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Shopify Partner Dashboard: New Features And How To Log In

The Shopify Partner Dashboard stands as a pivotal hub for developers, entrepreneurs, and businesses aiming to carve their niche in the digital marketplace. As the e-commerce landscape evolves, so does the Shopify ecosystem, continuously introducing innovative features to empower its partners. 

This article serves as a guide through the latest advancements within the Shopify Partner Dashboard, shedding light on the newly unveiled features that promise to elevate the user experience. Additionally, we’ll walk you through the seamless process of logging in, ensuring that you’re well-equipped to harness the full potential of these enhancements.

Table of Contents

What is the Shopify Partner Dashboard?

The Shopify Partner Dashboard is a web-based platform provided by Shopify for individuals and companies interested in becoming Shopify Partners. Shopify Partners are typically developers, designers, marketers, and other professionals who work with Shopify to build, design, market, and optimize online stores for merchants.

What is the Shopify Partner Dashboard?

The Shopify Partner Dashboard provides a wealth of opportunities for software development and integration within the Shopify platform. Furthermore, this service offers additional advantages, including access to distinctive features and comprehensive business metrics reports. These valuable tools empower you to monitor your success rates and delve into user behavior analysis, empowering you to optimize your business strategies.

Read more: Join Shopify Partner Ecosystem: The Only Guide You Need

What are the Key Features of Shopify Partner Dashboard?

The Shopify Partner Dashboard is a central hub designed to support individuals and companies participating in the Shopify Partner Program. Here are key features commonly associated with the Shopify Partner Dashboard: 

1. Single Account for Multiple Team Members

Description: This feature is designed to streamline collaboration within a Shopify Partner’s organization. It allows a single Shopify Partner account to be shared among multiple team members, each with their own login credentials and access permissions. This ensures that the entire team can work collaboratively on projects without the need for separate individual accounts.

Single account for multiple team members


  • Efficient collaboration: Team members can work together seamlessly within the same dashboard, fostering efficient collaboration on development projects, client management, and other tasks.
  • Centralized access control: The account owner can manage access levels for each team member, controlling permissions to specific features and resources within the Partner Dashboard.
  • Consolidated reporting: With a single account, all activities and contributions of team members are consolidated, simplifying reporting and analytics.

2. Stores

Description: The Stores feature enables Shopify Partners to manage multiple Shopify stores from a centralized location within the Partner Dashboard. This includes the creation and management of development stores for testing and building custom themes and apps, as well as collaboration with merchant clients.


  • Development stores: Partners can create development stores for testing new themes, apps, and features without impacting live merchant stores.
  • Client collaboration: The ability to manage and collaborate on multiple client stores, providing a central hub for client interactions and project management.
  • Store insights: Access to key metrics and analytics for each store, allowing partners to monitor performance and track success rates.

3. Referrals

Description: The Referrals feature is associated with the Shopify Partner Program and provides partners with the opportunity to earn commissions by referring new merchants to the Shopify platform. Partners can share their unique referral links with potential clients.

Key Aspects:

  • Commission earnings: Partners earn commissions for each successful referral that results in a new merchant joining the Shopify platform.
  • Unique referral links: Partners are provided with unique referral links, making it easy to track and attribute referrals to specific partners.
  • Program incentives: The referral program acts as an incentive for partners to actively promote and bring new clients to Shopify.

4. Apps

Description: The Apps feature within the Partner Dashboard is a dedicated section for managing and creating custom apps that expand the functionality of Shopify stores. Partners can create, customize, and deploy apps to enhance the capabilities of online stores.


  • App development tools: Access to development tools, documentation, and resources for building custom apps using Shopify APIs and languages like Liquid.
  • App analytics: Metrics such as total earnings, installs, uninstalls, and other relevant data provide insights into the performance and popularity of custom apps.
  • Monetization opportunities: Partners can monetize their apps by offering them in the Shopify App Store or through other distribution channels.

5. Themes

Description: The Themes feature is a dedicated section in the Shopify Partner Dashboard that provides tools and resources for designing and developing custom themes for Shopify stores. It allows partners to create visually appealing and branded storefronts tailored to the unique needs of their clients.


