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How To Run A Sale On Shopify: Benefits And Tips

Running a successful sale can be a game-changer for your Shopify store. It’s not just about marking down prices and hoping for the best; it’s a strategic and well-planned approach that can yield significant benefits for your business. 

In this guide, we will explore the many advantages of running a sale on Shopify, from increasing sales and clearing out inventory to building customer loyalty and enhancing your brand’s visibility. We’ll also provide comprehensive tips and strategies to ensure your sale is a resounding success. 

So, if you’re ready to take your Shopify store to the next level and harness the power of sales, read on to discover the benefits and invaluable insights that will help you master the art of running a sale on Shopify.

Table of Contents:

What are the benefits of running a sale on Shopify?

What are the benefits of running a sale on Shopify

Running a sale on Shopify offers several benefits for your e-commerce business. Here are some of the key advantages:

  • Increased Sales: Sales and discounts attract customers, encouraging them to make purchases they might have otherwise postponed. This can result in a significant boost in your sales volume during the sales period.
  • Clearance Of Excess Inventory: Sales are a useful tool for getting rid of extra or obsolete inventory. Discounts on these goods allow you to make space for more lucrative and new merchandise.
  • Customer Acquisition: Sales can attract new customers who are looking for deals. When new customers have a positive experience during the sale, they may become loyal customers in the long run.
  • Customer Retention: Existing customers appreciate discounts and promotions. Offering sales to your current customer base can help retain and reinforce their loyalty.
  • Enhanced Brand Visibility: When customers tell their networks about a sale, you can expand the visibility and reach of your brand. Increased brand recognition and possibly higher sales can result from this.
  • Data Insight: Sales offer the chance to collect information and insights about the behavior, preferences, and purchase trends of customers. This information can be useful for developing future marketing and product strategies.
  • Competitive Advantage: Providing sales can provide you with a competitive advantage in the cutthroat world of online retail by luring customers to your store rather than others.
  • Revenue & Profit Maximization: While sales may involve lower profit margins per item, the increased sales volume can result in higher overall revenue and, potentially, higher profits.
  • Seasonal Promotions: Sales can be tailored to coincide with various seasons, holidays, or events, allowing you to align your marketing strategies with the needs and expectations of your target audience.
  • Customer Engagement: Running a sale can provide opportunities for engaging with your audience through email marketing, social media promotions, and other marketing channels.
  • Cross-selling & Upselling: During a sale, you can strategically promote related or complementary products, encouraging customers to make additional purchases.
  • Feedback & Reviews: Increased sales can result in more customer feedback and product reviews, which can be helpful for enhancing your offerings and gaining the confidence of prospective customers.
  • Boost Cash Flow: Sales can help improve cash flow, particularly if you offer time-limited discounts that motivate customers to make immediate purchases.

A step-by-step guide to running a sale on Shopify

Step 1: Select the goods you want to sell

Be sure to carefully select the items you plan to discount before launching a sale. Think about the objectives of the sale: getting rid of extra stock, increasing sales, or drawing in new clients. Select goods that fit your goals and are likely to be liked by your intended market.

Step 2: Create a collection or selling page

If you’re offering discounts on multiple products or categories, organizing them within a dedicated collection or sales page is essential. Ensure that this page is well-designed, user-friendly, and visually appealing. It should display the discounted items and make navigation seamless for your customers.

Create a collection or selling page

Step 3: Determine the kind of sale you wish to hold

It’s important to choose the appropriate kind of sale. Whether you choose to offer free shipping, buy one get one free, fixed discounts, percentage discounts, or both, it should fit your products and business plan. When choosing the type of sale, take your target audience’s preferences and the sale’s objectives into account.

Step 4: Configure your coupon

If you’re using discount codes or coupons, configure them in your Shopify admin. Create unique codes for the sale, specifying the discount type and amount. Additionally, set clear start and end dates for the sale. Ensure that your discount setup aligns with your marketing strategy and customer expectations.

Step 5: Test your purchase before launching it

Prior to the sale’s launch, conduct thorough testing of the entire purchase process. This involves adding sale items to the cart, applying the coupon code, proceeding through the checkout process, and completing a test purchase. This helps identify and rectify any issues hindering a smooth customer experience during the sale.

Step 6: Make your sale known

Promotion is key to a successful sale. Leverage multiple marketing channels to create awareness and excitement. Use email marketing to reach out to your subscribers, employ social media to engage your audience, feature prominent banners on your website, invest in paid advertising for broader reach, and consider influencer collaborations and press releases for added visibility. The goal is to ensure your target audience is well-informed about your upcoming sale.

