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Insights for Hiring Offshore BigCommerce Developers

BigCommerce, a top e-commerce platform, caters to various business needs with its multiple features and broad customizability. According to ConnectPOS1, it serves over 60,000 active users across 150+ countries and has solidified its reputation as a top e-commerce company over the years.

Using BigCommerce efficiently, however, requires technical skills. An offshore BigCommerce coder providing remote, cost-effective, high-quality services can help.

Though hiring offshore brings advantages, challenges such as communication barriers, cultural differences, and quality assurance exist, emphasizing the need for careful, strategic hiring.

This article guides on the role, hiring process, costs, and sourcing of offshore BigCommerce developers to ensure your needs and expectations are met.

Defining offshore BigCommerce developer

An offshore BigCommerce developer is more than just a foreign contractor or a remote programmer; they are a vital part of the global e-commerce ecosystem, perpetually pushing the boundaries of online store design and functionality. Suppose we delve deeper into their roles and responsibilities. In that case, we can appreciate their multi-faceted contributions:

  • Digital storefront creation: An offshore BigCommerce development team specializes in creating captivating online stores using BigCommerce’s robust features. They can build or remodel existing ones from scratch, turning them into efficient, well-organized platforms that engage customers.
  • Coding and storefront enhancement: The appeal of these online stores stems from the developer’s coding skills in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. They infuse interactivity into the storefront, programming efficient navigation buttons, search functions, and checkout processes.
  • Integration proficiency: An offshore BigCommerce developer seamlessly integrates various features into the digital store. With their adept coding, they ensure all elements – from product catalogs to the checkout system – work harmoniously, providing a smooth user experience.

More aspects enrich these specialists’ roles:

Who are offshore BigCommerce coders?

Custom Features Development: Offshore BigCommerce coders enhance the store’s functionality by creating custom features. These can range from personalized themes and extensions to innovative plugins. Each custom feature adds depth to the shopping experience, making it more satisfying for customers.

  • Global collaboration: Offshore BigCommerce developers actively participate in the dynamic, global e-commerce development community. They exchange ideas, collaborate on projects, and contribute to an ethos of collective growth and innovation.
  • Budget-friendly solutions: Beyond creation, they provide economically savvy solutions. Taking advantage of their location’s cost benefits, they deliver high-quality services at reduced rates, thereby offering financial strategy in their roles.
  • Continuous learning and adaptation: Offshore BigCommerce programmers consistently evolve with the rapidly changing e-commerce landscape. Their continuous learning and adaptation to new technologies and strategies enable them to provide updated, cutting-edge solutions for online stores.

Thus, an offshore BigCommerce developer encompasses the roles of a designer, coder, collaborator, and cost strategist. This multi-dimensional role is constantly evolving, shaped by the innovative spirit of the e-commerce development community. Indeed, anyone who designs, codes, collaborates and offers cost-effective solutions on the BigCommerce platform can rightly be called an offshore BigCommerce developer.

What does an offshore BigCommerce developer do?

Store development and customization

The primary role of an offshore BigCommerce coder is to establish a robust online storefront that caters to the client’s business requirements. They work closely with the client to understand their business model, target audience, and brand aesthetics. Using this information, they select a suitable BigCommerce theme as the foundation for the online store.

The developers then customize the chosen theme to reflect the brand’s personality and make it more appealing to the target audience. This includes customizing the layout, user interface, color schemes, and other design elements to create a unique and engaging online shopping environment.

Coding and advanced customizations

The offshore BigCommerce developers bring their coding prowess into play for advanced customizations. They write clean and efficient HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code to tailor features and design elements to the client’s specifications.

Their expertise extends to developing custom APIs for unique functionalities and seamless integration of third-party applications. Whether it’s a unique request feature or integration with a particular service, these developers have the technical understanding to handle it.

Integration of third-party services

A significant responsibility of offshore BigCommerce developers is integrating various third-party services into the online store. These can range from payment gateways to Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems, email marketing tools, shipping services, and more.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Such integrations can significantly enhance the functionality of an online store. They help streamline business operations, automate processes, and improve the overall shopping experience for customers.

Performance optimization and SEO

Performance optimization is another critical task performed by the offshore BigCommerce development team. They guarantee a quick-loading, smoothly-running online store, offering an uninterrupted user experience. This results in enhanced customer contentment, elevated user engagement, and boosted sales conversions.

They also optimize the store for SEO. Improving the site’s discoverability and ranking on search engine results helps attract more organic traffic to the online store.

Troubleshooting, maintenance, and support

Technical issues can arise at any stage of the development process or even post-deployment. Offshore BigCommerce developers are skilled in identifying these issues and troubleshooting them promptly. This swift action minimizes potential downtime, ensuring that the online store operates without hitches.

These developers also perform regular maintenance checks and updates. This proactive approach helps keep the store in top shape and mitigates potential technical issues before they escalate. They also provide ongoing support to the clients, addressing any queries or issues they might have post-development.

