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How to connect Razorpay to Shopify? Quick and easy tutorial!

Razorpay has long been one of the best payment solutions for those running online stores built on the Shopify platform. If you also want to install Razorpay into your Shopify store, don’t skip this blog!

Let’s dive in and discover a quick and easy tutorial on how to connect Razorpay to Shopify with us!

What is Razorpay?

Razorpay is a full-stack payment gateway that provides businesses with a suite of tools to accept, process, and manage online payments. It stands as one of the prominent payment gateways in India, with over 8 million businesses using its platform. 

What is Razorpay?

Razorpay provides an extensive array of features, encompassing:

  • Payment acceptance: Accept payments from all major credit cards, debit cards, net banking, UPI, and mobile wallets.
  • Payment processing: Process payments securely and efficiently, with real-time transaction tracking.
  • Payment management: Manage your payments with ease, including refunds, chargebacks, and disputes.
  • Prevent fraudulent activities: Safeguard your business against potential fraud with advanced fraud prevention tools.
  • Analytics and reporting: Get insights into your payment data with comprehensive analytics and reporting.

In addition to its core payment gateway services, Razorpay also offers a number of other features, such as:

  • Payment links: Create and share payment links to collect payments from customers via SMS, email, social media, or chatbots.
  • Subscription billing: Set up and manage recurring payments for subscriptions and memberships.
  • Marketplace payments: Enable payments between buyers and sellers on your marketplace.
  • Working capital loans: Access working capital loans to finance your business growth.
  • Payment buttons: Integrate payment buttons into your website or app to collect payments seamlessly.

By integrating Razorpay with your Shopify store, you can accept payments from your Shopify store using Razorpay. This allows you to provide your customers with a broader selection of payment options and make it easier for them to complete their purchases.

The benefits of connecting Razorpay to Shopify

  • Increased sales: By offering more payment options, you can simplify the purchase process for customers, enhancing the likelihood of increased sales.
  • Reduced fraud: Razorpay uses advanced fraud prevention tools to help protect your business from fraudulent transactions.
  • Improved customer experience: By providing a seamless payment experience, you can achieve customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Easy to use: The Razorpay Shopify connection is easy to set up and use.
  • Get paid faster: Razorpay processes payments quickly and securely, so you can get paid faster.
  • Get insights into your payments: Razorpay provides comprehensive analytics and reporting so you can track your sales and payments.

By leveraging Razorpay’s powerful payment gateway solution, you enable your business to broaden its outreach and extend its impact, optimize its operations, and thrive in the Indian e-commerce landscape.

How to connect Razorpay to Shopify

Method 1: Connect Razorpay to Shopify manually

Connecting Razorpay to Shopify is a simple procedure that can be accomplished with a few uncomplicated steps. Here’s a detailed guide on how to integrate Razorpay into your Shopify store:

Step 1: Create a Razorpay Account

If you haven’t already, create a Razorpay account to access your API credentials. You’ll need these credentials to connect Razorpay to your Shopify store.

Razorpay Account sign-up

Provide your KYC information, and if additional clarification is necessary, the Razorpay team will contact you via WhatsApp, SMS, and email.

After the completion of KYC verification and your authorization to accept payments, the Razorpay team will send a confirmation via WhatsApp, SMS, and email.

Step 2: Install the Razorpay Secure App

Shopify App Store
  • Click on the “Install” button.
Razorpay Install

Razorpay app

  • You’ll be prompted to log in to your Shopify store.
  • Upon logging in, simply select the “Connect” button.
<img decoding="async" src="https://lh7-us.googleusercontent.com/docsz/AD_4nXcay9MtTkC-ia4759XypXSq8mLtai2NBxKIWcbazOyfGWCQBypL21jYTiYug0OI-_yrIST9X6f249sI885P4nqYzwrpKai19vN3Lqexu46xVKcj7S44Q7BTgtDsSg7W6w_P9-tCr4mfLa7s_dXKB5Et2w5n?key=frvYeQ-I-WIHvkUGgtTbVg" alt=" "Connect" button" style="width:500px"/>
  • Choose “Install App
Install App
  • You’ll be directed to a landing page where you should click on “I am an existing user.”
Razorpay landing page
  • Then you’ll need to provide your Razorpay API credentials.
  • Enter your Razorpay API key and API secret and click on the “Activate” button.
Razorpay API key and API secret

