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How to get your first sale on Shopify with 10+ tips

For anyone starting a Shopify business, achieving their first sale is an important light pole. It not only affirms your ability to operate an online business but also motivates you to continue growing. However, achieving this requires appropriate implementation, effort and strategy. You may have to adjust your marketing strategy, optimize operations, or focus on more suitable areas, leading to a feeling of stagnation when constantly adjusting without achieving results. Understanding this, this article will let you know how to get your first sale on Shopify with 10+ tips in order to help you unlock your first sale on Shopify as quickly as possible.

Why Can’t You Make Sales on Shopify Yet?

You have invested your heart and soul into building a Shopify store, but your sales are still not taking off. Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Lack of sales is a problem that many store owners face, and fortunately, there are solutions to fix it.

To accurately diagnose the cause and come up with the right solution, let’s explore some common reasons why your Shopify sales may be stagnant:

  • Absence of customers, lack of website traffic:
    • Difficult beginnings: New stores often have difficulty attracting their first visitors because the brand is unknown.
    • Hindering domain names: Domain names that are long, difficult to remember, or unrelated to the product can cause customers to ignore you.
  • Shattered trust, obsession with reliability:
    • Lack of proof: Customers are hesitant to shop at websites that do not have reputable reviews, testimonials or security logos.
    • Confusing payment: The complicated payment process and lack of popular payment options frustrate customers.
  • Boring product description, unattractive “offer”:
    • Boring content: Long product descriptions, focusing only on features but lacking an engaging story.
    • Poor quality images: Product images are blurry and lack diverse perspectives, making it difficult for customers to perceive clearly.
  • “Strange” design:
    • Confusing navigation: Customers have difficulty finding desired products due to lack of clear menu or messy layout.
    • Information overload: Too much information on one page makes customers overwhelmed and quickly leave.
  • Payment barriers make customers “turn away”:
    • Costs incurred: High shipping costs and unexpected taxes cause customers to abandon their shopping carts at the last minute.
    • Complicated payment process: Requiring too much information and cumbersome payment procedures frustrate customers.
    • Lack of incentives: No promotions or discounts make your products less competitive.
  • Superficial service, “Customer is king” only on the slogan:
    • Lack of support: Difficulty in contacting, delayed response time makes customers frustrated.
    • Lack of interaction: No diverse communication channels (phone, email, online chat) makes customers feel abandoned.

Are you ready to change those things? Next, join us in discovering How to get your first sale on Shopify with 10+ Tips.

How to get your first sale on Shopify with 10+ tips

How to get your first sale on Shopify with 10+ Tips

Technical Optimization Tips

Use Free Traffic Sources

To attract leads and convert them into customers for your Shopify store quickly, you should take advantage of free resources. The first step is to tap into your existing social networks and online communities.

  • Social networks are a potential “gold mine”:
    • Share store information: Introduce products, promotions and store activities on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok,…
    • Interacting with customers: Respond to messages, comments, answer questions and build good relationships with potential customers.
    • Join groups: Join groups related to your business to promote your products and connect with potential customers.
  • Turn family and friends into your first customers:
    • Product introduction: Share product information, images and videos with family and friends so they can experience and share with others.
    • Ask for review prices: Encourage them to write honest reviews of your products and services to build credibility and attract potential customers.
    • Leverage your network: Help them introduce your store to their friends and colleagues.
  • Other freely accessible archives:
    • Join forums: Join forums related to your business field and share useful information, attracting users’ attention.
    • Blogging: Create a blog and share useful content related to your products and services to attract potential visitors.
    • SEO optimization: Optimize your website to improve visibility on search results, attract free visitors.

By effectively leveraging free traffic sources, you can effectively attract your first customers and increase revenue for your Shopify store.

Offer a Live Chat Support

Providing a great customer experience is the key to success. Understanding this, live chat has become a powerful support tool for businesses, especially on the Shopify platform.

Why is live chat popular?

  • Customers love personal and immediate interaction: Instead of waiting for emails or phone calls, modern customers expect to have their questions answered and support quickly and directly. Live chat meets this need perfectly, helping them connect with support staff easily and effectively.
  • Increase loyalty and drive sales: According to Kayako research, 51% of online shoppers are more likely to buy from brands that provide customer service via live chat. Furthermore, 79% of businesses claim implementing live chat has a positive impact on sales, revenue and customer loyalty.

