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10+ Best Fastest Magento Hosting Providers to Improve Your Site's Performance

Summer Nguyen | 03-15-2021

10+ Best Fastest Magento Hosting Providers 10+ Best Fastest Magento Hosting Providers

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Are you planning to run an online store? Then Magento comes to the list of the best framework to consider. You can build a stunning and feature-rich online store with attentive support and assistance from Magento.

People often choose Magento for their e-commerce site development mostly because of its speed and flexibility. Besides, you can have flexibility in customizing your online store based on your requirements. You also can select Magento to create highly-converting and developer-friendly websites.

However, before you enjoy all the benefits of Magento, you need to ensure that you are using the most suitable Magento web hosting. The following round-up article will demonstrate the best Magento web hosting for your new or established project.

What to Consider While Choosing a Magento Hosting Service

What to Consider While Choosing a Magento Hosting Service

Define your requirements

Each business has different requirements. Hence, selecting Magento hosting should start with understanding the requirements of your website.

  • Traffic: How much traffic does your host have to handle? Not just the amount of traffic over a specific period, but the surges of traffic you get.
  • Pages and products: Do you have several items on your site? Or does your store contain a giant catalog of images, videos, and product information?
  • Location: Which country/ region does your traffic often come from? You might need to pick a server location as close to this as possible.

Managed or unmanaged hosting

Managed hosting is a service model where users can have a dedicated cloud server from the hosting provider. Then the hosting service will:

  • Handle and manage the service
  • Fix any problems and keep the performance optimized
  • Monitor security and make any necessary updates

On the other side, an unmanaged hosting solution is a raw server offered by the hosting company. You’ll need to install relevant software and update them on a regular basis. Unmanaged hosting can become a serious issue if you only have limited hands on deck.

Hosting Compatibility

Check the following points to determine the compatibility with Magento:

  • PCI Compliance
  • Apache 2.x/ NGINX/ Litespeed
  • MySQL 5.6 and higher
  • PHP 7.0 and higher

Types of hosting

1. Shared hosting

The shared server refers to when specific websites with various domain names have the same server space. As you rent a specific part of a server, you can leverage a limited amount of disk space, database, and email accounts. With this type of server, you can pay for a cheap plan for websites with a limited number of products.

However, if you’re going to advance your site with more items and drive tremendous traffic, this is not a good option. Besides, if a website becomes a victim of cybercrime, all the sites sharing the same server with that site will have to suffer because the server will be blocked.

2. Dedicated hosting

The Dedicated Server is assigned to one Magento store and can use the whole resources for that store. It’s the most effective type when it comes to performance and is highly suggested if you have a huge store with massive traffic.

3. VPS hosting

The VPS (Virtual Private Server) server is generated within the server to provide you better resources than the shared one. The VPS server allows you to choose essential resources and extend it when your Magento store develops.

Hosting Security

Any e-commerce company should prioritize the security of online data. Although Magento stores can secure themselves, server-side security should be taken seriously.

You need to ensure that the server runs on the newest software, satisfies PCI compliance, and brings a secure shopping experience to customers. Here are important things to check:

Even if your hosting provides “unlimited storage” space, it is likely to come with limitations. Remember to check the storage capacity and whether it addresses your business requirements. If you run a website with a wide range of music or video files, limited storage space may make you feel sad.

If you reach the limit of a storage disk, you cannot upload more files and need to pay for more space. Then you can utilize cloud storage such as Google Drive and Dropbox to store files.

Hosting Pricing

Pricing is a significant factor when you select a hosting provider for your Magento store. Make a comparison between some pricing models, consider the pros and cons, and go for the best hosting service that gives you maximum ROI in the future.

Hosting Support

No matter how great you are with technical problems, there are always problems that you don’t have time to fix. In these cases, you need excellent and dedicated support from the hosting provider. The support should be available 24/7 and knowledgeable enough to solve your problems within a suitable time frame.

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What to Consider While Choosing a Magento Hosting Service

Server Optimization

The first step is to ensure that the server you choose meets the minimum requirements for Magento hosting. For Magento 2.2, this technology stack includes a Linux (x86-64) operating system and a minimum 2GB memory.

When selecting a web server for your hosting needs, it’s crucial to meet the following requirements:

Requirement Version
Linux x86-64
MySQL 5.6+
Apache 2.x
Nginx (alternative to Apache) 1.7x
PHP 5.4+

It’s important to note that Magento is a Hypertext Preprocessor or PHP-based content management system. Therefore, your web host should optimize its servers to run PHP code. It is recommended to use PHP 7.0 for peak performance with Magento 2 and higher.

