GraphQL Compatible
Rest API
Hyva Ready
Marketplace Verified

Free Gift for Magento 2

*Magento Edition
check60-day Money Back checkFrequent Update checkExtensive Support Timeframe checkInstall via Composer
Compatible with: Community: 2.3.* - 2.4.7 Enterprise: 2.3.* - 2.4.7

Magento 2 Free Gift extension allows store owners to offer customers free gifts or promotional items with various options, such as gift type, conditions, and products. This module is an effective solution to build customer retention and boost sales significantly for online retailers.

Store owners can set rules to assign gifts to specific customer groups based on product or cart attributes. Also, customers can filter attributes for configurable gifts, for example, color and size.

Besides, Free Gifts Extension by Mageplaza allows admins to choose the action for adding gifts: automatic (gifts automatically added to customers’ cart) or manual ( customers choosing gifts from a list).

  • Compatible with Magento 2.4.7
  • Compatible with API/GraphQL
  • Display gifts on many pages
  • Set rules to assign gifts based on product & cart attributes
  • Add gifts automatically or manually
  • Enable to pick options & change gifts
  • Freely set the gift price
  • Set the valid time for gifts
  • Set the priority for free gifts
  • Customize button design

Catch customers' attention by displaying gifts on various pages

Store owners can display gifts on the Category Page, Product Page, and Shopping Cart Page. These are important positions to encourage shoppers to make purchase decisions by appealing gift offers.

Assign gifts efficiently with various rule settings

Free Gift extension helps store admins create rules for giving customers free gifts when they add items to their shopping carts. The rules will be based on cart conditions or product conditions.

Get statistical data about the cart price rule performance

Tracking the effectiveness of 'Free Gift' will be easier and quicker than ever with this extension.

Streamline gift assignment with auto and manual options

Free Gift extension by Mageplaza allows admins to choose the action for adding gifts: automatic or manual. The two options are suitable for different types of gifts.

Motivate more purchases by offering incentives for buyers
    Business goals:
    • Boost sales by making customers feel like they're getting a good deal with your gifts
    • Encourage customers to buy quickly before the free gift promotion period ends
    Default Magento 2 limitation:
    • Can't display giveaways on product or shopping cart pages
    • Show giveaways and attach them with products on various pages to attract customers
    • Display the remaining quantity of free gifts and their valid timeframe in the gift section, making customers feel "fear of missing out"
    • Display strong motivational words like "Limited Only"

Promote new and relevant products by offering free gifts
    Business goal:
    • Encourage customers to try new products
    Default Magento 2 limitation:
    • Can't include free gift options for existing products
    • Apply giveaways for unlimited new products
    • Display and customize the free gift options for new arrival products
    • Create impressive names for the gifts like "Free Gift for New Arrivals Only"

Implement cost-effective business strategies by assigning free gifts rationally
    Business goals:
    • Control your store's budget for free gifts
    • Simplify and reduce the steps customers must take during checkout
    Default Magento 2 limitation:
    • Can't adjust the gift offers with the default Magento store
    • Set gift prices for more flexible promotions in three ways: free gifts, discount by percent, or fixed price
    • Analyze data on gift programs thanks to the item and cart rules report
    • Restrict the number of gifts

Mageplaza Free Gift PWA-ready

Provide PWA-ready solution

The ready solution of PWA compatibility helps to optimize the mobile shopping experience and guarantees Free Gift Extension to work smoothly on all screen types.

Restrict gift number

Restrict gift number

Admins can restrict the number of gifts that customers are allowed to add.

Customizable gift messages and icons

Customize gift messages and icons

Appealing content, color for the gift message, and gift icons can be created with ease.

Free shipping

Offer free shipping

Stores can offer free shipping for certain gifts to motivate customers even more.

Time setting

Set the valid time

The time for valid activation of a rule can be set easily. It can be the time when the giveaway program starts or ends.

Three gift list layout

Provide 3 gift list layout styles

Three layout styles including List, Grid, and Slider can be applied to show the gift list.

apply gift rules for specific customer groups

Apply gift rules for specific customer groups

This extension allows you to apply or not apply free gifts for each different group of customers.

Customize gift button design

Customize gift button design

You can optionally customize the Button Label, Button Color, and Text Color.

integrated with sitemap

Support Rest API

Rest API for Quote & Item is supported in this extension.

Overall rating
Your Rating:
Nyla Roydon
26 January 2024

Guess what's working like magic? Free gifts beat discount coupons any day. Just started using this new extension, and it's really doing the trick!

29 April 2022

My customers love this, so more sales are coming. Waiting for the free gifts popup feature updates from you guys.

19 April 2022

Great to know that this extension is PWA-ready. That helps my store a lot.