  • Theme development tools: Partners can access a suite of tools, including the Theme Editor and documentation, to create, customize, and refine themes.
  • Preview and testing: The ability to preview and test themes before deploying them to live stores, securing a smooth and visually attractive user experience.
  • Responsive design: Tools for building responsive themes that adapt to various devices, providing a consistent and user-friendly experience across desktop and mobile platforms.

6. Shopify POS (Point of Sale):

Description: The Shopify POS feature allows partners to integrate with Shopify’s Point of Sale system. This integration enables merchants to seamlessly manage both online and offline sales, providing a unified platform for retail operations.

The Shopify POS (Point of Sale) feature

Key Aspects:

  • Unified sales management: Partners can assist merchants in managing in-person sales alongside online sales through the Shopify POS system.
  • Inventory sync: Integration with Shopify’s inventory management, ensuring that stock levels are synchronized between online and offline sales channels.
  • Payment processing: Shopify POS facilitates secure payment processing for in-person transactions, supporting various payment methods.

7. Resources

Description: The Resources section in the Shopify Partner Dashboard serves as a knowledge hub, offering educational materials, documentation, guides, and other resources to help partners enhance their skills and stay informed about the latest developments on the Shopify platform.

Available Resources:

  • Educational courses: Partners can access a range of courses covering various aspects of Shopify development, design, and business strategies.
  • Documentation: Comprehensive documentation on Shopify APIs, Liquid (Shopify’s templating language), and other technical aspects.
  • Guides and tutorials: Step-by-step guides and tutorials to assist partners in building and optimizing Shopify stores and apps.

8. Payouts

Description: The Payouts feature provides partners with insights into their earnings and facilitates the process of receiving payouts from Shopify. It’s crucial for partners to track their financial performance and receive compensation for their contributions.

Key Components:

  • Earnings overview: A summary of total earnings generated through various channels, such as app sales, theme sales, and referrals.
  • Payout tracking: Partners can track the status of their payouts, ensuring transparency and visibility into their financial transactions with Shopify.
  • Payment methods: Partners can configure and manage their preferred payment methods for receiving earnings.

What Can You Do with Your Shopify Partner Dashboard?

The Shopify Partner Dashboard is a powerful tool that provides a range of functionalities to individuals and companies participating in the Shopify Partner Program. Here are several things you can do with your Shopify Partner Dashboard:

Manage Multiple Stores

Create development stores:

  • Purpose: Partners can set up development stores within the dashboard. These are fully functional Shopify stores that allow for testing and building custom themes and apps without affecting live merchant stores.
  • Benefits: Provides a sandbox environment for development, ensuring that partners can iterate and experiment before implementing changes on live sites.

Collaborate with merchant clients:

  • Purpose: Partners can use the dashboard to collaborate with their merchant clients. This involves managing multiple Shopify stores and providing support and services.
  • Benefits: Streamlines project management and communication with clients, creating a centralized space for collaboration and client interactions.

Build and Customize Themes

Access theme development tools:

  • Purpose: The dashboard offers tools and resources for designing and customizing Shopify themes.
  • Benefits: Enables partners to create visually appealing and unique storefronts, tailoring the online shopping experience to meet the needs and branding of their clients.
Build and customize themes

Preview and test themes:

  • Purpose: Partners can preview and test themes before deploying them to live stores.
  • Benefits: Ensures that partners can assess the look and functionality of themes in a controlled environment, reducing the risk of disruptions to live stores.

Ensure responsive design:

  • Purpose: Tools are available for partners to build responsive themes that adapt to various devices.
  • Benefits: Ensures a consistent and user-friendly experience for visitors across desktops, tablets, and mobile devices.

Develop Custom Apps

Utilize development tools:

  • Purpose: Partners can access development tools and documentation to create custom applications that expand the functionality of Shopify stores.
  • Benefits: Enables partners to add features and functionalities not available in the standard Shopify platform, addressing specific business needs.

Monetize apps:

  • Purpose: Partners can offer their custom apps in the Shopify App Store or through other distribution channels.
  • Benefits: Creates monetization opportunities for partners, allowing them to earn revenue based on app installations and usage.

Track app analytics:

  • Purpose: Partners can monitor app analytics, including total earnings, installs, uninstalls, and other relevant metrics.
  • Benefits: Provides insights into the performance and popularity of custom apps, helping partners make informed decisions about updates and improvements.

