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9 Tips and Settings to SEO Magento 2 Product Pages


9 Tips and Settings to SEO Magento 2 Product Pages 9 Tips and Settings to SEO Magento 2 Product Pages

The Most Popular Extension Builder for Magento 2

With a big catalog of 224+ extensions for your online store

1. Stay away from duplicate content

Many online merchants have a wide range of products varying in size, color, and so on, which usually leads to multiple additions of these products into the system. However, links to those products do not vary differently, instead they only have a small change in the number of product pages such as “?=sortby, ?p=2” into “?=sortby, ?p=3”. As a result, several pages have the same titles, names, and even links; consequently, be considered as duplicate pages. Hence, the spiders when gathering information will mark your website as unreliable and unauthentic, which directly affect the number of traffic visiting your product page.

Mageplaza SEO duplicate content

To solve this problem, you need to identify every single product before let it work on Magento store. An easier choice for you is applying SEO extension Magento to perfectly address this issue. With Magento SEO extension your link will be adjust to become SEO friendly URLs with the pattern like: type of the product -> color -> size. Therefore, even your store has thousands of different items, you are sure to have thousands of identified links to them.

2. Make use of keywords research

It is true that using keywords properly is the heart of making a successful SEO. However, for people who are really new to SEO, figure out a list of appropriate keywords is not an easy task. In this case, using keywords research tools the best choice. There are two reliable and popular tools that you can take into your consideration, which are Google Adwords Keyword Tool and

Mageplaza SEO keywords research

With Google Adwords Keyword Tool, you can receive a series of keywords and phrases, while can create a chain of search queries that people have looked for on the search engines. Besides, the use of keywords also shows you other products that people may be interested in. For example, when you sell a laptop, the keyword “laptop” used on the search engines will have different results as well such as speaker, headphone, and so on for laptop. In means that, even though your customers only search for one products, other related products will appear on the search engine result pages (SERPs) thanks to keyword performance.

3. Name your products with keywords

Mageplaza SEO products with keywords

Many people do not pay any attention to product manes; however, it is significantly important to increase the number of customers reaching the page. Therefore, shop owners should remember to name their products with keyword to help their consumers easily identify the goods they want. One suggestion for store admins is applying the pattern brand name -> short description -> product name. For example, name your products as Zara white long sleeves shirt and H&M yellow short sleeves shirt. The more details in your product names, the more opportunities they will be found as people have a tendency to search for their dream product. This is how a long tail keyword functions to boost revenues.

4. Pay attention to Meta Titles & Descriptions

Mageplaza SEO Meta Titles & Descriptions

Meta titles and Meta descriptions play a vital role in SEO as they enable search engine to identify the content of the pages. In other words, they are the determining factors in helping SEO successful. Therefore, remember to visit Products -> Catalog -> Select Product to write Meta titles and descriptions for your product page. However, let them short and clear as the perfect description is between 150 to 160 characters and an ideal Meta title is around 55 characters.

5. Make URL for your product page become SEO friendly

Another determining factor directly affect the number of people visiting product page is URLs. The more SEO friendly your URL is, the more traffic visits the website. In Magento2, users can easily adjust URLs for their products by inserting values in “URL Key” from “Search Engine Optimization” tab.

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  • Mageplaza SEO friendly

    Try to keep your URL short and unique with keywords included. An easy-to-understand URL will reveal the main content of the page clearly and can be found by spiders within a blink of an eye. The effect that a friendly SEO URL can bring to your product page undoubtedly surprises you a lot.

    Mageplaza SEO relevant product links

    Related products suggestion is one of the most marketing strategies. Imagine your customers have a demand to purchase an Iphone X, a list of related products such as earphones, case, and so on is definitely attractive them. Therefore, if store owners can attach the links to other products internally, they will create the demand to purchase those items among consumers. Our SEO extension provides cross-link functionwhich will help you automatically do those work. Additionally, this practice also brings more chances to be navigated by web browsers concerning other products.

    automatic related product

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    7. Eliminate Duplication by using Attributes

    Mageplaza SEO using Attributes

    Various shop owners face the problem of duplicate content while inserting several products varying in sizes and colors on their product pages. In this situation, using Attributes is highly recommended and then configuring them on the web page. By this way, all the variations of one product will be placed in one page only; consequently make the page ranks high position in SERPs for qualified content. To add more variations in products, adjust “Configurations”. However, if you do not want to manage lots of trivial tasks, SEO extension is right here to help you.


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    8. Ensuring a high quality content

    When gathering and selecting information, spiders take more than 200 criteria into consideration; however, web content is still of utmost importance. Hence, ensuring a high quality and attractive content definitely need to receive much attention and effort. There are many factors directly affect the quality of your content; nevertheless, make sure your content has at least 300 words with keywords, headings, and subheadings included.

    9. Use Alt tags for images

    Mageplaza SEO Use Alt tags for images

    It is significant to use images to describe your products, so that consumers can easily choose among different items. But those images are served for your customers, not Google bots. In another words, Google bots can not understand what your images content is. Therefore, remember to add Alt tags for all product images, which will enable spiders to read your pictures without any difficulty. More importantly, keywords are must-have part in every Alt tag. Not only this practice will help search engine identify what the image is about, but it also push the image to rank higher position in image SERPs.

    At the present, the practice of SEO is the hottest trend among online merchants. And Magento 2 platform is a promising land for shop owners to develop their e-commerce. If some drawbacks are addressed completely, it will be perfect for every single online enterprise. And now, let M2 SEO extension give a hand to help you perfect your SEO as well as your online store.

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