Scientific Seller is a free and fast software for Amazon keyword research. You can use Scientific Seller to find hundreds of keywords for any product niche and see their estimated search volume and competition. Besides, when you use Scientific Seller, you can brainstorm new product ideas, find profitable keywords, and create compelling product titles and descriptions.

  • Keyword tool dominator: Keyword Tool Dominator is considered a user-friendly software for Amazon keyword research and discovery. This tool helps you to find long-tail keywords relevant to your product and see their popularity score, which indicates how frequently they are searched on Amazon. You can also use Keyword Tool Dominator to export your keywords to CSV or Excel files and use them for your listing optimization, PPC campaigns, or content creation.

2. Google Trends

Google Trends is a free and easy-to-use tool that shows you the popularity and trends of any keyword or topic on Google. You can use Google Trends to find the best Amazon products by:

Compare different keywords or products and see which ones are more popular, rising, or declining over time. Explore different categories, regions, and time periods, and see what products are trending or seasonal in different markets. Find related keywords or topics and see what products are associated with them.

Google trend

For example, if you want to sell headphones on Amazon, you can use Google Trends to compare different types of headphones, such as wireless, noise-canceling, or earbuds, and see which ones are more in demand.

You can also use Google Trends to see what headphones trend in different countries or during different seasons or events. You can also use Google Trends to find related keywords or topics, such as music, gaming, or fitness, and see what headphones suit them.

By using Google Trends, you can find the best Amazon products that match your target audience’s current and future needs and preferences.

Use the outsourcing research

Accessing specialized services like Sellerhook helps you research products easily without having extensive expertise. While hiring freelancers is an option, they may lack the proficiency required to identify the best products.

Sellerhook provides great expertise and access to millions of products, accompanied by successful case studies for inspiration.

Additionally, it can access proprietary tools for identifying the ideal product. With Sellerhook, you’ll receive a customized report. This report includes trending products adjusted to your specific criteria within 10 days.

Follow these specific steps to receive a comprehensive report:

  1. Choose the expected number of product ideas.
  2. Complete your payment.
  3. Input your product criteria via a survey, including factors such as product category, price range, reviews, revenue, marketing data, and budget.
  4. Provide your email address for delivery of the report.
  5. Receive a list of popular products that match your criteria within the specified timeframe (10 days).

If you want a thriving eCommerce business, Sellerhook is the leading solution.

Review external marketplaces

One of the easiest ways to find products to sell is to look at what other online marketplaces are offering.

You can check out popular platforms such as eBay, Etsy, Alibaba, or AliExpress and see what products are trending, selling well, or getting positive reviews.

Reviewing external marketplaces allows you to understand what products are in high demand, what niches are underserved, and what prices are reasonable. You can also get inspiration for your own product ideas or find potential suppliers or dropshippers for your products.

Make use of the Amazon best sellers page

Amazon best sellers

Another great way to find products to sell is to use the Amazon Best Seller’s Page, which shows the top 100 products in each category and subcategory on Amazon.

You can use this page to discover what products are popular, what categories are growing, and which products have high ratings and reviews. Besides, it also provides filters such as “Movers & Shakers,” “Most Wished For,” or “Gift Ideas” to narrow down your search.

These products sell well now, but they may change with the seasons or fads. So, you should also use other tools to see how they sell over a year and how many rivals they have before you choose them.

When evaluating products based on recent sales data, it’s essential to consider that seasonal factors or short-term trends could influence these figures. Therefore, you should use other tools that can check yearly sales trends and competition levels. This way can provide a more comprehensive understanding of market dynamics and help identify the best products.

Use social media for product ideas

Social media platforms are a perfect place to find products to sell on Amazon.

They include Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, or TikTok to see what products are being shared, liked, commented on, or followed by your target audience. You can use hashtags, keywords, or influencers to find relevant content or tools such as Social Blade to see what content gets the most engagement or growth.

Using social media for product ideas, you can find trendy, viral, or appealing products in your niche. You can also get your potential customers’ feedback, suggestions, or questions or see how your competitors market their products.

A last way to find products is to use the best seller links on Amazon’s product pages, which show the top-selling products in the same or related categories as the product you are viewing.

You can see more product information to sell by looking at the bottom of any Amazon product page. It shows you related products that sell well.

Follow these steps to access unknown Best Seller’s products:

  1. Select a product listing on Amazon that attracts your interest.

  2. Scroll down to the category links under product details to uncover its ranking within Amazon’s vast inventory.

  3. Navigate through the product categories to explore similar items, unveiling hidden opportunities within the marketplace.

Top 4 best selling products on Amazon

Amazon itself products a list of current best-sellers, ranging from toys to books to video games, etc., and this list is updated regularly. Let’s take a look at some of the top picks of the moment.

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Cloth, Shoes, and Jewelry

The clothing, shoes, and jewelry category is undoubtedly a popular one that takes account of a significant part of revenue on Amazon. With a wide range of price and quality, this category can be a good choice for any young entrepreneur. Because customers do not turn to Amazon for expensive brand items, make sure that you can offer something unique, and for a reasonable price.


