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ClickFunnels Reviews: Is It Worth Your Money

Summer Nguyen | 10-25-2020

ClickFunnels Reviews: Is It Worth Your Money ClickFunnels Reviews: Is It Worth Your Money

The Most Popular Extension Builder for Magento 2

With a big catalog of 224+ extensions for your online store

In this in-depth ClickFunnels review, I will take a look at a renowned sales funnel solution and drill down into every crucial aspect of it. Finally, help you answer the questions:

Is it right for your business and worth your money?

Read on to find all you should know about the sales funnel, along with a summary of the key pros and cons of Clickfunnel.

Without further ado, let dive in!

What is ClickFunnels?

What is Clickfunnels

For those who don’t know, Clickfunnel is known as one of the world’s most popular online sales funnel platforms. Basically, It’s designed to help its users to create beautiful sales pages with high efficiency in converting visitors into leads and paying customers.

Clickfunnels has gained more than 140.000 new customers over years. Their success is undeniable. However, something is popular; not every time is the most suitable one.

A “perfect” sales funnel software must please some primary requirements below:

  • Fit your business’ long-term goals and resources

  • Its functionalities are able to attain or complement your business’s marketing objectives

  • The software’s pricing and maintenance fee are affordable

Before diving into Clickfunnel, just look through the sales funnel definition first. As its most basic, sales funnel is a multi-modality process that leads prospective customers into purchasers.

It’s multi-stepped as lots have to occur between the time that a potential buyer is aware enough to step into your funnel to the time when they’re engaged with your brand and successfully complete a purchase.

That’s when Clickfunnel is there to help you out with that complicated process. At its core, Clickfunnels is a program supporting businesses on building their sales funnels with a bunch of added whistles and bells.

Read more: What is Clickfunnels? And How Does it Work?

How ClickFunnels Works

ClickFunnels helps you build and manage sales funnels - a series of web pages designed to guide visitors toward a specific conversion goal, like making a purchase or subscribing to an email list.

ClickFunnels provides a diverse range of functionalities, each contributing to the conversion of leads into customers. These include a website, landing pages, CRM system, automated workflows, email marketing automation, and additional tools. When combined, these elements synergize to form an efficient lead conversion system.

Overview of Clickfunnels’ features

Clickfunnels Overview

Simply put, Clickfunnels is a sales funnel builder software that allows you to:

  • Create landing pages

  • Generate more leads

  • Membership sites

  • Automate sales process

  • Every type of sales funnels in this world you can think of (packed with order bumps, upsells, and downsells)

What’s more, some of the things you can expect about Clickfunnels:

  • An all-in-one marketing solution

  • Enables your business to up-sell and down-sell multiple products

  • Offer attractive features which are extremely friendly-user (e.g., Drag and drop editor, several pre-made templates, etc.)

  • Run an affiliate programs

  • Provide an A/B Split testing feature for a comprehensive and most effective sales funnels building

  • Send sales analytics integrated to track every step of your process built

  • Custom domain hosting

Follow-up Funnels

ClickFunnels Actionetics (Follow-up funnels) also helps you manage your email marketing strategy from one place, including features like:

  • Advanced segmentation

  • Triggered emails

  • Autoresponders series

  • Email builder

  • List management

  • Performance analytics

Clickfunnels is born to help online businesses to build their sales funnels and automates the sales process entirely. With the support of this all-in-one software, you can scale your business to a much higher level.

Detailed reviews about Clickfunnels’ features

For a deeper understanding of its benefits in your business, I will take you through some of Clickfunnels’ most outstanding features.

Sales funnel building with no coding knowledge required

Back several years ago, every time it comes to building pages on the Internet, we only think about coders who have the ability to do that.

Luckily, thanks to advanced technology, even ones who don’t have any knowledge of coding can do it with ease.

That’s how Clickfunnels please their customers, who are not coders but still want to self-create their online pages professionally. Prior coding knowledge is no need for Clickfunnels’ users.

Usually, when it comes to pages creation, or sales funnel building, Clickfunnels gives its customers 2 options:

Access to Clickfunnel template library with a wide range of pre-made marketing funnel forms and templates, then tweak it to fit your needs

Create and design your own online pages with the support of drag and drop functionality

That’s for non-technical people. What if you are a pro at coding?