Additionally, it would help if you considered managed Magento hosting, where your host handles everything from site management to optimization. Managed hosting can ensure that your website stays optimized and performs efficiently without requiring constant attention.


Some hosting providers offer auto-scaling to ensure optimal server performance. Auto-scaling dynamically adjusts the server on traffic fluctuations. By using auto-scaling, your website will always have the required server resources for consistent and optimal performance.

However, it’s essential to evaluate whether auto-scaling or manual scaling is more suitable for your Magento store’s needs.

To enhance engagement and provide practical insights, here are some examples:

  • Example 1: A Magento store experienced significant performance improvements after implementing PHP 7.0 and enabling auto-scaling during peak shopping seasons.

  • Example 2: A comparison between auto-scaling and manual scaling, highlighting the pros and cons of each approach based on cost, flexibility, and performance.

Storage and Bandwidth Requirements:

Online product promotion requires images and video content. Therefore, you need to assess your store’s storage needs and bandwidth requirements, which can vary based on store size and traffic.

For a small Magento store with a few hundred daily visitors, a minimum of 10GB storage space and 1TB bandwidth is recommended.

Ensure your hosting provider offers sufficient storage and bandwidth to meet your website’s traffic and data. This will assist in maintaining a smooth user experience and prevent issues like slow loading times or site crashes, especially during peak traffic periods.

Flexible Planning

Flexible pricing is a crucial consideration when selecting the optimal hosting provider for your Magento-based online store. The top Magento web hosts offer a range of hosting plans to accommodate the growth of your site.

Typically, hosting platforms offer plans and pricing based on the type of server, including shared hosting, VPS hosting, dedicated hosting, or cloud hosting. It’s worth noting that not all hosting plans include Magento hosting on their shared hosting packages. As your online store handles around 1,000 visitors a day, transitioning to VPS hosting may be the most suitable option.

Before making a decision, thoroughly compare the packages offered for each server tier. Remember, cheaper is not always better when it comes to Magento hosting plans.

A2 Hosting

Take a close look at the features offered by each plan. At a minimum, your chosen plan should include free SSL/TLS certificates, 1-click application installation, the ability to choose server location, and protection from malware and other security threats.

Some Magento hosting providers provide a pay-as-you-go pricing model, allowing you to pay only for the resources you use. This can be a cost-effective billing option to consider. Additionally, ensure that the web hosting option provides a money-back guarantee for added peace of mind.

When evaluating hosting options, consider the benefits and drawbacks of each type of hosting (shared, VPS, dedicated, cloud) in the context of Magento. For instance, shared hosting may offer affordability but can result in performance limitations as your store grows. On the other hand, VPS hosting provides greater scalability and performance but at a higher cost.

Server Location

The server’s location greatly influences SERP rankings, latency, and overall performance for your target audience. For instance, if your Magento 2 store targets US customers, hosting your server in the US or nearby is essential.

Following this data center will help you get closer to your target customers, resulting in faster page load times.

Speed and Performance

It is necessary to evaluate the hosting provider’s performance metrics, including server response time, TTFB (Time to First Byte), and content delivery network (CDN) integration.

  • Server Response Time: Server response time is related to the time it takes for the server to respond to a request from a client. A lower server response time indicates better performance. It’s crucial because it directly impacts how quickly your website loads for users.

  • Time to First Byte (TTFB): TTFB measures the time it takes for the initial byte of data to be received by the client’s browser after requesting a web page from the server. It includes the time spent on the network and the server’s processing time. Remember that a lower TTFB helps the website load faster.

  • Content Delivery Network (CDN) Integration: CDNs improve website performance by distributing content across multiple servers located in different geographic locations. It means reducing latency and speeding up content delivery to users. Integration with a CDN is beneficial for delivering a fast and consistent user experience across various locations.

All of these metrics contribute to faster loading times, which not only enhance user experience but also improve SEO rankings since search engines like Google prioritize fast-loading websites in the search results.

Advanced Cache Technology

Advanced cache technology

Advanced caching technologies help to enhance the performance of Magento 2 stores and reduce page load times. When a cached page is loaded, it significantly decreases the time and server resources required, improving the speed of your Magento 2 store.

By selecting a hosting solution that prioritizes caching and server-side optimizations, you can ensure that your store operates at peak efficiency, delivering a seamless shopping experience for your customers.

Automated Daily Backups

If your website gets hacked or compromised, you can use a backup to fix it. A Magento web hosting provider gives you daily backups for free.

