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9 Ecommerce Marketing Strategies to Maximize Your Online Sales

Summer Nguyen | 11-15-2021

9 Ecommerce Marketing Strategies to Maximize Your Online Sales 9 Ecommerce Marketing Strategies to Maximize Your Online Sales

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Every marketer’s job is a little different, but most of us have a standard set of goals: We want to attract new customers, increase conversions and sell more products online. While each goal is relatively straightforward on its own, achieving them all at once can seem impossible—especially when you’re trying to figure out where you should spend your marketing budget.

The good news is that there are tons of free ecommerce marketing strategies available that can help you achieve all three goals at once.

“E-commerce is not an industry; e-commerce is a tactic.” – Tobias Lütke.

According to the recent 2021 stats, eCommerce sales are expected to reach $4.5 trillion this year; that’s why online retailers must implement effective eCommerce marketing strategies to increase their sales figures.

By 2022, the retail e-commerce industry will reach 5.4 trillion US dollars, a growth of even more than 4 trillion dollars by 2020.

ecommerce analytics
eCommerce analytics

If you are wondering how to drive more sales through your eCommerce business, we have compiled the list of the top 9 effective strategies that will help you to skyrocket your sales and generate more revenue.

Top 9 Ecommerce Marketing Strategies to Increase Your Sales

1. Make Use of Personalized URLs

This is one of the most straightforward strategies that allow you to track the products that are browsed by your customers. It helps online retailers to keep track of their customers’ activity and analyze these actions to increase sales and improve customer experience.

Thus, hire IT professionals who can make use of personalized URLs as they can help you learn more about your targeted audience and encourage them to buy the goods they want. Feel free, test different combinations of products and see which selection works best for your store.

As per Google, a site’s URL structure should be as simple and easy to remember as possible. This is because people spend more time researching on search engines than they do anywhere else!

optimize your URLs
Image Source: Hubspot

Besides, don’t forget to include your target keywords in personalized URLs, as it will help search engines like Bing & Google to rank you higher in relevant searches.

As per Google’s announcement on personalized URLs, the more specific your URL is, the easier it will be for customers to find what they’re looking for and improve their search experience.

2. Improve Your Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Are you familiar with keyword research? Many eCommerce marketers use this strategy to generate new ideas about which product categories are most optimal for their business based on fluctuations in search volume, trending topics, and cost-per-click rates through ad platforms like Adwords. According to Moz, SEO traffic currently makes up 57% of organic traffic worldwide.

But how can you skyrocket your sales by improving your SEO techniques? Take a look at these tips below:

  • Create unique content – Most online retailers rely on third-party content to rank well in search engines. Well, it’s time for you to think about creating your blog posts or product descriptions. By doing so, search engine crawlers will quickly identify your site and drive more organic traffic through these entries.

  • Generate backlinks – Make use of the power of other people’s audiences by asking them to share your website address with their followers via social media platforms or their blogs. Various forum discussions promote your business by including a link to your site in the signature section.

  • Don’t forget to optimize your images – Make use of your target keywords in file names and descriptions while uploading product images. Furthermore, search engines will be able to pull relevant information about particular products directly from them.

Have a look at eCommerce SEO Infographics

ecommerce seo inforgraphics
eCommerce SEO Inforgraphics

3. Improve Your Site’s Speed To Improve Conversions

Studies on eCommerce development show that 47% of online shoppers will leave a website after it takes more than three seconds to load. (Source: Neil Patel)

As you can see, most people nowadays prefer fast-loading sites as they want to get what they’re looking for in a few clicks without wasting their precious time on web pages with slow loading speeds.

Thus, if your eCommerce business site has already undergone rigorous tests and it still fails to load quickly enough, you should consider hiring skilled eCommerce developers who will be able to optimize the speed of your website accordingly. After all, it’s better to spend money on speeding up your site than losing potential customers due to slow-loading pages.

4. Find Out What Makes Your Customers Tick

As we’ve already mentioned before, you should learn more about your targeted audience and identify which product categories they prefer the most. Therefore, think of it to boost your sales by focusing on what matters – customers’ demands and needs.