No worries! Clickfunnels gives you the option of building your sales funnels and creating pages totally from scratch. You can put your skills to practice with no friction.

Funnel template blueprints

Funnel template blueprints

One of the main reasons for why Clickfunnels is called an “all-in-one solution” is its fantastic source of funnel templates.

As a newbie with no knowledge of how a sales funnel looks like, Clickfunnel has you covered. Russell Brunson - Founder of Clickfunnels, has identified and compiled 22 different types of funnels that are used successfully in his own business.

Those 22 types of funnels are divided into 3 main categories:

  • Lead capture funnels

  • Sales page funnels

  • Event funnels

Some unique funnels belonging to the “other” field like Membership funnels

With each category, Clickfunnels provides a wide variety of funnel models, from the most basic one like Squeeze Page funnel to more sophisticated funnels such as the 2-Step TripWire funnel. Your job is to choose the kind of funnel that fits your needs.

Moreover, each funnel type includes its own set of free templates and paid templates. So even if you don’t have any design or coding skills or your budget is limited, your funnel pages will always have a consistent, professional, and beautiful design.

Excellent drag and drop functionality

Clickfunnels drag and drop functionality

Building pages in a funnel is not an easy task, for both pro and non-technical users. But Clickfunnels solve every problem with its powerful drag and drop functionality.

With its “Drag and Drop” functionality, you can achieve almost any design you want. You only need to use your mouse to drag elements around and place them to any place on the page.

Any template you choose before, can be edited easily via dragging and dropping all the page’s elements. Put images and texts to whatever place you want them to be in.

You will definitely be amazed by how fast and easy it is to create a page - only in a couple of minutes. Thanks to this feature, you can get through your funnel building process up until the launch phase within no time.

Automatic up-sell and down-sell functionalities

When it comes to a sales funnel’s most crucial feature, it must be up-sells and down-sells.

First’s thing first!

Let’s look through “up-selling” and “down-selling” definitions for those who are new to marketing.

Upselling is:

  • A sales technique businesses use to offer their customers the chance to buy the upgrades (items with better features or better specifications, etc.)

  • The business will introduce the customers to the more expensive version of what they’re going to buy

  • Its purpose is to maximize the value of customers’ purchase (Usually applied for newly engaged customers)

Downsell is:

  • Used when the customers want to back down from the purchase

  • The business will offer their customers a cheaper product, hence increase the chance of being brought

  • Typically, down-sell prefers to acquire a new customer

Then why do I say upsells and down-sells are essential in a sales funnel?

Like most businesses, a potential customer needs to go through several digital touchpoints to make the final purchase decision when it comes to an online marketing strategy.

For example:

  • Customers meet business’s Facebook ad and get attracted to the content

  • Then, by clicking on it, they are directed to your website

  • This is where your landing pages play an essential role in turning the potential client’s into desire and finally into action

Clickfunnels upsell feature

Before your customers are about to check out, Clickfunnels enables you to set up a page offering them a deal for a better version of the products they intend to buy (of course, with higher prices).

For example, if you are a smartphone retailer and one customer is just about to buy an iPhone X, then you could offer them to upgrade their carts to the iPhone 11 at a discounted price.

This is what we call an up-sell.

Clickfunnels down-sell feature

In case your customers decline the offer, your sales funnel takes responsibility for automatically directing them to a lower-priced offer.

By it, you can convince them to reconsider their choice and give your business a second chance to convert them.

Ease of Use

ClickFunnels isn’t very easy for people to use, and a lot of users feel this way, not just us. It has all the tools you need in one place, but it’s not straightforward enough for you to start using it right away. Instead, if you’re new, you’ll have to spend time learning how to use it well to make effective sales funnels.

Interestingly, because it takes a lot of time to learn, many users end up sticking with ClickFunnels even if they don’t like it. They don’t want to redo all the work they’ve already done.

For example, setting up redirects is a bit tricky. Unlike other systems where you do it on individual pages, with ClickFunnels, you do it in a separate section. It’s not that setting up redirects is hard, but if you’re used to other platforms, it might be hard to figure out how to do it here because it works differently.