Infrastructure Security

E-commerce stores are considered lucrative targets for hackers. It is the reason why you should choose a hosting provider with strong security measures. A reliable way to identify such a provider is by checking for PCI compliance. Only hosts with a comprehensive security infrastructure offer PCI-compliant hosting.

You also need to look for features such as SSL encryption, regular security updates, and secure payment gateways. Additionally, consider providers that offer DDoS protection and effective malware scanning to safeguard your website against cyber threats.

10+ Best Fastest Magento Hosting Providers

1. Cloudways


Located in Malta, Cloudways concentrates on functioning as an integration point for different cloud services. Different from other services, Cloudways offers you 5 hosting plans to select from, including Linode, Digital Ocean, Vultr, Google Computer Engine (GCE), and Amazon Web Services.

You can select from more than 30 locations around the world to host your store. This specificity with their optimization formula called Thunderstack has made Cloudways stay at the top of the hosting charts when it refers to fast loading times and overall user experience.

Moreover, this web hosting is famous for providing managed security. That means you don’t need to pay for pricey and heavy security solutions for your Magento site. Instead, you can entirely rely on the security specialists at Cloudways to look out for attackers and vulnerabilities.

Cloudways will regularly update your system, patch your firmware at proper times, and keep track of your websites. Plus, with Cloudways, you can get 24/7 real-time monitoring and 24/7 live chat support. Its excellent support team will help you solve any issues with your website.


Cloudways provides valuable solutions with 4 plans for both Standard and Premium versions. Here are the features of Cloudways:

  • Host unlimited Magento applications on one server.

  • Choose your preferred infrastructure provider from a selection that includes DigitalOcean, Vultr, Linode, Google Cloud, or AWS.

  • Easily scale your infrastructure using automatic vertical scaling.

  • Provide the intuitive control panel, command-line interface (CLI), and robust API to enable easy deployment, configuration, and management of your content hosting infrastructure.

  • Consistently monitor your server and application’s health and performance metrics to identify and resolve potential issues.

  • Easily install Magento and back up data.

  • Improve performance of server and application with ThunderStack, including Nginx, Memcached, Varnish, Apache, New Relic, MySQL, and PHP-FPM.

  • Adjust server size through the GUI

  • Secure Magento stores with free SSL, IP whitelisting, database security, firewall, app isolation, and two-factor authentication.

Other plans come with the Object Cache Pro feature besides the Standard Plan. This caching plugin helps reduce the load on your database and server hardware, resulting in faster query delivery and improved application speed.


Cloudways provides different pricing plans for different managed hosting plans, ranging from $10/ month to $274.33/ month. Users can flexibly choose to pay per month or per hour.

Visit Cloudways

2. MGT Commerce

MGT-Commerce hosting

MGT Commerce, based in Germany, offers Magento hosting with exceptional performance and page load times of under 0.3 seconds. With AWS global data centers, you get an optimized Magento hosting environment on cloud servers.

MGT Commerce prioritizes security to provide the highest level of protection for Magento-hosted servers. Rather than outsourcing expensive security solutions, you can rely on MGT’s team of professionals for top-tier security.

MGT Commerce uses a built-in MGT WAF, AWS Shield for DDoS mitigation, VPN, and Automated Backups. Its AWS Web Application Firewall is used to shield sites from common exploits. They also offer secure server patches and system updates promptly to protect against potential vulnerabilities.

The cloud platform is PCI compliant, securing your site from threats and meeting the PCI Security Council’s standards.

Distinguished for its top-notch hardware, such as AWS Graviton processors and technical support, MGT Commerce remains a leader in Magento cloud hosting. They offer a 24/7/356 expert support team, assisting consumers anytime, anywhere.

You get free migration and setup on AWS, free SSL certificates, and add-ons such as Varnish cache and MGT Code Deploy. The MGT Control Panel allows efficient management and monitoring of Magento servers, streamlining server settings, deployment, and performance overview.

With this hosting plan choice, customers have the flexibility and reach of more than 30 geographical regions worldwide to host their online stores.


MGT Commerce consists of impeccable features, leading to the gain of the trust of numerous merchants. By opting for MGT Commerce’s Magento cloud hosting, you gain access to the following features:

  • Easily adjust resource usage depending on demand.

  • Minimize downtime and ensures uninterrupted access to websites by distributing data and processes across servers.

  • Integrate content delivery networks (CDNs) and perform server-side optimizations to improve user experiences and higher conversion rates.

  • Ensures encryption, firewalls, regular security updates, and intrusion detection systems to protect important customer data and mitigate cyber threats.

  • Include automated backups, 24/7 monitoring, and technical support.

  • Easily connect between the Magento platform and third-party services to enhance functionality and streamline operations.