Staying current with e-commerce trends

The world of e-commerce is dynamic and ever-evolving. As such, offshore BigCommerce developers continually update their knowledge about the latest trends, technologies, and best practices in the field.

By keeping their finger on the pulse of the industry, they can infuse their work with innovative features and state-of-the-art technologies. This, in turn, ensures that the online stores they develop are competitive and provide a cutting-edge shopping experience for customers.

How much does hiring an offshore BigCommerce developer cost?

The average cost of hiring an offshore BigCommerce coder can range from $1800 to $10,000 per month, or $40 to $70 per hour, depending on the developer’s location, experience, and project scope.

One of the main advantages of hiring an offshore BigCommerce programmer is the cost savings. Compared to hiring an in-house or local developer, hiring an offshore developer can help you reduce your expenses significantly. However, the exact cost of hiring an offshore BigCommerce developer can vary depending on several factors, such as:

  • Location: The location of the offshore developer can affect the hourly or monthly rates they charge. Different countries or regions have different living costs and demands for BigCommerce developers. For example, according to Developers. dev, a dedicated BigCommerce developer from India can cost as low as $1800 per month, while a developer from the US can cost up to $10,000 per month.
  • Experience: The experience level of the offshore developer can also influence the cost. Generally, the more experienced and skilled the developer is, the higher the rates they charge. As per The Commerce Shop, a junior BigCommerce developer having less than three years of experience can demand approximately $40 per hour, while a senior developer with more than six years of experience can charge approximately $70 per hour.
  • Project scope: The scope and complexity can also affect the cost of hiring an offshore BigCommerce developer. The project duration and effort can vary depending on the features and functionalities you want to implement on your e-commerce website. For example, a simple online store with basic features can take 2-4 weeks to develop, while a complex online store with custom integrations and plugins can take 3-6 months.
  • Communication: The offshore developer’s communication skills and language proficiency can affect the project’s quality and efficiency. Poor communication can lead to misunderstandings, delays, errors, and rework. Therefore, hiring an offshore developer who can communicate well in English or your preferred language can save you time and money.
  • Quality: The quality of the offshore developer’s work can affect the hiring cost. Low-quality work can result in bugs, glitches, security issues, or poor e-commerce website performance. Hence, employing an offshore developer capable of delivering top-notch work aligned with your standards and expectations can minimize the necessity for amendments, testing, or upkeep.
  • Reputation: The reputation of the offshore developer or the agency they work for can affect the cost of hiring them. A reputable offshore developer or agency can have positive reviews, testimonials, ratings, or awards showcasing expertise and reliability. Therefore, hiring a reputable offshore developer or agency can increase your trust and confidence in their services.
The average price for offshore BigCommerce coder hire

When hiring an offshore BigCommerce coder, remember these tips for a successful process:

  • Clarity: precisely defining project needs, budget, timeline, and goals to your offshore developer is crucial for effective communication.
  • Market knowledge: diligent research and comparison of market rates for BigCommerce developers across regions ensure the best monetary value.
  • Credibility: choosing reliable platforms or agencies for hiring BigCommerce developers, verified through reviews and portfolios, determines the quality of the workforce.
  • Skill assessment: interviewing and testing potential offshore developers measures their competencies and project compatibility.
  • Contract clarity: establishing a transparent, secure contract with clearly outlined work scope, deliverables, and payment terms affects the smoothness of the collaboration.
  • Communication tools: using effective tools for communication, collaboration, and progress monitoring, along with regular feedback, impacts project success.

10 essential tips for hiring an offshore BigCommerce developer

1. Understand your needs

Clearly define your e-commerce business objectives. Specify the user experience you aim to provide, any specific features your store must have, and whether third-party integrations will be required. This helps you find a developer with the proper set of skills.

2. Look for relevant experience

Search for developers with BigCommerce experience or those who have handled similar projects. Ask them for a portfolio to understand their design style, technical expertise, and project execution capability.

3. Test their technical knowledge

Ensure the developer is proficient in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and understands BigCommerce platform functionalities. Consider conducting a small test project or a technical interview to verify their skills.

4. Assess their communication skills

The developer should be able to clearly understand your requirements, answer your queries, and provide timely updates. Check their proficiency in your language and their familiarity with your preferred communication tools.

5. Evaluate their problem-solving skills

A good developer should possess strong problem-solving abilities. They should be able to identify, troubleshoot, and resolve issues that may arise during development and also be able to suggest innovative solutions that can improve your store’s functionality and user experience.

6. Consider time zone differences

Time zone differences can affect communication and collaboration. Ensure that there’s a reasonable overlap in working hours or that the developer is flexible enough to adjust their schedule for essential meetings and updates.

Account for time zone differences in collaboration

7. Check for continuous learning

E-commerce industry trends and technologies change rapidly. Look for a developer open to learning and adapting to new trends to ensure your store remains up-to-date.