Refer Merchants to Shopify

Participate in the referral program:

  • Purpose: Partners can use the Shopify Partner Program’s referral system to earn commissions by referring new merchants to the Shopify platform.
  • Benefits: Creates a financial incentive for partners to actively promote Shopify to potential clients, expanding the platform’s user base.

Access unique referral links:

  • Purpose: Partners are provided with unique referral links to track and attribute referrals to their accounts.
  • Benefits: Enables partners to monitor the success of their referral efforts and helps Shopify track the source of new merchant sign-ups.

Leverage the referral program:

  • Purpose: Partners can utilize the referral program to generate extra income and build long-term relationships with merchants.
  • Benefits: Encourages partners to actively engage in promoting the benefits of Shopify to businesses considering an online presence.

Access Educational Resources

Explore educational courses:

  • Purpose: Partners can access various educational courses covering different aspects of Shopify development, design, and business strategies.
  • Benefits: Enables partners to continuously improve their skills while staying updated on the latest information.

Review documentation:

  • Purpose: The dashboard provides comprehensive documentation on Shopify APIs, Liquid (Shopify’s templating language), and other technical aspects.
  • Benefits: Serves as a valuable resource for partners seeking in-depth technical information and guidance during the development process.

Access guides and tutorials:

  • Purpose: Partners can access step-by-step guides and tutorials to assist in building and optimizing Shopify stores and apps.
  • Benefits: Provides practical, hands-on guidance, making it easier for partners to implement specific features or address challenges in their projects.

Collaborate with Team Members

Efficient collaboration:

  • Purpose: Partners can efficiently collaborate with team members by utilizing a single account for multiple team members.
  • Benefits: Streamlines communication, project management, and task delegation within the team, fostering a cohesive and collaborative work environment.

Centralized access control:

  • Purpose: The account owner can manage access levels for each team member, controlling permissions to specific features and resources within the Partner Dashboard.
  • Benefits: Ensures data security and provides flexibility in assigning responsibilities, allowing team members to focus on tasks relevant to their roles.

Consolidated reporting:

  • Purpose: With a single account, all activities and contributions of team members are consolidated.
  • Benefits: Simplifies reporting and analytics, providing a holistic view of team performance and contributions to the overall success of projects.

Integrate with Shopify POS

Unified sales management:

  • Purpose: Partners can integrate with Shopify’s Point of Sale (POS) system to manage both online and offline sales seamlessly.
  • Benefits: Enables merchants to unify sales management, offering a cohesive solution for inventory, customer data, and sales tracking across various channels.

Inventory sync:

  • Purpose: Integration ensures inventory synchronization between online and offline sales channels.
  • Benefits: Helps prevent stockouts or overstock situations by maintaining real-time inventory updates across different sales touchpoints.

Payment processing:

  • Purpose: Shopify POS facilitates secure payment processing for in-person transactions.
  • Benefits: Enhances the customer experience during in-store purchases, providing a reliable and efficient checkout process.

Track Business Metrics and Analytics

Monitor key business metrics:

  • Purpose: Partners can monitor key business metrics, such as store performance, success rates, and user behavior.
  • Benefits: Provides valuable insights into the effectiveness of marketing strategies, user engagement, and overall store health.

Access reports and analytics:

  • Purpose: Partners can utilize reports and analytics to acquire insights into the overall performance of their projects and services.
  • Benefits: Informs data-driven decision-making, allowing partners to optimize strategies and improve the impact of their offerings.

App and theme analytics:

  • Purpose: Partners can view analytics related to their custom apps and themes, including total earnings, merchant growth, installs, and uninstalls.
  • Benefits: Offers specific insights into the popularity and success of custom apps and themes, guiding partners in refining and enhancing their offerings.

View Payout Information

Track earnings overview:

  • Purpose: Partners can track their total earnings generated through various channels, such as app sales, theme sales, and referrals.
  • Benefits: Provides a comprehensive overview of financial performance, helping partners assess the success of their endeavors and identify revenue streams.

View detailed payout information:

  • Purpose: Partners can view detailed information about payouts, including the status and breakdown of earnings.
  • Benefits: Offers transparency into financial transactions with Shopify, allowing partners to monitor their compensation and ensure timely payouts.

Configure payment methods:

  • Purpose: Partners can configure and manage their preferred payment methods for receiving earnings.
  • Benefits: Provides flexibility in how partners receive their earnings, catering to individual preferences and ensuring a smooth financial workflow.

