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Top 30+ Best Shopify Apps: How To Choose The Right One

Shopify merchants are increasingly using apps to boost their businesses, with 87% of stores embracing these tools. With an expanding range of options, it’s crucial to choose the best Shopify apps to boost conversion rates and elevate your online store.

This comprehensive guide offers a comprehensive guide to exploring the top apps that can help you increase sales, engage customers, and stand out in the digital landscape. By harnessing the potential of Shopify apps, you can revolutionize your online business and drive success in the ever-evolving e-commerce landscape.

It’s time to figure it out!

What Are The Shopify Apps?

When you use Shopify, you will be provided with a platform to help you build an e-commerce Website, along with a lot of cool functions to make your business more convenient.

Shopify apps

However, Shopify cannot satisfy the needs of millions of users – each person needs a different feature. If you do everything, your store will have a lot of redundant features, making the store a lot slower and harder to use.

That’s why Shopify is designed so that many developers can build their own features, and then Merchants who need that feature can easily install the feature themselves through Shopify Apps. You can imagine it similar to installing Apps on your phone, only on Shopify – for the purpose of updating more necessary features for your store.

Shopify Apps is also one of Shopify’s outstanding competitive advantages compared to other platforms. With nearly 10k Apps on the Shopify Apps Store – there is almost no feature you need that doesn’t already have a Shopify App providing it.

Why Do I Need Shopify Apps?

Shopify apps are essential tools for enhancing your e-commerce store and improving various aspects of your online business. Here are several reasons why you need Shopify apps:

  • Extended Functionality: Shopify apps allow you to add new features and functionality to your online store that may not be available in the core Shopify platform. Whether it’s advanced product customization, marketing tools, or customer service enhancements, apps help you tailor your store to your specific business needs.
  • Improved User Experience: Apps can enhance the shopping experience for your customers. For example, you can install apps to optimize your website’s navigation, provide live chat support, or offer personalized product recommendations, making it easier for customers to find what they’re looking for and complete purchases.
Shopify apps
  • Marketing and Sales: Many apps are designed to boost your marketing efforts and increase sales. You can use apps for email marketing, social media integration, abandoned cart recovery, and upselling and cross-selling strategies. These tools help you reach a wider audience and drive more revenue.
  • Customization: Apps offer customization options that enable you to create a unique and branded shopping experience. You can customize your store’s design, product listings, checkout process, and more to match your specific business identity and customer preferences.
  • Competitive Edge: Utilizing the right apps can give you a competitive advantage in the e-commerce market. By staying updated with the latest tools and technologies, you can offer a superior shopping experience and outperform competitors.
  • Savings and Efficiency: In many cases, using apps can be more cost-effective than building custom solutions from scratch. Apps often require less development time and resources, making them a cost-efficient way to achieve specific functionality.

How Does A Shopify App Cost?

One of the customers’ concerns when using Shopify is that they can spend a lot of money on the App. This is actually both right and wrong.

Shopify Apps Cost

Yes, it’s because if you have a budget, and want to use an app that is old and has many users, there will be apps that cost you from a few dozen to a few hundred dollars. However, if you don’t have too many app requirements and you are looking to save money, you can completely control the cost of the Apps to under $100/month, with each Shopify App averaging just $10 to $15 a month. Never mind.

As mentioned above, Shopify has nearly 10,000 apps, and each feature you need has dozens of apps for you to choose from. There will be Apps that are long-standing, have loyal customers, and have great features, so the price will be high. On the contrary, there will be cheaper apps (but by no means less efficient), more suitable for your pocket. It’s all up to you to find and choose the App that suits your needs.

How to Choose Appropriate Shopify Apps for My Store?

In fact, each store has different development paths and needs. Some stores need this feature, while others need other features. For example, stores with a large and stable customer base, with the goal of optimizing customer experience and increasing returning customers, will need to set up a Membership Program. Now they have to look for a suitable app to help them do this.

Choose Appropriate Shopify Apps

On the contrary, if you are a brand new store, and do not have too many customers and brand recognition, then installing an App for Membership Program will only cost you money without solving any problems.

That’s why you need to clearly determine what your store’s current needs are first. The Shopify App market is inherently attractive, with apps that are advertised in an attractive, cool, and sound like a necessity, but in reality, you don’t need that many features.

After determining your needs, you should find out which Apps are suitable for your needs and budget, then choose the ones you really need.

