Shipping Rules Releases

Shipping Rules

4.0.5 (Magento v2.4.x)

Released on 2024-06-27

Release notes:

**Bug Fix:** Magento Enterprise - can not add new rule

v4.0.4 (Magento v2.4.x)

Released on 2023-05-30

Release notes:

-Compatible with Magento 246

v4.0.3 (Magento v2.4.x)

Released on 2022-06-24

Release notes:

- Compatible with Magento v2.4.4

v4.0.2 (Magento v2.4.x)

Released on 2021-10-26

Release notes:

- Compatible with Magento 2.4.3
- Fixed bugs with Mageplaza Store Pickup
- Fixed minor bugs

v1.1.4 (Magento v2.3.x)

Released on 2021-07-09

Release notes:

- Compatible with Magento 2.3.7
- Fixed minor bugs

v4.0.1 (Magento v2.4.x)

Released on 2021-04-05

Release notes:

- Compatible with Magento 2.4.2
- Fixed error with Paypal Express and other payment methods
- Fixed error with multi store
- Fixed minor bugs

v4.0.0 (Magento v2.4.x)

Released on 2020-10-27

Release notes:

- Supported Magento v2.4.0

v1.1.3 (Magento v2.3.x)

Released on 2020-09-09

Release notes:

- Fixed minor bug while applying cart price rule

v1.1.2 (Magento v2.3.x)

Released on 2020-07-16

Release notes:

- Compatible with Mageplaza One Step Checkout
- Fixed minor bugs

v1.1.1 (Magento v2.3.x)

Released on 2020-06-19

Release notes:

- Compatible with Magento v2.3.5
- Fixed error with Paypal payment method
- Fixed minor bugs

v1.1.0 (Magento v2.3.x)

Released on 2019-10-04

Release notes:

- Compatible with Magento 2.3
- New Feature: apply multiple rules

v1.0.0 (Magento v2.3.x)

Released on 2019-01-15

Release notes:

Initial Release