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Shopify NFT: How to Sell, Buy and Mint Easily

In recent years, NFT is a term that has received a lot of attention from the information technology world. NFT is a product of the new technology era, with irreplaceable uniqueness, and is expected to create a fever soon. 

Thanks to its popularity and modernity, Shopify NFT is often used by stores on this e-commerce platform. However, many people still do not clearly understand what Shopify NFT is and its potential, so let’s find out through this article!

What is Shopify NFT?

Diversity of Shopify NFT

Shopify NFT is becoming the most popular tool for tokenizing digital assets such as pictures, music, and works of art. In other words, Shopify stores can sell their products to customers as NFTs. The buyer will become its owner after paying. Others can still view this product, but only the purchaser has official ownership.

NFT stands for non-fungible token and represents a unique digital asset. Unlike previous digital content and infinitely reproducible objects, each NFT is unique because it has a unique digital signature and cannot be copied. Each NFT token will have a unique identifier and belong to only one owner. NFTs are typically traded in cryptocurrencies and are sometimes exchanged in USD.

Besides, NFT is also used to represent other types of digital assets such as pictures, videos, or games. Thanks to that, impressive art or songs can be traded and owned transparently and safely on the blockchain.

Read more: What is Shopify and how does it work?

The benefits of Shopify NFT

It cannot be denied that tokenizing assets brings many benefits to both sellers and buyers. Because NFT Shopify can verify authenticity and clear ownership, buying and selling transactions become more transparent, especially with art products. This is also a way to help sellers protect their ownership rights and earn more reasonable profits.

In addition, Shopify NFT has many other benefits that users can take advantage of. 

  • Ease of use: Shopify is known for its user-friendly interface and ease of use. If NFTs were seamlessly integrated into the platform, sellers and buyers may find it convenient to navigate and participate in NFT transactions.
  • Payment gateways: Shopify integrates with various payment gateways, making it easier for sellers to receive payments. If NFTs were supported on Shopify, sellers could leverage these payment gateways for NFT transactions, providing a secure and familiar payment process for buyers.
  • Marketing and promotion: Shopify offers various tools for marketing and promotion. Sellers could utilize these tools to promote their NFT collections and attract potential buyers. This could include features like discounts, promotions, and integration with social media for increased visibility.
  • Centralized management: Shopify provides a centralized platform for managing products, orders, and customer data. If NFTs were integrated, sellers could manage their entire product range, including both physical and digital goods, from a single dashboard.
  • Brand awareness: Shopify has a large user base, which includes a diverse range of businesses. By allowing NFT sales on the platform, sellers could tap into Shopify’s existing customer base and reach a wider audience interested in traditional products and digital assets like NFTs.
  • Customer trust: Shopify is a well-known and trusted platform, and buyers may feel more confident purchasing NFTs through a platform they are familiar with and that has established security measures in place.
  • More supported blockchains: The blockchain on which NFTs are created and traded is crucial to the NFT ecosystem. As the NFT space evolves, there has been an increasing interest in supporting NFTs on various blockchains.
Various payment platforms with Shopify NFT

What kinds of NFT can you sell in Shopify?

There are some kinds of NFTs that you can sell on Shopify.

  • Digital art: NFTs have gained significant popularity in the art world. Artists can tokenize their digital creations as NFTs, allowing collectors to own a unique, verifiable piece of digital art.
  • Collectibles: NFTs can represent digital collectibles, such as virtual trading cards, game items, or other digital assets that hold value online.
  • Virtual real estate: Some platforms offer virtual worlds or metaverse environments where users can buy, sell, and own virtual real estate. These virtual properties can be represented as NFTs.
  • Domain names: Blockchain domains operating on blockchain networks can also be represented as NFTs. These NFTs provide ownership of specific domain names on decentralized networks.
  • Music and audio NFTs: Musicians and audio creators can tokenize their music, albums, or unique audio experiences as NFTs, allowing fans to own digital copies or access exclusive content.
  • Video content: NFTs can represent ownership or access rights to specific content. Creators can tokenize videos, granting buyers exclusive access or ownership of unique versions.
  • Virtual goods in gaming: NFTs are used in the gaming industry to represent in-game assets, characters, or items. Users could potentially sell and purchase these virtual goods if a gaming-related NFT marketplace is integrated with Shopify.
Music on Shopify NFT

It is important to note that the precise sorts of NFTs supported will be determined by the e-commerce platform’s features and capabilities, which may differ between platforms. If Shopify or other platforms have added NFT support after my previous update, the most up-to-date information can be found by checking their documentation and announcements.

