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What is Website Traffic? Tips to Boost Website Traffic

Every website works for the same purpose, to be seen by customers or users. And in this case, website traffic is the most critical data to see whether your website is working well. All the elements will be shown in numbers to describe the image of users and their behaviors.

Website traffic is one of the most crucial things every e-commerce owner bears in mind. A report by Adobe found that businesses with website traffic growing at 10% per year will see a 2.4x increase in revenue compared to those with website traffic growing at 0-4% per year. What is it? And why is it important? Should everyone know in that case, or does it depend on the scale of your website?

According to Sweor, users form an opinion about one website in 0.05 seconds and then they will decide whether to leave or stay. That means 5.07 billion internet users worldwide will contribute massive traffic to many websites throughout their 24 hours every day. What is this and what is that huge number?

Table of Contents

What is website traffic?

Is there a way to drive more traffic?

Website traffic can be defined as the number of visitors to a website. When a visitor spends time on a website, visits different pages and takes other actions, they can all be counted as data to the website traffic. Website traffic can be measured in various ways, such as through analytics tools that track the number of visitors, unique visitors, page views, bounce rate, and other metrics. Website traffic is an essential metric as it can indicate a website’s popularity, performance, and effectiveness in attracting and engaging visitors.

Let’s get deeper inside the house and see how this website traffic family is working, shall we?

5 types of website traffic

Different types of traffic from different sources


Direct traffic refers to visitors accessing a website by typing the URL into their browser or by clicking on a bookmarked link. In other words, direct traffic occurs when visitors know the website’s URL and choose to type it directly into the browser rather than finding the website through search engine results or other referral sources.

Direct traffic is an essential source of website traffic as it indicates high brand awareness and customer loyalty. It is often driven by repeat visitors, who are familiar with the website and its content, and return to the website for regular updates or to make purchases.

It’s important to note that not all direct traffic is truly “direct”. Some direct traffic may result from visitors clicking on links from email newsletters, mobile apps, or social media platforms that do not pass referrer information. In these cases, the traffic may be misattributed as direct, even though it was referred from another source.

Overall, direct traffic is a valuable source of website traffic that can indicate brand awareness, customer loyalty, and repeat business. Website owners and marketers can use analytics tools for website visitor tracking and identifying opportunities to improve user experience, engagement, and conversion rates.


According to a study by BrightEdge, 53% of website traffic is driven by organic traffic, making it the most important source of traffic. Organic traffic refers to the user visiting a website through an unpaid or natural search engine. Organic traffic is driven by the website’s search engine optimization (SEO) efforts. This can include optimizing keywords, creating high-quality content, improving the load time of the page, and building high-quality backlinks to the website.

This type of traffic is highly valuable for websites because it tends to be highly targeted and engaged, as visitors actively search for the specific topics or products the website offers. Additionally, organic traffic is more cost-effective than paid traffic, as it does not require ongoing advertising expenses.


A report by Social Media Examiner found that businesses that actively use social media have 64% higher website traffic than those that do not.

Referral Website traffic

Website referral traffic refers to the traffic that comes to a website from external sources other than search engines, such as other websites, social media platforms, or email campaigns. This means visitors arrive at the website by clicking on a link from another website or platform, rather than through a search engine result.

Referral traffic can be a valuable source for websites, as it can attract visitors who may have yet to find the website through search engines or other means. Additionally, referral traffic can provide opportunities for building relationships with other websites or platforms and expanding a website’s reach and audience.

To track and analyze referral traffic, website owners and marketers can use tools such as Google Analytics, which provide insights into website traffic sources and how visitors interact with the website. By monitoring and analyzing referral traffic, website owners can identify opportunities to build relationships with other websites or platforms and optimize their website for greater traffic and engagement.

Website paid traffic refers to the traffic that comes to a website through paid advertising, such as search engine advertising (Google Ads), social media advertising (Facebook Ads), display advertising (banner ads), or other forms of paid advertising.

Unlike organic or referral traffic, paid traffic involves PPC (pay-per-click) or impressions to drive traffic to a website. Paid traffic can be highly targeted and customizable, as advertisers can contextual target specific keywords, demographics, locations, and other criteria to reach their desired audience.

Paid traffic can be a valuable source of traffic for websites, especially for businesses looking to drive immediate results or increase brand visibility. However, paid traffic can be very expensive and requires ongoing investment to maintain traffic levels.