28 January 2021

This is a Wonderful extension. Sometimes customers like gifts more than special price and this extension it’s perfect to create special promotions that can attract a lot of customers. I’m really satisfied with this purchase

26 October 2020

Great choice. Works perfect.

31 August 2020

Our new shop will use this extension in combination with the free shipping plaza extension by Mageplaza. Both are working well together and the Mageplaza support team, like Victor, is always a helping hand. Fast, polite, and helpful to solve al open questions we had.

14 February 2020

Good extension and works as it should and minimum conflict with other extensions

All of the feature updates plan and status will be updated as soon as possible in our public Trello.

View Mageplaza Extension Roadmap 2023 ->

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Compatibility: The extension is now compatible with Hyva theme

Compatibility: Now compatible with Magento 2.4.7

  • Bug Fix: We fixed the bug of not adding gifts to the cart
  • Bug Fix: We fixed the bug move “Free Gift Reports” and optimized the configuration
  • Bug Fix: We fixed the bug change add and delete product gift
  • Bug Fix: We fixed the bug add option
  • Bug Fix: We fixed the bug change position config
  • Bug Fix: We fixed the bug gird list layout when creating a new rule
  • Bug Fix: We fixed the bug delete when data does not exist

  • New Update: We updated do not show out-of-stock products in the gift list
  • New Update: We updated UG link
  • Bug Fix: We fixed bug eqp
  • Bug Fix: We fixed the bug qty of the product group when removing free gifts in the popup
  • Bug Fix: We fixed the bug popup that is hidden when adding free gift is a config out-of-stock product
  • Bug Fix: We fixed the bug free shipping of cart price rule not working

  • Compatibility: The extension is now compatible with Magento 2.4.6
  • Bug Fix: We fixed the issue can’t add free gifts or do not accept rules for cart rules and products with customized options.
  • Bug Fix: We fixed the issue of missing product processing and checking functions that exist when choosing a configuration product as free gift.
  • Bug Fix: We changed Mess when the Option does not exist.

  • New Feature: We added automatically show free gifts popup on the product detail page
  • New Feature: We added a show promo for each product right on the category page
  • Compatibility: The extension is now compatible with Magento 2.4.5-p1
  • New Update: We added the use of color picker jQuery
  • Bug Fix: We fixed the error of not adding free gift products if there are customized options
  • Bug Fix: We fixed the error SKU product marked with “$” will not be able to add, edit, or delete.

  • Compatible with Magento v2.4.5
  • Fixed minor bugs

  • Compatible with Magento v2.4.4
  • Compatible with Mageplaza One Step Checkout

  • Compatible with Mageplaza One Step Checkout

  • Added Multiple Free Gifts
  • Compatible with Mageplaza Special promotions
  • Fixed minor bugs

  • Added Multiple Free Gifts
  • Compatible with Mageplaza Special promotions
  • Fixed minor bugs

  • Add new feature Prefix For FreeGifts name’s
  • Add new feature Report Data For FreeGifts Rule
  • Improve type of product can use as gifts
  • Fixed minor bugs

  • Add new feature Prefix For FreeGifts name’s
  • Add new feature Report Data For FreeGifts Rule
  • Improve type of product can use as gifts
  • Compatible with Magento v2.4.3-p1
  • Fixed minor bugs


  • Compatible with Magento 2.3.7
  • Fix some minor bugs


  • Fix some minor bugs

  • Add api get config
  • Add allow notice in cart item
  • Add sku when get free gift by quote item
  • Add reminder feature, auto popup feature
  • Compatible Mageplaza QuickView
  • Fix minor bugs

  • Compatible with Magento v2.4.2
  • Compatible with Mageplaza QuickView
  • Update reminder feature, auto popup feature and API
  • Fix minor bugs

  • Supported Magento v2.4.0

  • Fixed minor bugs

  • Compatible with Magento v2.3.5

Free Gift for Magento 2 is an extension that allows store owners to offer free gifts to their customers to boost sales. This extension offers a variety of features that make it easy for store owners to create and manage gift campaigns. Some of the key features include multiple conditions and multiple gift options.

You can follow these steps to start setting gifts:

- From the Admin panel, go to Marketing > Free Gifts > Configuration

- Select Yes for the extension to work

- Set the display of List Gift in Frontend. There are 3 display ways: List, Slider, and Grid

- Provide information in remaining sections such as Multiple Free Gifts in the Cart, No Free Gifts applied to Products with Special Prices, Prefix Free Gift Item Name, Enable Item Rule Report, etc

Explore the backend demo and user guide to have a deep knowledge of our extension.

Yes, you can adjust Free Gifts prices in the Gift List table on the create and edit rule pages.