  • Adhere to industry regulations such as the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS).


MGT Commerce offers robust and scalable Magento cloud hosting solutions. The pricing tiers are as follows:

  • Single Server: From 149 € per month
  • Multi-Server (redundancy and scalability): From 299 € per month
  • Auto-scaling (enterprise-level): From 1499 € per month

MGT Commerce offers superior e-commerce solutions designed for optimal performance and security. Their scalable pricing structure suits all business sizes with unique hosting requirements.

View MGT Commerce

3. Nexcess


Nexcess is a hosting provider with global headquarters in Southfield, Michigan, and offices and data centers worldwide. Nexcess goes beyond hosting to offer you a strong e-commerce hosting environment for your Magento store.

Besides, this platform is PCI compliant. That means your website will be protected from threats and vulnerabilities which satisfy the PCI Security Standards Council’s requirements of a hosting provider.

Moreover, Nexcess is renowned in the hosting industry for having high-quality servers and unparalleled technical support. Users can get assistance from its 24/7 phone, email, or live chat support.

The managed hosting from Nexcess gives everything necessary to protect, customize, or improve your store to address customers’ needs.


  • Nexcess provides a comprehensive suite of features to optimize your website’s performance, security, and management.

  • Provide instant asset-caching to help store website resources (such as images, scripts, and stylesheets) closer to the user, resulting in faster load times.

  • Easy and quick Magento website migrations without causing any downtime.

  • Control users to efficiently manage your team, allowing you to assign roles, permissions, and access levels as needed.

  • Automate backups daily for data protection, minimizing the risk of data loss.

  • Consist of inbuilt security modules such as Magento sentry to offer reliable protection against threats, and automatic nightly malware monitoring helps prevent hacking incidents.

  • Ensure optimal content delivery via Nexcess’s Content Delivery Network (CDN) by automatically scaling during traffic surges. This allows your site to handle increased load without bypassing PHP capacity limits.

  • Support Progressive Web Apps (PWA) deployment, enabling a seamless mobile experience for your users.

  • Meet Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliance standards, safeguarding payment and transaction data.

  • Test your website design with site staging and on-demand performance testing and changes in a safe staging environment before deploying them live. Troubleshooting systems also provide suggestions to enhance site speed.


There are 6 different pricing options, including:

  • XS plan: $49 per month
  • S plan: $99 per month
  • M plan: $179 per month
  • L plan: $299 per month
  • XL plan: $549 per month
  • XXL plan: $849 per month

Though it provides a lower-cost option, Nexcess focuses on premier solutions for midsize companies which want features like dedicated servers to optimize uptime, security, and performance.

Visit Nexcess

4. Fastcomet


Fastcomet has built a good reputation as a managed cloud hosting services provider, which provides 24/7 support to users. If you’re currently running an online store built with the help of Magento, you can move to Fastcomet without a second thought. This is because you’ll have a free domain transfer.

FastComet has servers in five different countries, including Singapore, Germany, the United Kingdoms, the United States, and the Netherlands. Running more than 7 years, the company primarily offers professional services for system administration and Magento hosting services for individual and corporate clients.

What’s more, Fastcomet provides SSD only cloud, resulting in 300% faster access to the files that are stored in the database. This hosting provider also offers free Cloudflare CDN, which helps distribute your content throughout the world.


FastComent allows you to select from three types of hosting, including shared hosting for budget-conscious users, VPS hosting for better control and performance, and dedicated hosting for customization. Let’s delve into the FastComet features and explore the hosting options they offer:

  • Provide a user-friendly cPanel interface for managing your hosting account.

  • Easily install and manage Magento.

  • Provide unlimited data transfer without worrying about bandwidth limits.

  • Create your website effortlessly using the intuitive drag-and-drop builder.

  • Seamlessly migrate your existing domain and website to FastComet.

  • Accelerate your website’s performance via Cloudflare CDN.

  • FastComet ensures your site’s security with an SSL certificate and regular backups.

  • Get assistance anytime you need it.

  • Access helpful guides for setting up and managing your hosting.

  • Guarantee 45-day money-back.

  • Include SSD (Solid-State Drives) and enhanced speed compared to traditional HDDs.

  • Vary CPU cores, RAM, bandwidth, and disk space options.