Step 7: Track your outcomes

Once your sale is live, monitor its performance closely. Keep a watchful eye on key metrics, including sales figures, revenue, and average order value. Track the sources of website traffic and assess the effectiveness of your promotional efforts. Measure the conversion rate to understand how well your site converts visitors into customers.

Pay attention to customer feedback and reviews during and after the sale to gather insights for improvement. Additionally, ensure your inventory management is on point, as running out of stock on sale items can lead to customer dissatisfaction. Engage with your customers and respond to inquiries to provide a positive experience during the sale. Lastly, leverage the data gathered to refine your future sale strategies and overall e-commerce approach.

When should you run a sale on Shopify?

When should you run a sale on Shopify

Running a sale on Shopify should be a strategic decision based on various factors. Here are some key considerations and scenarios for when you should consider running a sale:

  • Seasonal Sales: Consider running sales during holidays, seasons, or special events like Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Valentine’s Day, or back-to-school season. These periods often see increased consumer spending and can be ideal for promotions.
  • Inventory Clearance: When you have excess inventory or products that need to be moved quickly to make room for new items, a clearance sale can help you sell those products efficiently.
  • Product Launch: Use sales to generate buzz and excitement when launching a new product or collection. Offering a launch discount can attract initial customers and drive early sales.
  • Customer Appreciation: Show your existing customers that you value their loyalty by running occasional customer appreciation sales. This can enhance customer retention and foster goodwill.
  • Anniversaries & Milestones: Celebrate your store’s anniversaries or milestones with special sales or promotions. For instance, on your store’s first anniversary, you could offer a “One-Year Celebration Sale.”
  • Slow Sales Periods: If your business experiences slower sales during specific times of the year, consider running a sale to stimulate demand during these periods.
  • Recover abandoned carts: Targeted discounts or sales can be used to draw in customers who have left their shopping carts behind. Personalized offers can be sent to them to help make up for lost sales.
  • Competitive Reaction: Keep an eye on what your rivals are doing, and think about holding a sale in response to their marketing. Take care not to get into a pricing war that might hurt your business’s bottom line.
  • Subscription Promotions: Provide a one-time discount to entice customers to register for newsletters or create accounts. You can use this to grow your email list for upcoming marketing campaigns.
  • Limited-Time Offers: Use flash sales or limited-time offers to instill a sense of urgency. These brief sales periods may encourage speedy conversions.
  • Loyalty Programs: Integrate sales into your loyalty program, offering exclusive discounts or early access to loyal customers.
  • Collaborations & Partnerships: If you collaborate with other brands or influencers, running joint promotions can introduce your products to new audiences.
  • Product Refresh: When you update or refresh a product line, consider running a sale on the older versions to clear out inventory and make way for the new releases.
  • Customer Feedback: If you’ve received valuable feedback from customers and made improvements to your products or services, consider a relaunch sale to highlight these enhancements.
  • Random Acts Of Kindness: Surprise your customers with occasional “just because” sales or discounts. These unexpected promotions can create goodwill and reinforce customer loyalty.

When planning a sale, it’s essential to set clear goals, determine the duration and extent of the discounts, and create a marketing strategy to promote the sale effectively. Remember that frequent and poorly executed sales can devalue your brand, so balance your sales strategy to maintain profitability and brand integrity.

How to get your Shopify store ready before running a sale

How to get your Shopify store ready before running a sale
  • Include banners or a countdown clock: Banners or a countdown clock should be prominently displayed on your website’s homepage and possibly other relevant pages. The banners should include essential information, such as sale start and end dates, and be designed to grab attention without overwhelming the site’s design.
  • Put the offer in a popup window: A pop-up window is a non-intrusive way to capture visitors’ attention and inform them about your sale. Ensure the pop-up is easy to close if a visitor is not interested.
  • Publish sales pages or edit existing ones: Make sure to create and publish the landing page well in advance if you have one specifically for the sale. These pages ought to include all the details regarding the sale, special offers, discounted items, and any terms that may apply. Edit current product pages to add the sale prices and offer details if you’re not making separate sales pages.
  • Review and update the pages: Review all the pages on your website to verify the accuracy of product details, prices, and images. Ensure that the product pages are consistent in terms of design and information. 
  • Test every type of communication and add some live chats: Test your email marketing system to ensure that automated email notifications and newsletters will be sent as planned. Check that they contain the correct information, including the sale details.
  • Test your order forms and payment options: Carefully test your order forms to ensure a seamless checkout process. Ensure that customers can easily add items to their shopping cart, proceed to checkout, and complete the purchase without any technical issues.

You can make sure that your Shopify store is ready for your impending sale, giving your customers a flawless shopping experience and optimizing the impact of your promotion, by carefully following these steps.

