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Shopify store developers: Hiring guide for businesses

Seeking a Shopify store developer but unsure about the process of finding the ideal candidate for your project? In this comprehensive Shopify developer tutorial, we will provide you with all the essential information you require.

Who is a Shopify store developer?

A Shopify store developer is a professional who specializes in working with the Shopify platform to create, customize, and maintain online stores. Shopify is a widely used e-commerce platform that enables companies to set up and run their online stores without extensive technical expertise.

The role of a Shopify store developer involves a blend of design, technical knowledge, and business understanding.  They optimize the user experience to drive conversions while ensuring that the store aligns with the client’s branding and specific requirements. Shopify store developers are essential for ensuring online stores run smoothly and provide a positive shopping experience for customers.

Who is a Shopify developer?

They should understand web development technologies, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and familiarity with the Shopify platform and its API. Additionally, they should keep up with industry trends and best practices to provide effective solutions for online businesses.

Shopify store developers’s responsibilities

Shopify store developers play a pivotal role in creating successful online stores. Their responsibilities ensure customers enjoy a smooth, user-friendly, and sales-optimized experience. Here’s a breakdown of the key tasks they undertake:

  • Theme Selection and Customization: Choosing the right Shopify theme is crucial, and a store developer guides the merchant through this decision. They then customize the theme using Liquid, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to match the brand’s aesthetic and functionality requirements.
  • App Integration and Configuration: Shopify’s rich app ecosystem unlocks powerful features. Store developers recommend, install, and configure apps for payment processing, shipping, marketing, inventory management, and more.
  • Store Setup and Optimization: This includes initial store configuration, product import, payment gateway integration, shipping setup, and overall optimization for user experience and conversions.
  • Troubleshooting and Maintenance: Store developers are the frontline technical support when things don’t go as planned. Their job is to identify and solve issues quickly, keeping the store running seamlessly.

How to hire Shopify store developers

Hiring the right Shopify store developer is crucial to the success of your e-commerce business. To ensure you make a well-informed decision, here are 12 steps to follow when hiring Shopify developers:

1. Define your needs

Defining your needs is the first and foremost step when hiring a Shopify store developer. This step establishes the groundwork for a fruitful partnership. 

Define your needs before hiring Shopify store developers

To do this effectively, start by outlining your project goals, functional requirements, design preferences, target audience, integration needs, budget, timeline, and legal or privacy considerations.

By documenting your needs in detail, you’ll be better equipped to communicate your requirements to potential Shopify developers and select the best to meet your project goals. Additionally, this documentation serves as a reference point throughout the project, helping to ensure that both you and the developer are aligned on the project’s objectives.

2. Create a detailed job description

The next important step when hiring a Shopify store developer is to create a detailed job description. This step is often neglected as people underestimate its ability to help you attract qualified candidates, set clear expectations, and ensure that you and the developer have a common understanding of the role and its responsibilities.

  • Project Scope: Clearly outline the specific tasks you need the Shopify store developer to handle. Are you looking for a complete store build, theme customization, app integration, or ongoing maintenance?
  • Budget: Determine a realistic budget for your project. Shopify developer rates can vary based on experience and location.
  • Timeline: Set an expected timeframe for project completion.

3. Choose the right platform

One of the crucial elements that greatly influence the quality of candidates you attract and the overall success of your hiring process is the hiring platform. As a result, choosing the right platform for hiring a Shopify store developer is very important. There are several places where you can find your candidates:

  • Shopify Experts Marketplace: (https://www.shopify.com/partners/directory): Shopify’s official directory allows you to browse vetted professionals and agencies specializing in Shopify development.
  • Freelance platforms: Websites like Upwork (https://www.upwork.com/) and Fiverr (https://www.fiverr.com/) offer a vast pool of Shopify freelancers.
  • Job Boards: Specialized e-commerce job boards can be a source for finding experienced Shopify store developers.
  • Referrals: Ask your network within the e-commerce industry for recommendations.

4. Review resumes and portfolios

Reviewing resumes and portfolios is one way to assess a candidate’s qualifications, skills, and past work, helping you make informed hiring decisions when hiring Shopify store developers. 

Resumes offer insights into a candidate’s education, technical skills, and relevant experience, while portfolios showcase their design sensibilities, coding proficiency, and the quality of their previous Shopify projects. 

Reviewing resumes and portfolios

Reviewing resumes and portfolios effectively allows you to shortlist candidates who possess the technical skills and the experience and creative abilities required for your Shopify store development project. It’s a critical step in identifying the right developer to help you achieve your e-commerce goals.

5. Screen candidates

Screening candidates is a critical step if you want to identify the most qualified and suitable candidates for your specific project or role. Effective screening ensures that the candidates you move forward with possess the necessary skills, experience, and cultural fit for your organization.

To screen effectively, start by reviewing resumes to confirm qualifications and skills. Administer technical assessments or coding tests to evaluate technical proficiency. Assess work history through interviews and reference checks to ensure alignment with your project’s needs. 