So, how can you begin finding out what makes your customers tick? Here are some tips that will help you create a compelling customer persona:

  • Use tools like SurveyMonkey or Typeform – these online survey tools allow creating simple free polls with several questions related to your business field or industry in general. Remember that a questionnaire shouldn’t be too long as respondents might get bored halfway through the process. If that’s the case, you should analyze your data and then decide whether or not some questions are redundant.

  • Use Google Analytics – this tool will help you track down where most of your traffic is coming from. You can also check: how many purchases were made on your site each month, if particular product categories are more popular than others, etc.? By studying these statistics, you’ll gain insights into your site visitors’ preferences and determine what they want the most.

  • Study your competitors – another effective strategy would be to study other eCommerce sites already competitive in search engine rankings. What can you learn from them? Pay attention to their atypical features that make them stand out from the competition (for example, the checkout process, site security, product availability, etc.)

You can also study online communities related to your industry and take a peek at their most popular threads or posts. After all, you never know what kind of information might come in handy for your business.

5. Optimize Your Site For Mobile Devices

More than half of all online sales are made through mobile devices (smartphones and tablets).

In 2021, mobile retail commerce sales are projected to make up 53.9% of all ecommerce transactions - a number that is expected to grow by 2030%.

mobile ecommerce growth
Image Source: Financesonline

As per Search Engine Land, mobile users are three times more likely to buy something after clicking on a search result from their phone. This is because mobile devices have higher conversion rates, which means that 78% of all searches lead to an in-store visit for purchases rather than only 61% desktop and 64%.

As per Search Engine Land, mobile users are three times more likely to buy something after clicking on a search result from their phone. This is because mobile devices have higher conversion rates, which means that 78% of all searches lead to an in-store visit for purchases rather than only 61% desktop and 64%.

percentage of searches in devices
Image Source: Readycloud

What’s even more important is that customers who search for something on their smartphones often end up buying it on some other eCommerce website that has appropriate product categories explicitly designed for small screens.

This is why your eCommerce store should look good on various mobile device types if you want to stay ahead of the competition.

Besides, to optimize your site for mobile devices, you should use professional eCommerce software that’s already optimized for small screens. Also, try to keep the size of each web page as small as possible so your potential customers won’t have to wait too long for all images and content to load correctly.

Moreover, you should consider creating a mobile version of your website to fully meet the demands of people who search for products on their smartphones. For instance, a mobile version can be a replica of your site with an index made up of the most important pages with a possibility to click and scroll.

The infographic below demonstrates that 70% of mobile users prefer to shop on a website rather than an app, most prefer websites. This breaks down to 67 percent who want the ease and accessibility of browsing in your smartphone browser over 33%.

mobile devices analtytics
Mobile devices analytics

6. Use Rich Snippets To Help Customers Find Your Products

What do most online shoppers do when they visit an eCommerce website? They scan the entire page with their eyes, looking for the product they want to buy. However, most of them won’t bother scrolling through multiple search results pages if that’s what they need to do to find a specific item.

In other words, people usually look for a more convenient way to discover products that meet their interests and preferences. And this is where rich snippets come into play – these are simple tags used by Google and other search engines and third-party services that aim to make web content more visible without creating a separate page for every single product.

It allows your customers to discover new items directly. Rich snippets are special elements that search engines use to enhance the display of search results. Today, such elements give you a massive opportunity to improve your site’s SEO and gain more traffic from mobile devices.

Studies unveil that having a rich snippet can increase click-through rates (CTR) by 677% and drive 20-40% more traffic than product links without them. (Source: Neil Patel)

For instance, Google goes beyond just returning basic results when people type in queries related to local businesses (such as hotels or restaurants). Instead, it displays special map cards with contact information and an option to get in touch with the relevant company directly from the SERP (Search Engine Results Page). This way, you can attract customers who need immediate help without going through your website first.

benefits of rich snippets
Image Source: Brafton

It should be noted that rich snippets don’t affect how well your eCommerce website ranks on search engine rankings; however, they can significantly improve your site’s conversion rate. It also suggests that you do not need to be number one on the list but only rank on the first page.

how rich snippets effect

7. Use Paid Promotion Methods For Instant Results

Many eCommerce websites ignore the advertising and rely solely on organic traffic. This is a huge mistake since paid promotion methods can help you increase your online sales even if you aren’t ranking high in Google’s search results.

