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How to Edit Your Checkout Page in Shopify: A Comprehensive Guide

In an online shopping world, the checkout page is the last stop to become a customer. Making it easy and trustworthy can make a big difference in how many people complete their purchases. It’s all about making things simple and earning people’s trust in your store.

Customizing this page is important for a smooth shopping experience. So you need to continue to make your page look better. In this guide, we’ll show you change step-by-step. You can boost your sales. That also keeps customers happy.

What Is The Reason To Edit Checkout In Shopify?

Customizing your Shopify checkout isn’t just about looks. It’s about creating a frictionless journey for your customers. In this guide, we’ll dive into six crucial reasons. That answers why your checkout page is a changer for your online store.

  • Keep Your Brand Consistent:

Your checkout page is the final impression customers have of your brand. You need to align its design with your brand identity. You can reinforce brand recognition and trust. That makes the entire shopping experience cohesive and memorable.

  • Lower the Rate of Cart Abandonment:

Cart abandonment is a headache for online sellers. A well-tailored checkout page addresses common pain points. There are complicated forms or unexpected costs. That reduces the chances of abandonment and increasing conversions.

By simplifying the process and providing transparent pricing, you reduce friction. This increases the likelihood of customers completing their purchases. Addressing these pain points lowers the rate of cart abandonment. It also creates a more user-friendly checkout experience.

  • Boost the Value of Your Average Order:

Design elements and persuasive messaging can prompt customers. That adds more items to their cart. There are showcasing related products. They also offer bundled discounts and a customized checkout page. That can drive up the average order value.

  • Increase the Conversion Rate:

The main aim is to change more visitors into customers. You do this by making the checkout process simpler, removing things that distract. That is also making customers feel secure. These actions all help increase how many people buy from you and improve your profits.

  • Gain Customer Trust and Security:

In the online world, trust and safety are really important. Customers see secure payment options, trust symbols, and clear rules. They feel more comfortable. This helps keep them coming back to buy from you again and again.

  • Enhance Mobile Responsiveness:

More people are shopping on their phones now. Your checkout page needs to work well on mobile. Making it easier to use on smartphones doesn’t just make customers happier. It also helps you sell more and keeps customers satisfied.

How to Edit Checkout Page in Shopify

Customizing your Shopify checkout page is important for making shopping easy. Every little thing makes a big difference. It’s easy to do with Shopify’s simple setup. A better checkout page builds trust, stops people from leaving, and helps you sell more. So, taking the time to improve it is a smart move for your business.

Set a background image for the banner

Changing the background image for your banner can make your online shop stand out. This is especially important because the banner appears at the top of every checkout page. That helps customers remember your store and come back for more. Here’s how you can do it:

Step 1: Go to Checkout

Log in to your Shopify admin dashboard, then click on “Settings” and select “Checkout”.

Step 2: Open the theme editor sections

In the dashboard, go to “Style” and click on “Customize checkout” to open the theme editor sections.

Step 3: Upload images

Look for the “BANNER” section and upload your image by clicking “Select image”. You can choose a new image or one from your library. Remember to choose a pic that is suitable for your brand. If you sell jewelry, a colorful image might be perfect. Besides, resolution for banner images is 1000 x 400 pixels.

Step 4: Click Save

After uploading your desired image, click “Save” to confirm the changes. This will set your custom background image for the banner on your checkout pages.


Include a logo on the checkout page

A logo makes your store stand out in the competitive market. There is especially on Shopify. It is unique and professional. 

On the checkout page, Shopify store owners can easily add their logo to the top of the banner. Plus, they can customize their position. That makes it simple to create the perfect look for their store.

Step 1: Go to Checkout

Log in to your Shopify dashboard; Click on “Settings” and select “Checkout”.

Step 2: Open the theme editor

In the dashboard, go to “Style”; Click on “Customize checkout” to open the theme editor.

Step 3: Upload your logo

Find the “LOGO” section; Click “Select image” to upload your logo or choose one from your library.

Step 4: Choose the logo position

Decide where you want your logo to appear. It is on the left, right, or center of the banner.

Step 5: Size your logo

Adjust the size of your logo to fit nicely on the checkout page.

Step 6: Save your changes

You’re happy with the placement and size. Click “Save” to confirm the changes.