Step 3: Test Razorpay Payments

  • Go to your Shopify admin dashboard.
  • Click on “Settings” and then select “Payments.”
  • In the section for Supported payment methods, select the option “Manage” within the Razorpay Secure app.
Supported payment methods
  • Located at the lower part of the page, check the box for “Enable test mode” and then click on the “Save” button.
<img decoding="async" src="https://lh7-us.googleusercontent.com/docsz/AD_4nXdHc9XtAbhsBYtjO3Cl5R9zOKjSnvSlMlM0Fy5tT9i6Zame-Ct_V9j4kayyFXCIbB9CaLZWoznJw0hBX6VNgSMYZGL3P2-cIdAuVPBhE3WnPUmhvlJWWWdTlglfdU4pYQ7HoALSb4wb_HHFnePO1rAyxJo?key=frvYeQ-I-WIHvkUGgtTbVg" alt="check the box for "Enable test mode" and then click on the "Save" button" style="width:400px"/>
  • Create a test order in your Shopify store.
  • Proceed to checkout and select Razorpay as the payment method.
  • Enter valid test card details and complete the payment process.
complete the payment process
  • Verify that the test order is successfully processed in your Shopify dashboard.

Once you’ve completed these steps, Razorpay will be fully integrated into your Shopify store, and you will be prepared to receive payments from your customers.

Method 2: Use the Shopify API integration service

If you lack technical expertise and seek a skilled team to assist in connecting your Razorpay to Shopify, we suggest opting for Mageplaza. Recognized as a leading company in Shopify development, Mageplaza has a track record of numerous successful projects involving Shopify integration.

The Mageplaza Shopify API integration service typically involves four straightforward steps:

  • Analyze requirements: Mageplaza initiates the process by scrutinizing your business objectives, specific data requirements, necessary functionalities, and other relevant aspects. This analysis ensures the tailoring of a personalized Shopify API integration service that aligns with your business needs.
  • Integrate your store: Following the analysis, Mageplaza commences the integration process for your online store. They work on incorporating the necessary elements based on your requirements, making adjustments to optimize the outcome and ensure seamless integration. 
  • QA test & fix bugs: During this phase, comprehensive testing procedures are implemented to assess the functionality, security, performance, and cross-platform compatibility of the integration. Any identified bugs or issues are promptly addressed and resolved to ensure a robust and reliable integration.
  • Support & maintenance: The final step involves ongoing support and maintenance. The Mageplaza team remains available to address user inquiries, troubleshoot problems that may arise, and offer assistance with system improvements. This continuous support ensures the smooth operation and longevity of the integrated system.

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Connect Razorpay to Shopify in no time with Mageplaza’s help

Some advantages you can gain from choosing Shopify Integration services from Mageplaza: 

  • Integration experts: Mageplaza boasts extensive eCommerce and API integration expertise. They have a team of specialists who’ve assisted countless businesses in connecting their Shopify stores with a range of platforms and systems over the years.
  • Quality: Mageplaza takes pride in delivering top-notch integration services to its clients. Their team adheres to industry standards, utilizes cutting-edge technologies, and guarantees the resilience and dependability of their solutions..
  • Quick turnaround time: Mageplaza recognizes the value of time and has optimized its solutions for swift and efficient delivery. They collaborate closely with clients to meet timelines and deadlines, ensuring rapid realization of the advantages offered by their Shopify API integration services.
  • Security: Mageplaza prioritizes security and guarantees that its solutions meet industry standards for safety. They are willing to sign NDA contracts, adhering to stringent protocols to safeguard client data and systems.
  • Support: Mageplaza offers complimentary two months of post-integration support. Their support team is accessible around the clock to respond to inquiries, resolve issues, and offer technical aid.
  • Cost-effective plans: Mageplaza provides budget-friendly plans to deliver exceptional value to clients. Their pricing is transparent, with no concealed fees, ensuring clients receive a competitive and fair price for their services.
  • Free 1:1 consultation: You can have a direct interaction with a Shopify expert or developer from Mageplaza, who can provide personalized assistance tailored to your specific business needs
  • 30-day all-app free trial: Mageplaza provides businesses with 1 month to test their functionalities and benefits before committing to a subscription. View all their Shopify apps here


5 Tips help connect Razorpay to Shopify efficiently

Integrating Razorpay with Shopify can streamline your online payment processes. Here are 10 tips to help you connect Razorpay to Shopify efficiently:

1. Thorough testing

Thorough testing is paramount for an efficient Razorpay Shopify integration due to its direct impact on the user experience, data security, and overall functionality of the online store. 

