How to offer buyers appealing deals by Magento 2 Special Promotions
Summer Nguyen | 12-18-2024

Being outstanding among your competitors require Magento 2 stores many distinctive features that make your customers stay with you. The competitions become denser since the number of digital websites increases with unimaginable rate. Hence, provide customers appealing and unique promotions is a must-do-thing with us. In this post, we are going to give you some ideas about the need for Special Promotions module in your online shops.

Special Promotions for Magento 2
Add various types of promotions to your cart price rules - Boost sales instantly
Check it out!Why Magento 2 stores need more practical promotions to offer customers?
Limited conditions for discount
In Magento Default setting, only conditions which are based on product and cart attributes are offered. It is impossible for store owners to offer discounts according to order conditions.
Limited options for discount rule
In Magento 2 Default, there are only 4 options to set rule for actions: Proportion of product price discount Fixed amount discount Fixed amount discount for the entire cart Buy X get Y free (Y is the discount amount)
Limitation in information in cart price rules grid
In cart price rules gird, Magento 2 Default only display some basic information such as the name of the rule, status, coupon code, valid date, store views. Other essential information like discount type, discount amount are not displayed. As a result, store admins will face lots of inconveniences when managing the rule.
Discount extent cannot be narrowed
In the Default setting, Magento 2 apply discounts to the entire cart. Therefore, it is impossible for store admins to narrow the application of some discounts to particular cart items.
How online stores can create advanced discount rules by Special Promotions?
More order discount conditions
With Special Promotions, store owners will be able to create more appealing discounts according to other extra order conditions: The total quantity The total paid amount The total refunded amount The average amount Status of the order Created Date of the order Created Within (days) of the order
Extra cart actions
The enhancement in Special Promotions actions lead to numerous new interesting discounts: Set to-fixed amount discount For each $X spent, earn $Y discount For each $X spent, earn $Y discount for the entire cart
Extra cart item actions
Using Special Promotions, the discount results to items of the cart will be narrowed in the below cases: The discount is applied to the cheapest products The discount is applied to the most expensive products
More details in cart price rules grid
Via the grid, more discount details can be displayed: The type of discount The amount of discount Extra item action Action(edit)
Highlight features of Special Promotions extension
Set discount based on value, status, history of order
Using Special Promotions, various sales rules can be created easily. These rules have additional conditions of order specifications:
- The amount basement: total quantity, total paid amount, total amount, total refunded amount and the average amount
- The status of the order
- The created date of the order
- The created within (days) of orders
For instance, you can apply the discount rule for the orders which has the total paid amount greater or equals $200 and the status is complete.
As a result, thank the great enhancement in conditions of orders, the promotions will be applied more precisely and accurately.
Restrict the extent of discount with cart items
With Special Promotions, the application range of discount can be narrowed to special cart items. Depending on your selection, specific items in the cart will apply the discount.
- Only the cheapest item(s) is/ are applied the discount
- Only the most expensive item(s) is/ are applied the discount
Offer more types of discount
Compare with the discount types which are already available in Magento Default, the Special Promotions module provides you 3 new types of discount:
- Allow setting the final amount after discounts. For instance, $20 means that the final price of each item after discount is $20
- Spend X amount to get Y discount amount. For instance, for each item which is 30$, you will get 1$ discount per item
- Spend X amount to get Y discount for the whole cart. For instance, for each cart which is 30$, you will get 1$ discount per cart.
Upgrade cart rules grid
In order to support store admin in managing promotion rule in an easy and effective way, the Cart Rules Grid has been enhanced with various helpful changes.
- Extra columns: Discount Amount, Discount Type, Item Action. With the use of this improvement, the most necessary information of cart rules can be viewed, searched and filtered easily.
- Mass action: This helps you apply actions on multiple rules at the same instant, for example, delete, change status.
Full features lists of Special Promotions module
For store admins
General Configuration
- Enable/ Disable the module
- Display discount’s details -Set the maximum amount of discount for the whole cart
Developer Mode
- Turn on/ off the developer mode
- The whitelisted IP(s) is/ are inputted
Create/ Manage Cart Price Rules
- All cart price rules can be viewed via a grid
- Rules general information is inputted: Rule Name, Description, Customer Groups, Priority, Websites
- Coupon information is inputted: Uses, Coupon, Coupon Code, Valid Time
- The conditions to apply the rules can be set: product attribute combination, condition combination, order subselection, product subselection, cart attribute. If you are using order conditions, extra conditions can be selected: total value base, order status, order history
- Actions for the rules can be set based on options which are available in default Magento
- Actions for the rules can be set based on the module’s new options: To-fixed amount discount, For each $X spent, get $Y discount for the whole cart, For each $X spent, get $Y discount
- Set a discount number based on each type of action
- Set the maximum Qty discount
- Enable setting Discount Qty Step (Buy X)
- Choose Maximum Discount Type: No, Percent of cart subtotal, Fixed amount
- Enable/ Disable discount applied to the shipping amount
- Enable/ Disable discarding subsequent rules
- Choose condition for free shipping
- Allow setting cart items conditions and actions
Cart Hint Message (coming soon)
- Turn on/ off cart hint message
For customers
- Receive various discounts
- Have superior experience with appealing promotions
Some final words
Promotions these days seem a must-have thing in your marketing stores. Customers always desire for discount no matter what is the products and brands you are selling. With Mageplaza Special Promotions for Magento 2, Cart Price Rules are enhanced to help e-commerce stores create many more discounts and promotions to attract customers and boost sales significantly.