How to sell NFT on Shopify

Trading NFT on Shopify

The process of selling NFTs on the platform might involve the following general steps:

Step 1: Create a Shopify account

To create a Shopify account, you need to go to the official Shopify website at https://www.shopify.com/. 

Start free trial on Shopify website

Look for a “Get Started” or similar button on the Shopify homepage, and click on it. You will be prompted to provide some basic information to set up your account including your email, password, and the name of your Shopify store.

Shopify offers different pricing plans, so you can choose the one that can meet your business requirement. You can start with a free trial before committing to a paid plan. Once you have signed up, you will be guided to set up your store. This involves entering your store details, including the name, address, and industry.

Step 2: Develop Shopify website

Developing a Shopify website involves several steps, from setting up your store to customizing its appearance and adding products.

You can explore the Shopify dashboard to customize your store’s appearance. There are many themes from the Shopify Theme Store with various colors, fonts, and layouts for you to match your brand.

Shopify Theme Store

After that, you can choose the type of product you want to sell and start building a sales website on your Shopify store. They include details like product names, descriptions, prices, and images. Organize products into categories for easy navigation. If you want to sell NFT products, you can create a separate product catalog and display it on the Shopify website.

Step 3: Set up payment methods

Shopify supports various payment providers, including Shopify Payments, third-party credit card gateways, and alternative payment methods. 

  • If you are eligible and prefer to use Shopify Payments, click on “Complete account setup” next to Shopify Payments. Follow the prompts to provide the necessary information, including your banking details for payouts.
  • If you use a third-party payment gateway, click on “Choose third-party provider” and select the payment gateway you want to use. Follow the instructions provided by the selected provider to set up your account and connect it to Shopify. Besides credit cards, you can enable alternative payment methods like digital wallets (e.g., PayPal, Apple Pay). Click on “Choose alternative payment” and select the desired options.
Set up payment options on the Shopify dashboard
Set up payment options on the Shopify dashboard

Depending on the payment provider, you may need to configure additional settings such as currency, regions served, and accepted credit cards.

Step 4: Choose NFT products

There are many types of NFTs that can be sold on Shopify, so you need to decide the product you want to sell first. Then, you will likely need to create NFT product listings. This may involve specifying details such as the digital file, metadata, and any additional information about the NFT.

Step 5: Set up pricing details

In this step, you should determine the pricing strategy for your NFTs. Specify whether the NFTs will be minted or created on the blockchain upon purchase or if they are pre-minted. Set the pricing structure for your NFT products.

If buyers need to use cryptocurrency wallets for NFT transactions, ensure that the integration is seamless. Buyers should be able to connect their wallets to the Shopify platform for secure transactions.

Step 6: Market your NFT

To make your store more widely known, you should leverage Shopify’s marketing tools to promote your NFT listings. You can market your store on some social media, email marketing, and other channels to reach potential buyers and create awareness about your NFT collections.

You can utilize platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest to connect your Shopify store. Then, share product updates, promotions, and engaging content. You can also add valuable and relevant content to attract and engage your audience. This can include blog posts, product guides, videos, and more.

Besides, SEO is a factor to optimize your product pages and content for search engines. Use relevant keywords, write descriptive product titles and meta descriptions, and improve site speed. Shopify provides SEO-friendly features.

Step 7: Provide ownership and customer support

When a customer purchases an NFT, ensure that the ownership information and metadata associated with the NFT are accurately recorded on the blockchain. This information is crucial for proving authenticity and ownership. Don’t forget to support buyers with questions about the NFT purchasing process, blockchain transactions, or related queries.

The specific process for selling NFTs is actually very simple. You can freely bring quality and creative products to users, then sell them in your Shopify store.