Fastcomet offers a number of different pricing plans:

  • Share Cloud SSD Hosting powered by cPanel
    • FastCloud: $9.95/ month
    • FastCloud Plus: $14.95/ month
    • FastCloud Extra: $19.95/ month
  • Fully Managed SSD cloud VPS
    • Cloud 1: $59.95/ month
    • Cloud 2: $69.95/ month
    • Cloud 3: $89.95/ month
    • Cloud 4: $139.95/ month
  • Fully Managed Dedicated CPU servers
    • DS 1: $139/ month
    • DS 2: $135/ month
    • DS 3: $229/ month
    • DS 4: $279.19/ month

Visit Fastcomet

5. A2 Hosting

A2 Hosting has hosted Magento websites since the software was launched in 2008. A2 even takes a further step than one-click installation: with this provider, your Magento software will be pre-installed on shared hosting accounts. A2 Hosting is renowned for its in-house security initiatives and its money-back guarantee.

A2 Hosting

Besides the common perk of a free SSL certificate, A2 Hosting provides its custom Perpetual Security initiative, including:

  • Dual hosting firewall
  • HackScan protection
  • Reinforced DDoS attack protection
  • Server hardening


A2 Hosting offers a comprehensive suite of features, including a free cPanel control panel and SSL certificate across all plans. Additionally, it also provides free site migration and unlimited SSD storage and data transfer.

As you progress through the hosting tiers, you will receive perks such as unlimited email accounts and automated site backups become available. A2 Hosting’s VPS and dedicated plans provide advanced root access, a cPanel control panel, and full HostGuard management.

A standout aspect of A2 Hosting is its Perpetual Security initiative, which surpasses industry-standard security measures:

  • Create Dual Hosting Firewall: In addition to a general network firewall, each A2 Hosting account is protected by an additional server firewall, offering strong defense against unauthorized access.

  • Limited Server Access: A2 Hosting uses secure access keys, functioning like a handshake between the computer and server, to replace traditional passwords, thereby enhancing security.

  • Support Server Hardening: Network settings and access controls are tightened through server hardening, strengthening overall security.

  • ProtectReinforced DDoS: A2 Hosting’s DDoS protection efficiently detects and mitigates fake traffic, ensuring stable server resources for legitimate users.


A2 Hosting provides Magento hosting on two of its shared plans: Turbo Boost and Turbo Max.

The Turbo Boost plan costs $9.99 per month and supports unlimited storage, free site migration, 2GB memory, 2 cores, and automatic backups. At $14.99 per month, the Turbo Max plan has all the features of the Boost plan, in addition to 4GB memory and 4 cores.

Visit A2 Hosting

6. HostGator


HostGator is another web hosting with over 8 million hosted websites. It has become well known for providing stunning features and services for both novice and experienced users. HostGator’s Magento hosting on its shared, enterprise, reseller, and cloud plans is available via version 2.0, while Magento hosting on VPS and dedicated plans is compatible via version 2.1.

This web hosting comes with VPS security features, including a free IP table firewall, a secured VPS firewall, and centralized DDoS protection. Thus, you can be assured that your website is well protected.

Even on shared plans, the provider offers a free SSL certificate and flood protection against DDoS attacks. If you have a concern about security, you can pay for HostGator’s SiteLock security add-on from $1.99 per month, which can check your website for malicious code and respond with automatic malware removal.

HostGator offers full-rich features, making it an excellent choice for beginners and seasoned website owners. Whether you’re building a personal blog, an e-commerce site, or a business website, HostGator can meet your requirement.


  • Include a complimentary SSL certificate, ensuring secure communication between your website and its visitors.

  • Offer unlimited bandwidth, allowing your website to handle as much traffic as needed without limitations.

  • Get unlimited storage space for your website files, media, and data.

  • Provide a free domain registration for the first year, which is especially advantageous for beginners.

  • Design the site quickly and easily with the drag-and-drop website builder.

  • Create as many email accounts and sub-domains as needed for your online presence.

  • Easily transfer files between computer and website using FTP accounts.

  • Create consistent newsletters and automated email campaigns to engage and expand your audience base via constant contact.


We’re going to concentrate on HostGator’s VPS plans for Magento hosting, as the majority of e-commerce stores will avail of the additional power and security of VPS.

HostGator has three VPS plans, including:

  • Snappy 2000 - from $19.95 per month
  • Snappy 4000 - from $29.95 per month
  • Snappy 8000 - from $39.95 per month

Visit HostGator

7. InMotion


InMotion stands out from its competition for its highly trained support staff and a massive amount of disk space. With the help of InMotion, you can manually install Magento without any fee, or you can get the Softaculous auto-install tool for $5 per month.

InMotion provides free SSL certificates on every plan, as well as Secure Shell access and HotLink protection, which keeps users from stealing your site’s traffic.

Moreover, this Magento web hosting supports email security with real-time filtering, while DDoS attack protection is available for free.