Email Marketing

Email marketing traffic refers to the traffic that comes to a website through email marketing campaigns. Email marketing involves sending promotional emails or newsletters to a list of subscribers who have signed to receive communications from the website.

Email marketing traffic is a type of referral traffic, as visitors arrive at the website by clicking on a link in an email campaign, rather than through search engines. Email marketing can be a highly targeted and effective way to drive traffic, as the subscribers have already shown an interest in the website and its offerings.

To track and analyze email marketing traffic, website owners and marketers can use email marketing platforms such as Mailchimp, which provide insights into the performance of email campaigns and how subscribers interact with the website. By monitoring and analyzing email marketing traffic, website owners can optimize their email campaigns for better performance and engagement, and drive more traffic and conversions to their website.

7 elements inside website traffic

7 elements of website traffic


Let’s say you have a website with an article on “What is website traffic?” A user comes to your website and clicks on the article to read it. As they read the article, they may scroll up and down, click on links within the article, or even refresh the page. Each time they do this, it generates a new pageview.

Pageviews are a common metric used to measure website traffic. Each time a user views a specific page on a website, it will be counted as a pageview. It is important to remember that a single user can generate multiple pageviews during one visit to a website. Website owners and marketers use pageviews as a metric to understand the popularity and engagement of their website and its pages. By tracking the number of pageviews a website receives, they can determine which pages are the most popular and engaging, and which ones may need improvement.

Unique visitor

In website traffic, unique visitors refer to the number of individuals visiting a website within a specified period. A unique visitor is identified by their unique IP address or a unique identifier stored in a cookie on their device.

Unlike pageviews, which count every time a page is viewed, unique visitors count each individual visitor only once during the specified time, even if they visit the website multiple times.

Unique visitors provide insight into the size of a website’s audience. By monitoring unique visitors, website owners can determine the reach of their website and the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns in attracting new visitors.

It’s vital to remind yourself that there are limitations to the accuracy of unique visitor tracking. For example, multiple users accessing a website from the same device or network may be counted as a single unique visitor. Additionally, users who clear their cookies or switch devices may be counted as new unique visitors, even if they have visited the website before.


A session refers to a time during which a user interacts with a website. A session begins when a user visits the website and ends after a certain period of inactivity, usually 30 minutes or more, or when the user closes their browser.

During a session, a user can perform multiple actions on a website, such as visiting numerous pages, purchasing, or filling out a form. Each session is counted as a single engagement unit, regardless of the number of pages visited or actions taken.

Sessions provide insight into user engagement and behavior. By monitoring the number of sessions a website receives, website owners can determine how often users return to their website and how engaged they are with the content.

Sessions can also be used in conjunction with other website traffic metrics, such as bounce rate and time on page, to gain a complete understanding of how users are interacting with the website.

The changing of website traffic depends on every element

Bounce rate

Bounce rate is used to measure the percentage of website visitors who leave a website after viewing only one page, without interacting with the website or visiting any other pages. In other words, a bounce occurs when a user visits a page on the website and then leaves without clicking on any links or interacting with any other content.

Bounce rate is calculated by dividing the number of single-page visits (visits where the user only viewed one page) by the total number of visits to the website. For example, if a website had 1,000 visits in a day, and 300 of those visits resulted in bounces (the user only viewed one page), the bounce rate for that day would be 300/1000 = 30%

A high bounce rate may indicate that the website needs to be more engaging users effectively, or that users are not finding what they’re looking for on the website. But you have to remember not until 47% that the bounce rate is considered high. That is what has been proved by Semrush through a very specific statistic on bounce rate in general.

Time on site

This element measures the average amount of time visitors spend on a website. It is typically calculated by subtracting the time of the first interaction (such as the page load time) from the time of the last interaction (such as clicking on a link to a different page) for each visit, and then taking the average of all of the visit durations.

A longer time on site generally indicates that users are more engaged with the website and finding value in its content, while a shorter time on site may suggest that users are not finding what they are looking for or that the website is not effectively engaging them.

By analyzing time on site, website owners can identify which pages and content are most engaging to users, and make adjustments to improve user experience and increase engagement. For example, they may consider improving the design or navigation of specific pages, or adding more relevant and valuable content to the website.