Security Review

ClickFunnels has some security measures to protect accounts and private info, but it lacks many security features for users. For instance, it doesn’t have two-factor authentication. However, it lets users make “Collaborators” with specific roles and permissions. But, you can’t make custom roles or permissions, which might be a problem in some cases.

Below is a specific review of the security and safety of ClickFunnels:


  • Data encryption: ClickFunnels utilizes SSL/TLS encryption to secure data transmission between user browsers and their servers. This encryption scrambles sensitive information like payment details and personal information, making it difficult for unauthorized parties to intercept.

  • Regular security audits: ClickFunnels claims to conduct regular security audits to identify and address potential vulnerabilities in their system. While independent verification of these audits is unavailable, it demonstrates a proactive approach to security maintenance.

  • Compliance with industry standards: ClickFunnels aims to comply with relevant industry standards and regulations, such as PCI DSS for payment processing. This compliance indicates their commitment to safeguarding sensitive data like credit card information


  • Lacks two-factor authentication: ClickFunnels does not offer some crucial security features like two-factor authentication (2FA), which can leave user data more vulnerable to unauthorized access.

  • Limited transparency: ClickFunnels doesn’t publicly disclose detailed information about their security practices, making it difficult for users to fully assess their security posture. This lack of transparency can raise concerns for security-conscious users.

  • Third-party integrations: ClickFunnels allows integration with various third-party services. The security of these integrations relies on the individual provider’s practices, which could introduce vulnerabilities. Users should carefully evaluate the security practices of any third-party tools they choose to integrate with ClickFunnels.

  • Past security incidents: In 2021, reports emerged of bad actors exploiting ClickFunnels’ features to bypass email security measures and conduct phishing attacks. This incident highlights the potential for misuse, even on platforms with security measures in place.

Customer Service and Support

You can get help using live chat any time from Monday to Friday, 24 hours a day. On weekends, it’s available from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET. ClickFunnels says they offer email support around the clock, every day of the week. But, email replies might take a while, so it might not be the quickest way to get help. They also have a useful AI chatbot and a big “success center” full of helpful information.

Moreover, ClickFunnels offers live chat support accessible through the “Get Help” icon located in the bottom-right corner of the screen when you’re logged into your account. This is a convenient way to get assistance with specific questions or issues in real-time. While ClickFunnels doesn’t directly advertise a specific phone number for customer service, you can try contacting their headquarters in Idaho at +1 208-323-9451.

Overall, ClickFunnels offers multiple channels for getting support, but it’s important to be aware of potential limitations like the lack of dedicated community forums and phone support with predictable availability.

A/B testing functionality

Like any online campaign, after building a sales funnel for any of your offers, testing is a step that should never be left out. You have to ensure that you have the best–performing sales funnel - smooth and zero defects.

Most importantly, you usually have to compare and choose the best one to run among several funnels you create. And how to do that?

It’s easy! Clickfunnels A/B testing enables users:

Compare 2 funnel templates and make the choice of the better performing one

Saving you a lot of time and effort for choosing the right funnel to run a campaign most effectively

Compare variants of your ads, landing pages, media pages, and other elements of your marketing campaign

Automatically track and analyze sales data

Just remember that Clickfunnels is an integrated marketing solution. That’s why keeping up with all the campaign’s data is not a challenge anymore.

Through the Sales Analytics feature, you can know what progress you are making with your sales funnels as a user. It enables you to measure your sales funnel performance by automatically tracking different stats such as:

  • Pageviews

  • Conversion rates

  • User behavior

  • Some other metrics over time

  • Compare between funnels

The built-in included training (FunnelFlix)


If you want to brush up your marketing skills, the FunnelFlix training or I can say a brilliant studying resource is always available for you.

It is a vast collection of useful video online courses and training modules for enhancing your marketing system knowledge, peak performance, strategy, sales, and of course, sales funnels.

A whole collection of Clickfunnels focused content, they are:

Some other great training modules I can list here:

  • Ad Skills (a premium course talking about paid traffic strategies

  • Tony Robbins Private Collection

  • Unlock The Secrets (Access for Collective plan only)

Even when you do not require Clickfunnels itself, that bunch of knowledge is worth trying the free trial just to watch.