InMotion has a range of hosting plans designed to cater to different needs, from small eCommerce stores to enterprise-level businesses. If you’re starting a small eCommerce store, the shared business hosting plans offer essential features at an affordable price.

  • This basic plan supports up to two websites and includes a free domain registration for one year.

  • InMotion’s drag-and-drop website builder allows you to create your site quickly and easily.

  • When it comes to security, InMotion ensures robust security by providing complimentary SSL certificates across all plans, along with Secure Shell (SSH) access, HotLink protection, automatic backups, and DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) mitigation. These features ensure your website remains secure and protected from potential threats.

  • For businesses that require more advanced hosting, InMotion’s managed VPS hosting offers enhanced server management, unlimited MySQL database support, and automated security updates. The VPS plans also include “Max Speed Zones,” allowing you to choose the most convenient data center location for optimal performance and speed.

  • For large-scale Magento websites or enterprise-level businesses, InMotion’s dedicated hosting is the ideal choice. This plan includes multi-layer security measures, free SSDs for faster loading times, and the capability to handle high traffic volumes with ease.


InMotion supports Magento hosting on its three different managed VPS plans:

  • 1000HA-S: $29.99 per month
  • 2000HA-S: $49.99 per month
  • 3000HA-S: $83.99 per month

The 1000HA-S plan provides 4GB memory and 75GB disk space, while purchasing the 3000HA-S plan will bring you 8GB memory and 260GB disk space. Additionally, each of the three plans covers automatic data backups and unlimited MySQL database support.

8. SiteGround


SiteGround has launched Magento-focused servers. This web hosting’s Supercacher helps your site load fast, and its Cloudflare CDN tops off its remarkable hosting package by making your website visitor’s experience fast and happy.

SiteGround comes with attentive customer service, security, and WordPress support on its hosting plans. Plus, it offers automatic Magento installation via Softaculous without charging any fee.

The hosting provider supports a free SSL certificate and 24/7 server tracking. Moreover, there’s an Intrusion Prevention System that disallows access for any IP address caught attempting to hack your passwords.


SiteGround provides 3 hosting plans. They include Startup, GrowBig, and GoGeek plans, which meet a range of needs, from individual projects to large-scale e-commerce sites, with a focus on scalability and developer-friendly tools.

StartUp Plan:

  • Single website support

  • Unmetered data transfer

  • 10GB disk space

  • Free drag-and-drop site builder

  • Free email accounts

  • Daily automatic backups

  • cPanel hosting control panel

GoGeek Plan:

  • Staging place to test changes

  • Git version control system preinstalled

  • Ideal for development teams to work on site

Magento Cloud Hosting:

  • Four tiers, including Jump Start, Business, Business Plus, Super Power

  • Scalable resources to meet different demands

  • Jump Start, which offers 2 CPU cores, 4GB memory, 40GB SSD storage, 5TB data transfer

  • Super Power, which offers 8 CPU cores, 10GB memory, 120GB SSD storage, 5TB data transfer


SiteGround has three shared plans:

  • StartUp - from $6.99 monthly
  • GrowBig - from $9.99 monthly
  • GoGeek - from $14.99 monthly

It is the fact that shared plans cost less, but they come with a limited amount of resources, as you get to “share” a server’s resources with other sites. Bear in mind that introductory prices will change after the first year.

For instance, the StartUp plan starts at $6.99/ month for the initial year; then it renews at $14.99. Similarly, the Growbig plan costs $9.99/ month and renews at $24.99/ month. The GoGeek plan is $14.99/ month but renews at the full price of $39.99/ month.

The StartUp plan provides 10 GB storage space, sufficient bandwidth for approximately 10,000 monthly site visits, and free everyday backups. If you want to move to the GoGeek plan, you’ll get 30 GB storage space, with bandwidth for about 100,000 monthly visits, and the SuperCacher plugin to enhance speed.

9. Kamatera


Rolled out in 1996, Kamatera is an international cloud server Magento hosting service whose first VPS was released in 2002. It is one of the pioneers in the VPS hosting industry and owns 13 data centers in four continents.

Kamatera can set up cloud servers in less than 1 minute and provide instant deployment of CMS platforms, including Magento.

Its support team works 24/7 to ensure that your online store works seamlessly, enhances your customers’ shopping experience, and significantly boosts customer retention.


Kamatera’s outstanding collection of features has received the trust of numerous businesses. Using Kamatera’s cloud hosting services for Magento allows you to:

  • Fastly set a server in a minute

  • Full control over your cloud resources for optimal performance.

  • Secure and scalable storage solutions for the data.

