Extra Fee Releases

Extra Fee

v4.3.2 (Magento v2.4.x)

Released on 2024-07-08

Release notes:

**Compatibility:** Now compatible with Hyva theme,not support HyvaCheckout

v4.3.1 (Magento v2.4.x)

Released on 2024-05-23

Release notes:

**Compatibility**: The extension is now compatible with Magento 2.4.7

v4.3.0 (Magento v2.4.x)

Released on 2024-01-30

Release notes:

- **New Update:** We added more fields in the "Calculate Total includes" section
- **New Update:** We updated new methods to calculate extra fees based on the whole cart or each product
- **New Update:** We updated to allow you to manually modify the refund fee
- **Bug Fix:** We fixed the extra fee calculation error at the product detail page

v4.2.4 (Magento v2.4.x)

Released on 2023-04-27

Release notes:

- **Compatibility:** The extension is now compatible with Magento 2.4.6

v4.2.3 (Magento v2.4.x)

Released on 2023-02-08

Release notes:

- **Compatibility:** The extension is now compatible with Magento 2.4.6
- **Bug Fix:** We fixed the issue with adding products to the cart
- **Bug Fix:** We fixed the issue with creating an invoice for each item

v4.2.2 (Magento v2.4.x)

Released on 2022-09-26

Release notes:

- **Bug Fix:** We fixed the issue with the customer group when creating order in the backend

v4.2.1 (Magento v2.4.x)

Released on 2022-09-12

Release notes:

- Fixed minor bugs

v4.2.0 (Magento v2.4.x)

Released on 2022-06-29

Release notes:

- Added features:
    + Advanced conditions
    + Customer attribute conditions
    + Display fee on Product Page
- Compatible with Magento v2.4.4
- Fixed minor bugs

v1.2.0 (Magento v2.3.x)

Released on 2022-06-29

Release notes:

- Added features:
    + Advanced conditions
    + Customer attribute conditions
    + Display fee on Product Page
- Fixed minor bugs

v1.1.0 (Magento v2.3.x)

Released on 2022-03-18

Release notes:

- Show Extra Fee On Order Grid
- Show Description extra fee on frontend
- Support checkout multi-address
- Fix minor bugs

v4.1.0 (Magento v2.4.x)

Released on 2022-03-18

Release notes:

- Show Extra Fee On Order Grid
- Show Description extra fee on frontend
- Support checkout multi-address
- Fix minor bugs

v4.0.3 (Magento v2.4.x)

Released on 2021-12-28

Release notes:

- Compatible with Magento v2.4.3-p1
- Fixed minor bugs

v1.0.8 (Magento v2.3.x)

Released on 2021-12-28

Release notes:

- Compatible with Magento v2.3.7
- Fixed minor bugs

v1.0.7 (Magento v2.3.x)

Released on 2021-09-14

Release notes:

- Compatible with Magento v2.3.7
- Fixed minor bugs

v4.0.2 (Magento v2.4.x)

Released on 2021-09-14

Release notes:

- Compatible with Magento v2.4.2-p1 & v2.4.3
- Fixed minor bugs

v4.0.1 (Magento v2.4.x)

Released on 2021-05-14

Release notes:

- Compatible Magento v2.4.2
- Compatible with Klarna payment
- Fixed minor bugs

v1.0.6 (Magento v2.3.x)

Released on 2021-05-14

Release notes:

- Compatible Magento v2.3.6
- Compatible with Klarna payment
- Fixed minor bugs

v4.0.0 (Magento v2.4.x)

Released on 2020-11-12

Release notes:

- Supported Magento v2.4

v1.0.5 (Magento v2.3.x)

Released on 2020-07-16

Release notes:

- Compatible with Magento v2.3.5
- Fixed API error

v1.0.4 (Magento v2.3.x)

Released on 2020-06-19

Release notes:

Compatible with Magento v2.3.4
Fixed minor bugs