FunnelFlix makes Clickfunnels not only a simple sales funnel software, but a legitimate marketing training platform as well.

Backpack affiliate program

Affiliate marketing is normally the most appropriate marketing solution used by most e-commerce stores.

And the backpack is a built-in marketing management platform connecting with your funnels that helps you with your affiliate plan. You can use it to generate more traffic to your funnels and, at the same time, make more sales.

Some functionalities of the Backpack affiliate program:

  • Set up your custom affiliate plans

  • Build different types of affiliate programs (e.g., Regular affiliates and Super affiliates)

  • Set up two-tiered affiliate programs where the affiliates can recruit more affiliates

  • Manage affiliate and commission rates

  • Track and report affiliate analytics

Read more:

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Affiliate Program

How to Setup an Affiliate Program

ClickFunnels overall assessment

Clickfunnels pros

ClickFunnel is an excellent investment to save your time and energy when it comes to what otherwise requires lots of technological proficiency and an array of 3rd-party applications.

For less experienced users, Clickfunnels success in aiming at this audience group.

  • Build all kinds of landing pages quickly with the “drag and drop” functionality. No coding required to made an effective sales funnel

  • Have 2 options for page design: self add CSS code or use pre-made templates of Clickfunnels

  • Superior analytics with A/B split testing for the best-performing option for your funnel, ads, campaigns, etc.

  • Offer an all-in-one marketing solution

  • Provide numerous pre-built sales funnels (include both paid and free templates)

  • Track your data with ease for further improvement in marketing strategies

  • Work great with Converkit, Avada Email Marketing, Drip, and many other major email service providers

  • Sharing funnels between accounts is super easy

  • The price is affordable, starting at $97/ mo

Clickfunnels cons

However, there is nothing in this world that is perfect with no blemishes. Clickfunnels also has quite a few areas that we should consider before deciding whether or not this software is for you.

  • The pricing plans are a bit more expensive than its competitors. For the starter plan, there are limits to the number of funnels, pages, and monthly visitors of your webs

  • Needs continuous subscription to avail of the funnel services

  • The support service can take several hours to respond. Don’t have 24-hour chat support

  • Quite challenging to embed Clickfunnels pages in Squarespace webs, though it’s supper with WordPress sites though

  • As a newbie, you will need to take some times before mastering how to use Clickfunnels because of its numerous features

  • In some aspects, Clickfunnel can make your funnel too templated as its popularity. Many people might use a similar design style

  • With experienced marketers, Clickfunnel can be too simple and too expensive for its simplicity

How much is ClickFunnels?

ClickFunnels plans’ pricings

Here’s is a quick look at 3 primary pricing plans of Clickfunnels:

  • Clickfunnels: $97/ mo. Get 20 funnels, 100 pages , 3 payment gateways, and 3 domains

  • Clickfunnels platinum: $297/ mo. Unlimited funnels and pages, going with 9 domains, priority support, and other features

  • TwoCommaClubX: $2.497/ mo. Include all the features of the Platinum plan with other exclusive functionalities

When you claim your Clickfunnel account, you will be able to use it for free 14 days. During that time, you can also get access to a considerable amount of bonuses and training courses.

Clickfunnels plan pricing

Key differences between plans

There are several differences between the “Starter,” “Platinum” and “Special” plans, but for me, the key ones are below:

The most basic and cheapest plan: Clickfunnel - $97 a month

  • Able to get access to all the funnel creation tools

  • Limited to creating only 20 funnels, 100 pages, and 20.000 visitors

  • Connect with 3 domains and 3 payment gateways

  • Don’t get access to Follow-up funnels, FunnelFlix, their built-in email service provider, and Backpack

  • Can learn and connect with the FunnelHacker community

  • No chat support

The most common plan: Clickfunnel Platinum plan - $297 a month

  • Include all the features of the cheaper plan

  • Able to access to Follow-up funnels and FunnelFlix

  • Receiver priority support and coach guides

  • Unlimited to number of funnels and pages

  • Connect with 9 domains and 9 payment gateways

The premium plan: TowCommaClubX - $2.497 a month

  • Include all the features of the cheaper plans

  • Connect with 27 domains and 27 payment gateways

  • Receive priority support, plus VIP phone support

  • Other exclusive offers

Who is ClickFunnels for?

