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Magento 2 Upcoming Releases: 2024 Highlights

Magento 2, a leading platform for digital commerce, is set to introduce a series of exciting updates that promise to revolutionize the way businesses operate online. With over 677 million merchants worldwide relying on Magento for their eCommerce solutions, the anticipation for the upcoming releases has never been higher.

Dive into what the future holds for Magento 2 and discover how these changes can elevate your online store. Ready to take your eCommerce experience to the next level? Keep reading to uncover the innovations that will set the new standard in online shopping.

What’s Staying Consistent in 2024

2024 Magento upcoming releases

As Magento strides into 2024, it maintains its steadfast commitment to core strengths. The platform continues to focus on crucial aspects like security, performance, and the seamless integration of new features, ensuring reliability and efficiency remain at the forefront.

  • Core Patch: Magento continues its focus on security and performance, ensuring the platform remains robust and efficient. The core patch releases will address critical areas like security, performance improvements, extended GraphQL coverage, and fixing high-severity bugs.
  • Independent SaaS Services: In line with its modern approach, new features are being rolled out as independent Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) services, allowing for seamless integration and updates.
  • Customization and Integration Flexibility: Magento is enhancing ways to integrate, customize, and deploy new features without altering the core code, allowing for greater flexibility and ease of use.

Magento Core Platform Release: Adobe Commerce 2.4.7

As we approach April 2024, the Magento community is eagerly anticipating the release of Adobe Commerce 2.4.7. This release is significant, not just for its array of features and enhancements but also for its extended support window, which lasts until April 19, 2027.

Magento 2.4.7 releases

The Adobe Commerce 2.4.7 release brings a suite of core upgrades aimed at enhancing the platform’s performance, security, and compatibility. Here are the key upgrades included in this release:

Component Upgrades

Upgrades to various core components to their latest versions, ensuring the platform remains current with technological advancements. Significant updates include:

  • allure-framework/allure-phpunit
  • colinmollenhour/cache-backend-file (1.4.5)
  • colinmollenhour/cache-backend-redis (1.16.0)
  • colinmollenhour/php-redis-session-abstract (1.5.1)
  • dealerdirect/phpcodesniffer-composer-installer (1.0.0)
  • jquery.ui.widget.js (v1.13.2)
  • squizlabs/php_codesniffer
  • strip-json-comments library
  • grunt dependency
  • less js library
  • underscore.js library
  • jquery/bootstrap dependency

NPM package upgrades including `grunt` (1.6.1), `grunt-contrib-clean` (2.0.1), and `grunt-eslint` (24.0.1). Composer dependency upgrades like `friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer` (3.22.0) and laminas dependency packages.

Platform Enhancements

Enhanced platform components, aligning with the latest security best practices. Key platform enhancements include:

  • Compatibility updates with Composer 2.5.x.
  • Support for Varnish Cache 7.3, optimizing compatibility with the latest version.
  • Integration with RabbitMQ 3.11, ensuring compatibility with the latest version of RabbitMQ.

Security and Compliance Upgrades

Introduction of new security measures and enhancements to meet the latest security best practices. New security features including enhanced rate limiting for payment information transmitted through REST and GraphQL APIs, and improved handling of the `isEmailAvailable` GraphQL query.

Read more: 7+ Magento security tips to keep your Ecommerce store safe & secure

Infrastructure Improvements

  • Upgrades to the infrastructure components of Adobe Commerce to improve performance and scalability.
  • Key updates include optimizations in the handling of large configurations and improved caching mechanisms.

Performance and Scalability Enhancements

  • Significant improvements in processing speeds, particularly for large configurations.
  • Introduction of new features like JSON format support for REST Import API, enhancing import capabilities and efficiency.
  • Sales rule performance improvements, optimizing the performance for enterprise deployments with a large number of active sales rules.

These core upgrades in Adobe Commerce 2.4.7 represent Adobe’s commitment to providing a powerful, secure, and cutting-edge e-commerce platform. By continually updating and enhancing core components, the platform stays at the forefront of e-commerce technology, offering users a robust, scalable, and efficient online retail solution.

Magento New Features in 2024

AR Viewer for Adobe Commerce

The introduction of the AR Viewer extension for Adobe Commerce marks a significant technological advancement, poised to redefine the online shopping experience. This feature allows shoppers to immerse themselves in augmented reality (AR) by simply scanning a QR code with their mobile devices. Merchants can upload 3D models of their products, offering customers a dynamic and interactive view of products in AR.

AR Viewer for Adobe Commerce

AR brings digital 2D or 3D elements into the live view of a device’s camera, making them appear as if they exist within the real world. The AR Viewer extension utilizes this technology to provide a seamless and engaging shopping experience, displaying detailed 3D graphics that enhance product interaction.