Conduct behavioral and technical interviews to gauge soft skills, problem-solving abilities, and communication. Cultural fit and collaboration assessments can further ensure that the selected candidate meets technical requirements and integrates well into your team and organization, ultimately contributing to a successful development project.

Effective candidate screening ensures you choose a Shopify store developer with the technical skills required for your project. It helps minimize the risk of hiring mistakes and sets the stage for a successful collaboration.

6. Technical assessments

Performing technical assessments helps you evaluate a candidate’s coding skills, problem-solving abilities, and technical proficiency, ensuring they have the necessary expertise to excel in the role. So, don’t miss this step if you want to find a highly skilled team member. Here’s how to conduct them effectively:

  • Realistic Challenges: Design tasks that mirror the work they’ll be doing. Examples include:
    • Theme customization: Modifying a theme’s layout or functionality using Liquid, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
    • App Integration: Setting up and configuring a specific app within a test store.
    • Performance Optimization: Identifying and resolving issues that might slow down a store.
  • Coding Platforms: Utilize online platforms like TestGorilla (https://www.testgorilla.com/) or Coderbyte (https://coderbyte.com/) that offer Shopify-specific coding tests. These provide objective results on candidate skills.
  • Code Review: Don’t just check if the code works. Assess its readability, maintainability, and adherence to Shopify’s best practices.
  • Technical Discussions: After the assessment, have conversations about the candidate’s approach, choices, and ability to solve problems. This adds context to their code.

Remember: Technical assessments are a powerful tool to separate strong candidates from those who might only talk a good game.

7. Check references

Checking references is one way for businesses to gather valuable insights into a candidate’s past performance, work ethic, and professionalism when hiring a Shopify developer store. It helps verify the accuracy of the information presented in the resume and during the interview process, ensuring that you make a well-informed hiring decision.

To conduct effective reference checks, request contact information from the candidate’s provided references and prepare specific questions that focus on technical skills, work ethic, communication, and teamwork. Actively listen to the responses and document your findings to make an informed hiring decision that aligns with your project’s needs and goals.

Checking references to gather valuable insights into a candidate's past performance

8. Evaluate soft skills

Evaluating soft skills when hiring Shopify store developers, or any other type of developer, is essential because soft skills are critical for success in any job, including software development. Here’s how to assess the essential soft skills:

  • Behavioral Interviews: Ask questions that reveal how a candidate has handled past situations. Focus on teamwork, communication, problem-solving, and adaptability.
  • Reference Checks: Specifically ask references about the candidate’s interpersonal skills and work style.
  • Skill-Specific Questions: Use scenarios related to client communication, troubleshooting, and project management to gauge the candidate’s approach.
  • Assessments and Role-Play: Consider using personality assessments or role-play scenarios tailored to Shopify development to observe how they would interact with clients or team members.

Remember that a balance of technical and soft skills is ideal for a successful Shopify store developer. Evaluate both aspects to ensure you’re hiring a candidate who can not only code but also work effectively in a team and communicate with clients and stakeholders.

9. Assess cultural fit

Assessing cultural fit when hiring Shopify store developers guarantees that the candidate possesses the required technical abilities and aligns with the company’s values, work culture, and team dynamics. A strong cultural fit can lead to higher job satisfaction, better collaboration, and improved long-term retention.

To evaluate cultural fit, define your company’s culture and values, incorporate relevant questions and scenarios into interviews, encourage interactions with potential team members, and conduct reference checks focusing on cultural alignment. Cultural fit contributes to a harmonious work environment

Balancing technical skills assessment with cultural fit evaluation contributes to a harmonious work environment. It can lead to better collaboration, higher job satisfaction, and increased employee retention among Shopify store developers.

10. Discuss compensation and terms

Discussing compensation and terms when hiring Shopify store developers is essential to establish clear expectations, ensure fairness, and attract and retain top talent. 

Transparent discussions about compensation packages, including salary, bonuses, benefits, and any additional perks, help candidates make informed decisions and demonstrate that your company values their contributions. 

Moreover, discussing terms, such as work hours, remote or on-site work arrangements, and contractual details, establishes a mutual understanding of what the job entails and fosters a positive candidate experience. 

This open dialogue ensures that both parties are aligned on key aspects of the employment relationship, reducing the likelihood of misunderstandings or conflicts down the line.

11. Finalize the hiring decision

Last but not least, finalizing the hiring decision when hiring Shopify store developers is crucial as it marks the culmination of a meticulous selection process. It signifies your commitment to the chosen candidate and the beginning of their journey within your team. 

A prompt and well-communicated decision demonstrates professionalism and respect for candidates, enhancing your company’s reputation. It also allows you to secure top talent quickly, reducing the risk of losing candidates to other opportunities. 

Moreover, finalizing the decision promptly enables you to move forward with onboarding, project planning, and achieving your business goals, as you have the talent to meet your Shopify store development needs.

How much does it cost to hire a Shopify store developer?

The starting monthly expense for hiring a Shopify developer is $2,000 USD.  However, the hiring cost is not permanent and can vary based on the developer’s experience, location, the complexity of the project, and the job’s specific requirements. 

