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How To Connect Shopify To Etsy: The Complete Guide

Expanding your e-commerce presence and reaching a broader audience is a strategic move for any online business. One effective way to achieve this is by connecting Shopify to Etsy, two powerful platforms that offer unique opportunities for entrepreneurs and sellers. 

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you how to connect Shopify to Etsy, enabling you to tap into Etsy’s vast customer base while maintaining the efficiency and control of your Shopify operations. Discover the benefits, best practices, and step-by-step instructions that will empower you to successfully bridge these two e-commerce giants and maximize your online selling potential.

Table of Contents

What is Etsy?

Etsy is an e-commerce platform that facilitates the buying and selling handmade, vintage, and unique items. It was founded in 2005 and has become a popular online marketplace for artists, crafters, and collectors to sell their products to a global audience.

What is Etsy

Key features and characteristics of Etsy include:

  • Handmade goods: Etsy is known for its emphasis on handmade products. Sellers on the platform create their items, ranging from jewelry and clothing to home decor and art.
  • Vintage items: In addition to handmade goods, Etsy allows the sale of vintage items, defined as items that are at least 20 years old. Vintage sellers offer various products, including clothing, accessories, collectibles, and more.
  • Unique and customizable products: Many sellers offer unique and customizable products, allowing buyers to personalize items to their preferences. This is particularly popular for personalized jewelry, custom clothing, and personalized home decor.
  • Independent sellers: Etsy provides a platform for independent sellers, often small businesses or individual artisans, to reach a global customer base. This gives buyers access to a diverse array of products that they might not find through traditional retailers.
  • Global marketplace: Etsy operates internationally, connecting buyers and sellers worldwide. This diversity allows for a broad selection of items with different styles and cultural influences.
  • Reviews and ratings: Buyers can leave reviews and ratings for the products and sellers they’ve interacted with, providing valuable feedback to the community and helping buyers make informed decisions.
  • Etsy apps and tools: Etsy provides various tools and applications for sellers, including the ability to manage their shops, track sales, and communicate with customers.
  • Payment and shipping options: Etsy supports various payment methods and provides options for sellers to choose their shipping methods. Some sellers offer international shipping, allowing customers to purchase products from different countries.

Etsy has grown significantly over the years and has become a popular platform for both buyers looking for unique and handmade items and sellers looking to showcase their creations to a broad audience. It has also evolved to include features such as digital downloads, craft supplies, and more, expanding its offerings beyond its initial focus on handmade and vintage products.

Read more: 12 Best Platforms to Sell Your Products Online

Why Should You Connect Shopify to Etsy?

Connecting Shopify to Etsy can benefit e-commerce businesses, especially those looking to expand their reach and streamline their operations. Here are some reasons why you might consider connecting Shopify to Etsy:

  • Reach a larger audience: Etsy is known for its large and diverse customer base, particularly for unique, handmade, and vintage products. By connecting Shopify to Etsy, you can tap into this established marketplace and reach a broader audience, potentially increasing your sales and exposure.
  • Diversify sales channels: Diversifying your sales channels is a smart strategy for e-commerce businesses. By selling on both Shopify and Etsy, you reduce your reliance on a single platform and mitigate risks associated with changes in algorithms, policies, or market conditions on one platform.
  • Simplified inventory management: Connecting Shopify to Etsy allows for more efficient inventory management. When you make a sale on either platform, inventory levels are automatically updated on both, reducing the risk of overselling or discrepancies in your product availability.
  • Consistent branding: You can maintain consistent branding and messaging across both platforms, which helps in building trust with customers. Your product listings, descriptions, and images can be aligned with your brand identity.
  • Access to Etsy’s customer base: Etsy has a loyal customer base that actively seeks unique and handmade products. By listing your items on Etsy through Shopify, you gain exposure to these potential customers who may not have discovered your brand otherwise.
  • Efficient order management: With the integration of Shopify and Etsy, order management becomes more straightforward. Orders from both platforms can be managed in one place, streamlining the fulfillment process.

Shopify and Etsy integration makes order management simpler

  • Automated marketing and analytics: Shopify offers marketing and analytics tools to improve your Etsy sales. You can use Shopify’s marketing features to promote your Etsy listings and leverage its analytics to gain insights into your combined sales data.
  • Unified reporting and finances: When you connect Shopify to Etsy, you can have a unified view of your sales and financial data. This can simplify your bookkeeping and financial reporting processes.
  • Customization and control: Shopify allows you to have more control over the look and feel of your online store, giving you the flexibility to create unique shopping experiences.
  • Integration with other apps: Shopify offers many apps and integrations to enhance your e-commerce operations. You can leverage these integrations to optimize your business, including inventory management, marketing, and customer service.