How To Install Shopify Apps

Installing Shopify apps is a straightforward process that allows you to add new features and functionality to your Shopify store. You can refer to this process to install Shopify apps:

  • Log in to Your Shopify Account
    • Go to the Shopify website (https://www.shopify.com/).
    • Click the “Log in” button at the top right corner of the page.
    • Enter your store’s URL and login credentials to access your Shopify admin.
  • Access the Shopify App Store
    • Once logged in, you’ll be taken to your Shopify admin dashboard.
    • In the left-hand sidebar, click on “Add Apps.” This will take you to the Shopify App Store.
Access the Shopify App Store
  • Browse or Search for Apps
    • Here, Shopify will suggest some apps that may be suitable for your store. If you find them suitable, click ‘Install’ to install the app into the store.
    • You can discover more apps with expanded functionality on the app store, by clicking ‘Find more apps in the Shopify App Store’.
Browse or Search for Apps
  • Select an App
    • Click on the app you want to install. This will take you to the app’s listing page, where you can learn more about its features and pricing.
Select an App
  • Install the App
    • On the app’s listing page, click the “Add app” or “Get” button. The wording may vary slightly depending on the app.
    • A pop-up window will appear asking you to confirm the installation. Review the app’s permissions and terms of service, then click “Install app.”
Install the App
  • Configure the App
    • After installation, you may be directed to the app’s settings page. Here, you can configure the app according to your preferences.
    • Some apps may require you to connect external accounts, provide API keys, or complete additional setup steps. Follow the on-screen instructions provided by the app. 
Configure the App
  • Confirm the Billing Plan (If Required)
    • Some apps are free, while others have a subscription fee. If the app you’re installing is not free, you will need to select a billing plan.
    • Choose the plan that best suits your needs and follow the payment instructions to complete the subscription process.
Confirm the Billing Plan

That’s it! You’ve successfully installed a Shopify app. Remember to regularly review and manage your apps to ensure they continue to meet your store’s needs.

Top 30+ Shopify Apps to Install in [year]

This article will list the features that should be used in a Shopify store no matter what products you sell, along with a few App recommendations for each feature.

Pixel Checking App

If you have been running Paid Traffic – one of the Apps that you must install when setting up the Shopify store – it is Apps about Pixel Tracking. Shopify’s pixel tracking apps are integrated with the web pixel API to help you understand customer behavior when shopping, help you devise marketing strategies, and optimize conversions without writing a single line of code. 

Pixel Checking App

There are many Pixel Tracking-related Apps on the market – it also depends on your usage needs. Normally, there will be several main tracking needs such as:

  • Facebook Pixel.
  • Google Ads Conversion
  • Google Analytics
  • TikTok Pixel

Most Apps on Shopify today only support 1 or 2 platforms – there are rarely any Apps that support multiple platforms. For example, there will be Apps that only support installing Facebook Pixel, or only support installing Tiktok Pixel, for example.

In return, these Apps will be quite cheap – and do their job quite well. Some examples of these Apps that you can consider are:

  • OnePixel: This app supports accurate pixel tracking on many social media platforms such as Facebook, TikTok, Twitter, Snapchat, Pinterest, and Google. It also supports conversion API integration for Facebook, TikTok, and Google. You can use this app with the cheapest package of $9.9/month
  • Zalify Pixels, Popups & Emails: This is also a low-cost, high-quality application that helps you collect information about customer behavior and interactions. From there, you can make informed decisions and achieve sustainable growth for your store. Zalify has the cheapest price of $19/month and as high as $99/month, depending on the number of your orders.

Order Tracking App

To improve customer experience when shipping goods, businesses should consider installing an Order Tracking App. Customers can access a Tracking Page on your store, fill in their Tracking Number or Email and Order Number, and track the status of their order.

This app can also send emails to customers to notify them about the tracking status and request customer reviews/feedback when goods are delivered. The app should also connect with Klaviyo to create flows corresponding to the tracking status.

Some of the leading apps available in the current market include 17Track, TrackingMore, and AfterShip. These apps allow businesses to control the tracking status, send emails to customers, and request customer reviews/feedback when their orders are delivered.

Order Tracking App

All 3 apps above have a shipping payment mechanism:

  • AfterShip: Average about $0.05/shipment with the Pro package, and $0.11/shipment with the Premium package.
  • TrackingMore: Average about $0.025/shipment.
  • 17Track: Also about $0.025/shipment, but it can not connect to Klaviyo.

Product Feed App

If you are running Google Shopping, or running a Catalog on Facebook – then having a Product Feed management App is an obvious thing to do.

If your need is simply to export the Feed, and then throw it straight into the Google Merchant Center/Facebook Catalog – then there’s probably nothing to discuss. There are quite a few Apps that can do that, to name a few Awesome Facebook Product Feed – $14/month for 500 products, $24/month for 2,000 products. 

Awesome Facebook Product Feed

This app helps sellers create product feeds on Facebook, Instagram, and Google with multi-currency, multi-language support and ad placements. In addition, it also offers features such as automatic updates every hour, resizing and optimizing images, and creating product feeds that are compatible with various social networking platforms.

