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Is Shopify Dropshipping Worth It?

If you’ve been scrolling through the wild world of e-commerce, chances are you’ve stumbled upon the tantalizing promise of dropshipping with Shopify.

But before you dive headfirst into this digital adventure, let’s pause for a moment of real talk. Is Shopify dropshipping worth it, or is it just another shiny distraction in the constantly changing world of online commerce?

Buckle up as we unpack the pros, cons, and everything in between to help you decide if Shopify dropshipping is the real deal or just another passing fad.

Is Shopify dropshipping worth it?

Absolutely yes! 

As stated by Research and Markets, at a compound annual growth rate of 29.3%, the global dropshipping market expanded from $192.76 billion in 2022 to $249.16 billion in 2023.

But what about 2024? With a 30.6% compound yearly growth rate, the business is predicted to reach $724.26 billion in 2027, despite price increases and impacts on the global economy. This implies that 2024 is still a fantastic year to seize the chance.

Is Shopify dropshipping worth it?

In recent years, e-commerce has grown rapidly, and dropshipping through sites like Shopify has become a potential business opportunity for would-be business owners. Although others question the sustainability of dropshipping as a business model, many find it to be a desirable option due to its low entrance barrier and plenty of success stories.

We will examine the benefits, potential drawbacks, and successful tactics for Shopify dropshipping in this ever-changing environment in the paragraphs that follow.

Read more: How Much Investment Required For Shopify Dropshipping?

Why is Shopify dropshipping so popular?

Why is Shopify dropshipping so popular?

Shopify dropshipping has gained popularity for several reasons:

  • Low barrier to entry. Starting a dropshipping business through Shopify requires minimal upfront investment compared to traditional retail models. You don’t need to buy inventory in bulk or manage a physical storefront, significantly reducing initial costs.
  • Usability. Shopify provides a user-friendly platform that allows even those without technical expertise to set up and manage an online store. Its intuitive interface, customizable templates, and built-in tools simplify the process of launching and running an e-commerce business.
  • Wide product selection. Dropshipping enables entrepreneurs to offer a vast range of products without having to handle inventory. They can quickly test different products and niches to find profitable opportunities, as they’re not tied to stocking inventory.
  • Flexibility. Businesses that dropship can operate from any location with an internet connection, offering flexibility and freedom to entrepreneurs. They can manage their store and fulfill orders remotely, allowing for location independence.
  • Scalability. Shopify’s infrastructure enables businesses of all sizes to scale their operations, offering various pricing plans and an app ecosystem that provides additional features and functionalities for expansion.
  • Integration with suppliers. Shopify simplifies inventory management, order fulfillment, and shipping processes by integrating with various dropshipping suppliers and apps, saving time and enhancing operational efficiency for store owners.
  • Marketing tools. Shopify offers a variety of connectors and marketing options for store owners to promote their products, attract customers, and drive traffic and sales, including email marketing and social media advertising.
  • Community and support. Shopify’s active community offers entrepreneurs support, guidance, and resources through online forums, educational resources, and events, enabling them to learn, collaborate, and grow their businesses.

Pros and cons of Shopify dropshipping

Pros of Shopify dropshipping

Dropshipping through Shopify offers several advantages for entrepreneurs looking to start an e-commerce business:

  • Low initial investment. Unlike traditional retail models, dropshipping doesn’t require you to purchase inventory upfront. This means you can start your business with minimal investment, as you only pay for products when you make a sale.
  • Ease of setup. Shopify offers an intuitive platform that makes it quick and easy to use to start up your online store, even if you don’t have much technical knowledge. They offer various customizable templates and tools to help you design your store.
  • Wide product selection. You can sell a variety of goods with dropshipping without the need to manage inventory. You can easily add new products to your store and test different niches to find what works best for your business.
  • Adaptability. With dropshipping, you may manage your company from any location with an internet connection. You don’t need to worry about storing inventory, packing, or shipping orders, as your suppliers handle these tasks for you.
  • Scalability. Shopify provides a selection of integrations and apps that enable businesses to scale up by adding more products, expanding into new markets, or optimizing marketing strategies, thereby automating and streamlining operations.
  • Reduced risk. Because you don’t have to pay for stuff upfront, dropshipping reduces the financial risk associated with traditional retail models. You only purchase products from your suppliers after you’ve received payment from your customers.
  • Focus on marketing and sales. By outsourcing order fulfillment to your suppliers, you can concentrate on marketing, customer service, and business growth, allowing you to allocate your time and resources more efficiently.
  • Experimentation. Dropshipping allows businesses to test various products, pricing strategies, and marketing channels without significant upfront costs, allowing for quick iteration and adaptability based on target audience needs.