8. Request references

Ask for the contact information of their previous clients. Talking to these references will provide insights into the developer’s work ethic, reliability, and overall professionalism.

9. Discuss rates and payment terms

Be clear about the developer’s rates, how and when they bill, and the payment methods they accept. This can avert potential future disagreements or confusion.

10. Plan for long-term maintenance and support

Your relationship with the developer should not end with the store’s launch. Ensure they are willing to provide long-term support for updates, fixes, and perhaps even adding new features as your business grows.

Where to find reliable offshore BigCommerce developers?

Finding and hiring reliable offshore BigCommerce programmers can be daunting, especially if you don’t know where and what to look for. Luckily, several platforms and resources can assist you in locating and hiring skilled and seasoned BigCommerce developers for your endeavor. Some of them are:


Developers.dev is a web development company that provides dedicated BigCommerce developers for hire. You can employ a team of certified BigCommerce developers from Developers.dev, capable of designing, developing, and maintaining your e-commerce website. Developers.dev also provides a free project management system, a full money-back guarantee, and round-the-clock support.


  • Access to a team of certified BigCommerce developers with proven expertise and experience
  • Flexibility to select from diverse hiring models and pricing plans tailored to your requirements and budget.
  • Option to get a free quote and a free trial before hiring the team


  • Limited flexibility and control over the team compared to hiring freelancers
  • Possible time zone differences and availability issues with some developers
  • Need to sign a contract and commit to a minimum duration of the project



Upwork is one of the world’s largest and most popular freelance marketplaces. You can find and hire offshore BigCommerce coders from different countries and regions with different skills and rates. You can also check their profiles, reviews, ratings, portfolios, and testimonials to verify their credibility and quality. Upwork also offers a protected payment system and a dispute settlement service to safeguard clients and freelancers.


  • Access to a large pool of BigCommerce developers with diverse skills and experience levels.
  • Ability to compare and negotiate rates and terms with different freelancers.
  • Option to use escrow service and milestone payments to ensure security and satisfaction.


  • Risk of hiring low-quality or unreliable freelancers
  • Additional fees for using the platform and the payment service
  • Possible communication and cultural barriers with some freelancers


ValueCoders is an offshore software development company that specializes in e-commerce development. You can hire an offshore BigCommerce development team with expertise in BigCommerce platforms, features, integrations, and customizations. ValueCoders offers flexible hiring models, transparent pricing, agile methodology, and quality assurance.


  • Access to a pool of experienced e-commerce developers with skills in BigCommerce development
  • Capability to select from various hiring models and pricing strategies to accommodate your requirements and budget.
  • Option to get a free consultation and a free trial before hiring the developers


  • Limited flexibility and control over the developers compared to hiring freelancers
  • Possible time zone differences and availability issues with some developers
  • Need to sign a contract and commit to a minimum duration of the project

HB Websol

HB Websol is an offshore web development company that offers BigCommerce development services. You can hire offshore BigCommerce programmers who can create custom BigCommerce solutions and integrations for your e-commerce website. HB Websol also offers BigCommerce apps, maintenance, and support services.


  • Access to a team of skilled BigCommerce developers with experience in custom BigCommerce development
  • Ability to get custom BigCommerce solutions and integrations tailored to your business needs and goals
  • Option to get a free quote and a free consultation before hiring the developers


  • Limited flexibility and control over the developers compared to hiring freelancers
  • Possible time zone differences and availability issues with some developers
  • Need to sign a contract and commit to a minimum duration of the project.

BigCommerce Dev Center

BigCommerce Dev Center is the official platform for BigCommerce developers. You can find and hire offshore BigCommerce developers certified by BigCommerce and have access to the latest tools and resources. You can also check their profiles, portfolios, and ratings to verify their credibility and quality. BigCommerce Dev Center also provides a secure payment system and a developer portal.


  • Access to a pool of certified BigCommerce developers with proven expertise and experience
  • Ability to find and hire developers who are familiar with the latest BigCommerce features, integrations, and best practices
  • Option to use the developer portal to communicate, collaborate, and monitor the progress of the developers


  • Risk of hiring low-quality or unreliable developers
  • Additional fees for using the platform and the payment service
  • Possible communication and cultural barriers with some developers


Hiring an offshore BigCommerce developer is a strategic decision that can propel your online business to new heights. With their technical expertise, they build and maintain your e-commerce site and optimize it for improved customer experience. 

However, this choice comes with challenges, such as communication and cultural differences. Balancing these factors with careful selection, transparent communication, and regular feedback can lead to a successful partnership.

Remember, strategic planning, diligent selection, and careful management can make this a fruitful decision for your online business growth.

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A data-driven marketing leader with over 10 years of experience in the ecommerce industry. Summer leverages her deep understanding of customer behavior and market trends to develop strategic marketing campaigns that drive brand awareness, customer acquisition, and ultimately, sales growth for our company.
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