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How to update orders easily with Magento 2 Edit Order?

Vinh Jacker | 10-25-2019

How to update orders easily with Magento 2 Edit Order? How to update orders easily with Magento 2 Edit Order?

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The development in technology helps e-commerce industry optimize their products and services hence enhance customers experience which exactly the final thing bring you money. Talking of the convenience and flexibility of service offered to customers, allowing them to edit their order information is the top of the function concerned.

Changing orders information is an inevitable situation for any stores. If you’re looking for a way to quickly edit existing orders without the force of canceling and creating new ones each time, then this post is for you. We are going to clarify how can you deal with this limitation by using Edit Order extension for Magento 2 web stores.

Which troubles Magento admin usually get in editing order?

An order cannot be edited without canceling it

Magento 2 default has a big limitation, we suppose, which is forcing to cancel an order if it is edited at the backend. Normally, it means that order information is fixed stored at the system as soon as it is created. There is no ability to change it later since there is any required. Sometimes, it is hard for both customers and stores to update orders quickly. In other words, they must create a new one and cancel the current order. The process is obviously time-wasting and inconvenient for both parties.

troubles in editing order

Redirection process results in a slow loading at backend

Whenever admin wants to change the order information, they will be moved to another page in which contain specific order and its related data. Firstly, it takes them more time to do the modifying work. Secondly, more steps required will definitely reduce the backend work speed. Both reasons cause slow down the system and hence comes an inefficient performance of admin.

Sometimes, customers change their mind and they would want to ship their orders to another place. Stores cannot change customers address which is entered previously when they made an order. Consequently, billing, shipping, and payment info assigned with that address are unmodifiable anymore. Let’s imagine how inconvenient and frustrating it will be when you get a lot of requests from your buyers to change any info.

Edit order

Edit Order for Magento 2

Take control of your orders and make edits effortlessly with Magento 2 (Hyva ready)

Check it out!

How Edit Order supports store owners reduce their workloads

Allow editing order via pop-up

This function can be considered as one of the most outstanding features of the Edit Order module. It allows admin to edit all information which is related to the order through a popup with ease. Store admins will be able to edit the order without being redirected from the View Order Page.

As a result, the update process will become much more convenient and time-saving.

In addition, using Edit Order, the order will not be canceled after any modification as well as the order ID is remained unchanged.

Allow editing order via pop-up

Edit order general information

Order information can be modified via popup by customers easily and quickly. More specifically, the order number, order date, and also order status can be changed with ease.

Besides, through the pop-up, admins can change the whole or some parts of the customer’s current information such as name, tax, vat, and DOB. Especially, customers can be switch to another customer group which has new benefits and policies.

Edit order general information

Change billing and shipping address

Besides updating the customer information, store admins can also modify billing and shipping address on View Order Page quickly and conveniently.

There will be a pop-up with the address field where new information can be filled in and change successfully after clicking on the Submit button.

Change billing and shipping address

Update Payment And Shipping Method

Because many reasons are related to both store and customer, updating payment method has become very necessary in various circumstances. However, it is impossible in Magento Default setting.

This causes lots of inconvenience for both stores and customers. However, with the Edit Order module, the payment methods list will be displayed and change easily within some mouse clicks.

Logically, the order’s shipping method can be changed along with the shipping method changing. Moreover, shipping method can also be conducted via a popup that allow you to select the options right on the View Order page.

Update Payment And Shipping Method

Modify ordered items at View Order page

With View Order Page, admins now easily update an order’s cart items on the backend without having to cancel the order. Via the pop-up, admin can choose to keep or remove the item, change its information like price, quantity, or apply tax/ discount.

Modify ordered items at View Order page

Edit Quickly For All Updates via a popup

The Quick edit feature turns the convenience to a new level with once submit time to edit all order’s components. On View Order Page, a pop-up which lists all order data fields is ready to be displayed to you after clicking the Quick Edit button.

This pop-up helps minimize the submit action when you modify all order information include: order information, customer information, billing and shipping address, payment method and shipping method as well as items ordered.

Edit Quickly For All Updates

Full Features List of Edit Order module

General Configuration

  • Enable/ Disable the module
  • Choose the status of the order to apply for the module
  • Allow returning items to stock

Edit Order Information

  • Edit the order number of the order
  • Edit the date of the order
  • Edit the status of the order

Edit Customer Information

  • Edit the current customer
  • Change customer
  • Edit customer name
  • Change the group of the customer
  • Change the VAT number of the customer
  • Change the tax number of the customer
  • Change the DOB of the customer

Edit Billing And Shipping Address

  • Edit billing address including name, company, address, phone number, VAT number, zip/ postal code
  • Edit shipping address including name, company, address, phone number, VAT number, zip/ postal code

Edit Payment And Shipping Method

  • Choose new payment method through a popup list
  • Choose news shipping method through a popup list

Edit Items Ordered

  • Add/Remove all cart items
  • Change product price
  • Add/Substract product quantity
  • Edit tax amount
  • Modify discount amount

Quick Edit

  • Edit all information of the order using Quick Edit pop-up
  • Once submit time

Edit Logs

  • View all information which has bên edited including ID, Order Number, Editor, Overview Detail, Action, Created Date
  • Allow re-editing by access to Order View Page to re-edit

Final words

Thank you for coming to the end of our blog. Via this article, I hope that Magento stores can now find a solution for updating their created orders. Edit Order extension promised to bring great improvement in updating order with pop-up, no order cancellation required with extra edit fields. Managing and updating orders become easier and more convenient than ever!

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    With over a decade of experience crafting innovative tech solutions for ecommerce businesses built on Magento, Jacker is the mastermind behind our secure and well-functioned extensions. With his expertise in building user-friendly interfaces and robust back-end systems, Mageplaza was able to deliver exceptional Magento solutions and services for over 122K+ customers around the world.

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