How to buy NFT on Shopify

Selling NFTs can benefit creators, artists, and individuals involved in various industries. Below are the steps to help you sell NFTs on Shopify:

  • Explore NFT listings: Navigate to the section of the Shopify store where NFTs are listed for sale. This could be a dedicated category, collection, page showcasing the available NFTs.
  • Browse NFT collections: Explore the various NFT collections available for purchase. Each collection may include different digital assets, such as art, collectibles, virtual goods, or other types of NFTs.
  • Select an NFT: Choose the specific NFT you want to purchase. Click on the NFT listing to view more details, such as the digital file, metadata, and any additional information the seller provides. You can add to cart in Shopify to buy later.
  • Connect wallet: During the checkout process, provide the necessary information for payment. If NFTs are priced in cryptocurrency, you may need a compatible wallet for the transaction. If the NFT purchase involves interacting with a blockchain, you may need to connect your cryptocurrency wallet to the Shopify platform. 
  • Confirm transaction: After connecting wallet and payments, Shopify will require you to confirm this transaction. This step ensures that you acquire the correct NFT and that the associated information is accurate.
  • Ownership transfer: After completing the purchase, you will own that NFT product. The blockchain will record this transaction, providing proof of ownership and authenticity.

One thing that few people pay attention to is that NFTs can be bought, sold, and exchanged on markets easily. This is one of the great benefits that help users quickly profit from owning and trading NFTs.

Shopify NFT marketing plan

Marketing plan to improve Shopify NFT

To successfully sell NFTs on Shopify, a comprehensive marketing strategy is essential. Creating a successful marketing plan for selling NFTs on Shopify involves a combination of strategies to attract and engage your target audience. 

  • Know your audience: Identify your target audience to tailor your marketing approach effectively.
  • Create a strong brand: Develop a unique brand identity and theme for your NFT collection to stand out in the marketplace.
  • Optimize your Shopify store: Ensure your Shopify store is well-organized with dedicated sections for NFTs and clear, compelling product listings.
  • Harness social media: Leverage platforms like Instagram and Twitter to share engaging content, teasers, and updates about your NFTs. Interact with your audience regularly.
  • Collaborate with influencers: Collaborate with brand-aligned influencers to expand your audience and boost reputation.
  • Implement loyalty programs: Reward repeat buyers with a loyalty program, offering discounts or exclusive access to encourage continued engagement.
  • Apply email marketing: Create an email list, use email marketing to notify subscribers about exclusive releases and new releases, and offer insightful material.
  • Run paid ads: Consider targeted paid advertising campaigns on platforms like social media to reach specific audiences.
  • Optimize for SEO: Improve the discoverability of your Shopify store by optimizing it for search engines.
  • Provide transparency: Communicate ownership rights, royalties, and associated benefits to build trust with buyers.
  • Monitor and iterate: Regularly analyze your marketing performance, use analytics tools, and adapt your strategies based on the results.

Remember that the NFT space is dynamic, and trends can shift quickly. To establish a successful NFT marketing strategy on Shopify, you must stay informed, change your techniques, and continue to engage with your audience.

Shopify NFT minting application

Many NFT minting application on Shopify App Store

A Shopify NFT minting application is a tool within the Shopify ecosystem that empowers users to generate and market non-fungible tokens (NFTs) on their Shopify stores, irrespective of blockchain currencies. This application streamlines the NFT minting process, making it more accessible, and enables merchants to sell their minted NFTs directly through their Shopify storefronts.


Shopify NFT minting application is becoming more popular because of some benefits it brings to your store:

  • Simplified NFT creation: The application simplifies the NFT minting process, making it more accessible for users who may not have extensive technical knowledge about blockchain and token creation.
  • Seamless integration: As a part of the Shopify ecosystem, the NFT minting application seamlessly integrates with the existing Shopify platform. This allows users to centrally manage their NFTs alongside their other products.
  • Broadened market reach: By leveraging Shopify’s popularity and user base, merchants can reach a broader audience for their NFTs. Shopify’s established infrastructure and marketing tools can enhance the visibility of NFT listings.
  • Enhanced user experience: The application contributes to an improved user experience by offering a user-friendly interface within the familiar Shopify environment. This familiarity can attract both existing Shopify users and newcomers to the NFT space.
  • Facilitated sales: The integration allows merchants to sell their minted NFTs directly through Shopify stores. This streamlined process eliminates the need for users to navigate multiple platforms, simplifying the purchasing experience for buyers.
  • Centralized management: Users can manage their NFTs alongside other products and orders within the Shopify dashboard. This centralized approach simplifies administrative tasks for merchants.
  • Marketing and promotional tools: Leveraging Shopify’s built-in marketing and promotional tools, merchants can effectively market their NFTs. This includes running promotions and discounts and utilizing Shopify’s broader ecosystem for increased visibility.