Now, let’s upgrade your customer experience with live chat on Shopify.

To meet the increasing needs of customers and support business performance, Shopify provides a live chat system with full advanced features:

  • Real-time visitor list: Allows you to monitor the list of website visitors in real time, and announce special offers to attract their attention.
  • Quick Replies: Automating scripted responses reduces response time, speeds up work, and provides a seamless customer experience.
  • Request email: Collect customer email information right at the start of a conversation so you can build a subscriber list, nurture relationships, and launch effective marketing campaigns.

Improve your Product Pages

More than 80% of online shoppers said the factor that helps them make quick purchasing decisions is complete product information and images. Therefore, you should upgrade your product pages to attract customers, make a strong impression, and drive sales on Shopify.

  • Product description: Focus on benefits and solutions
    • Interesting and easy to read: Use creative, concise and easy-to-understand language to attract customers’ attention.
    • Focus on benefits: Instead of listing product features, explain how your product solves a problem and benefits customers.
    • Customer perspective: Put yourself in the customer’s shoes to understand their needs and desires, thereby providing useful information and appropriate solutions.
  • Product image: High quality and attractive
    • Sharp images: Use high quality, large resolution images to clearly show product details.
    • Multiple perspectives: Provide at least 3 types of images: main product photos, close-up photos, and product photos in use.
    • Action images: Show the product being used in a real-life context to increase appeal and sales effectiveness.
  • Product videos: Enhance customer experience
    • Vivid product display: Video helps customers visualize more clearly the usage and benefits of the product.
    • Increase conversion rates: Video attracts attention, increases engagement time, and motivates customers to make purchases.

By applying these tips, you can effectively upgrade your Shopify product pages, attract leads, and increase sales.

Consider exit-intent popups

Are you having difficulty retaining potential customers and increasing conversion rates? Exit-Intent Popup is an effective solution to help you attract customers, provide sales revenue and increase profits.

What is an exit intent popup?

This is a type of pop-up ad that appears as soon as a user intends to leave your website. This window will appear when the user moves their mouse away from the page or when they spend too much time on the page without taking any action.

Why do the results comments popup exit?

  • Attract attention: When users intend to leave, a pop-up window will appear promptly to attract their attention.
  • Create a sense of urgency: Pop-ups often offer limited-time offers or promotions, igniting customers’ desire to make an immediate purchase.
  • Increase conversion rates: Pop-ups can give customers the energy they need to complete a purchase.

How to use the exit result meaning popup:

  • Attractive offer suggestions: Provide discount codes, free gifts or free shipping offers to attract customers.
  • Create shortened and abridged content: Convey a clear, easy-to-understand message and focus on the benefits customers receive.
  • Use eye-catching design: Pop-ups should have a design that stands out and attracts attention, but isn’t too annoying to users.
  • A/B testing: Test different versions of your popup to find the best performing version.

In case you need some suggestions, below is some on the list of highly-rated exit intent app windows on Shopify, with free trials available for you to try out:

  • AVADA Marketing Automation
  • Privy ‑ Exit Pop Ups & Email Marketing
  • VITALS: 40+ apps in one
  • Popup Upsell on Exit & Visit

Mobile-Friendly Design

Smartphones rule the shopping world these days, so making your Shopify store mobile-friendly is key to those first sales. Here’s how to keep it simple:

  • Pick a Theme That’s Phone Friendly:

Shopify offers themes that automatically adjust to phone screens, like Debut or Venture. Look for themes labeled “mobile-responsive” in the theme store.

  • Test it Out:

Don’t trust looks alone! Check for:

  • Clear Images: Can you see product details without zooming in?
  • Big Buttons: Are buttons like “Add to Cart” easy to tap?
  • Easy Reading: Is the text large enough and spaced out nicely?
  • Simple Navigation: Can you find what you need without getting lost?
  • Keep it Clean:

Phones have less space, so focus on what matters most:

  • Clear product photos.
  • Short and sweet descriptions with bullet points.
  • Simple menus that fold open when tapped (like a hamburger menu).

By making your store mobile-friendly, you’ll give phone shoppers a smooth experience, leading to more happy customers and those sweet first sales!  