Conversions refer to specific actions that a website visitor takes that align with the website’s goals. These goals may vary depending on the type of website and its purpose, but commonly include purchases, form submissions, newsletter sign-ups, or other desired actions.

For example, if a website is an online store, a conversion occurs when a visitor completes a purchase. Alternatively, suppose a website is a lead generation tool for a service-based business. In that case, a conversion may be when a visitor submits a contact form or signs up for a consultation.

Tracking conversions is an essential aspect of website performance measurement, as it provides valuable insights into how visitors interact with the website and whether it is achieving its intended goals. By analyzing conversion rates you can make data-driven decisions to optimize their website’s user experience and increase the likelihood of visitors taking desired actions.

ROI (Return on Investment)

ROI is a performance metric that measures the profitability of an investment relative to its cost. In website traffic, ROI refers to the financial return on investment for marketing efforts aimed at driving traffic to a website.

Calculating ROI involves comparing the revenue generated from website traffic to the cost of the marketing efforts used to attract that traffic. For example, if a website spends $10,000 on a pay-per-click (PPC) advertising campaign and generates $20,000 in revenue from resulting website traffic, the ROI would be 100%, or a return of $1 for every $1 invested.

Why is website traffic important?

Website traffic as a part of your big picture

How it affect your website

According to Wordstream, 61% of marketers reported that their biggest challenge is to generate traffic and leads. Let’s take a deeper look on all the matters that affect: User engagement: A steady flow of website traffic indicates that users are engaging with your website and finding your content valuable. This engagement can lead to longer session durations, lower bounce rates, and higher conversion rates.

  • Online visibility: Website traffic can also impact your website’s online visibility. Search engines use website traffic as one factor to determine a website’s relevance and importance. Higher website traffic can lead to better search engine rankings and more exposure to potential users.

  • Marketing effectiveness: Website traffic can help you measure the effectiveness of your marketing strategies. By analyzing website traffic from different sources, you can determine which marketing channels are working well and which need improvement.

  • Revenue generation: More website traffic can lead to more revenue generation opportunities. Whether you are selling products, services, or displaying ads on your website, higher website traffic can lead to more conversions and revenue.

How it affect the revenue

Website traffic can have a significant impact on your revenue. The more traffic you have, the more opportunities you have to generate revenue. Here are some ways website traffic can affect your revenue:

  • More potential customers: This can increase your chances of generating more revenue from the ones that actually interested in your products and services.

  • Higher conversions: With more traffic, you have more opportunities to convert visitors into customers. Optimizing your website’s user experience and marketing strategies can increase your conversion rates and generate more revenue.

  • Advertising revenue: If you display ads on your website, more traffic can lead to more ad impressions and clicks, increasing your advertising revenue.

  • Better search engine rankings:** High-quality website traffic can improve your rankings through Google algorithm, leading to more organic traffic and revenue.

Is the more the merrier?

Optimizing the website traffic is just the same as an election campaign. Many factors have to be considered and calculated to get the best results. But the main difference is between the quality and the quantity. Running for the president’s chair needs the highest number of votes possible. Still, website traffic needs the finest, and they better exist in the target group. It’s not “the more, the merrier” in this case.

While website traffic is an important metric for website performance, simply having more traffic doesn’t always mean better performance or higher profitability.

For example, if a website is getting a lot of traffic but the visitors are not engaging with the content, not converting into customers or leads, or leaving the website quickly, it could indicate issues with the website’s design, content, or user experience.

Additionally, suppose a website gets a lot of traffic from irrelevant sources or the wrong target audience. In that case, it may not lead to higher conversions or revenue.

Therefore, it’s important to focus on the quality of traffic, rather than just the quantity. Website owners and marketers should strive to attract the right audience, engage them with high-quality content, and convert them into customers or leads. By focusing on quality traffic and regularly monitoring and analyzing various metrics, website owners can optimize their website for success and profitability.

Why is my website traffic dropping?

The drop of website traffic is harmful to website’s performance

Low website traffic causes

There can be several reasons why your website traffic is dropping. Here are some possible causes:

  • Technical issues: Check for any technical issues with your website, such as broken links, slow page load times, or server errors. These issues can cause visitors to leave your website and decrease your traffic.