Blockchain networks are commonly used

Several blockchain networks are commonly used for minting Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), each with its standards and characteristics. 

  • Ethereum (ETH): Ethereum is one of the most widely used blockchains for NFTs. It is an open-source, decentralized blockchain platform that makes it possible to create and run decentralized apps (DApps) and smart contracts. Ethereum is often regarded as the pioneer of blockchain platforms beyond Bitcoin.
  • Binance Smart Chain (BSC): Binance Smart Chain has gained popularity for its lower transaction fees and faster confirmation times than Ethereum.
  • Flow: Flow is a blockchain designed for NFTs and decentralized applications (DApps). It is known for its scalability and is used by popular NFT projects and marketplaces.
  • Solana (SOL): Solana is known for its high throughput and low transaction costs. It has gained traction as a blockchain for NFTs, with projects and marketplaces leveraging its speed and efficiency.
  • Cardano (ADA): Cardano is a blockchain gradually expanding its NFT ecosystem. It aims to offer sustainability and scalability with its proof-of-stake consensus mechanism.
  • Algorand (ALGO): Algorand is a blockchain known for its fast transaction speeds and low fees. It supports NFTs and aims to provide a secure and scalable infrastructure.
  • Harmony (ONE): Harmony is a blockchain focusing on scalability and low transaction costs. It supports NFTs and is utilized by various projects in the decentralized space.

The blockchain used to mint NFTs is determined by transaction costs, speed, environmental considerations, and the specific standards the blockchain supports. Projects and creators may select a blockchain that meets their needs and values.


Is Shopify NFT free?

The costs associated with a Shopify NFT minting application may differ based on your chosen application or integration. Typically, the pricing encompasses an application fee of $89 and the minting fee charged per NFT mint.

While incorporating the sale of NFTs can introduce a new revenue stream for your store, you also have the option to give NFTs as complimentary gifts to your customers. To gift a free NFT, you can gather the customer’s wallet address and mint and deliver the NFT using an NFT distribution app. Alternatively, you can guide the customer to a dedicated page to claim their free NFT.

What is the tokengated market?

By providing token holders with unique access to merchandise, exceptional discounts on new arrivals, VIP admittance to store openings, invites to exclusive events, and a host of other advantages, tokengating aims to increase the value of NFTs.

Shopify store proprietors define specific NFTs and smart contracts, choosing the content they wish to provide access to. Subsequently, when a customer possesses one of the designated NFTs, the app partner facilitates entry to the restricted content.

Besides, the token gate market is used for different purposes, such as:

  • Explore collections and products, and enjoy discounts on your Shopify store.
  • Possess NFTs for exclusive entry to upcoming NFT releases.
  • NFT ownership is a prerequisite for participating in airdrops.
  • Collaborate with token-gating-enabled brands on Shopify.
  • Gain complete entry to community interaction channels, including online Discord, communities, and in-person events.

Can I sell crypto on Shopify?

Shopify doesn’t natively support the sale of cryptocurrencies directly on its platform. However, there are ways you can integrate cryptocurrency payments or sell cryptocurrency-related products on your Shopify store.

Before implementing cryptocurrency-related features on your Shopify store, it’s crucial to consider legal and regulatory aspects. Regulations pertaining to cryptocurrencies differ by location, so you should make sure you’re abiding by the rules there.


The above article has shared knowledge about Shopify NFT with you and some related information. In the age of developed digital technology, NFTs have brought many benefits to users and promise to become an extremely hot trend in the future. 

However, along with the benefits, NFTs also have potential risks if you overuse them. Therefore, understanding NFT and how to use it properly on Shopify will help users take full advantage of the benefits of this tool.

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