Marketing Strategies Tips

Marketing Strategies Tips

Targeted Advertising

Are you ready for your first Shopify sales? The key to achieving this is launching effective marketing campaigns.

If you want immediate sales, advertising is the optimal solution to help you attract potential customers and convert them into customers. You can use popular advertising platforms like Facebook, Instagram or Google to run effective campaigns.

Useful tips for international advertising:

  • Start with cheap ads: Invest a small amount to test and find products that attract customers.
  • Change targeting options: Target different groups of potential customers to determine the best fit for your product.
  • Monitor and adjust: Continuously monitor advertising effectiveness and adjust strategies to optimize results.
  • Detailed instructions on Facebook advertising: Learn more about how to implement effective advertising on Facebook.

Get started today and turn your first marketing campaigns into a stepping stone to great success on Shopify!

Seasonal Promotions

Seasonal Promotions

Take full advantage of the power of seasonal merchandising strategies to make your Shopify store a focal point for your customers.

Catch up with seasonal shopping trends:

  • Capture demand: Tet holiday, Valentine’s Day, Father’s Day, Christmas,… are golden times to promote sales for products that suit buying needs Increase customer purchases.
  • Make a difference: Change the Shopify store’s interface to a holiday style, giving customers a new and attractive shopping experience.
  • Attractive promotions: Stimulate customers’ shopping behavior with gift packages, coupons, accompanying gifts, etc. within a certain time to create a sense of urgency and Finally decide to buy.

Significant strategic results:

  • Just-Timed Marketing: Start your seasonal sales campaign 2-4 weeks before the event to capture the attention of potential customers.
  • Leverage social networks: Share product images, promotional articles and information about promotions on social network channels to reach potential customers.
  • Email Marketing: Send emails to announce promotions, introduce new products and attract customers to come back to shop.
  • Attractive content: Create attractive content, appeal to customers’ minds, arouse emotions and shopping needs during the holiday season.
  • Data analysis: Track seasonal sales campaign results to tailor and optimize strategic results.

Get started today to turn the holiday season and seasonal events into a sales breakthrough for your Shopify store!

Attractive Offers and Gifts

According to Oberlo research, 38% of consumers decide to make a purchase if the stores offer gifts and discounts. So welcome new customers with an attractive gift or offer to encourage them to make their first purchase.

You can apply the following strategies:

  • Percentage discounts: Discounts ranging from 5% to 50% on first orders or select products are an effective way to attract new customers to try your products .
  • Discount based on monetary value: For example, “Spend $80, get $10 off” is a form of direct discount, easy to apply and creates a feeling of savings for customers.
  • Free shipping: Free shipping costs are an attractive incentive, attracting customers to complete orders.
  • Free gifts: Giving gifts with orders of a certain value is an effective way to increase order value and create joy for customers.
  • Time limit for promotion: Setting a time limit for promotions will create a sense of urgency, urging customers to buy quickly so as not to miss the opportunity to save.
  • Use a countdown timer: Displaying a countdown timer on the product page or checkout page directly visualizes the remaining time of the promotion, increasing appeal and providing decisiveness. customer’s purchase intention.

Start applying your gift and discount strategy today to turn Shopify into an effective sales channel, attract customers and successfully increase sales!

SEO-Friendly Blog Content

SEO-Friendly Blog Content

High-quality blog content will attract users looking for information, thereby leading them to your Shopify website.

Besides, when you regularly share useful and business-related content, your brand will gradually become more prominent and remembered by customers. In particular, writing SEO standard articles will help your blog be highly appreciated by Google, thereby improving search rankings and attracting more visits.

Tips to writing SEO-friendly blog posts:

  • Determine the right topic: Choose a topic that is relevant to your product, service or business, and meets the needs and wants of potential customers.
  • Keyword research:  Use SEO tools to search and select keywords that are relevant and have the potential to attract high traffic.
  • On-page SEO optimization: Make sure to optimize on-page SEO factors like keyword passwords, meta tags, alt tags for images, title structure, etc.
  • Link building: Share articles on social networks, forums and reputable websites to attract quality backlinks, thereby improving the SEO ranking of your blog.
  • Encourage engagement: Encourage readers to comment, share and ask questions to create engagement and draw them back to your blog.