Customize the main content area with a background image or color

You should customize the main content area with a background image or color. Because it is a great way to enhance the checkout pages. This is where your customers enter their shipping and payment information. It’s important to ensure readability while adding visual appeal.

Step 1: Go to Checkout

Log in to your Shopify admin dashboard and navigate to “Settings” and then “Checkout”.

Step 2: Open the theme editor sections

Click on “Style” and then select “Customize checkout” to open the theme editor.

Step 3: Add the background or image

There is the MAIN CONTENT AREA section. You’ll find options to add a background color or image.

For colors: Click on the box next to “Background color”. This is to choose a suitable color or enter a hexadecimal code.

For images: Select an image from the library or upload one and resize it. It is for the best appearance.

Step 4: Click Save

Once you’re satisfied with your choice, click “Save” to confirm the changes.

Modify the form field colors

You should change the color of the form fields. This makes your online shop stand out and catch the eye of customers, apart from competitors. This also encourages customers to keep coming back.

Do you want to make the fields transparent instead of white? Follow these steps:

Step 1: Go to Checkout

Log in to your Shopify admin dashboard; Go to “Settings”; Click on “Checkout”.

Step 2: Open the theme editor

Click on “Style” and then select “Customize checkout” to open the theme editor.

Step 3: Select the color of the form fields

In the MAIN CONTENT AREA section, find “Form fields” and choose from the list of color options.

Step 4: Click Save

Once you’ve selected the color you want, click “Save” to confirm the changes.

Enhance the order summary with a background image or color

You can enhance the order summary with a background image or color. That will greatly improve the appearance of your checkout page. Customers finalize their purchase. They will see a list of the products they’re buying in the order summary. This summary is a look visually appealing and functional. Shop owners can enhance customer satisfaction. Here’s how to do it:

Step 1: Go to Checkout

Log in to your Shopify admin dashboard and navigate to “Settings”, then click on “Checkout”.

Step 2: Open the theme editor sections

Click on “Style” and then select “Customize checkout” to open the theme editor.

Step 3: Add a background image or color to the order summary

In the ORDER SUMMARY section, choose to add a background color or image.

For colors: Click on the box next to “Background color”. This is to choose a suitable color or enter a hexadecimal code.

For images: Select an image from the library; Upload one and resize it for the best appearance.

Step 4: Click Save

Once you’re satisfied with your choices, click “Save” to confirm the changes.

You can preview your changes using the “Show order summary” feature in the theme editor. This allows you to see how your customized order summary will look before making it live.

edit checkout page in shopify

Update or remove an image on the checkout page

You can update or remove an image on the checkout page. It is just as easy as adding one. Here’s how you can do it:

Step 1: Go to Checkout

Log in to your Shopify admin dashboard and navigate to “Settings”, then click on “Checkout”.

Step 2: Open the theme editor sections

Click on “Style” and then select “Customize checkout” to open the theme editor.

Step 3: Replace image

Find the image you want to replace; Click on the “Update” button below it. Then, upload a new image or choose one from your library.

Step 4: Click Save

You’ve made your changes; Click “Save” to confirm them.

You finish replacing these images. You consider maximizing your SEO by adding alt text to the images. This helps customers find your shop more easily and can boost your sales.


Alter the font style on the checkout page

Alter the font style on the checkout page:

You can grab customers’ attention and make your shop more memorable. This is by changing the font style on your checkout page. Shopify offers many fonts to choose from. This allows you to customize your checkout pages easily.

Step 1: Go to Checkout

Log in to your Shopify admin dashboard; Click on “Settings”; Select “Checkout”.

Step 2: Open the theme editor sections

Navigate to “Style”; Choose “Customize checkout” to access the theme editor.

Step 3: Select a font

There is a TYPOGRAPHY section. You can choose your preferred fonts. These are for headings and body text.

Step 4: Click Save

You’ve made your selections; Click “Save” to confirm the changes.

Edit button and accent colors on the checkout page

You can switch up the colors of buttons and accents on your checkout page. That can make your shop more engaging and stand out in the competitive marketplace.

Step 1: Go to Checkout

Log in to your Shopify admin dashboard; Click on “Settings”, then select “Checkout”.

Step 2: Open the theme editor sections

Navigate to “Style” and choose “Customize checkout” to access the theme editor.

Step 3: Change accent colors

There is a COLORS section. You can easily adjust the colors of accents, buttons, and error messages. This is by clicking on the color box and selecting a new color or entering a code.

