Order Attributes Releases

Order Attributes

v4.3.5 (Magento v2.4.x)

Released on 2024-07-08

Release notes:

- **Compatibility:** Now compatible with Magento 2.4.7
- **Bug Fix:** Fixed attributes sort order error
- **Bug Fix:** Fixed inline edit saving error
- **Bug Fix:** Fixed css in step edit page error
- **Bug Fix:** Fixed upload image error

v4.3.4 (Magento v2.4.x)

Released on 2023-08-07

Release notes:

- **New Update:** We updated UG link
- **New Update:** We updated ImageUpload change obj->array
- **Bug Fix:** We fixed the bug getimagesize exception

v4.3.3 (Magento v2.4.x)

Released on 2023-05-30

Release notes:

- **New Update:** We updated Admin: the better view for Text_visual
- **New Update:** We updated the swatch load Iframe for Attribute with Image
- **New Update:** We updated the Multiple Step check with default Theme
- **Bug Fix:** We fixed the bug Admin Save Attr: max, min with default
- **Bug Fix:** We fixed the bug to remove Escape HTML with PrintOrderBackEnd
- **Bug Fix:** We fixed the bug change time_format in OrderBackendCreate
- **Bug Fix:** We fixed the bug BackendCreateOrder: multiple fieldset in Additional Order Information
- **Bug Fix:** We fixed the bug Validate Attribute and AddFilter Attributes
- **Bug Fix:** We fixed the bug Validate Require with State/Area

v4.3.2 (Magento v2.4.x)

Released on 2023-05-19

Release notes:

- **Compatibility:** The extension is now compatible with Magento v2.4.6

v4.3.1 (Magento v2.4.x)

Released on 2023-01-18

Release notes:

- Fixed custom step bug in Admin Order.

v4.3.0 (Magento v2.4.x)

Released on 2022-09-07

Release notes:

- Added checkout step which contains Order Attributes
- Display attributes on print PDF files

v4.2.0 (Magento v2.4.x)

Released on 2022-06-10

Release notes:

- Added values required (only on frontend)
- Added attribute support type: checkbox, radio button, time, Static Block
- Compatible with Magento v2.4.4

v1.4.0 (Magento v2.3.x)

Released on 2022-06-10

Release notes:

- Added values required (only on frontend)
- Added attribute support type: checkbox, radio button, time, Static Block

v4.1.2 (Magento v2.4.x)

Released on 2021-12-28

Release notes:

- Compatible with Magento 2.4.3-p1
- Fixed minor bugs

v1.3.1 (Magento v2.3.x)

Released on 2021-09-20

Release notes:

- Fixed minor bugs

v4.1.1 (Magento v2.4.x)

Released on 2021-09-20

Release notes:

- Compatible with Magento 2.4.3
- Fixed minor bugs

v4.1.0 (Magento v2.4.x)

Released on 2021-08-16

Release notes:

- Added input type DateTime
- Added Min Max value range
- Fixed minor bugs

v1.3.0 (Magento v2.3.x)

Released on 2021-08-16

Release notes:

- Added input type DateTime
- Added Min Max value range
- Fixed minor bugs

v1.2.2 (Magento v2.3.x)

Released on 2021-04-29

Release notes:

- Compatible with Magento 2.3.6
- Fixed error with Multiselect field
- Fixed minor bugs

v4.0.1 (Magento v2.4.x)

Released on 2021-04-29

Release notes:

- Compatible with Magento 2.4.2
- Fixed error with depend field
- Fixed error with Multiple Select field
- Fixed minor bugs

v4.0.0 (Magento v2.4.x)

Released on 2020-10-30

Release notes:

- Supported Magento v2.4.0

v1.2.1 (Magento v2.3.x)

Released on 2020-10-30

Release notes:

- Fixed minor bugs

v1.2.0 (Magento v2.3.x)

Released on 2020-06-26

Release notes:

- Added UnitTest
- Compatible with Magento v2.3.5

v1.1.0 (Magento v2.3.x)

Released on 2020-04-29

Release notes:

- Supported RestAPI & GraphQL
- Compatible with Magento v2.3.4
- Fixed error not show Order Attribute in Order view & grid page
- Fixed error with validate value before saving

v1.0.2 (Magento v2.3.x)

Released on 2020-02-19

Release notes:

- Fixed error happen with virtual order
- Fixed error with option validation on Magento 2.3
- Corrected order attribute data when exporting order
- Added edit-inline for attributes
- Improved code style & performance