Read more: What is Shopify? How to start your e-commerce with Shopify?

The Step-By-Step Guide on How to Connect Shopify and Etsy

Step 1: Setting Up Your Shopify Store

Before connecting Shopify and Etsy, you need to have an operational Shopify store. Follow these steps to create your Shopify store:

  • Sign up: Go to the Shopify website for an account. You can choose a pricing plan based on your business needs.

Setting up your Shopify store

  • Store configuration: Once you’ve signed up, you’ll need to configure your store settings. This includes selecting your store name, customizing your theme, and adding products to your store. Be sure to add high-quality images, product descriptions, and prices for your products.
  • Domain: Choose a custom domain (if you have one), or use a Shopify-provided subdomain.
  • Payment and shipping: Set up your preferred payment gateways and configure your shipping options.
  • Legal and compliance: Ensure your store complies with all legal requirements, including refund and privacy policies.

Step 2: Creating Your Etsy Account

If you don’t already have an Etsy seller account, follow these steps to create one:

  • Go to the Etsy website and click “Sell on Etsy.”
  • Sign up: Create an Etsy account by providing the necessary information, such as your name, email address, and password.

Creating your Etsy account

  • Shop name: Choose a unique name for your Etsy shop, which will be part of your shop’s URL (e.g., “YourShopName.etsy.com”).
  • Payment and billing: Set up your payment and billing methods for Etsy fees.
  • Shop policies: Create shop policies, including shipping, return, and privacy policies. These are important for informing customers about your shop’s rules and procedures.

Step 3: Installing the Etsy Integration App on Shopify

Once your Shopify and Etsy accounts are set up, it’s time to connect them with the Etsy Integration app. This app serves as a bridge, linking your Shopify store with Etsy and enabling data transfer between the two platforms.

To connect your Shopify store to Etsy, you’ll need to install an Etsy integration app. Here’s how to do it:

  • In your Shopify admin panel, go to the “Apps” section.
  • Search for an Etsy integration app, such as “Etsy Integration” or similar. Install the app of your choice.
  • Follow the setup instructions provided by the app to configure the integration.
  • After installation, you’ll find the Etsy Integration app among your installed apps.

Before fully utilizing the app, configure its settings to match your business needs. Customize which Etsy products are imported into your Shopify store and adjust inventory, pricing, and order fulfillment settings to your preferences.

Step 4: Linking Your Etsy Store to Shopify 

After installing the integration app, you’ll need to connect your Etsy seller account to your Shopify store. The app will guide you through this process:

  • Open the Etsy integration app within your Shopify admin panel.
  • You’ll be prompted to log in to your Etsy seller account. If you already have an Etsy account, you can use your existing credentials.
  • Follow the authentication steps to grant Shopify access to your Etsy account.

Follow the authentication process, which empowers the app to import your Etsy products and access crucial data for synchronization. When the connection is established, a confirmation message will appear, signifying that your Etsy shop is now successfully linked with your Shopify store.

Step 5: Configuring the Settings

Use the integration app to configure your Etsy shop settings, including:

  • Shipping Options: Set up your shipping methods and rates for Etsy.
  • Payment Methods: Configure the payment options for your Etsy shop.
  • Shop Information: Ensure that your shop’s information, such as your shop name, policies, and contact details, are accurate.

Step 6: Syncing Products from Etsy to Shopify Shop

To list your Etsy products on your Shopify store, you’ll need to synchronize them:

  • In the integration app, select the products you want to list on Shopify. You can choose to list all your products or specific ones.
  • Customize your product listings for Shopify, including titles, descriptions, and prices if needed.
  • Initiate the syncing process. This will publish your selected products on your Shopify store.

Once the import concludes, it’s crucial to carefully review your product listings within your Shopify store. Scrutinize product details, descriptions, images, and pricing to ensure a precise transfer of data. Make any essential adjustments or additions to optimize the listings to align seamlessly with your Shopify store’s branding.

Step 7: Managing Inventory on Both Platforms

The integration app ensures that your inventory levels are continually updated in real-time on both platforms, preventing issues like overselling or discrepancies.

When a customer places an order on your Shopify store, the order details are automatically transmitted to Etsy for processing. It’s crucial to maintain a consistent check on your Etsy shop for incoming orders, ensuring they are fulfilled promptly. Additionally, any changes made to your inventory on Etsy, such as product updates or stock adjustments, will be mirrored in your Shopify store.

