Translating JavaScript Error Messages in Magento 2 | A Detailed Guide

As an E-commerce business owner, expanding your reach globally is essential. Language plays a vital role in reaching this goal. Magento 2 is considered a popular platform for creating feature-rich online stores. The platform allows merchants to provide a seamless experience for customers by translating content into different languages. By offering your customers content in their native language, you enhance their overall experience, making your store more user-friendly and locally relevant.

For instance, if your Magento 2 store has both an English view and an India view, it’s essential to translate text messages displayed from JavaScript (JS) files into the respective language. Whether it’s an error message or a success notification, ensuring accurate translations helps visitors understand your site better and improves their user experience.

In this guide, we’ll explore how to translate JavaScript error messages in Magento 2 effectively, enabling you to create a multilingual and customer-friendly online store.

How to translate JavaScript error messages in Magento 2

  • In your JavaScript code, you need to use Magento’s translation functions to display the translated error messages. Typically, you will use the $t function provided by Magento for this purpose. For example:
], function($, $t) {
    var errorMessage = $t('Your translated error message here');
    // Use errorMessage as needed
  • mage/translate will help you to translate.

Note: But before image/translatehelps you to translate, make sure you have added the translations to your Magento system or module. If translation does not work try to add translations, for example in i18n/ja_JP.csv:

"Your translated error message here","ここに翻訳されたエラーメッセージを入力してください"

  • After that, you need to run

php bin/magento se:up; php bin/magento s:s:d - f /ja_JP

That’s all steps that help you to translate JS Error Message Or Text In Magento 2.

In conclusion

By translating JavaScript error messages in Magento 2, you enhance the user experience and make your store more accessible to a global audience. Follow the steps in this article to make sure smooth communication with your customers, regardless of their language preferences.

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With over a decade of experience crafting innovative tech solutions for ecommerce businesses built on Magento, Jacker is the mastermind behind our secure and well-functioned extensions. With his expertise in building user-friendly interfaces and robust back-end systems, Mageplaza was able to deliver exceptional Magento solutions and services for over 122K+ customers around the world.