There are many third-party apps or apps that offer Product Feed, but Awesome Facebook Product Feed is a must-try if you’re a newbie in e-commerce.

Mageplaza Instagram Feed App

Mageplaza Instagram Feed offers a comprehensive solution aimed at enhancing the appeal of your online store. By following simple instructions, you can easily embed captivating Instagram photo or video widgets onto any page or position, thereby boosting visitor engagement and fostering brand interaction.

Moreover, it builds trust by integrating customer testimonials and simplifies administrative tasks through easy feed creation, customization, and management. Discover the capabilities of Mageplaza Instagram Feed today and elevate the visual appeal of your storefront!

Product Review App

One of the relatively important Apps that every store should have – is Product Review Apps. Remember, one of the main reasons customers don’t buy – is that they don’t trust that you will ship the product to them, or that your product is not as you describe, especially if they know about it. you through ads on social networks.

That’s why we need to do everything possible to strengthen customer trust. Using Product Review Apps properly is one such way.

One of the important elements of Product Review is media. A review will be very effective in boosting customer trust – if and only if it is accompanied by Media such as photos/videos. That’s why when choosing an App – you should prioritize which Apps help best express photos/videos.

Product Review App

In addition, some Product Review Apps also help you add ratings to Google Shopping, as well as help customers when searching for your store/product also see your Rating on the search results, like this:

add ratings to Google Shopping

The Product Review Apps market is relatively vibrant and has many options – with 2 outstanding applications:

  • Loox.io: App review pioneered the Photo Grid layout. Its plan starts from $9.99 to $299.00 a month with a 14-day free trial.
  • Judge.me: Only $15/month for unlimited requests – you get all the necessary features with a pretty good layout.

More recommendations at: Top 15+ Best Shopify Product Review Apps

Search And Filter App

If your store has many Sub-Categories, customers need to search and browse collections to find products, you need a Search & Filter Apps. You can refer to the following 3 apps:

  • Smart Product Filter & Search by Globo: The app provides a wide range of filtering options for customers like price, size, color, vendor, collection, and other meta fields. Customers can install and customize the filter menu, making it easier for them to find products, reduce search time, and increase conversions. App is also easily integrated with native search bar, theme filter, category filter. This app offers a free plan, along with paid plans from $19 to $69/month.
  • Boost AI Search & Discovery:  The ultimate solution for online stores looking to enhance their shopping experience. With lightning-fast AI-powered search results, personalized product recommendations, and advanced merchandising tools, Boost AI Search & Discovery helps maximize sales and create seamless shopping journeys. Custom filters, insightful analytics, and a powerful AI foundation combine to revolutionize e-commerce in one powerful app.
Boost AI Search & Discovery
  • Searchanise Search & Discovery: This app elevate online shopping effortlessly with a powerful AI-driven search app. Delivering lightning-fast, highly relevant search results, it enhances customer experience by providing AI recommendations for personalized product discovery. Advanced visual merchandising tools, customizable filters, and insightful analytics further optimize conversions.

Membership Program App

Integrating a Membership Program App offers a range of benefits that can significantly enhance an online store’s success and customer engagement. It can transform a transactional relationship into a long-term, mutually beneficial partnership between your online store and its customers.

This is a strategic way to enhance customer engagement, increase sales, and build a loyal customer base. These two apps are well known for providing professional membership programs:

  • Smile: With Smile.io, effortlessly creating customized loyalty, referrals, and VIP rewards programs that amplify sales, cut acquisition costs, and cultivate unwavering brand loyalty. In just minutes, craft a tailored program without any coding hassles. Customize aesthetics, encourage repeat purchases, integrate seamlessly with apps, and enhance engagement with Nudges – all while offering multilingual support.
  • Yotpo: Yotpo Loyalty & Referrals streamlines customer retention with an agile platform that requires no development effort. Featuring 20+ ready-to-go campaigns, customers can effortlessly earn and redeem points, driving repeat purchases, elevated lifetime value, and heightened engagement.

Cross-sell and Up-sell App

One-click upsell app is an effortless solution to increase your revenue by optimizing pre and post-purchase upsell funnels. It simplifies the process, boosts average order values, and enhances the overall shopping experience for customers, all while requiring minimal effort and technical expertise on your part.