Establishing clear workflows and procedures for order tracking and management on both platforms is a must. Regularly monitor your inventory levels, ensuring you have adequate stock to meet customer demand. Efficient management of inventory and orders creates a seamless shopping experience for your customers, boosting satisfaction and the likelihood of repeat purchases.

Some Tips on How to Connect Shopify to Etsy Successfully

Here are some tips on how to successfully connect Shopify to Etsy, expand your reach, and enhance your e-commerce business:

  • Research Etsy’s policies: Before you start connecting your Shopify store to Etsy, familiarize yourself with Etsy’s policies, including their rules on handmade and vintage items, intellectual property, and prohibited items. Make sure your products comply with these policies.
  • Ensure product consistency: Maintain consistent product listings, including titles, descriptions, images, and pricing, across both platforms. This helps in branding and customer trust.
  • Set competitive pricing: Be mindful of pricing on both Shopify and Etsy. Take into account the fees associated with each platform and set competitive prices to attract customers.

Set competitive prices to attract customers

  • Optimize product descriptions: Craft compelling and informative product descriptions that include relevant keywords to improve search visibility on both platforms.
  • Regularly update inventory: Keep inventory levels up-to-date in real-time. Automated synchronization should prevent overselling, but check periodically to ensure accuracy.
  • Implement a clear workflow: Establish a workflow for managing orders, returns, and customer communication on both platforms. This ensures smooth operations and timely order fulfillment.
  • Leverage Shopify’s marketing tools: Use Shopify’s built-in marketing tools to promote your Etsy listings, create email campaigns, and optimize your online store for search engines.
  • Maintain excellent customer service: Provide top-notch customer service by responding to inquiries promptly and resolving any issues professionally. Positive reviews can boost your reputation on both platforms.
  • Keep an eye on fees: Understand the fee structures of both Shopify and Etsy, including listing fees, transaction fees, and payment processing fees. Be aware of how these fees impact your profitability.
  • Stay informed: Stay updated with changes and updates to both Shopify and Etsy, as integration processes and policies may evolve over time.
  • Track performance: Monitor the performance of your products and orders on both platforms. Utilize analytics to gain insights into sales trends and customer behavior.
  • Test the connection: After setting up the integration, perform test transactions to ensure that orders flow smoothly between Shopify and Etsy.
  • Protect your brand: Guard your brand identity by ensuring a consistent look and feel on both platforms, including your logo, color scheme, and branding elements.
  • Promote cross-platform: Use each platform to promote the other. Mention your Etsy store on your Shopify site and vice versa to cross-pollinate your customer base.

In particular, you also need to choose a reliable and well-reviewed integration app for Shopify and Etsy. Check user reviews and ratings to ensure the app is trustworthy and meets your needs.

Use Mageplaza’s powerful Shopify API integration as an alternative to ensure success. It can help automate workflows and seamlessly connect your Shopify store with Etsy.

Shopify API Integration Service

When using Mageplaza’s services, you can be assured of a team of qualified programmers and professional project managers, ensuring the best Shopify API integration for you:

  • Integration experts: At Mageplaza, we’re your trusted integration experts with years of experience in eCommerce and API integration. We’ve assisted numerous businesses in seamlessly integrating their Shopify stores with a variety of platforms and systems.
  • Quality: We adhere to industry best practices, leverage cutting-edge technologies, and deliver solutions that are robust and reliable.
  • Quick turnaround time: We collaborate closely with you, respecting your timelines and deadlines, so you can start reaping the benefits of our Shopify API integration services without delay.
  • Security: Our solutions are fortified and compliant with industry standards. To ensure the utmost security, we’re even prepared to enter into NDA contracts, adhering to rigorous protocols to safeguard your data and systems.
  • Support: We stand by you with FREE two-month support after integration implementation. Our support team operates around the clock, ready to address questions, concerns, and offer technical assistance.
  • Cost-effective plans: Transparency is our mantra – there are no hidden fees, ensuring that you receive a fair and competitive price plan for our services.

Ready to streamline your business and expand your reach with the power of Shopify API Integration? Experience the difference with Mageplaza – Get started today!




In summary, connecting your Shopify store to Etsy is a strategic move with numerous benefits. This complete guide has equipped you with the knowledge and steps to seamlessly merge these two platforms, expanding your reach and streamlining your operations. 

Stay adaptable to platform changes, respond to customer feedback, and embrace the opportunities with this integration. By connecting Shopify to Etsy, you’re not only expanding your customer base but also embracing the power of two e-commerce leaders. So, take the next step and watch your online business flourish!

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