  • Hassle-free server administration and maintenance.

  • Benefit from a 99.95% uptime assurance

  • Implement regular backups and easy disaster recovery processes

  • Gain a reduced total cost of ownership

  • Forego complicated hardware maintenance

  • Conveniently and promptly adjust scale as needed

  • Monitor supply, demand, email, CPU, server, and virtual machines with ease

  • Enable data migration and synchronization

  • Conduct thorough performance and capacity analysis

  • Ensure virtual machine backups and monitoring are in place


There’s a price calculator on Kamatera’s website. You can use this calculator to compute your spending before building your cloud server. If you want to change your server architecture, you can also utilize this calculator to measure the adjustments’ impact.

Kamatera's price calculator

Kamatera’s cloud server product prices are clear without any hidden costs. To determine your cloud infrastructure’s price, you just need to use the calculator’s main screen and choose the most appropriate server configuration, including main memory, the number of CPU cores, storage, and other parameters, etc. The cost of your selected cloud server will be shown in the top right corner.

10. luroConnect


luroConnect is a managed hosting provider that brings in an optimal, scalable, and secure hosting solution. The company supports a number of stacks and frameworks. In PHP, it supports WordPress, Laravel, Magento. In Java, it supports SOLR and hybris. The company also supports NodeJs and Ruby.

Moreover, luroConnect offers all the digital services for an e-commerce store, a marketing website, and an app. It comes with a hosting stack on any cloud platform.

Some of its outstanding features include full-stack support, active monitoring, disaster recovery plan, and DevOps for Magento.


LuroConnect offers services to manage your eCommerce hosting needs effectively. From Monitoring and support to disaster recovery and CI/CD. Here are some key features:

  • Continuously monitor 24x7, automatically alert, and timely responses based on the Service Level Agreement (SLA).

  • Provide real-time information about your server’s performance and allows you to configure custom alerts

  • Allow you to host your eCommerce site anywhere, breaking free from the limitations of specific hosting providers.

  • Support various components of the tech stack, including Magento, WordPress, Headless setups, Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) such as Vue Storefront, Magento PWAStudio, and ScandiPWA. They cover everything from search engines and caches to message queues and databases.

  • Implement comprehensive backup and disaster Recovery

  • Ensure versioned sources automatic deployment and provide development and staging environments via the strong CI/CD process

  • Improve hosting return on investment (RoI)


luroConnect’s monthly support service on Service Level Agreement (SLA) is charged according to the complexity of your environment and the specific support level. Every plan has a basic subscription to the luroConnect Insight dashboard. All fees are required at the beginning of the month or term.

You need to pay a one-time setup fee for every plan.

  • Basic Plan: $300 per month
  • Growth Plan: $600 per month
  • High Traffic Plan: $900 per month

11. Krystal Hosting

Krystal Hosting

With more than 20 years of vigorous professional activities, Krystal Hosting has become an ideal cloud hosting platform for Magento sites. It is a prevalent UK-based web hosting service. If your online business needs host sites or customer information in Europe or the UK, Krystal might be a good choice.

It supports unlimited site hosting with 100% SSD support and 24/7 customer service. It also offers free SSL certificates for all domains hosted.

Notably, the company takes advantage of renewable energy for its operations, so it can be perfect for you if you care about the environment.


  • Krystal Hosting is considered a fully optimized hosting platform, offering many exceptional features:

  • Provide 100% solid-state drives (SSDs) to ensure lightning-fast performance for your websites and applications.

  • Offer unlimited disk space and bandwidth.

  • Provide both free and scheduled backups to safeguard your content.

  • Regularly scan to detect and prevent any security threats or malware.

  • Make use of LiteSpeed caching technology, which significantly improves website loading times and overall performance.

  • Guarantee 99.99% uptime.

  • Offer domain registration services to simplify the process of securing your online identity.

  • Provide free 256-bit SSL certificates to encrypt your website traffic.


Krystal comes with three pricing options for Magento 2 web hosting:

  • Sapphire plan: £29.99/ month
  • Diamond plan: £59.99/ month
  • Tanzanite plan: £99.99/ month

12. Webscoot

Webscoot Hosting

Webscoot offers fully managed eCommerce hosting powered by AWS, world’s fastest cloud. Selecting this hosting will be a scalable option for you as your Magento 2 store grows. Webscoot is among the best Magento hosting providers as it offers 24 * 7 uptime monitoring and round the clock engineer support.

As far as security is concerned, the hosting provider offers the security patches and required updates, mitigates DDoS and Brute Force Attacks. It also offers Sucuri WAF worth $200 free of cost! Other security measurements ensured by Webscoot are server-side firewalls to avoid SQL injection, XSS, and other major attacks.