Best selling  products on Amazon
Best selling products on Amazon

Anyone can publish books online with Amazon. Books of all kinds, best sellers, new releases, and many more are all typically on sale for less than $20. We can see that this kind of product almost meets with all the required characteristics above. It is not wondering that this is a viable option to buy in bulk and sell for an impressive profit.


As our living standard is improved, there are more demands for electronic devices. Every minute, millions of TV, audio-video devices, telecom equipment, computer, etc., are purchased. This trend is expected to remain unchanged for years to come.

Toys and game

Toys and game-Top 4 best selling  products on Amazon
Toy and game-Top 4 best selling products on Amazon

Toys and games completed the list of the most popular products on Amazon. You might be surprised by the fact that the third best-selling item is a simple $6 deck of Monopoly Deal cards. If being packed in bulk, toys, Play-Doh, for example, is on the top-selling list.

If these are not your favorite, there are unlimited options for you to choose from

  • Cosmetics
  • Skin care
  • Hair care
  • Health
  • Nutrition
  • Supplements
  • Home decor
  • Home and garden
  • Pet

The more popular the product category, the more intense the competition. It’s important for you to find your niche to make sure that you will not compete with millions of sellers for one keyword on the search box.

Five ways to find products to sell on Amazon

Conduct manual research on Amazon

One of the fastest ways to learn how to pick the right product to sell on Amazon is to look through the Amazon Best Sellers List in different categories to find out what people are selling.

Conduct manual research on Amazon
Conduct manual research on Amazon

The Amazon Best Sellers List gives you an idea of the top 100 products that are currently selling on Amazon, which helps you narrow down the available options quickly.

Ideally, you explore a category first, sub-categories later, and you will narrow down on a niche.

After you make a list of items, check Google keyword planner to see whether those products have search volume, which indicates a level of demand.

Use an Amazon keyword research tool

Jungle Scout is a data-driven Amazon keyword research tool that can meet up with all of your Amazon-specific keyword research needs. Thanks to this extension, you can see sales volumes on products, products with low competition, and conveniently, you can save products and track them over time. Although this may be costly, it is still worth to try out and get the right direction on your business journey.

Jungle Scout
Jungle Scout

Alternatively, you can use Unicorn Smasher for free. Despite lacking some of Jungle Scout’s sophisticated features, Unicorn Smasher is still a helpful free option to collect estimated monthly sales and estimated monthly sales revenue for Amazon products.

Keyword Dominator, Sonar, Seller App, etc., there is a wide range of options available for your reference.

Find low competition keywords

To drive more traffic to your product on Amazon, it is better to choose low competition keywords that trigger product ads on Google.

Ahrefs Keyword Explorer
Ahrefs Keyword Explorer

Now, we will tell you how to find low competition keywords that trigger product ads on Google. The tool that we are going to use is Ahrefs Keyword Explorer. Firstly, you may need to enter 5-10 product niche ideas Into that searching tool. After click to all keywords ideas, filter results to only include shopping results and then only low keyword difficulty. In the last step, click to the SERP for each keyword, and you can see low domain rank sites.

Of course, the low domain site rank on Google will signal that the niche you are looking for is less competitive, and you can start your business idea right after that.

Find the gap in the market

By simple organic search on Amazon, you can find the gap existing in the market. For example, while there are 10000 results for “man coa, 3000 results show up for “men coat formal”.

Man coat
Man coat
Man coat formal
men coat formal

Plenty of people are already selling “man coat”, but there might be a certain style, color, or type of coat missing on the site that you can fulfill. Your opportunity is ahead. Let move forward and make it true.

Moreover, you can find a gap in the market by reading customer reviews in your product market niche. So why should we use this method to decide what you should be selling on Amazon? That is because these reviews can give you a firsthand look at what people love or hate about a specific product. You can take these complaints into consideration to decide what products to sell and how you can modify your prospective product for better quality.

Another search tip we recommend is to use Google Trends . Researching on Google is a great navigation tip that helps you zone in on the ideal items among tons of options out there. Looking at the Google Trend’s analytics, you can see the popularity of products in certain periods. The comparison from the search tab also gives you helpful inside about the products you are evaluating.

The idea is not to choose trendy products(of course you can give it a try). However, by having a look at the Google Trend, you can get a whole picture of the top sellers in a wide array of categories.

What is the cost to sell on Amazon? It is essential to know the cost associated when you run your business on Amazon. Amazon provides two selling plans: Professional and Individual. You need to pay $39.99 per month for the Professional selling plan, and that cost also includes plus per-item selling fees, which vary by category. The Individual selling plan allows you to pay $0.99 per item sold plus other selling fees, and that cost also differs by category. Because the Individual selling plan doesn’t have a monthly subscription fee, so it is a good fit if you plan to sell less than 40 items.

In this topic:


There are plenty of things to learn when building an online business. Finding the best products to sell on Amazon is one of the most important aspects of succeeding on Amazon because products are undoubtedly the center of your selling plan.

We hope that our guide today can help you find profitable niches and suitable products. Thank you so much for your reading time!

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    A data-driven marketing leader with over 10 years of experience in the ecommerce industry. Summer leverages her deep understanding of customer behavior and market trends to develop strategic marketing campaigns that drive brand awareness, customer acquisition, and ultimately, sales growth for our company.

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