  • Algorithm changes: Search engine algorithms constantly change, and updates can affect your website’s visibility in search results. Check if there have been any recent algorithm updates that may have impacted your website’s ranking.

  • Content quality: Poor quality content, outdated information, or irrelevant topics can cause visitors to lose interest in your website and stop visiting.

  • Competition: If your competitors have improved their website, content, or marketing strategies, they may be attracting your audience and reducing your traffic.

  • Marketing efforts: Check if your marketing efforts, such as social media campaigns, email newsletters, or paid ads, are still effective. Poorly targeted or low-quality marketing efforts can also contribute to a drop in traffic.

  • Seasonal trends: Some websites may experience a drop in traffic during certain times of the year due to seasonal trends or changes in user behavior.

To address a drop in traffic, it’s important to identify the root cause and take appropriate action. This may involve improving the technical aspects of your website, updating your content, adjusting your marketing strategies, or analyzing your competitors’ activities. Regularly monitoring and analyzing your website’s performance can also help you promptly identify and address traffic fluctuations.

Different tools to measure traffic

  • Google Analytics: This is one of the most popular and widely used analytics tools. It provides detailed information about the number of visitors, their behavior, demographics, and traffic sources.

  • SEMrush: This tool provides information about a website’s organic and paid traffic, keywords, backlinks, and more. It also offers competitor analysis and keyword research. Ahrefs: This is another popular tool that provides information about a website’s organic search traffic, backlinks, and keywords. It also offers content analysis and competitor research.

  • SimilarWeb: This tool provides insights into a website’s traffic sources, audience demographics, and competitors. It also offers website ranking and industry benchmarking.

  • Alexa: This tool includes website traffic data, including visitor demographics, traffic sources, and engagement metrics. It also provides website ranking and competitor analysis.

  • Clicky: This is a real-time analytics tool that provides information about website traffic, visitor behavior, and engagement. It also offers heatmaps, goals, and campaigns tracking.

There are way many more tools available to measure website traffic. The decision will depend on your website’s specific needs and goals.

8 Tips to boost website traffic

Boost website traffic with tips

Companies who blog get 97% more links to their websites - It’s just like double the number of potential customers in this case. There’s more than just one way to increase website traffic, these significant actions can be taken to improve your website traffic right today.

  • Create high-quality content: Creating relevant and engaging content is an essential method to attract and retain visitors to your website. Make sure your content is well-written, visually appealing, and provides value to your target audience.

  • Optimize for search engines: SEO techniques can optimize your website for search engines in many different ways: including relevant keywords, optimizing meta tags and descriptions, and creating high-quality backlinks.

  • Use social media: Promote your website and content on many diverse social media platforms that exist and be so active such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, Tiktok. This will help to increase visibility and drive traffic.

  • Utilize email marketing: Use email newsletters and marketing campaigns to promote your website and content to subscribers and customers.

  • Guest blogging: Guest blog posts for other websites can help increase your website’s visibility and drive traffic from their audience.

  • Advertising: Use paid advertising, such as Google Ads or Facebook Ads, to target your audience and drive traffic to your website.

  • Engage with your audience: Respond to comments and feedback on your website and social media platforms to engage with your audience and build relationships.

  • Analyze and optimize: Regularly analyze your website traffic and user behavior using analytics tools, such as Google Analytics, and optimize your website, content and also the loading of your site. According to WebFx, reducing your website’s load time by one second can result in a 7% increase in conversions.

By following these tips and consistently working to improve your website’s content and marketing strategies, you can increase traffic to your website and grow your online presence.


Website traffic is a crucial metric that requires regular monitoring and analysis to identify improvement opportunities and ensure a website’s long-term success.

Website traffic indicates the website’s popularity, performance, and effectiveness in attracting and engaging visitors. High traffic can increase revenue, brand awareness, and customer engagement. In contrast, low traffic can signal issues with website design, content quality, or marketing strategies.

It’s important to note that website traffic alone does not guarantee success or profitability. It’s essential to also focus on the quality of traffic, such as targeting the right audience, engaging visitors with relevant and high-quality content, and converting them into customers or subscribers.

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A data-driven marketing leader with over 10 years of experience in the ecommerce industry. Summer leverages her deep understanding of customer behavior and market trends to develop strategic marketing campaigns that drive brand awareness, customer acquisition, and ultimately, sales growth for our company.
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