Shopify dropshipping offers a low-risk, low-cost way to start an e-commerce business with the potential for high profitability and scalability. However, it still has a lot of drawbacks, which we will go over below to answer if is Shopify dropshipping worth it or not.

Cons of Shopify dropshipping

Dropshipping is a potentially profitable business strategy for many due to its low startup costs and ease of entry. However, like any business model, there are potential drawbacks and challenges to consider, particularly when using platforms like Shopify for dropshipping:

  • High competition. The dropshipping business concept is widely used, leading to high competition in many niches. It can be challenging to identify a niche that is profitable with little competition.
  • Thin margins. Since you’re not manufacturing the products yourself, your profit margins can be quite low. With the cost of goods, Shopify fees, marketing expenses, and other overhead, it can be difficult to generate substantial profits.
  • Shipping issues. Shipping times and reliability can be inconsistent when relying on third-party suppliers. Delays or product quality issues can lead to unhappy customers and damage your reputation.
  • Lack of control over inventory. With dropshipping, you have little to no control over inventory, fulfillment, or shipping processes. This can lead to issues with stockouts, backorders, or even suppliers going out of stock without notice.
  • Brand reputation risks. Since you’re not handling the products yourself, any issues with product quality or delivery reflect directly on your brand. Negative experiences can harm your reputation and lead to negative reviews or chargebacks.
  • Dependency on suppliers. Your business is heavily reliant on your suppliers. If they face issues such as manufacturing problems, supply chain disruptions, or changes in pricing, it can directly impact your business.
  • Complexity in customer service. Dealing with customer inquiries, complaints, and returns can be challenging when you’re not directly handling the products. Coordinating with suppliers to resolve issues promptly requires effective communication and can add complexity to customer service.
  • Legal and compliance concerns. Dropshipping across international borders can introduce legal complexities related to taxes, customs duties, and product regulations. Managing adherence to different rules and regulations can be challenging and may require legal expertise.
  • Limited customization. Although Shopify provides a variety of customization choices, you may be limited in how much you can customize your products or packaging. This can make it difficult to differentiate your brand from competitors.
  • Platform dependency. Relying only on Shopify means you’re subject to their terms of service, pricing changes, and platform stability. Changes in the platform’s policies or algorithms can significantly impact your business.

Despite these challenges, many entrepreneurs find success with dropshipping by carefully selecting niches, establishing trusting connections with suppliers, delivering first-rate customer service, and continuously optimizing their marketing strategies. However, it’s essential to be aware of the potential disadvantages and plan accordingly.

Read more: 17 Shopify Dropshipping Tips To Grow Your Online Business

Is dropshipping still profitable in 2024?

The answer is yes.

In 2024, dropshipping can still be profitable for many entrepreneurs, but it’s important to understand the changes. According to recent data, the profitability of dropshipping varies widely depending on factors like product niche, marketing strategies, and operational efficiency.

Is dropshipping still profitable in 2024?

For instance, based on Statista, the global dropshipping e-commerce market is expected to be valued at 128.6 billion dollars in 2020. It had been expected that the market would grow in size to 476.1 billion US dollars during the course of the 6-year forecast period between 2021 and 2026.