Step 4: Click Save

You’ve updated the colors; Click “Save” to apply the changes.

Best Practices for Checkout Page Optimization

Display security badges

Displaying security badges involves elements:

  • SSL certificates
  • Payment badges
  • Antivirus software logos
  • Money-back guarantees
  • Customer reviews

For best results, make sure these badges are clearly shown on your checkout pages. It’s important they’re easy to see and understand. Customers trust your site and don’t abandon their carts. Displaying these security badges is vital. Because it shows customers your website is safe and dependable. This leads to more sales and long-lasting customer relationships.

Cross-sell and upsell

Cross-selling means suggesting additional items. That complements what the customer is already buying. Upselling involves recommending a higher-priced. There can be an upgraded version of the product for the customer.

During the checkout process, show related or higher-priced items. That the customer might be interested in. You can display product recommendations or offer upgrades.

Make sure to suggest items. That adds value to the purchase and enhances the shopping experience. Do not be pushy or overwhelm the customer.

This practice can increase the average order value and revenue. They also provide customers with options and help improve satisfaction.

Example: A customer is purchasing a laptop. You could cross-sell a laptop bag or upsell to a model with higher specifications. This not only increases the value of the purchase. This also provides the customer with additional accessories or features. That enhances their usage experience.

Take advantage of 1-click checkout

1-click checkout simplifies the purchasing process. This is to complete their transactions with just one click. It typically involves storing customer information securely. That they don’t have to re-enter it for future purchases.

Implement a 1-click checkout feature on your website or e-commerce platform. This involves securely storing customer information. There are address and payment details and a button or option. Customers use 1-click checkout during the purchasing process.

Ensure that customer data is stored securely. It is in compliance with data protection regulations. There are GDPR or CCPA. It’s also important to offer an alternative checkout method. Customers may prefer not to use 1-click checkout.

1-click checkout streamlines the purchasing process. That reduces friction and makes it easier to complete transactions. This can lead to higher conversion rates, satisfaction, and retention.

Example: Amazon’s 1-click ordering feature to complete purchases with just one click. There is without adding items to the cart, shipping, or payment information each time. This convenience encourages repeat purchases. It helps Amazon maintain high levels of customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Show the checkout flow

Displaying the checkout flow means showing customers the steps. That they need to take to buy something. It is like entering your address, choosing how to pay, and checking your order.

Design your checkout page to show each step. Use pictures or lists to help. Customers see where they are and what they need to do next. You can also add extra information to explain anything that might be confusing.

Showing the checkout flow makes it easier for customers to buy things. It reduces the chance they’ll give up and leave without buying anything.

Example: Imagine you’re buying a book online. The checkout page might have a line at the top. That shows you how far along you are in the process. It might say things like “Step 1: Enter Your Address”. Anh then “Step 2: Choose Your Payment Method.” 

Provide multiple payment and shipping options

Giving customers different ways to pay and choose how to deliver. Payment options can include credit/debit cards, PayPal, or Apple Pay. Shipping choices can range from standard delivery to expedited or same-day shipping.

Consider what your customers prefer and any extra costs. Be clear about these costs upfront. It makes shopping easier and more convenient for customers. This increases purchase and experience satisfaction.

how to edit checkout page in shopify

Reinforce sales with psychological triggers

Using tricks from psychology to influence how customers make buying decisions. You can show there’s not much left of a product. Or you share happy customer reviews or create a feeling of urgency.

Put these tricks into your product descriptions, ads, and checkout process. For example, you can say “Hurry, only 3 left!”. Be careful not to trick people into things they don’t need. Make shopping more fun, not to be pressured.

These tricks can make people more excited. They’re more likely to make a purchase and feel good about it.

Example: An online store for gadgets says “Almost sold out!” next to popular items. They share happy stories from customers. They also run short sales to get people excited about buying. This makes shopping more fun and helps customers feel good.


In short, editing your Shopify checkout is the key to more sales and easier shopping. This guide explains why this is important and walks you through the steps. They are adding an interesting background and changing the button color. Keep tweaking your checkout page to make purchasing simpler and increase sales!

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A data-driven marketing leader with over 10 years of experience in the ecommerce industry. Summer leverages her deep understanding of customer behavior and market trends to develop strategic marketing campaigns that drive brand awareness, customer acquisition, and ultimately, sales growth for our company.
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