Here are some general guidelines to consider:

  • Fixed Project Rate: Some developers may quote a fixed project rate for specific Shopify store development projects. This can differ significantly based on the scale and intricacy of the project but may range from a few hundred dollars for a simple customization to several thousand dollars for a more extensive project.
  • Monthly Salary: The salary will depend on the developer’s experience and location if you’re hiring a full-time, in-house Shopify engineer. In the United States, for example, salaries for Shopify developers typically range from $50,000 to $150,000 yearly, depending on location and expertise.
  • Freelancer vs. Agency: Hiring a freelance Shopify programmer is often more cost-effective than working with a development agency, but agencies may offer a broader range of services and expertise. Agencies typically charge higher rates due to overhead costs.
  • Contract vs. Permanent: Contract or freelance Shopify professionals may charge higher hourly rates than permanent employees, but they provide flexibility, and you only pay for the work done. Permanent employees receive benefits and may have higher long-term costs.
  • Location: Fees can fluctuate significantly depending on the developer’s location. Developers in regions with a lower cost of living may charge less than those in high-cost metropolitan areas.

Where to find great Shopify store developers?

Finding great Shopify store developers can be crucial in building and maintaining your Shopify e-commerce platform. Here are five top platforms where you can find highly skilled Shopify developers:

Where to find great Shopify store developers?
  • Shopify Experts Directory: Shopify itself maintains a directory of certified Shopify Experts experienced in designing, developing, and optimizing Shopify stores. You can seek out developers according to their expertise, location, and reviews.
  • Upwork: Upwork is a well-known freelancing platform that offers you the opportunity to find Shopify developers worldwide. You can review their profiles, check their past work, and read client reviews to make an informed hiring decision.
  • Freelancer: Like Upwork, Freelancer is another freelancing platform that allows you to post job listings and find Shopify developers. You can evaluate proposals from developers and choose the best fit for your project.
  • Toptal: Toptal is known for connecting businesses with top talent. They have a rigorous screening process and can help you find highly skilled Shopify developers who have been vetted for their expertise.
  • LinkedIn: LinkedIn is a valuable resource for finding Shopify developers. You can seek professionals with specific skills and experience in Shopify development and contact them directly.

When searching for Shopify developers on these platforms, review their portfolios, check their references, and conduct interviews to ensure they fit your project well. Consider their rates, availability, and communication skills to make a well-informed hiring decision.

How can Mageplaza help you find the best Shopify store developer?

Mageplaza is indeed a well-known name in the e-commerce industry, particularly for its extensions and plugins for platforms like Shopify and Magento. They provide high-quality solutions that can help enhance and optimize your online store. 

As a part of Avada Group, Mageplaza has developed Shopify apps with an impressive number of users and downloads. You can visit Mageplaza’s Shopify apps right here

If you’re looking for reliable developers or solutions to improve your Shopify store, Mageplaza could be a suitable choice, especially if you operate with limited time and budget constraints.


9 Reasons that prove Mageplaza has the best team of Shopify store developers:

  • Shopify expertise: Having accumulated almost a decade of expertise, Mageplaza’s Shopify developers possess comprehensive knowledge of this platform’s facets. They have collaborated with clients spanning diverse industries, including but not limited to E-commerce, healthcare, education, manufacturing, food & beverage, and more
  • Code: Mageplaza develops innovative solutions using JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and Liquid, rigorously testing them across diverse browsers and devices. Every line of code is meticulously reviewed by an experienced Shopify expert to ensure quality and accuracy..
  • Transparency: Mageplaza’s project managers keep you informed about your project’s progress through emails, calls, and video conferences on a flexible schedule, tailored to your preferences and needs.
  • Timeliness: Mageplaza works closely with you to create a feasible timeline, factoring in project scope, resources, and challenges. They then commit to keeping the project on track, ensuring it meets the agreed schedule for successful completion.
  • Security: Mageplaza prioritizes your privacy and security by signing NDAs and contracts before starting any project. They also implement advanced security measures to protect your data in your Shopify store, ensuring ongoing safety.
  • Support: Mageplaza’s Shopify experts are available around the clock, eliminating time zone concerns. They provide ongoing support to ensure your project runs smoothly and offer peace of mind.
  • Pricing: Mageplaza provides cost-effective Shopify expert services tailored to your needs. They offer discounts for larger projects and ongoing collaborations, ensuring budget-friendly solutions.
  • Scalability: Partnering with Mageplaza’s Shopify programmers enables business expansion without sacrificing quality. It also helps you stay competitive and frees up resources for other essential aspects of your operation.
  • Innovation: Mageplaza is dedicated to continuous innovation, staying ahead with the latest advancements in the industry. Their commitment to staying informed about new technologies and trends empowers your business to stay competitive in the ever-evolving landscape.



In conclusion, hiring the right Shopify store developer is a crucial step in building and maintaining a successful e-commerce business. By following the strategies outlined in this hiring guide, businesses can find highly skilled developers and ensure seamless integration of technical expertise, soft skills, and cultural fit into their teams.

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