However, it’s important to note that these numbers aren’t guaranteed for every dropshipper. Success in dropshipping often relies on many factors like selecting the right products, building a strong brand, optimizing marketing efforts, and providing excellent customer service.

In summary, while dropshipping can still be profitable in 2024, entrepreneurs need to approach it strategically, adapt to market changes, and continuously innovate to stay ahead in the competitive landscape.

How much money can you make when you become a Shopify dropshipper?

The profitability of Shopify dropshipping depends on some factors, including product choice, marketing tactics, specialized market, and level of commitment to the business, and it ranges from $500 to $100,000 per month. Some people have modest incomes, but others use their Shopify stores to gain enormous riches.

Beginner dropshipper

For business owners who just started their business, earnings might be more modest, ranging from $500 to $2,000 per month. This could come from selling a variety of products in trending niches like fashion accessories, phone accessories, or home decor.

However, with consistent effort in building the store, optimizing marketing strategies, and refining product selection, these earnings can steadily increase over time.

Intermediate dropshipper

As dropshipper gain experience and refine their abilities, they could see earnings rise to the range of $3,000 to $10,000 per month. This may involve concentrating on a certain specialty such as fitness equipment, pet products, or eco-friendly goods.

To succeed and gain this kind of income when dropshipping, entrepreneurs must do such activities as implementing more advanced marketing techniques like influencer partnerships, email marketing campaigns, and search engine optimization.

Advanced dropshipper

Advanced dropshippers who have mastered the art of Shopify and online marketing can potentially earn upwards of $20,000 to $100,000 or more per month. These individuals often have highly optimized stores, extensive product catalogs, and a deep understanding of their target audience.

In addition, advanced dropshippers might also make use of advanced advertising strategies such as Facebook Ads, Google Ads, and retarget campaigns to drive traffic and sales effectively.

Exceptional dropshipper

In rare cases, top-performing dropshippers can achieve extraordinary earnings exceeding $100,000 per month. These entrepreneurs have usually built formidable brands within their niches, offering unique products or providing exceptional customer service.

Moreover, these excellent dropshippers may also expand their revenue streams by creating digital products, offering courses or coaching services, or even branching out into wholesale or private labeling.

Launch your dropshipping business on Shopify now

Mageplaza, a trustworthy supplier of e-commerce solutions, can assist you and your company in starting a profitable dropshipping store on the Shopify platform by providing strong features and tools to integrate and improve their dropshipping operation.


Here’s why Mageplaza can become your potential partner:

  • Availability of several useful apps. Mageplaza broadens our capabilities into the dropshipping industry as a part of Avada Commerce, whose Shopify app store provides dropshippers with an extensive library of apps to customize their business operations.
  • Excellent support. Mageplaza offers reliable customer support in the e-commerce world, providing prompt assistance via email, live chat, and community forums to address technical issues and queries promptly.
  • Comprehensive e-commerce solution. Mageplaza offers a comprehensive e-commerce solution for dropshipping businesses, covering everything from store building to inventory management and order processing, simplifying the entire process.
  • Interface that is easy to use. Mageplaza’s user-friendly interface is a significant advantage for both experienced and new e-commerce entrepreneurs, making it easy to navigate and effectively utilize its features.

Looking for a place to help create your own Shopify store? Look no further than Mageplaza’s services.


The bottom line

To sum up, the question of whether Shopify dropshipping is worth it ultimately boils down to individual circumstances, goals, and dedication. While it offers a low barrier to entry and the potential for returns, success isn’t guaranteed and requires considerable effort, persistence, and adaptability.

Eventually, business owners who are willing to put in the work, stay informed, and creatively tackle challenges may find Shopify dropshipping to be a rewarding venture.

However, remember that it is necessary to approach this journey with realistic expectations and a willingness to learn from both successes and failures along the way.

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A data-driven marketing leader with over 10 years of experience in the ecommerce industry. Summer leverages her deep understanding of customer behavior and market trends to develop strategic marketing campaigns that drive brand awareness, customer acquisition, and ultimately, sales growth for our company.
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