Reputational one-click upsell app to use:

  • Avada Upsell Cross Sell Bundle: Effortlessly integrate cross-sell recommendations and Upsell pop-ups, driving customers to explore and purchase more products. With a repertoire of five automatic recommendation types, unlimited manual recommendations, and Upsell pop-ups, this app is your key to boosting Average Order Value (AOV), streamlining purchases, and maximizing revenue.
Avada Upsell Cross Sell Bundle
  • Cross Sell & Upsell: Elevate your AOV through dynamic Cross-Sell, Upsell, and bundle suggestions. With 8 strategic display locations, you gain unparalleled control—Curate tailor-made recommendations manually or based on sales history, orders, and collections. Improve the shopping journey with add-ons, bundles, “also bought,” and “complete the look” items. Seamlessly integrate with product pages and the cart page, utilize auto-generated smart Upsell suggestions, and enhance cross-sells with QuickView buttons and quantity discounted Bundles. 
  • Zipify OCU: By directing customers to post-purchase offer pages with customizable upsells, Zipify helps you increase the likelihood of upselling your relevant products. With just one click, customers can add products to their orders, increasing the average order price. Currently, there are more than 13 thousand stores using this application to increase their revenue on Shopify.

Email and SMS Marketing App

Email and SMS marketing apps are essential for businesses seeking to engage their audience effectively. They enable direct and personalized communication with customers, driving brand awareness, conversions, and customer loyalty through targeted messaging across these two highly impactful channels.

Reputational one-click upsell app to use:

  • Avada Email Marketing & SMS: This app is an essential tool for merchants looking to boost conversions and nurture customer relationships. With email marketing, SMS, and pop-up features, it offers seamless omnichannel engagement. Avada’s user-friendly interface, customizable templates, and powerful automation make it a must-have for Shopify stores, all backed by top-notch customer support and detailed analytics.
Avada Email Marketing & SMS
  • AI: Upsell – SMS – Email Marketing: This is a comprehensive platform powered by AI that enhances Shopify stores by recovering abandoned carts, increasing sales, loyalty, and subscriber growth. It offers an array of features, including an AI assistant, unified email and SMS marketing, one-click checkout upsells, pop-ups, discounts, rewards, analytics, A/B testing, and Shopify marketplace integration.

More recommendations: 15+ Best Shopify Email Marketing Apps in 2023

How To Evaluate the Relevance Of A Shopify App

Evaluating the relevance of a Shopify app before integrating it into your store is crucial to ensure that it aligns with your business goals, enhances customer experience, and adds value to your operations. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you assess the relevance of a Shopify app:

  • Identify Your Needs: Clearly define the specific problem or requirement you want the app to address. Whether it’s improving customer support, boosting sales, streamlining inventory management, or enhancing marketing efforts, a well-defined need will guide your evaluation.
  • Research and Explore: Search the Shopify App Store for apps that match your needs. Read app descriptions, reviews, and ratings. Pay attention to the app’s features, compatibility with your store’s theme, and the range of capabilities it offers.
  • Check App Features: Assess the app’s features and functionalities. Does it provide the tools and solutions required to fulfill your needs effectively? Look for features that directly address your pain points.
  • Trial or Demo: Many apps offer free trials or demos. Take advantage of these to test the app’s performance within your store environment. This hands-on experience will help you understand how user-friendly and compatible the app is.
Trial or Demo
  • User Reviews and Ratings: Read user reviews and ratings to gauge the experiences of other Shopify store owners. Look for patterns in feedback, both positive and negative. This can provide insights into common challenges or benefits associated with the app.
  • Support and Documentation: Evaluate the quality of customer support provided by the app developer. Check if they offer comprehensive documentation, tutorials, or FAQs that can help you navigate the app’s features.
  • Integration: Consider how seamlessly the app integrates with your existing workflows, systems, and other apps you’re using. Avoid apps that create complications or require extensive adjustments.
  • Customization: Determine if the app allows customization to align with your brand’s look and feel. Apps that offer flexibility in design and branding are more likely to enhance user experience.
  • Cost vs. Value: Evaluate the cost of the app against the value it brings to your business. Consider the potential increase in revenue, time saved, and overall efficiency gained by using the app.
Cost vs. Value
  • Long-Term Sustainability: Think about whether the app’s features and benefits align with your long-term business strategy. An app that solves an immediate issue but doesn’t align with your future goals might not be the best investment.
  • Scalability: If your business is growing, ensure that the app can scale with your needs. Look for apps that offer different tiers or plans that accommodate different business sizes.
  • Data Security and Privacy: Review the app’s data handling practices to ensure it aligns with your privacy and security standards.

Final Verdict

After thorough research and analysis, we’ve curated a selection of apps that can truly elevate your retail game. From boosting sales to enhancing customer engagement, these apps offer a spectrum of functionalities that align with your business goals. 

As you embark on this journey to amplify your retail success, rest assured that integrating these apps will empower you with tools that can drive growth, foster loyalty, and propel your Shopify store to new heights.

Embrace innovation, seize opportunities, and embrace the future of retail with confidence—we have your back.

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A data-driven marketing leader with over 10 years of experience in the ecommerce industry. Summer leverages her deep understanding of customer behavior and market trends to develop strategic marketing campaigns that drive brand awareness, customer acquisition, and ultimately, sales growth for our company.
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