Abandoned Cart Email Releases

Abandoned Cart Email

v4.6.1 (Magento v2.4.x)

Released on 2024-05-08

Release notes:

- **Compatibility**: The extension is now compatible with Magento 2.4.7.
- **Bug Fix**: We fixed a minor admin bug in report.

v4.6.0 (Magento v2.4.x)

Released on 2024-04-26

Release notes:

- **We Update**: Merge three sections: Overall Report, Checkout Abandonment Report and Abandoned Product Report into one comprehensive Report
- **We Update**: Add UTMs to track effectiveness on GA4
- **We Update**: Optimize the configuration

v4.5.2 (Magento v2.4.x)

Released on 2023-07-31

Release notes:

- Fix: Not correct sender according to store view when send again in overall report
- New Update: UG Link

v4.5.1 (Magento v2.4.x)

Released on 2023-05-09

Release notes:

- Compatibility: Compatible with SMS log
- Compatibility: Compatible with Magento 2.4.6

v4.5.0 (Magento v2.4.x)

Released on 2023-02-08

Release notes:

- Added feature: exclude out of stock & disabled products from email
- Improved compatible with Mageplaza One Step Checkout
- Fixed minor bugs

v4.4.2 (Magento v2.4.x)

Released on 2022-10-20

Release notes:

- Fixed bug: email will be still send after recover link is clicked

v4.4.1 (Magento v2.4.x)

Released on 2022-09-27

Release notes:

- Compatible with Magento v2.4.5
- Fixed minor bugs

v4.4.0 (Magento v2.4.x)

Released on 2022-08-10

Release notes:

- Added notification via SMS and WhatsApp

v1.8.0 (Magento v2.3.x)

Released on 2022-08-10

Release notes:

- Added notification via SMS and WhatsApp

v4.3.1 (Magento v2.4.x)

Released on 2022-06-16

Release notes:

- Compatible with Magento v2.4.4
- Fixed data error in abandoned cart report table

v1.7.1 (Magento v2.3.x)

Released on 2022-06-16

Release notes:

- Fixed data error in abandoned cart report table

v1.7.0 (Magento v2.3.x)

Released on 2022-02-24

Release notes:

- Display Related/Up-Sell/Cross-Sell Products in Email
- Added Unsubscribe Link to Email

v4.3.0 (Magento v2.4.x)

Released on 2022-02-24

Release notes:

- Display Related/Up-Sell/Cross-Sell Products in Email
- Added Unsubscribe Link to Email

v1.6.2 (Magento v2.3.x)

Released on 2021-12-28

Release notes:

- Improve cart board, checkout abandonment report & abandoned product report
- Fixed minor bugs

v4.2.2 (Magento v2.4.x)

Released on 2021-12-28

Release notes:

- Improve cart board, checkout abandonment report & abandoned product report
- Fixed minor bugs

v1.6.1 (Magento v2.3.x)

Released on 2021-11-22

Release notes:

- Fixed error send reminder email to Guest
- Fixed minor bugs

v4.2.1 (Magento v2.4.x)

Released on 2021-11-22

Release notes:

- Compatible with Magento 2.4.3-p1
- Fixed error send reminder email to Guest
- Fixed minor bugs

v1.6.0 (Magento v2.3.x)

Released on 2021-10-26

Release notes:

- Added Abandoned Cart Blacklist

v4.2.0 (Magento v2.4.x)

Released on 2021-10-26

Release notes:

- Added Abandoned Cart Blacklist

v4.1.0 (Magento v2.4.x)

Released on 2021-09-21

Release notes:

- added send reminder email to guest