In fact, advertisers tend to generate direct visits from people who have already heard of their products before, as opposed to those individuals who just happen to run into a particular site when looking for something else.

In other words, paid promotion helps you create brand awareness by connecting with potential customers directly instead of having them discover your products through various SERP features.

To create the most efficient campaigns possible, try using AdWords Express. This exceptional service allows you to define the price and approximate location where you want your ads to appear.

Besides, another service you should take advantage of is Google Shopping – a pay-per-click (PPC) option that allows you to buy additional exposure for your products by placing them on top of search results.

And if most people visit Amazon when they want to make an online purchase, Google’s Product Listing Ads (PLAs) are guaranteed to bring in more visitors who might look at your website and decide to buy something.

Moreover, by taking all of this into consideration, we can say that paid promotion methods aren’t just about increasing your website’s visibility; they’re also about increasing conversions and profits as well.

8. Promote Your Products Using Email Marketing

Email marketing is a profitable, reliable & effective way to create brand awareness and promote your products directly to potential customers. After all, most people check their inboxes daily; this means that encouraging them to visit your website and buy something is as easy as sending an email.

A study says email marketing is the topmost marketing strategy for most marketers.

email marketing analytics
Image Source: SaleCycle

Nevertheless, you don’t want to bombard subscribers with messages they’re not interested in – otherwise, you’ll be wasting both time and resources. Thus, you should always send emails based on specific criteria.

For instance, if somebody gave their email address to one of your marketing campaigns, they might want to receive similar or consistent content in the future. This is why it’s essential to tailor your email marketing strategy according to the audience you’re trying to target.

You should also use incentives that encourage people to become customers immediately – this means that optimizing your sales process for mobile devices might be vital since you don’t want potential buyers to leave right after visiting your website! By making sure that everything runs smoothly, you’ll create more opportunities for conversions and profits at all times.

9. Increase Your Sales With Social Media

Social media is another excellent & appropriate way of connecting with current and future customers, especially when promoting your eCommerce business. Try using Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to post about your specific products and encourage people to follow along via email to stay in the loop with everything that’s going on.

For example, a survey says Instagram is a great way to discover new products and services! 83% percent of people say that it helps them research the things they are interested in, while 80% also find themselves deciding whether or not to make a purchase based on what was discovered on this social media platform.

social media analytics
Image Source: Facebook

With this in mind, you should also pay attention to your Google+ page since it can help improve the way people interact with your website.

By promoting your eCommerce store through social media, you’ll gain free visibility without having to rely on paid promotion options such as AdWords or PLA campaigns. Besides, this way, you’ll be able to reach more people who might become customers at some point, which will increase both profits and conversions over time.

Hence, don’t underestimate the power of social media marketing when trying to promote an eCommerce store!


Momentarily that you have a working understanding of e-commerce marketing strategies, what are you waiting for? Start using these tips immediately! After all, there may be a difference between having a profitable business and not making any actual money.

By applying these strategies in the right way, you’ll reach more people interested in buying something from your website; this means that your conversion rates will skyrocket over time, boosting both conversions and profits alike.

Remember that SEO isn’t just about creating rankings for Google’s SERP features; it’s about getting more visitors, increasing their numbers over time, and ultimately converting them into loyal customers! We hope that this article gives you some insight into what it takes to market your ecommerce business effectively.

Moreover, hire eCommerce developers to design a perfect system for your business. For this purpose, visit an eCommerce development company like PixelCrayons. They have quality programmers and designers who can develop a remarkable eCommerce website to make your business stand out from the rest.

Author bio: Devesh Chauhan - Devesh is a Digital Marketer and a content writer. I am working for an IT outsourcing company named PixelCrayons. As a writer, I cover a wide range of topics including technology, programming, digital marketing, and ecommerce.

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    A data-driven marketing leader with over 10 years of experience in the ecommerce industry. Summer leverages her deep understanding of customer behavior and market trends to develop strategic marketing campaigns that drive brand awareness, customer acquisition, and ultimately, sales growth for our company.

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