You might have some certain thoughts about what Clickfunnels and how it could help your business with all the above information. In this part, we will discuss one most crucial question.

Q: Who truly stands to benefit the most from Clickfunnels?

A: They are small businesses and startups with no coding and design knowledge

Furthermore, Clickfunnels, in general, work well with businesses that offer more creative products or independent ventures as Clickfunnels’ pre-made funnels are highly oriented towards these industries.

Let’s dive deeper into which pricing plan you should choose for your business.

You should choose the $97 Clickfunnels plan, if:

  • Best for those who only want a simple solution to create their sales funnels

  • Don’t require such advanced features like email marketing tool or the affiliate marketing system

  • This plan provides all the essential elements to build high converting sales funnels and generate more leads

You should choose the $297 Clickfunnels platinum plan, if:

  • Best for those who are selling high-ticket offers

  • You are looking for an affiliate system integrated with the sales funnels

  • Don’t like the complication in using 3rd-party email list autoresponders

My final words: Though I have to admit Clickfunnels is a fantastic tool and its ability to scale up the businesses for money-making is undeniable, Clickfunnel comes at a not low price. With some people, $97 can be a bummer for broke beginners.

So if you’re a starter, think carefully and do not pay for this unless you are sure that you will be getting a good profit from it.

ClickFunnels alternatives

Clickfunnel is not a bad choice for most private and small businesses.

However, if you are dedicated to making sure you do the right thing for your business, you need to ensure you do all the research you can.

ClickFunnels vs LeadPages


When it comes to landing page builders, Leadpages is a name that should not be left out. Like Clickfunnels, Leadpages focuses on building professional and high-converting landing pages.

Leadpages (only $25/ mo for the cheapest plan) is a right choice for beginners or new developers. Those are not ready to invest too much money into a tool but still wish for a qualified and good-looking web.

Though the pages created by Leadpages can not look or feel as great as what the more expensive landing pages builders can do, it is still a quality and cost-effective tool to invest.

ClickFunnels vs Thrive Themes

Thrive Themes

Thrive Theme is definitely a collection of WordPress plugins, serving its users with the same services as Clickfunnels.

The most noticeable difference is that Thrive Theme doesn’t host the site for you. Hence, it makes its price up to 5 times cheaper than Clickfunnels for the same service. This is what you really need to concern when deciding which is better for your business.

Just remember that both Clickfunnels and Thrive Themes give you the same end result. But hosting the site yourself can be its pros and cons.

ClickFunnels vs BuilderAll


Suppose Clickfunnel has its own reputation in the marketplace. In that case, BuilderAll is a young and ambitious competitor, who also aims at being a one-in-all solution for marketing tools and sales funnels.

Though BuilderAll has many advantages over Clickfunnels like an entirely comprehensive set of marketing tools, its youth and inexperience have held their development back. BuilderAll still meets some glitches and bugs, and the editor can be quite challenging to use.

ClickFunnels vs SamCart


SamCart is not an all-in-one solution like Clickfunnel. However, it is considered one of the best shopping-cart optimization services for small e-commerce businesses.

As it focuses mostly on a smooth and optimized cart transaction and checkout page, we could not expect a full set of sales funnel building tools. Nevertheless, it does a great job of retaining customers who are already committed to purchasing while decreasing your cart abandonment rate.

Is ClickFunnels worth your money?

Yes and no! Clickfunnels is not the cheapest sales funnel builder or a perfect tool for every marketing problem. But it does come with all the essential tools for you to convert visitors into paying customers.

Just think about the next time you’re building out a sales funnel, Clickfunnel can take you from a complete unknown to a strong competitor through the art of scaling out a highly-converting sales funnel.

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    A data-driven marketing leader with over 10 years of experience in the ecommerce industry. Summer leverages her deep understanding of customer behavior and market trends to develop strategic marketing campaigns that drive brand awareness, customer acquisition, and ultimately, sales growth for our company.

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