By conducting comprehensive tests on transactions, refunds, error handling, and various scenarios, merchants can be confident that the integration accurately processes payments, maintains data integrity, and provides consistent feedback to users. 

2. Error handling

Error handling directly impacts the reliability and resilience of the payment process. Mistakes can arise at different points in the process, such as during transaction processing, communication between platforms, or unexpected issues in the payment flow. 

A robust error-handling mechanism not only helps identify and log errors promptly but also allows for graceful degradation, ensuring that users receive clear and meaningful error messages. 

3. Optimized checkout experience

An optimized checkout experience is a fundamental element when connecting Razorpay to Shopify. It directly influences user satisfaction, conversion rates, and the overall success of e-commerce transactions. 

By customizing the Razorpay checkout page to align with the brand’s visual identity and ensuring a seamless, user-friendly design, merchants can instill confidence in customers and streamline the payment process. 

A positive checkout experience fosters trust, encourages repeat business, and contributes to the overall success of the online store.

4. Secure connection

If you want to safeguard sensitive customer information and build trust in the online shopping experience, a secure connection is paramount. 

In the absence of a secure connection, the risk of data compromise increases, potentially leading to reputational damage and legal implications. Thus, prioritizing a secure connection is foundational to the reliability and success of Razorpay Shopify integrations.

5. Stay informed about updates

Both Razorpay and Shopify continually evolve to enhance functionality, security, and user experience. Hence, staying informed about updates is crucial for an efficient Razorpay Shopify integration.  

By staying informed, merchants can proactively address any required adjustments or optimizations in their integration, ensuring it remains compatible and takes advantage of the latest capabilities. 

Failure to stay informed about updates may lead to compatibility issues, security vulnerabilities, or missed opportunities to leverage new functionalities, potentially impacting the seamless operation of the Razorpay Shopify integration and the overall performance of the online store.

Troubleshooting issues when integrating Razorpay into Shopify 

While connecting Razorpay to Shopify offers numerous advantages, there are a few potential challenges to consider:

Payment Gateway Not Appearing at Checkout

If you’ve completed the integration process but the Razorpay option is missing at checkout, there could be a few reasons:

  • Incorrect API Keys: The most common culprit is typos or errors when entering your Razorpay API keys (Key ID and Key Secret) within the Shopify Payments settings. Double-check for any mistakes.
  • Account Activation: In rare cases, your Razorpay account might not be fully activated. Contact Razorpay support to confirm your account status.
  • Temporary Display Issues: Sometimes, a cached version of your store might be causing the payment gateway to not appear. Try clearing your browser cache or using a different browser to see if the issue persists.

Error Messages During Payment

Encountering error messages during the payment process can be frustrating for both you and your customers. Here’s what might be causing them:

  • Meaningful Error Codes: Razorpay provides error codes that pinpoint the cause of the issue. Analyze the specific error code displayed to the customer. Reference Razorpay’s documentation for a breakdown of potential error codes and their solutions.
  • API Key Discrepancies: Double-check that you’ve entered the correct API keys for the environment you’re using. Ensure you’re not using test mode keys in the live environment, and vice versa.

Review the error code and consult Razorpay’s documentation.  Re-verify that you’ve used the correct API Keys for your environment (Test or Live).

Order Confirmation and Payment Reconciliation Issues

If you’re facing inconsistencies between order confirmation and actual payment receipts, the following could be at play:

  • Missing Webhook Setup: Razorpay relies on webhooks to notify Shopify about payment statuses. Ensure webhooks are correctly configured within your Razorpay dashboard to relay payment information to Shopify.
  • Payment Capture Settings: Review your Shopify payment settings. Verify that automatic payment capture is enabled if that aligns with your business model. Otherwise, you might need to manually capture payments for each order.

Double-check your webhook configuration in Razorpay and ensure it’s communicating with Shopify.  Review your Shopify payment settings to confirm automatic capture if desired.

By following these strategies, you can effectively navigate the potential challenges and maximize the benefits of connecting Razorpay to Shopify.


In conclusion, connecting Razorpay to Shopify is a strategic move for e-commerce businesses aiming to ensure a smooth and secure payment experience for their customers. 

With these strategies in place, merchants can not only streamline their payment processes but also cultivate a positive online shopping environment, ultimately contributing to the growth and success of their e-commerce venture.

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