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How Can B2B Import & Export Add-on for Magento 2 Simplify Data Management?

Summer Nguyen | 10-01-2024

How Can B2B Import & Export Add-on for Magento 2 Simplify Data Management? How Can B2B Import & Export Add-on for Magento 2 Simplify Data Management?

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Most e-commerce merchants face the need to transfer data to or from their digital storefronts. Sometimes, it is necessary to move product information from another Magento 2 instance. At the same time, other procedures may be way more complicated, such as integration with an ERP or CRM platform or management of B2B entities. Although the default import and export tools of Magento 2 are enough to perform the basic transfer chores, they cannot cope with multiple other data synchronization incidents.

However, there is a tool that closes the existing gaps and enables what is impossible in Magento 2 by default. Meet the Improved Import & Export extension. This solution is designed to provide advanced data transfer capabilities for Magento 2 by supporting additional file formats and sources, introducing cron-based automation, providing strong mapping capabilities, supporting API transfers, etc.

What does the B2B Improved Import and Export extension do?

Improved Import & Export for Magento 2 is a multifunctional solution aimed at businesses of all sizes. It provides the ability to manage data associated with the processes that run on your digital storefront and delivers wide synchronization opportunities for outbound purposes. The module requires no programming skills, is extremely easy to configure and manage, and incorporates the one-time purchase module so that you can set it up once for a long run and forget about complex data exchange duties. The Improved Import & Export Magento 2 extension can assist you with cross-platform integrations, boosting workflow efficiency, transferring unlimited volumes of data, enhancing omnichannel practices, etc. As a store manager, you get the ability to import/export data automatically via cron or do everything manually whenever you need it. The module lets you pull out data via API, from a file, via GoogleSheets, or by URL, mapping imported entities right in the job. The following extension’s core features are at your service:

  • Support for all product types;
  • Support for B2B and B2C entities;
  • Cron-based schedules;
  • REST & SOAP API data transfers;
  • Support for CSV, XML, Excel XLSX, ODS, and JSON files;
  • Direct import from a broad array of sources: Google Sheets, URL, FTP/SFTP, Dropbox;
  • Rich mapping capabilities: match categories, attributes, and attributes values;
  • Price adjustment features;
  • Migration presets for Magento 1;
  • Email notifications;
  • History of file transfers.
Magento Improved Import and Export
Import data interface in Magento Improved Import and Export

How does B2B Import and Export Add-on benefit your data management?

Improved Import & Export for Magento 2 lets you leverage numerous advantages. The following benefits are at your service:

  • Better efficiency. The extension lets you enhance the efficiency of your daily data transfers. It speeds up import and export processes compared to the default data transfer tools and most competitors and adds numerous features that simplify your routine. For instance, you can create lost attributes on the fly, map unsupported values, and transfer files that are not used in Magento 2 by default automatically, following a custom schedule.

  • Broad pallet of entities. With the Improved Import & Export module, you can transfer all core entities to and from your e-commerce website. Furthermore, the extension has several add-ons that support additional data types, such as the B2B add-on that provides the ability to transfer companies, negotiable quotes, requisition lists, etc.
  • Reduced development costs. The module is easy to install and use. Furthermore, it is an open-source solution so that you can apply any changes to its functionality. Since it is developed by certified Adobe Certified Specialists and tested with Cypress and Magento Testing Framework, Improved Import and Export performs fast and error-free and lets you dramatically reduce the associated development costs.
  • Endless automation. With this robust software, you can automate repetitive parts of your workflow management. The extension provides the ability to control your database with automatic mass updates. You can move data either between Magento 2 stores or from any external platform.
  • Extended functionality. The Improved Import & Export extension simplifies daily routine and introduces even more enhanced functionality with its add-ons. For instance, you can leverage seamless integration with the MSI module, connecting your store to warehouses, or create a product feed that suits famous marketplaces across the globe.
  • Another vital aspect of the Improved Import & Export module is getting more for the same price. The plugin lets you enrich your toolset by enabling seamless end-to-end data transfers.

How does it work?

We’ve already mentioned that the Improved Import & Export extension is admin-friendly and easy to use. After installing and configuring the module, you get two new sections in your Magento 2 administrations: Import Jobs and Export Jobs. Each job is a separate process that transfers a particular entity to or from your website following the provided parameters. You choose whether it is an import or export process, select an entity you want to move, create a schedule of updates, specify a file type and source, and apply mapping, replacing unsupported attributes.

After that, the Improved Import & Export module does everything for you. It is necessary to create both import and export jobs per entity to ensure its bi-directional synchronization. It is also worth mentioning that you get the ability to adjust your import and export profiles at any time as well as launch them manually whenever you need.

Magento Improved Import and Export
Convenient features of Magento Improved Import and Export

The actual use of the Improved Import & Export extension impresses with its great variety. Let’s take a look at several use cases:

  • The extension lets you update product data. For instance, you can increase product prices by uploading a custom XML file;
  • It is also possible to import the existing orders from your old website. Let’s assume that you migrate to Magento 2 and still have open orders. Transfer them to Magento 2 for further processing on a new website;
  • Besides, you can import categories and map that to the existing category tree;
  • If you need to delete any information from your existing website, you can also use the extension;
  • Furthermore, you can use the module for connecting your e-commerce website with CRM or ERP systems.
Magento Improved Import and Export
Comprehensive import and export jobs of Magento Improved Import and Export

Final Words

The Improved Import & Export Magento 2 extension dramatically enhances the default data transfer functionality of Magento 2. The module lets you work with most Magento 2 entities and automate the corresponding data transfers. Besides, there is a robust mapping interface designed to help you with third-party attributes. You can use these and numerous other features to improve your daily routine and automate repetitive processes. Hit this link for further information: Improved Import & Export Magento 2 Extension by Firebear.

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    A data-driven marketing leader with over 10 years of experience in the ecommerce industry. Summer leverages her deep understanding of customer behavior and market trends to develop strategic marketing campaigns that drive brand awareness, customer acquisition, and ultimately, sales growth for our company.

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