Connect with the Partner Community

Engage in networking:

  • Purpose: Partners can actively engage with other members of the Shopify Partner community, fostering networking opportunities.
  • Benefits: Facilitates connections with like-minded professionals, opening avenues for collaboration, knowledge sharing, and mutual support.

Seek advice and share experiences:

  • Purpose: The community aspect allows partners to seek advice from experienced peers and share their own insights and experiences.
  • Benefits: Creates a supportive environment where partners can learn from each other, troubleshoot challenges, and gain valuable industry insights.

Stay informed about industry developments:

  • Purpose: Participating in the community keeps partners updated on the latest industry trends, updates, and opportunities.
  • Benefits: Keeps partners abreast of changes in the e-commerce landscape, ensuring they remain competitive and adaptable to evolving market demands.

How to Log In to the Shopify Partner Dashboard

You can log in to the Shopify Partner Dashboard by following these steps:

Step 1: Visit the Shopify Partner Dashboard: Go to the official Shopify Partner Dashboard website. You can access it by typing https://partners.shopify.com into your web browser.

Step 2: Click on “Log In”: On the homepage of the Shopify Partner Dashboard, you would typically find a “Log In” button. Select it to start the login process.

Step 3: Input Your Credentials: You will be prompted to enter your login credentials, such as your email address and password. Make sure to enter the email and password associated with your Shopify Partner account.

Enter your login credentials

Step 4: Click “Log In”: After entering your credentials, click the “Log In” button to submit the information.

Step 5: Two-Factor Authentication (if enabled): Depending on your account settings, you might be required to complete two-factor authentication (2FA) for added security. This could involve receiving a verification code via email or text message and entering it on the login page.

Step 6: Access Your Dashboard: Once your credentials are verified, you will be logged in to the Shopify Partner Dashboard. From there, you can access the various features and tools available to Shopify Partners.

What Metrics Can You Use to Track Your Shopify Partner Dashboard?

Shopify Partners could track various metrics within the Shopify Partner Dashboard to assess their performance and the success of their efforts. These metrics were helpful for partners to understand their business, measure their impact, and make data-driven decisions. Some of the key metrics and analytics that Shopify Partners could track included:

View App Analytics

App analytics provides a rapid and efficient means to access data on your app’s performance. On the Overview page, you can readily access the following information:

  • Total earnings: This metric tracks the total earnings generated from your custom app, which is crucial for understanding the financial impact of your app on your partner account.
  • Merchants with your app: It shows the number of Shopify merchants who have installed and are using your custom app.
  • Merchant growth: This metric provides insights into the growth of the online stores using your app, which can include metrics related to store traffic, revenue, and other performance indicators.
  • Installs: It tracks the number of installations of your app, helping you gauge its popularity and adoption by merchants.

Shopify Partners could track various metrics

  • Earnings: This metric provides a breakdown of the earnings you’ve generated through your custom app, which can include revenue from various sources, such as subscription fees or in-app purchases.
  • Uninstalls: It shows the number of merchants who have uninstalled your app, which can indicate areas for improvement or optimization.

App History

To analyze and predict user behavior within your app, it’s essential to examine precise data regarding past key actions. This is the primary purpose of the App History section. Below, you’ll find the events accessible for review through the Insights section in your dashboard:

  • Charges: This metric tracks the charges associated with your app, including one-time charges or subscription fees that merchants pay for using your app.
  • Credits: Credits could represent refunds or adjustments related to your app’s charges, helping you maintain accurate financial records.
  • Installs: It tracks the number of times your app has been installed by merchants, giving you a historical view of its adoption.
  • Recurring charges: This metric specifically focuses on recurring charges, such as subscription fees that merchants pay on an ongoing basis for using your app.
  • Usage charges: Usage charges may apply to apps that charge based on usage metrics, like the number of transactions or data volume. This metric helps you track such usage-based revenue.

These metrics are valuable for Shopify Partners to understand the financial and adoption aspects of their custom apps and to make data-driven decisions to optimize their offerings.

Read more: Shopify partner blog: Top 20 sites to follow!


The Shopify Partner Dashboard not only equips you with tools but also connects you with a community of like-minded individuals ready to share insights, experiences, and inspiration. Are you prepared to leverage this collaborative force? Embrace the innovation, connect with the community, and propel your online presence into a future where success knows no bounds.

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