Key Features of the AR Viewer Extension:

  • Seamless Integration: Merchants can easily upload 3D models of their products, which automatically generates a QR code for AR viewing on the product pages.
  • Enhanced Customer Experience: The extension offers an immersive and interactive way for customers to view products on their mobile devices, bringing the in-store experience to the digital realm.
  • User-Friendly Onboarding: With a straightforward interface integrated into the Adobe Commerce admin panel, merchants can effortlessly offer AR views to their customers.

Designed to be compatible with both Magento Open Source and Adobe Commerce, the AR Viewer requires PHP 8.1.0 and supports Adobe Commerce version 2.4.4 and newer.

Adobe Commerce Services 

Magento upcoming releases introduce significant updates to its SaaS-based Commerce Services, spotlighting improvements in Catalog Service and Product Recommendations. As more businesses pivot towards Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) applications to streamline and optimize their eCommerce operations, Adobe Commerce remains at the forefront of this digital transformation.

Several improvements on the Catalog service and Product recommendations include:

  • Catalog Service: The Catalog Service API now includes images and data for related products (cross-sell and up-sell), reducing the time needed to display all catalog-related data on Product Detail Pages (PDP). This integration streamlines the process of managing and displaying comprehensive product information.
  • Product Recommendations: Leveraged by Adobe Sensei’s AI and machine-learning algorithms, Adobe Commerce’s product recommendations system analyzes aggregated visitor data to deliver personalized shopping experiences.
    • GraphQL API Support: Enables seamless integration for Product Recommendations, Live Search, and Catalog Service, supporting diverse front-ends and custom data inclusion.
    • 10x Indexation Speed: Real-time catalog indexing can handle 10,000 updates per second, ensuring up-to-date product info without scheduling.

Read more: Upselling and Cross-Selling In Retail | 16 Practical Techniques

How to Ugrade Magento 2 to Latest Version 2.4.7 

Steps to Upgrade Your Site to Magento 2

Upgrading your Magento 2 site is crucial for accessing new features and ensuring your online store remains secure and efficient. Here’s a simplified approach to make the upgrade process as smooth as possible:

  • Backup: Secure your data with a complete backup.
  • Check Requirements: Ensure your server meets the new version’s requirements.
  • Update Composer: Use Composer to manage dependencies and set the new version.
  • Maintenance Mode: Activate maintenance mode to avoid customer disruptions.
  • Upgrade Command: Execute the upgrade via Composer and Magento’s command line.
  • Database & Schema: Update your database schema with php `bin/magento setup:upgrade`.
  • Recompile and Deploy: Recompile code and deploy static content to reflect changes.
  • Testing: Thoroughly test the site functionality and performance.

With the release of Magento 2.4.7, there are several key considerations to ensure a seamless upgrade experience and to take full advantage of the new features:

  • System Compatibility: Ensure compatibility with PHP 7.4 or later and set up Elasticsearch, as it’s now mandatory.
  • Security Enhancements: Prepare for mandatory two-factor authentication in the admin area and ensure you’re using Composer 2.x for compatibility.
  • After the Upgrade: Familiarize yourself with the new method for changing the Luma theme logo and review any deprecated features to adjust your site accordingly.
  • Testing: Comprehensive testing is more crucial than ever to confirm that all aspects of your site, including third-party integrations and core functionalities, operate smoothly post-upgrade.

Seamless Upgrade with Mageplaza’s Support

Upgrating to Magento 2 can be a complex and time-consuming process. That’s where Mageplaza’s Magento 2 Upgrade Services come into play. Leveraging our deep expertise and extensive experience in the Magento ecosystem, we offer a comprehensive solution designed to transform your online presence.

Mageplaza Upgrade Service

Why Upgrade to Magento 2 with Mageplaza?

  • Enhanced Performance & Security: Upgrade to Magento 2 for faster load times, improved performance, and robust security features.
  • Seamless Migration with Zero Downtime: Our efficient migration process guarantees no data loss and uninterrupted business operations, making the transition smooth and hassle-free.
  • Customized Solutions: Tailored upgrade plans to meet your unique business needs, ensuring your store leverages the full potential of Magento 2.
  • Affordable Excellence & Dedicated Support: Competitive pricing paired with dedicated post-upgrade support, ensuring a seamless transition and ongoing satisfaction.

Upgrade with Mageplaza to not just meet but exceed the modern demands of e-commerce. Contact us to start enhancing your online store’s capabilities today.



As Magento 2 gears up for 2024, it stands at the forefront of digital commerce innovation, promising transformative updates and features that cater to the needs of its vast global merchant base. With the anticipated Adobe Commerce 2.4.7 release, the introduction of the AR Viewer extension, and significant enhancements in SaaS-based Commerce Services, Magento 2 is poised to redefine the eCommerce experience. 

These developments, combined with Mageplaza’s expert Magento 2 Upgrade Services, underscore a commitment to security, performance, and seamless integration, ensuring merchants have all the tools necessary to thrive in the ever-evolving digital marketplace. Magento 2’s future-focused approach is set to elevate online retail, offering an unmatched shopping experience and setting new benchmarks in the industry.

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