By adopting an effective blogging strategy, you can turn your Shopify blog into a powerful marketing channel, attract leads, increase sales, and build a solid business foundation for your business. 

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing is the key to helping you attract a large number of potential customers, increase brand awareness and promote sales effectively.

What is Affiliate Marketing?

This is a form of marketing where store owners cooperate with publishers to promote your products. Publishers will recommend your product to their target audience and receive a commission for each successful sale generated through their link.

Outstanding benefits of Affiliate Marketing:

  • Drive sales: The commission system will encourage publishers to promote your products, thereby increasing conversion rates and sales.
  • Cost savings: Compared to traditional forms of marketing, Affiliate Marketing brings higher efficiency at lower costs. You only pay publishers when they bring in actual sales.
  • Easy to manage and track: You can easily track the effectiveness of your Affiliate Marketing campaign through detailed reports, thereby adjusting your strategy accordingly to optimize results. fruit.

Get Started with Shopify Affiliate Marketing:

  • Prepare attractive promotions: Offer publishers competitive commissions, cash incentives or free gifts to attract them to join the program.
  • Find the right publisher: Join Affiliate Marketing Facebook groups, search for influential influencers in your industry, or use reputable Affiliate Marketing networks like Upfluence, Clickbank, etc.
  • Create effective campaigns: Provide publishers with all necessary information and documents such as banners, articles, images, etc. Monitor campaign performance and adjust accordingly to optimize results.

Now, we will suggest you two famous apps that support effective Affiliate Marketing on Shopify:

  • Referral Candy: Popular app with a 4.9/5 star rating, providing full features to create and manage an effective Affiliate Marketing program.
  • Affiliate Marketing Goaffpro: Simple, easy-to-use application, suitable for beginners, allowing you to create an Affiliate Marketing program quickly and easily.

By adopting an effective Affiliate Marketing strategy, you can build a strong foundation for your business on Shopify, attract leads, increase brand awareness, and drive sales Successful sales.

Analyze and Adapt Tips

Analyze and Adapt Tips

Data-Driven Decisions

Shopify provides a treasure trove of data for your customers and your business. Get the most out of it by tracking important metrics like:

  • Website traffic: Identify potential sources of customers (social networks, search engines, etc.) and focus marketing efforts accordingly.
  • Customer information: Know who your customers are (age, location, shopping preferences) to personalize the purchasing experience.
  • Conversion rules: Track website performance in customer-to-customer visits, resulting in optimal makeup products and checkout processes.

Analyze customer behavior to identify points that cause them to abandon purchases. Some common integers include:

  • Unclear product description information.
  • Complicated payment process.
  • Hidden detection costs during the payment process.

Use data to optimize every step of the purchasing process, making it easier for customers to complete transactions and improve conversion rates.

A/B Testing

A/B testing is an effective method for comparing the results of different versions of the same element on a website, for example:

  • Product page layout: Test the presentation of images, product descriptions, and calls to action to optimize conversion rates.
  • Calls to action: Test the content and placement of buttons like “Add to Cart” or “Buy Now” to attract clicks and drive action.
  • Local Site Web: Compare different overall layouts to find the optimal user experience arrangement and increase conversion rates.

Customer Reviews and Feedback

Positive customer reviews act as a confirmation of credibility and attract potential customers. Encourage customers to reassess prices by:

  • Offer incentives: Appreciate customers for leaving reviews with a discount code or gift.
  • Simplify the process: Make it easy for customers to share feedback.
  • Show positive reviews: Display featured customer reviews on product pages and throughout the site to

Wrapping Up: Key Takeaways and Next Steps

The tips shared in this article will help you get started on the right foot and maybe even get your first benefit before the end of your 14-day trial with Shopify. However, as your business grows, you need to apply more advanced strategies to expand your online store model.

After initial success, every job will become easier. You will be more motivated and less worried about spending too much or launching too many promotions to attract customers. Profits will come when you know how to adjust your business operations, improve your marketing strategy, and optimize your workflow.

Keep fighting, keep trying and you will succeed! If you have any questions, leave a comment below and I will answer your questions.

Image Description
A data-driven marketing leader with over 10 years of experience in the ecommerce industry. Summer leverages her deep understanding of customer behavior and market trends to develop strategic marketing campaigns that drive brand awareness, customer acquisition, and ultimately, sales growth for our company.
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