How to notify your customers before running a sale on Shopify

How to notify your customers before running a sale on Shopify

Notifying your customers before running a sale on Shopify is crucial to maximize the impact of your promotion and generate excitement. Here’s how you can effectively notify your customers using the methods you mentioned:

Distribute email bulletins

  • Segment Your Email List: Segment your email list according to consumer preferences, past purchases, or demographics. This enables you to communicate with particular groups in a targeted manner.
  • Create Eye-Catching Emails: Design visually appealing and informative email newsletters highlighting the details of your upcoming sale, including dates, discount percentages, and featured products.
  • Include A Countdown Timer: To instill a sense of urgency and motivate recipients to act right away, think about including a countdown timer.
  • Personalize Messages: Use the recipient’s name and tailor the content to their preferences whenever possible.
  • Send Teaser Emails: Build anticipation by sending teaser emails before the sale starts, providing a sneak peek of the products and discounts to come.

Utilize social media

  • Schedule Posts: Schedule social media posts on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest to announce the sale.
  • Create Visual Content: Use eye-catching graphics, images, and videos to make your posts stand out. You can also use carousel posts or stories to showcase multiple products.
  • Leverage Hashtags: Make use of pertinent hashtags to expand your audience and make your posts more visible.
  • Engage with Your Audience: Respond promptly to comments, questions, and messages to build excitement and provide information to potential customers.

Use advertising

  • Paid Ads: Invest in paid advertising on platforms like Facebook Ads, Google Ads, or Instagram Ads to reach a larger audience.
  • Remarketing: Run remarketing campaigns to reach people who have already interacted with your business or visited your website.
  • A/B Testing: Test different ad creatives, copy, and targeting options to optimize the performance of your ads.

Use back-in-stock notifications

If you have products that were previously out of stock and are now available for sale, notify customers who expressed interest in these items. Implement back-in-stock notifications on your Shopify store to capture customer email addresses and send automated notifications when the products become available.

Consistency and timing are key when notifying your customers about an upcoming sale. Plan your messaging strategy and ensure that all your communication channels are aligned to create a unified, exciting message about your sale.

How to put your product on sale on Shopify

Putting a product on sale on Shopify is a straightforward process. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you discount a product in your Shopify store:

  • Access Your Shopify Admin: Log in to your Shopify admin using your credentials.
  • Select The Product: Select the item that you wish to market. Go to your Shopify admin’s “Products” section and choose the particular product from your product list.
How to put your product on sale on Shopify
  • Edit The Product: Click on the product you’ve selected to edit its details.
  • Adjust The Price: In the product editor, scroll down to the “Pricing” section. Here, you can adjust the price of the product. To put the product on sale, enter the discounted price in the “Price” field. You can either enter a reduced price directly or set a percentage or fixed amount discount by using the “Compare at price” field.
  • Set Sale Schedule: Below the pricing section, you have the option to schedule the sale start and end dates. You can choose to start the sale immediately or at a future date and specify when it should end. This is particularly useful if you’re planning a limited-time promotion.
  • Save Changes: Select the “Save” button located at the top or bottom of the product editor once you’ve changed the price and the sale schedule.
  • Preview The Product: It’s a good practice to preview the product as it will appear in your store to ensure the discount is correctly applied.
  • Verify The Collection(s): If the product is part of a specific collection, ensure that the collection is set up to include products on sale. Review and edit the collection if necessary.
  • Repeat For Other Sale Products: If you have additional products to put on sale, repeat the same process for each product individually.
  • Promote The Sale: Once your products are on sale, promote the sale using marketing channels like email newsletters, social media, website banners, and paid advertising to notify your customers.
  • Monitor The Sale: Keep an eye on the performance of your sales, including sales figures, conversion rates, and customer feedback. Make adjustments as needed to improve the sale’s effectiveness.

Remember that Shopify makes it easy to manage your product sales. The changes you make to the product’s price during a sale will be automatically reflected on your website. After the sale period, the product will revert to its original price if you’ve set the sale to end automatically. If not, you’ll need to manually adjust the price back to its regular value.


In conclusion, running a sale on your Shopify store can be a potent strategy to boost sales, engage with customers, and achieve various business objectives. Whether you’re looking to clear excess inventory, attract new customers, or reward loyal ones, a well-executed sale can significantly impact your e-commerce success.

Ultimately, the success of your sale depends on your meticulous planning, attention to detail, and the effectiveness of your marketing efforts. Remember to keep the customer experience at the forefront of your strategy, respond promptly to inquiries, and deliver a seamless shopping experience to your visitors.

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A data-driven marketing leader with over 10 years of experience in the ecommerce industry. Summer leverages her deep understanding of customer behavior and market trends to develop strategic marketing campaigns that drive brand awareness, customer acquisition, and ultimately, sales growth for our company.
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