In the Button Display section, select "Yes" to display Free Gift information, including the name and short description of the Free Gift of each product on the Category Page. Click "Select" to show the Free Gift pop-up of each product. After selecting Free Gift and clicking the "Update" button, the selected "Free Gifts will be displayed below the description". Customers can then add main products and free gifts to the cart at the same time.

You can do this with ease by selecting the condition: Shipping Country is Singapore. After that, add the selected gifts.

Yes, you can combine multiple conditions at the same time to set gift rules for your store. For example, you can create a rule that says: "Customers who buy at least 3 items and spend at least $50 will receive a free gift card with a value of $10".

Here are some ideas to promote your business with free gifts:

- Offer free gifts with purchase

- Use free gifts to reward loyal customers

- Create a sense of urgency with limited-time free gifts

- Use free gifts to promote new products

- Get creative with your free gifts

Free Gift extension by Mageplaza provides you with all the useful features to help you implement all the strategies above

Yes, most Magento 2 Free Gift extensions work with the Multi-store feature. This means that you can create different free gift rules for different stores within your Magento 2 installation. This is useful if you have different pricing or product offerings for different stores.

With the Magento 2 Free Gift extensions by Mageplaza, you can easily display free gifts in multiple locations, including: Category Page, Product Page, and Cart Page.

Free Gifts extension of Mageplaza is well compatible with other Magento 2 extensions: Gift Wrap module, Gift Card Module, Checkout Module, SMS Notification

Free Gifts' Full Features

For store admins

Gift rule setting

  • Create new gift rules: cart rule or item rule
  • Set name for rules
  • Enable/ Disable a rule
  • Set state for a rule
  • Set visibility for website or customer groups
  • Set cart/ product conditions to apply a rule
  • Select action type for a rule: automatic or manual
  • Show/ Hide a notice under gift item name
  • Set the notice content
  • Enable/Disable discarding subsequent rules (to restrict the number of rules applied)
  • Three gift price types for a gift: free, discount percent, fixed gift price
  • Add gifts to a gift list: name, SKU, original price, discount type, gift price, free shipping
  • Set to apply free shipping to certain gifts on the list
  • Compatible with other Magento 2 extensions: Free Gifts, Gift Wrap module, Gift Card Module, Checkout Module, SMS Notification

Free Gifts Configuration

  • Enable/ Disable the extension
  • Upload an image for gift icon
  • Set content, button label, text color for the gift message
  • Allow/ Disallow customers to hide gift notification

Free Gifts Rules management

  • View all rules via the Customizable gift message and icons
  • Set status, state, visibility and priority to a rule from the Customizable gift message and icons
  • Edit the details of a gift rule via the Customizable gift message and icons

For customers

  • Chances to win various types of gifts
  • Gain more benefits and satisfaction during shopping
  • Flexible to choose preferred gifts from an available list
  • Able to choose attributes of a gifts
  • Able to remove and re-select gifts


Choose your suitable edition.


Crafted for a great webstore start $ 199 first year

  • 1-year extension updates
  • 1-year support
  • 60-day money-back guarantee
  • Read our policies
  • Supports for Magento 2 Community Edition

Enterprise/ Magento Cloud

Great for an enterprise solution $ 399 first year

  • Free updates within subscription time
  • Free support within subscription time
  • Read our policies
  • Supports for Magento 2 Enterprise Edition
  • Highest priority support
*Magento Edition
check60-day Money Back checkFrequent Update checkExtensive Support Timeframe checkInstall via Composer
Compatible with: Community: 2.3.* - 2.4.7 Enterprise: 2.3.* - 2.4.7

Why choose Mageplaza Magento 2 Free Gift for Magento 2

What could be better than making customers feel like they are getting a good deal when they buy your products? So, let’s boost your sales with free gifts! Mageplaza's Magento 2 Free Gift lets you reward customers to build brand love. Easily set gifts and discounts based on purchases to create exciting surprises with our module. Additionally, the extension helps stores significantly reduce time and workload by automating all manual tasks.

Free Gift for Magento 2 image Free Gift for Magento 2 image Free Gift for Magento 2 image Free Gift for Magento 2 image Free Gift for Magento 2 image
60-day Money Back

60-day Money Back

Extensive 60-day money-back period. You love it or get a full refund no questions asked.

Extensive Support

Extensive Support

Mageplaza provides support 16 hrs/day, 5.5 days/week to guarantee the seamless operation of our extensions on your store.

Install via Composer

Install via Composer

ESimple installation via composer helps you save time and eliminates technical issues during future updates.

Frequent Updates

Frequent Updates

Intensive update roadmaps ensure great performance, bug-free, highly compatible, and innovative extensions.