The store owner need not worry about the performance of the store with Webscoot’s server-level caching for 10X faster speed, global CDN, and with the use of technologies like Varnish and Redis. Faster and smooth checkout is all your customers are going to experience! Additionally, you can leverage the paid add-on for load testing and performance testing.


WebScoot provides outstanding features that combine speed, scalability, security, and expert support to enhance the eCommerce business.

  • Host the website on AWS-optimized servers, ensuring the site remains accessible and responsive.

  • Use multi-level caching techniques using Redis, Nginx, and Varnish, resulting in faster website loading times by efficiently managing data retrieval and storage.

  • Provide SSD drives, which significantly improve website loading speed even during peak traffic.

  • Support Global Content Delivery Network (CDN), which loads quickly regardless of the user’s location.

  • Automatically optimize core web vitals, contributing to better Google PageSpeed scores.

  • Offer 24/7 proactive monitoring to maintain 99.99% uptime.

  • Effectively secure with features like server firewall, malware scanning, sucuri WAF, DDoS mitigation: security patching, and free SSL for a lifetime.

  • Provide recommendations based on server resource analysis.


Webscoot has four shared plans:

  • Growing: 150/month

  • Advanced: $300/month

  • Scale: $600/month

Enterprise: $1000/month

FAQs about Magento Hosting Providers

What’s the best hosting for Magento 2?

Before selecting a Magento 2 hosting provider, ensure that it meets all the essential server requirements. Here are some key recommendations to consider:

  • Web Server: Choose either Apache or NGINX as your web server. Both are commonly used and well-supported options.

  • Caching: Implement Varnish for efficient caching. It significantly improves website performance by storing frequently accessed content in memory.

  • Database Caching: Use Redis or Memcached for database caching. These tools enhance database performance by reducing the need for repeated database queries.

  • PHP Version: Ensure that your hosting environment supports PHP 8. Using the latest PHP version provides better security and performance.

  • SSL Certificate: SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is crucial for securing data transmission between the server and users. Make sure your hosting plan includes SSL support.

Are hosting services offered by Magento?

While Magento itself doesn’t directly provide hosting services, there are several reputable hosting providers that specialize in hosting Magento stores. Here are a few options:

  • 1&1 IONOS: Offers cloud servers optimized for Magento with features like PCI compliance, GDPR compliance, secure backups, and SiteLock security.

  • Cloudways: Provides cloud servers from various leading cloud hosts (e.g., DigitalOcean, Vultr, Linode, AWS, Google Cloud) for hosting Magento stores.

  • Other hosting providers: There are additional options available, so you can explore them based on your specific requirements.

Is Cloudways hosting a great choice work for Magento 2?

Cloudways is an excellent choice for Magento 2 hosting for many reasons. It integrates the top five cloud providers, including DigitalOcean, Linode, Vultr, AWS, and GCE, offering managed services. The platform offers a user-friendly interface, dedicated firewall, advanced stack, scalable servers, 24/7 support, and more.

Does Magento Work Well on Shared Hosting Plans?

Magento really works well on a shared hosting plan because it needs a lot of computing power. If you use shared hosting, Magento will slow down significantly. To make sure your Magento platform performs well, consider using a dedicated server VPS that can provide the necessary resources.

Has Magento become Adobe?

Yes, indeed! Magento is now officially known as Adobe Commerce. The purchase by Adobe was completed in 2018, and Magento Commerce has become an integral part of the Adobe Experience Cloud. This strategic move allows seamless integration of commerce into the Adobe ecosystem, empowering businesses to create contextualized commerce experiences.

Which operating system is best for Magento?

When setting up a Magento 2 store, selecting the right operating system is vital for optimal performance. Here are the recommended options:

  • Linux x86-64: Consider using distributions such as RedHat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Ubuntu, or Debian for server environments.

  • MacOS: If you’re working on local development, macOS is a suitable choice. These choices provide a stable foundation for establishing a reliable and secure environment for your Magento store.


There you have the best Magento web hosting providers for your online business. Let’s take a look at these options and come up with the best. The option that you choose can bring a better experience of managing your Magento store.

If you’re already running your store and identify that your store is working slow or your hosting provider’s support is not enough, then it’s about time to switch.

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    A data-driven marketing leader with over 10 years of experience in the ecommerce industry. Summer leverages her deep understanding of customer behavior and market trends to develop strategic marketing campaigns that drive brand awareness, customer acquisition, and ultimately, sales growth for our company.

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